Lux's Farewell

Chapter 916【0911】Fate

According to Kalja's theory of "Shurima" magic, magic is a force that needs to be controlled.

And if magic is not controlled, what will be the result?

Riel's actions gave the answer - the power of magic would be doubled at an astonishing ratio, but at the cost, the spell would be indistinguishable from friend to foe, its range would be uncertain, and its effect would be unstable.

Mobilize the magic power of your whole body, and use it to tilt it out in the way you are most familiar with and accustomed to. No matter what, let the huge and unruly magic power form an incomplete spell and bring about an astonishing whirlpool of magic power. This is out-of-control magic. .

As a spellcaster, Riel's magical talent mainly focuses on the manipulation of metal.

Therefore, the result of her giving up magic control was that with her as the center, all the metal products within a hundred feet began to move freely in chaos.

Among them is the armor that Mordekaiser cherishes.

The moment before he was about to touch the iron armor, the armor flew up on its own, and then mixed with countless metal products that also took off in his stunned expression.

Then, before Mordekaiser even had time to become furious, he also felt a powerful and twisted gravitational force - the warhammer in his hand almost came out!

At this moment, Mordekaiser finally realized that the ability of the little girl in front of him seemed to have a lot of restraint on him.

It's true that Mordekaiser is now a spellcaster.

But he is a spell caster who "enters the Tao through martial arts". He doesn't know a few spells himself, and he is completely following the path of "enchantment melee mage".

That is, arm yourself with the power of death, and then use your own war hammer to defeat your opponent.

The enemy's offensive will become weak under the erosion of the power of death, and your own strength will become invincible under the blessing of the power of death!

Unless someone can use the pure power of life to suppress the power of death that Mordekaiser can draw from the land of the undead, he will always have the upper hand in a one-on-one battle!

Over the years, the only exception is Aatrox - the immortal can completely ignore the power of death, and Aatrox himself is also a gifted warrior, so Mordekaiser can't argue with him. Seeing an advantage, he reluctantly gave up his territory.

However, now Mordekaiser is shocked to discover that there seems to be another way to deal with himself, that is, not to fight against the power of death, but to deal with his weapons and armor with all his strength.

After all, Mordekaiser is an enchanted melee mage. Without equipment and relying solely on his own strength, he cannot mobilize the power of death very well...

Mordekaiser does not have the Black Mist to help him maintain his form. Once his helmet, weapons, and armor are all stripped off, it will be difficult for him to move around Runeterra freely, and he will even have to use the Black Mist Legion's Black Mist to gain access to the world. OK!

and many more.

Why does this approach seem so familiar?

Mordekaiser suddenly remembered the time when he was forced to escape into the land of the undead - at that time, he was invincible and pulled many souls into death. At that time, someone betrayed him and separated himself and himself. He disconnected his armor anchored to the material plane and attracted a massive attack from the Nokhi tribe...

Now, the spell of the little girl in front of me is exactly the same as that despicable betrayal!

"Traitor, shameful traitor!" he roared hoarsely, "That's your handiwork, I recognize it - LeBlanc, come out to me!"

The name LeBlanc irritated Riel.

After returning to Noxus, she already knew about the Black Rose's manipulation of the magic school, and she had extremely pure anger towards the name LeBlanc.

Under normal circumstances, anger will interfere with spellcasting, and Kalya's poisonous tongue is largely used to debuff the enemy.

But the out-of-control magic will obviously not be affected by anger - or in other words, anger should be considered a positive buff for Riel in this state.

The magic's gravitational pull on Mordekaiser's armor became stronger, making even his movements to hold the warhammer seem a bit reluctant.

"Aha, despicable son of a bitch." Mordekaiser obviously would not know about the relationship between Riel and LeBlanc, so he regarded this anger as a protector, "You are loyal to a shameful betrayer, a despicable Villain, a thief who steals power, is this the master you chose?"

Rui'er didn't respond, because she couldn't speak at all in her current state. Trying her best to avoid being cut into pieces by the flying metal creations had consumed all her strength.

"Are you speechless?" Mordekaiser gradually tightened his grip on the warhammer, and then let out a low laugh, "Hahahaha, it's really ridiculous, your master doesn't even dare to tell you about her shameful past - come on, let Let me tell you a story about the birth of this country and everything that is full of betrayal!"

