Lux's Farewell

Chapter 906 [0901] Noxus and the Land of the Undead

The birth of Noxus and even its predecessor, the Noxian Empire, has a lot to do with Mordekaiser, who is currently hiding in the Land of the Undead.

Even the birth of the Noxian Empire has a lot to do with Mordekaiser.

Although this period of history was well hidden, unfortunately, Kalya was one of the insiders. When Aatrox told his own experience, he unabashedly ridiculed Mordekaiser's experience. , and even Kalya also learned a lot about the history before the establishment of the Noxian Empire.

In the past, Kalja believed that Noxus' expansion was mainly due to the barrenness of its native land.

But after Aatrox told Mordekaiser's influence on Nox, Kalya was surprised to realize that Noxus' top leaders always had a sense of insecurity.

I am crazy about war and engage in expansion, but it is actually because I am afraid.

After this trip to the Immortal Fortress, Kalya had a deeper understanding of this contradiction.

Mordekaiser's armor is still here, which is the coordinate that connects him to the land of the undead in the Realm River. Although the Noxians tried many methods, they still could not completely destroy it.

In addition, there should be many contracts and magic weapons left by demons in the Well of Darkness, as well as many by-products of the Black Rose experiment - these things Kalya could not see with her own eyes, but the Noxian people's secrecy attitude was enough Explain the problem.

The Noxians were both eager to exploit it and wary of it.

In this contradictory state, the Noxians finally stepped on the accelerator of expansion.

Originally, Kalja thought that this chain-like contradiction would run through Noxus until Noxus was completely abandoned by the times and would not be able to get rid of it. But to his surprise, Riel met this time. , but seems to be a "different Noxian".

Kalya had talked with her a lot about magic, and during the conversation, Riel showed an unusual hatred for blood magic.

It was as if she was a victim of blood magic.

Kalya, who was quite confused in his heart, started with his identity as a spell caster and had a lot of exchanges with Riel and the people around Riel in the name of magic communication - and then he keenly discovered that it seemed that Riel was the center. There is a group of spellcasters in Noxus, and these people's attitude towards magic is completely different from the Noxians in Kalya's past impressions.

She seems to have a very deep understanding of the dark side of magic and is quite conservative about magic ethics. After several trials, Kalja can be sure that she is a very different Noxian.

Therefore, if Riel can really come to power, perhaps this chain full of contradictions, darkness, and blood may indeed be cut off.

This is very interesting.

Considering that this little girl is indeed different from other Noxians, if possible, Kalya is willing to help her and help her sweep those predecessors who are addicted to expansion and war into the trash.

After Darius was ready to stud, Nakarya was naturally happy to see him lose completely.

And when Darius loses the last bit of capital for a comeback, if Noxus once again faces the darkness they feared in the past, where will this once powerful empire go?

Should we continue on the same path, or go in a different direction?

Kalja believed she should give Noxus a chance.

If Riel can stand up and lead Noxus to completely draw a line from the past, then Noxus will also be qualified to enter a new era.

On the other hand, if Noxus is still full of gambling and insists on studing to the end, then Kalya will be happy to see this empire completely collapse and then crumble into biscuit crumbs on the ground.

Kalya still has some experience in dismembering a huge empire.

Regarding Kalya's view, Lux agreed after thinking about it.

As a Demacian, Lux naturally hates the Noxus Empire and hates this country that has brought a lot of war and death to Demacia and even the entire Runeterra.

But if Noxus can reform itself after reckoning with its past, Lux would be happy to see that happen.

In this way, the two sides reached a unified opinion on the next step for Noxus. Kalya will cooperate with the Northern Expedition through Aatrox to give Noxus a chance to redeem itself.

The Northern Expeditionary Army will have a stable rear area.

If that doesn't work, then go to trouble. After demolishing Noxus, you can create a stable rear!

Considering that winter is getting closer and closer to the Freljord, time is very tight for the coalition forces.

After leaving the elemental dragon he rode before and confirming the address of the secret passage with Lux, Kalya quickly set off again, changed into an elemental dragon mount, and headed straight for Shadow Island.

It's time to meet Aatrox again, and I don't know if his undead army has any development.


The Shadow Island, shrouded in black clouds and mist, is not difficult to find.

Even when Kalya piloted the reluctant elemental dragon and landed on the island, he was quite surprised to find that the place was far more lively than he had imagined.

Although using "lively" to describe the Shadow Island leading to the Land of the Undead is a bit outrageous, Kalya dares to say that this is definitely a very appropriate adjective.

Even though these visitors were hiding their heads and tail, as if they were afraid of being recognized for their true colors, in the eyes of Kalya, the master of disguise, their disguise skills were really not good enough.

So, why do places like Shadow Island gather so many people?

After wandering around, Kalya successfully used a "golden siren accidentally exposed" to fish out several scoundrels who planned to do business without capital.

After punishing them severely, Kalya figured out that the main purpose of their coming to Shadow Island was actually to hunt for treasure.

To be precise, the Spider Secret Treasure. Legend has it that after the Soul-Eating Night, countless treasures will appear on the Shadow Island. At that time, everyone who comes here can participate in a treasure-hunting competition-the winner takes all, and the loser eats the dust.

Spider secret treasure?

Kalya had heard Aatrox mention that there was a demigod on the Shadow Island who was not a demigod, a big spider called the Vile Maw, but why did he have a treasure?

Moreover, this big spider is probably not a guy who is willing to share, right?

Just when Kalya was full of doubts, he noticed the dishonest looks of these guys, so after another "cordial exchange", these scoundrels finally spit out the last bit of useful information.

