Lux's Farewell

Chapter 928 [0923] Confrontation from ancient times

Chapter 928 [0923] Confrontation from ancient times

Under Lux's trusting smile, the ground of Dredge Fort began to tremble.

Kalya took action.

As Lissandra left the Diver Fort and focused all her attention on Lux, who was "wasting her magic power", Kalya, who was underground with the commandos of Operation Bloom, finally waited for what she wanted. Opportunity to read.

The Eye of the Sand saw Lissandra leaving, and the magic perception also told Kalya that the center of the snowstorm was moving away from the Diver Fort. When the rumbling iceberg broke away from the glacier, it was time for Kalya to take action.

Inside the mine, the gray-faced commandos rushed out with shouts, and under the leadership of several team captains, each rushed towards their intended target - they would strive to capture the Diver Fort in the shortest possible time. Strategic locations within the military, including warehouses, arsenals, command posts and other places.

The Law Controllers and Avarosa and Mother Guards in the commando team followed Kalya and ran towards the city wall.

Their mission is the most important in this battle, they want to stop Lissandra - or in other words, attack Lissandra from both sides.


Running all the way towards the city wall, Karya sprinkled countless gravel behind him.

This was his preparation for the coming battle.

As an ascended person and dark descendant who is not good at fighting, even though Kalya looks confident, in fact, he is actually unsure of himself now.

Lux had already briefly told him about the previous battle between Lissandra and the Archon. According to Lux's description, Kalya's magic power was probably far from that of the Frost Witch in her heyday.

Coupled with the fact that the opponent is old enough and has enough magic reserves, fighting her may not be an easy task.

Therefore, Kalya must show his best condition!

And if you want to show your best condition, the prerequisite is to transform the combat environment to be more suitable for you.

This is what Kalya is doing.

This is a lesson Lux has not learned and cannot learn.

The particularity of light magic gives Lux amazing flexibility, but it makes her influence on the battlefield situation quite insufficient compared to conventional magic. Lissandra can call on the power of snow and thunder to assist her, but Lux cannot. There is no similar means to counterattack, so he is naturally helpless in the battle.

But Kalya has no worries in this regard.

When it comes to transforming the environment to make it suitable for one's own performance, even in the era of the Shurima Empire, few people can compare with Kalya.

Others just use spells to change the environment. At most, they change the elemental tide pattern, or increase or decrease the activity of elements. It is a relatively indirect control - more advanced ones, such as Lissandra, don't look at the heavy wind and snow. It's scary, but not all snowflakes contain magic.

But Kalya is different.

Kalya, who has opened the passage to his own little world, is really pouring sand out!

The wind and snow created by magic can never have as much influence on the environment as real sand. This is Karya's biggest advantage in changing the battlefield environment, and it is also the real source of Karya's confidence!

Of course, this transformation is not a panacea.

If Lissandra was still here, then with her keen sense of magic, even if she didn't know any space magic, she would definitely be able to stop Kalya's actions, or even let Kalya's small world destroy itself.

However, in the face of Kalya and Lux's carefully designed plan, Lissandra finally lost her composure and voluntarily left the walls of the Delver Keep, hoping to eliminate Lux in one battle.

This gave Kalya the opportunity to steal the house.

As more and more yellow sand poured into the Diver Fort, the ground in Kalya's small world became more than one layer thinner.

But the result of this is extremely clear - although the wind is still blowing and the snow is still flying, in addition to the floating snow blown up by the strong wind, there are also dense gravel.

The commandos who had been prepared for this had already had countermeasures, either wearing turbans and veils, or simply wrapping themselves up completely.

But the members of the Frostguard tribe who have lived in the Freljord all their lives are quite confused about this.

How could people living in snowfields know how to deal with desert storms mixed with gravel?

These Frost Guard warriors who stayed within the confines of the Diver Fort were at an absolute disadvantage from the beginning of the battle, even if Kalya's target was not them, even if Kalya's main target in shaping this "desert" was Lisang Zhuo, but with the changes in the battlefield environment, the Frost Guard tribe, which was originally like a fish in water, suddenly turned into a rut.

Coupled with the sudden nature of the raid, after a short period of chaos, the Frostguard tribe, which had an absolute advantage in numbers, soon began to lose ground, and was unable to stand at key positions in the Diver Fort. Feet!

Among the commandos, Tryndamere was at the front with a big sword in his hand. He would attack and cut anyone he saw without saying a word. Frost Guard warriors rarely had three-in-one enemies, and Frost Guard priests' spells were greatly reduced and difficult to fight. It only took a few minutes of restraining him to create a small protrusion.

The first phase of the Bloom Plan was very successful. Under the leadership of Kalya, the commandos successfully hit a time gap!


Lissandra could not see clearly what was happening in the city - although her magical perception was extraordinary, it was severely limited by the desert storm she had set off. Under the chaotic interference, it was difficult for her to confirm the current moment in the Diver Fort. What's going on inside?

For Lissandra, there are only two paths before her. Either continue forward and completely defeat the main force of the coalition, or turn back and stabilize the Diver Fort first to ensure that this precious foothold will not cause problems. .

Faced with this problem, Lissandra chose the latter without any hesitation.

For her, under the current circumstances, losing the Diver Fort would count as a victory on the frontal battlefield, but as long as she did not capture Ashe or Lux, she would be like Wally a thousand years ago. Bell is generally undefeated and defeated.

The mentality of the challenged and the challenger are different.

On the other hand, even if the Frostguard tribe's battle on the frontal battlefield is frustrated, as long as the Delver Fort is still in Lissandra's hands and as long as she doesn't take it lightly, will the coalition be able to continue to hold on after the heavy snow falls? ?