The next moment, Mordekaiser finally stretched out his arm forward, and an invisible force of death spurted out along the top of Warhammer Nightfall, completely wrapping Riel.

"Come on, come to the desperate situation of reincarnation, and I will tell you what this stupid loyalty really means!"


As the power of death gushes out, Riel's entire world becomes dim.

In other words, she entered a bleak world with the power of death.

Riel could clearly feel that he was losing control of his wild magic, and he was also losing his burning anger.

"Welcome to the desperate situation of reincarnation." Mordekaiser's figure appeared in front of Riel, "In other words, welcome to the world of death."

Riel had never heard this language before, but she understood its meaning very clearly.

This made Riel feel something was wrong. She tried to block her ears to not listen to the other person's words, but it was of no avail. Mordekaiser's Ochen language seemed to be able to penetrate directly through her eardrums and reach deep into her soul. at.

"LeBlanc is lucky to have discovered you." Mordekaiser seemed very satisfied with Riel's performance, with an undisguised pride in his voice, "She may have thought that you would be the best one to fight against me. tool."

"I was never discovered by that bastard!" Although Rui Er repeatedly told himself not to pay attention to what the other party said, he still couldn't help but retort after hearing this, "Don't have anything to do with her!"

"Ah no, from love to hatred, she must have betrayed you too, right?" Mordekaiser pretended to understand, "She is such a shameful traitor, and Noxus is Such a country built on betrayal..."

"Enough!" Riel tried to use magic to make a weapon, but in the desperate situation of reincarnation, she couldn't even make a dagger. After all, her magic talent was in manipulating metal, not creating metal. "Stop your noise - I don't care what the origin of Noxus is. I only know that Noxus now is my motherland, which countless Noxians have fought for without the oppression of nobles. country!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--"

Hearing Reil say this, Mordekaiser laughed heartily, and the sarcasm in his laughter was undisguised.

"Sounds like you're proud of the equality among Noxians?"

"Of course!" Riel puffed up his chest, "After overthrowing Darkwill, Noxus is already on the right path. Even if there are twists and turns, it will be truly great——"

"So, silly little girl, do you know what true equality is?"


Rui Er was stunned for a moment.

"Death is the true equality." Mordekaiser carried the hammer Nightfall on his shoulders, "Death will visit and take away everyone equally - since you like equality so much, why not embrace death? ?”

Rui Er couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

She has seen shameless people, but there are only a few people as shameless as Mordekaiser.

Death will indeed visit everyone equally, but this does not mean that she intends to embrace death now - and, looking at the other person's appearance, he obviously has some control over the power of death.

Maybe there will be equality after death, but not after death!

But the problem is that although Ruier is worried, he is just anxious.

Without metal, Riel is now simply a clever woman unable to make a meal without rice. At this moment, the only thing she can try to control is the helmet worn by Mordekaiser himself and the war hammer Nightfall in his hand.

But after several attempts, Rui Er discovered that in this world full of deathly silence, the opponent seemed to be completely integrated with the helmet and the war hammer; while he had become extremely weak under the weakening of the power of death. Therefore, the control spell can still work, but it is no more powerful than a slap on Mordekaiser's arm.

What's even more terrible is that when she cast the spell, Mordekaiser was also clearly aware of this - aware of the weakness of Riel's spell.

"Give up." Mordekaiser's voice began to become more friendly in Riel's ears, "A kingdom built on betrayal will eventually be destroyed, and all ashes will return to ashes, and dust will return to dust..."

However, Reel obviously did not intend to give up, and she was still trying to seize control of Mordekaiser's war hammer.

After several pulls, Mordekaiser finally became impatient. He no longer continued to persuade Riel to surrender, but strode closer to her, then raised his warhammer high and issued a final death notice. .

"Surrender, or surrender after death!"

"My answer is, never!"

Mordekaiser completely lost his patience and smashed his war hammer.

Rui Er wanted to escape, but an invisible force dragged her, making her take the initiative to face the war hammer Nightfall, which deposited blood and death into patterns.

Although there was a bit of regret in the soul fire burning in Mordekaiser's eyes, he showed no mercy in this blow.

If you don’t surrender, you will face death!


Mordekaiser's war hammer smashed down.

But the expected result did not happen.

Riel did not die under the hammer, but a big hole was opened in Mordekaiser's desperate situation of reincarnation.

