Lux's Farewell

Chapter 910【0905】Bland killing of gods

Kalya is also well-informed.

He recognized the posture of the Vile Maw very clearly - so he fully suspected that this cunning big spider was trying to paralyze himself.

So, without any hesitation, Kalya mobilized his magic power, and countless golden gravel flowed out of his small world, turning into two giant hands that were closed, holding the entire Throat of Despicableness in his palms.

Then, the hands did not close together immediately, but the ten fingers faced each other to form a cage.

The next moment, the surface of the hand began to glow with gold. With the flow of magic power, even in the dim spider lair, the gold was bright and dazzling. Even the Despicable Throat gradually recovered from the painful memories under the stimulation of this gold. He came back to his senses.

Sensing something was wrong, the Despicable Throat stretched out its legs and tried to destroy the two hands.

But by now it was too late.

While the Despicable Throat was still fighting the trapped beast, the golden threads seemed to come alive.

Even though the sharp claws of the Throat of Despicableness easily pierced the two hands, the golden threads skillfully avoided all his attacks and still spread, intertwined, and combined unhurriedly...

And in the end, a complete and complex magic circuit formed on the surface of the back of these hands.

And it's not over yet.

After the magic circuit was closed and stabilized, the hands themselves began to change.

The place where the magic circuit is attached to the surface of the back of the hand spontaneously became concave and convex following a certain pattern, turning the magic circuit from a flat surface to a three-dimensional one. In this process, Kalya increased the output of magic power.

As a result, the "alive" magic power flowed like a river on the back of the hands, as if they were strong tendons, completely suppressing the resistance of the despicable throat wrapped in the hands.

The big spider was already panicking.

He completely ignored the phantom pain that still had not completely disappeared, and instead tried his best to hit and bite this sandy cage. However, although these hands could be easily pierced and destroyed, it only took a blink of an eye. You can return to the same state as before, with the Despicable Throat struggling crazily, but everything you do is like a mirror, and it will not cause any interference to Kalya.

Seeing this scene, Kalya narrowed his eyes slightly while maintaining the spell.

It seems that the Maw of Despicableness is... much weaker than I expected.

This spell called [Sand Constriction] is essentially a sealing spell. The yellow sand that trapped the Vile Throat is essentially a "stable substance bound by magic circuits", so just by destroying the gravel, It will not cause any interference to this spell.

In order to break free from the shackles of the solid sand, the Vile Maw must destroy the magic circuits on the backs of these hands and interfere with Kalya's spellcasting.

In Kalya's view, even if the Despicable Throat fails to truly become a demigod, he should at least be able to sense the flow of magic power. This spell may not be able to completely control him. When the Maw of Despicableness begins to destroy the magic circuit, Kalya also has different countermeasures depending on the method he chooses.

However, what surprised Kalya was that the Despicable Throat seemed completely unaware of the flowing magic power. He was just like a real beast, struggling crazily in the palms of these hands. Even if the struggle had no effect, it still He was trying in vain to destroy the sandy prison.

Is this big spider mentally retarded?

In the ineffective struggle of the Despicable Maw, the last magic circuit was finally completely closed.

After twisting her stiff neck, Kalya stretched out her hands forward.

Stretching his hands forward, each time he stretches out, the back of Kalya's hand will become brighter - if you look carefully, you will find that the lines on the back of his hands are the same as the lines on the sand-fixing spell at this time. Almost identical.

Finally, when the ten fingers of Kalya's hands touched each other, the spell was finally completed.

The next moment, Kalya slowly moved his fingers away bit by bit, as if he was suffering a great resistance.

And following Kalya's movements, the hands that trapped the Despicable Throat began to interlace simultaneously.

The Despicable Throat neighed in horror. After seeing Kalya's movements, he seemed to finally realize what was going on with these hands.

In this case, He finally stopped struggling in vain with his body, and instead tried to use spider silk to destroy the connection between Kalya and these hands.