However, this time their proactive attack was not a fight between trapped beasts as they thought, but a premeditated attack.

But... so what?

As long as you don't give yourself a chance, you can still be invincible!

After realizing this, Lissandra changed direction without any hesitation and headed straight for the Diver Fort. After seeing her reaction, Lux could no longer suppress the smile on her lips.

Very good!

This is what she's been waiting for!

Although when discussing the battle plan with Kalya before, Kalya was very sure that Lissandra would take the initiative to come back as long as the bloom plan was successful, and it was absolutely impossible to go all-out, but when she really faced Lissandra's magic, Lux's pressure Still surprisingly big.

The ultimate flash just consumed a lot of precious magic power. In this case, the one facing Lissandra would not even have the ability to fight back. At most, he could rely on semi-elemental transformation and Horok's gauntlet. Just trying to protect myself.

But Kalya said very firmly that Lissandra would never be able to make a desperate move.

"People who live longer are more conservative. I think no one has more say than me on this point. I believe Lissandra will always choose the safest solution." When saying this, Kalya couldn't help but The playful smile of the past was replaced by a serious expression and a determined tone, as if he had completely seen through the frost witch, "Moreover, even if the bloom plan is completely successful, in the heart of the frost witch, we may still not be enough to make her make a desperate move."

"You mean, she won't be willing to stud with us because she is sure that she has much more chips than us?"

"That's right!" Kalya found it very difficult to confirm. "The more chips people have, the less courage they have to put everything aside; the more thoughtful people are, the more conservative they tend to be in the face of unexpected situations, Lissandra She is different from ordinary people, but in this regard, she is no different from ordinary people!"

Lux has always trusted the results of Kalya's analysis, so she boldly exposed herself and even used a super-scale ultimate flash to prove to Lissandra that she had insufficient magic power, and then lured her out.

And Lissandra did not live up to Kalya's "trust". Even though she had arrived at the forefront of the battlefield, even though she saw that she was about to break through the coalition's front, even though she had already included Lux ​​in the attack range, she still turned around resolutely. He took the direction and returned to Fort Diver.

Kalya was right.

Lissandra didn't intend to gamble. Even now, she was still sure that as long as she controlled the Diver Fort, she would be invincible.

This is an absolute confidence that only a thousand-year-old monster can produce.

Seeing the retreating figure of the glacier, Lux remembered the questions she subconsciously raised after Kalya told her plan.

"If every immortal will tend to be conservative, what about you, Teacher Karya?"

"It used to be." Kalya seemed to have guessed that Lux would have this problem as always, "But not now, because I have already died once."


Lux breathed a sigh of relief.

Kalya, who was about to face Lissandra, focused herself completely.

I am an old man. I have never done any serious activities since I tricked the Titan on Mount Targon. Although I had dealt with a demigod who was not a demigod on the Shadow Island before, to be honest, the performance of the Maw of Despicableness was really bad. It was a bit of a stretch, and Kalya didn't think that battle could explain anything.

Facing Lissandra's hurried return and the sudden increase in wind and snow, Kalya once again felt the challenge of life and death after many years.

Kalya, who is used to making decisions before acting, hasn't put himself on the gambling table as a bargaining chip in an unknown amount of time.

Lacus didn't know that his comment that "the more chips there are, the harder it is to stud" was actually Kalya's summary of his past.

Now, Kalya plans to make some changes.

The coalition also needs him to make some changes.

Compared to Lissandra, who was fierce and seemed to be freezing everything, even though Kalya was obviously the more dangerous one, there was a sincere smile on his mask.

Behind him, all the gold in the Diver Fort seemed to have been summoned, rushing towards Kalya, soaking him like liquid, and even completely covering him.

No, it wasn't the gold that wrapped him up, but Kalya changed his elemental form after attracting the gold!

Body of gold!

Although he no longer has the dazzling feathers of the former regent prince of the Shurima Empire, nor does he have the form of an ascendant that can spread his wings and soar above the nine heavens, the golden incarnation of Kalya still brews a force that is not inferior to Lissandra's momentum.

He also has his own confidence.

This confidence comes not only from the small world, from the yellow sand behind them, from the battlefield situation after the success of the Bloom Plan, but also from the confidence of an ancient civilization.

A pair of golden wings spread out from behind Karl Ya, and a book that was both real and illusory was spread out in front of him. When two huge claws made purely of frost grabbed Karl from the left and right. Ya's hand, with a gentle smile on his golden mask that seemed to see through everything, gently opened the book's title page.

"Desert." Kalya's voice was low and magnetic, as if it were a soft confession. "Pick up your gravel and end this meaningless snowstorm."

As if given an order, with Kalya as the center, an invisible impact spread rapidly in all directions. Wherever the impact hit, the gravel pouring out of Kalya's small world seemed to be alive, crazy. surged up.

Houses were swallowed up and ice and snow were shattered. When the surge ended, everything within the scope of the naked eye was rolled back and buried by the living gravel. Together with the Frost Guard Priests who could not escape, they were buried under the thick layer. under the gravel.

The giant ice claw that grabbed Kalya before was gradually eliminated by the erosion of the surging yellow sand, as if the past had been peeled off by the years, and finally completely dissipated in the wind and sand. , never seen again.

This amazingly large-scale spell completely calmed down Lissandra, who had been a little excited before.

In her magic perception, she clearly perceived the subtleties of this large-scale spell. Within the scope of the spell, it seemed that all the yellow sand had become loyal soldiers, and it seemed that these gravels were part of a whole. , the exquisite structure of its spell is enough to even make Lissandra amazed.

But now is obviously not the time to wow.

For the first time, Lissandra spoke proactively in a calm tone.

"Who is you?"

"My Majesty... Kalya."

 Let’s fight!



(End of this chapter)

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