A huge "nail" strangely penetrated the curtain of life and death, piercing Mordekaiser's desperate situation of reincarnation.

This...this is impossible!

Just when Mordekaiser was stunned, Riel rushed out along the passage dug by the nail, hands and feet, without even giving Mordekaiser a chance to pull her back with a soul-breaking choke.

Shocked and angry, Mordekaiser could only cancel the desperate situation of reincarnation, and then he discovered that the "nail" that spanned the gap between life and death was actually a huge iron rod made of various metals. It was shaped by the magic that Riel went berserk before.

The reason why it can traverse both life and death is because Mordekaiser's own armor is also mixed in the middle, so this special nail is given the ability to penetrate the desperate situation of reincarnation.

It was Mordekaiser's own power that broke through his desperate situation of reincarnation!

The person who manipulated this nail was the commander's personal guards who had temporarily left at Ruier's reminder. After Ruier was pulled into the desperate situation of reincarnation, they rushed back immediately and tried to rescue him. Their great leader.

As it turns out, they did a great job.

The angry Mordekaiser had no intention of continuing to speak. At this moment, he just wanted to use Nightfall to crush Riel and the commander's guards behind her, without giving them any chance.

The menacing Mordekaiser strides forward again.

Several personal guards who wanted to cover Ruier were either staggered or thrown all over the ground.

The shadow of death once again enveloped Riel.

However, this time, Ruier had some confidence.

She tried hard to overcome her fear of the past and recalled what she had learned in that magic school.

If everything is true as Mordekaiser said, and he was selected to fight against him, then they must have professionally trained him!

Among those cruel blood magics that he deliberately forgot, there must be a way to defeat the guy in front of him... There must be!

The painful memories made Rui Er's brain ache and swell, but what was more painful than that was that one after another his partners who had fought alongside him for many years fell under the influence of Warhammer Nightfall.

She ran away in embarrassment, carefully savoring the bloody memories while running away, until a flash of inspiration occurred, and she remembered the most cruel part of magic training.

Those power-depriving magic duels, those bloody marks.

Riel looked at the nail.

She summoned the black iron horse.

When Mordekaiser thought she was about to give up the fight and abandon everyone to escape alone, Reel suddenly turned her horse's head, rushed straight towards the nail, and opened her hands towards it.

Attracted by the magic power, the nail also flew towards Ruier.

On the back of the galloping black iron horse, Riel cut his left hand. With his right hand, dipped in the bright red blood, he drew a picture on his chest near his heart that had appeared countless times in his nightmares. mark.

Then, this mark was imprinted on the same position as Mordekaiser's iron armor that was currently embedded in the nail.

Riel had never thought that one day she would long for the black rose, the damn dangerous and dark blood magic that had taken away the lives of many of her classmates, to take effect.

She was not sure whether this kind of mark used between people could work wonders on a magical creation.

Mordekaiser dropped everything after seeing this scene.

Seeing that it was already too late, he even threw the war hammer Nightfall - a heavy magic war hammer, carrying the power of death, flying straight towards Rui Er's head. As long as the two sides touched each other, Rui Er's head would feel like it was cooked. Half of the watermelon burst open.

But Riel didn't even open her eyes.

Because at this moment, she felt the feeling of blood boiling again.

Blood magic takes effect.

"Do not--"

Amid Mordekaiser's wails, Reel opened her eyes, and Ye Xun stopped less than three feet away from her.

Riel's eyes were red, but her lips were horribly pale. She felt like countless iron filings were flowing in her veins, and her reckless use of blood magic that she didn't understand had caused terrible and irreversible damage to her.

However, that is no longer important for now.

With a wave of her hand, the war hammer Ye Yun fell into Rui Er's hand like a well-behaved sheep. She swung the war hammer twice, but she always felt that it was a little uncomfortable - so, amidst the synchronized wails of Ye Yun and Mordekaiser, , the warhammer was stretched, reshaped, and finally turned into a lance that she used smoothly.

Then, His Majesty the Grand Commander of Noxus tore off half of the Noxian battle flag from the iron nail, picked it up on the tip of his lance, and raised it high.

The commander's personal guards began to assemble behind her.

Various magical auras began to light up on Riel's body.

Under Mordekaiser's angry and horrified gaze, Reel leveled his lance, activated the black iron horse, and launched a charge in the face of death.

Faced with such a charge, death fled. (End of chapter)

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