White spider silk passed through the gaps in the solid sand like rain.

Some of them struck at Kalya like sharp arrows, either stopping the movements of his hands, or directly piercing his heart with thousands of arrows.

More spider threads were stuck on the backs of these big yellow sand hands, exuding a glimmer of magic power - the Despicable Throat attached active magic power to its own spider threads, trying to interfere with them. , destroy the spell and cause a short circuit in the magic circuit.

But it is a pity that Kalya has already studied the vile throat spider silk and is very aware of its various characteristics.

Whether it's its ability to solidify quickly or its ability to hold and interfere with magic.

The arrow-like spider threads seemed to come into contact with an invisible shield just one step in front of Kalya, and after a burst of sound, they scattered all over the ground.

The spider silk attached to the back of the hand of yellow sand caused ripples of magic power, but it did not cause any effective interference to the spell.

The hands were still slowly and firmly closing together.

The corners of Kalya's mouth curled up slightly - the methods used by the Despicable Maw so far were all expected.

The reason why he chose to start with this troublesome spell that requires a lengthy casting process, apart from the fact that he is better at it, the most important reason is that the structure of this spell is stable and will not be disturbed by small-scale magic flow.

In other words, the spider threads of the Despicable Throat cannot interfere with this spell.

Kalya had already thought of such a simple countermeasure before taking action.

The spider silk interference was ineffective, and the Despicable Throat became even more anxious. Its abdomen began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye. Just when Kalya thought she was about to give birth to a little spider, the other party suddenly opened its mouth and sprayed out A lot of aerosol venom.

This poisonous mist seems to be extremely corrosive. When the yellow sand's hands come into contact with the poisonous mist, the surface quickly becomes pitted - more importantly, the pitted surface does not repair itself immediately, but It is being deepened continuously!

Obviously, the poisonous mist of the Maw of Despicableness has some kind of magic interference ability that can destroy the magic structure!

Judging from the performance of the Despicable Maw, spraying this poisonous mist seems to be a big burden for him. If there is no other way, he is not willing to use the precious venom here.

But anyway, the Maw of Despicableness seems to have found a way!

Unfortunately, this was not beyond Kalya’s expectations.

He had previously studied spider silk cloth - mainly the remaining traces of the Vile Maw on the spider silk cloth.

Although the layers of spider silk look ordinary, if you study them carefully, you can find a lot of interesting things.

For example, Kalya found hair in the middle layer of the spider silk, but there was no hair on the surface of the spider silk. This shows that the digestive juice produced by the Despicable Throat can corrode and digest hair, including hair. All body parts of prey, but this digestive fluid has no effect on spider silk cloth.

Since he knew it a long time ago, how could Kalya not make preparations?

So, just when the Despicable Throat thought that he had found an opportunity and planned to completely pierce through the disgusting hand of yellow sand in one go, he saw a familiar milky white color in the yellow sand. That seems... to be my own spider silk?

The Mean Maw sensed something was wrong.

The corrosion of the poisonous mist was stopped.

When the Despicable Throat had to stop spitting and then tore up the spider silk with its mouth and legs, layers of yellow sand once again covered the eroded parts.

That's right, Kalya, who had been prepared for a long time, added additional spider silk of the Maw of Despicableness as a "reinforcing rib" in the yellow sand of the spell, so that although the poisonous mist of the Maw of Despicableness can destroy part of the structure of the spell, the overall structure of the spell is still intact. But it can remain intact - and once the Throat of Despicability stops spitting, the spell structure will quickly recover, making all his past efforts in vain.

With his way, he also gave his body.

The thing that best restrains the venom of the Maw of Despicableness is its own spider silk.

The Despicable Throat went crazy, and he began to spray his venom desperately again. When the spell structure that was fixed in the sand was partially destroyed and another layer of spider silk was exposed, he fought hard to get his claws to be crushed by his own. Corroded by the venom, it will also tear apart the spider silk structure and completely destroy the spell.

