Lux's Farewell

Chapter 921【0916】 Disadvantages

Chapter 921【0916】 Disadvantages

Lux, like the warriors and priests of the Frostguard tribe, were actually quite curious about Lissandra's avoidance.

What is the reason that makes this Frostguard Priest just stay in the Diver Fort and remain unmoved no matter how provocative the coalition forces are?

Yes, the coalition forces really have nothing to do with Fort Diver.

But if you continue to be provoked like this, won't the morale of your Frost Guard tribe also be visibly low?

If I push out fake goods, can you still sit back and ignore it?

With this idea in mind, and in order to prevent the coalition forces from launching a meaningless attack, Lux finally decided to take the fakes she captured to the city wall to ridicule Lissandra.

She didn't believe it. In this case, could Lissandra still be able to hold back her anger?

As long as Lissandra takes action, Lux believes that she will be able to find some useful information from her actions.

With this idea in mind, Lux carefully arranged a splendid stage for herself. With the attitude of a winner, she brought the unlucky fake Frost Witch who had failed to commit suicide several times and descended into the mid-air on the city wall. .

The Frost Guard tribe on the city wall were stunned.

"Is this your Frost Witch?" Lux deliberately accentuated her Demacian accent, making her tone sound as if she deserved a beating. "That's it?"

The Frost Guard warriors and Frost Guard priests who came back to their senses took action angrily, but with the goal of provocation, Lux chose the most fancy dodge method - like a stream of light, moving between arrows and spells with ease. .

While dodging, she even had time to cast a loudspeaker magic on herself, and while dodging, she even commented in a serious manner.

Perhaps because she was criticized too much by Karya Rui, Lux can always point out the problems with spells to the point. For the Frostguard priests who serve the frost, there is nothing better than "a little girl who uses light magic." What's more embarrassing than "knowing frost magic"?

If Lux was wrong, they laughed and passed away.

However, what Lux said was right, which made people unable to swallow their breath.

And not only that, after Lacus pointed out the problem, she would also use an understatement to propose "improvement" plans - in theory, her plans are effective, but in fact this kind of suggestion is the same as "why?" Not the richest man? Don’t you like it?" Same, full of undisguised ridicule.

It seems that the shortcomings of these Frost Guard priests are just some things that can be easily done. If the Frost Guard priests cannot do it, it is like being short-sighted.

It has to be said that under the influence of someone, Lux's talent for poisonous tongue, which was already hidden in her body, is now fully revealed, like "Did I make it too clear? If I apologize, you will feel better." " and so on, if she pokes the tube directly into the lungs, she can do it easily and happily.

It is difficult to describe the mentality of the Frost Guard warriors and Frost Guard priests on the city head at this time. It is said that the red temperature is light. Under Lux's sharp comments, many Frost Guard priests even have a faint tendency to overload their magic power.

And this also means that once Lux leaves with satisfaction, the morale of the defenders will plummet.

Seeing that Lissandra hadn't appeared yet, Lux simply fired the ball directly at Lissandra and started to deal damage.

"The gods blown out are only in name but not in reality."

"Times are advancing, she is an antique."

"It all depends on seniority and lack of skill."

"As long as I don't fight, I won't lose."

Although the Freljord's German language is relatively primitive, Lux still made up a rhyme and pointed at Lissandra, substituting the fake in her hand both inside and outside her words. What stood out was that it was a fake. True and false at the same time. If Lissandra continues to stay behind closed doors... then things may not be easy to deal with in the future.

The Freljord has always admired the strong. Being ridiculed but not responding, even if it was Lissandra, would make people murmur in their hearts - or, if it weren't for the fact that she was Lissandra, Then she has yet to respond directly, which is enough to make people feel separated.

In this case, Lissandra, who had never appeared before, finally came to the city wall for the first time.

The moment she saw Lissandra, Lux didn't hesitate at all, she stayed away from the city wall and went on full alert.

In Lissandra's body, she felt a long-lost power - the last time she felt this kind of power was on Mount Targon.

The ice held Lissandra up and climbed to the top of the city as if walking on flat ground. It was clearly Lux who was condescending, but the angle she "looked" at Lux still seemed to be looking down.

"Laxana, right?" Lissandra's voice was as cold as ice, "You have a lot of irrelevant comments about me."

"They are all targeted." Although Lux was wary in her heart, she still did not give in at all. "After all, I have a guy who claims to be Lissandra - who is real and who is fake, how do I know?"

"But, I saw your heart." Lissandra's tone was extremely calm, but it could easily penetrate the eardrums. "You have known for a long time that that is not me, but the agent who upholds my will."

"If it's the agent, then why is it named after Lissandra?" Lux quickly countered, "Or, it's because you know very well that only Lissandra's name has weight, and Lissandra Zhuo's representative is meaningless - Lissandra cannot give authority, only herself can bear the responsibility?"

There is an obvious trap in Lux's words. She seems to want to logically deny Lissandra's influence on the Freljord. In terms of bickering, she seems to have a talent that is not inferior to her own magic.

"Just to avoid some trouble." Lissandra still looked indifferent to Lux's verbal trap, "It's like I don't want to stand up and respond, just because I have more important things to do. Do."

As these words came out, with Lissandra as the center, the sky above the Diver Castle suddenly dimmed.

Heavy snowfalls were falling in this season that had not yet entered winter, and what was even worse was that there were traces of electric light mixed in the wind and snow.


Why does it feel familiar?

Lux carefully avoided the scope of the wind and snow, and couldn't help but raise her head and look at the sky.

The rolling dark clouds made her feel more and more familiar the more she looked at them - not only Lux, but also Ash, who was skimming behind, had a subtle expression.

"This is why I don't have time to pay attention to you." In the wind, snow and thunder, Lissandra's body levitated, "I have more powerful enemies to challenge and defeat, so I don't have time to pay attention to some warm-blooded people. Humans, and some Ice Vein traitors.”

As he spoke, a huge claw sealed by ice was slowly pushed to the city wall by an invisible force.

Frozen in the ice was a huge... bear paw.

"Compared to you ignorant and ignorant mortals." Lissandra's voice rarely brought a hint of joy, "Killing gods is a more interesting thing."

 It's a little short, a little short. I'm having neck treatment recently, sorry.



(End of this chapter)

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