They came here very early and had discovered some "Spider Secret Treasures", but among those secret treasures, most of them were garbage, and many of them seemed to be objects that were kidnapped during the Soul-Eating Night. After realizing this, They simply gave up the bloody treasure hunt competition and focused on being the treasure hunter.

After getting this piece of news, combined with what Aatrox told him about Foyego, Kalya finally outlined the entire ins and outs of the spider secret treasure.

The origin of these secret treasures can be traced back to Foyego and the Soul-Eating Night when the black mist prevailed.

Although Aatrox forcibly brought back part of Isulde's soul from the Land of the Undead as a deal, Isulde could only maintain his undead form in a dull manner, which was completely inconsistent with Foego's expectations. resurrection of the dead.

The main reason for this situation is that Isulde's soul is incomplete.

In order to find Isolde's complete soul, Foego took the initiative to become the leader of the black mist. With the diffuse black mist, he traveled between the Land of the Undead and Runeterra every year, looking for traces of Isolde and trying to Complete her soul.

Since Foego himself cannot tell whether there are traces of Isulde on a certain magic item, the only way to confirm it is to take it to the land of the undead and observe it carefully, so every time Foego returns, They will bring back many old objects, including many magic items.

Most of what was brought back by a search method that was almost like looking for a needle in a haystack had nothing to do with Isulde. After being disappointed again and again, Foego would simply throw it out of the land of the undead, out of sight, out of mind. Then accumulate strength and wait for the next departure.

Over time, Shadow Island has accumulated a lot of various gadgets that are either useful or useless.

These things were mixed with the relics of the past Blessed Light Island and were scattered in various places on the island. Some things were taken by the powerful undead as their own, while others were piled up in the open air in the black mist, corroded by the power of destruction.

The first to stop this waste was LeBlanc.

Considering LeBlanc's relationship with Mordekaiser, she may have originally come here following the Iron Armored Wraith.

Through some means, she reached a deal with the Maw of Despicableness. The Black Rose would provide blood food to the big spider, and the Big Spider would allow those with the Black Rose mark to hunt for treasure on the Shadow Island.

Elise is the medium for this transaction between the two parties.

However, this deal was ruined by Lux after it lasted for several years. She successfully killed Elise, who killed innocent people in Shurima, avenging the innocent residents of Vazuan, and also led to The deal with the Black Rose and the Despicable Maw was interrupted.

Then the Black Rose may be interested in changing to another person to continue trading, but considering the rise of Swain, LeBlanc and Vladimir may not have that leisure time. Until the Battle of Tobitsia, the Black Rose ran away collectively. The trading route was finally completely cut off.

However, the Vile Maw's appetite will not be satiated.

Although there are no more Noxians, with the development of maritime trade in recent years, people will occasionally stray to this deserted island, and the cunning Despicable Maw barely restrained its bloodthirsty desire and gave I gave those people a little gift.

As a result, news about the secret treasure of Shadow Island began to spread. Many adventurers, pirates or treasure hunters would take risks and enter Shadow Island to find the legendary spider secret treasure.

As more and more visitors came to the Shadow Island, the Maw of Despicableness finally had blood food again. He hid in his lair and happily watched the mortals outside killing and fighting for treasure. The winner would be He will be rewarded with wealth, and the loser will become his blood food. In the eyes of the Despicable Maw, this is a very fair competition.

After figuring out the cause and effect of the whole thing, Kalya couldn't help but shake his head - in a sense, this life-devouring competition was really caused by Lux and himself.

After all, if Lux had not killed Elise, I am afraid that even if Black Rose ran away, the transaction with the Despicable Throat would not have been interrupted; and if it had not been for the emergence of Ionia trade and the increasing development of maritime trade in Runeterra, It is also difficult to have enough manpower to satisfy this death match with an astonishing elimination rate.

Although most of the people who can participate in this competition are not good people, Kalya still thinks that he needs to end it all.

Well, in order to get rid of the root cause, it's best to deal with the Vile Maw as well.

Think of it as a welcome gift to visit Aatrox - you see, I have cleaned up the annoying spiders outside your door, so why don't you do a little favor for your dear teacher?


Like Rammus of Shurima and Anivia of Freljord, the Vile Maw is a creature that has the chance to become a primitive god.

However, due to its cruel nature and remote birthplace, the Maw of Despicableness failed to undergo a qualitative change in the end - to this day, he can at best be regarded as a "demigod who is not a demigod".

Although the strength is close to nothing, even if you only consider the animalistic side of this big spider, it is not easy to really kill it. According to these prisoners, this big spider has its own nest, and the nest is located in The north side of the Shadow Isles, where spider silk is everywhere, is the absolute home of the Vile Maw.

Needless to say, these unlucky guys knew that Kalya knew that once he found that his safety was threatened, this big spider would definitely run back into his web, and once things got to that point, he wanted to kill him in the opponent's lair. If he is killed, the difficulty level will increase by more than a little bit.

Kalya was not in the habit of causing trouble for himself, so he decided to lure the big spider out and kill it.

So, the question is, what can be done to lure a cunning big spider out of its nest full of spider silk traps?

Maybe fishing is a good idea.

After all, the bait is ready - look at these three cunning robbers, they are perfect for catching spiders!

As if they felt the meaningful gaze under Kalya's mask, the three unlucky guys couldn't help but start to tremble.

Although these three people were indeed robbers motivated by wealth and had more than one life in their hands, in front of Kalya, they were not much different from harmless little sheep.

My health is much better, I will update early today.

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