Obviously, the Despicable Maw has already shown the momentum of a strong man breaking his wrist.

But unfortunately, this is not a strong man breaking his arm, but a battle between trapped beasts.

Because just when He finally saw the dawn of victory, Kalya's fingers clasped together.

Seeing this scene from the hole he finally dug out, the Despicable Throat's eight eyes widened, as if they were about to squeeze out of their sockets at the next moment - he obviously realized the meaning of Kalya's move, and his body trembled like chaff. got up.

But Kalya didn't show any mercy. After finally clasping the fingers of his hands together, he took a deep breath and exerted force.


Kalya touched the palms of her hands together.


At the same time, the two giant hands of yellow sand also moved inwards simultaneously and suddenly closed together.

The Despicable Throat still wanted to struggle, but as his hands came together, his struggle soon became silent.

Bodily fluids mixed with various colors spurted out from the holes painstakingly dug by the Despicable Throat, dyeing a cobweb wall in the treasure room with disgusting colors.

Seeing this scene, Kalya let out a long breath and finally let go of his hands.

The sand-fixing spell ended, the giant hand of yellow sand dissipated, and a shriveled spider corpse fell to the ground.

The Mean Maw is dead.

In a sense, this is considered killing gods.

However, considering the fighting performance of the Despicable Throat, this god killing seemed a bit... boring to Kalya.


Maybe those who participated in the Spider Treasure Deathmatch this year will be disappointed.

This competition that lasted for eight years finally came to an end today - the Maw of Despicableness died, and his treasure became Kalya's private collection.

And Kalya's harvest is not only the treasures in this treasure room, in addition to these old objects from Blessed Island and the various treasures collected by Foego, the Despicable Throat itself is also a very important harvest for Kalya.

However, before taking away all the gains, he had to go to the Land of the Undead to find Aatrox.

Seeing as how he took care of the annoying spiders outside his front door...Aatrox wouldn't mind doing him a small favor, right?

With this idea in mind, Kalya first simply arranged some defense measures for the spider cave, and then happily walked towards the depths of Shadow Island, where the black fog is thickest.

Black mist leaks from the land of the undead, so if you want to go to the land of the undead, you have to go to the place where the black mist is thick!

However, when Kalya entered the deepest part of the black mist, although he vaguely felt the instability of the space, he could not find the entrance to the land of the undead.

This is strange.

Kalya has some experience in space magic, and also has a lot of knowledge about planes, but why can't he find the entrance to the land of the undead?

Then, just when he was full of doubts and thinking about whether to make some noise, a deep voice suddenly sounded.

"Leave here, this is not a territory that the living should set foot on."


Is there anyone here?

Kalya was quite surprised - although he was not on high alert, he still had basic vigilance. But even so, before the sound sounded, he did not find anything wrong at all, let alone anyone or the undead. Mark of.

who is it?

Kalya looked in the direction of the sound.

Then it finally dawned on him.

It's not a person, it's a tree.

A tree with a trunk twisted like a dragon and branches like wild hair, but without a single leaf. At this time, on its dry bark, a human-like mouth was opening and closing to speak Common Language.

Its voice was hard to hear, low, hoarse, and mixed with the sound of snapping branches, but Kalya could hear very clear kindness in its words.

"Go back, human, you are not the dead, let alone the undead. This is not the place you should set foot on."

As if to prevent Kalya from being obsessed with it, it inserted a thick branch under the rotting soil. As it did this, the branch began to grow rapidly, and after a while it grew into a stretching wooden wall curtain. .

"I am not a living person." Kalya shook his head, "I came here just to find the land of the undead - it seems you know where it is?"

"I can feel your vitality, human being." The big tree shook its dry branches, seeming to be dissatisfied with Kalya's nonsense, "Last warning - leave here, or go directly to the kingdom of the dead."

Cervical spondylosis is so painful, woo woo woo.

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