Lux's Farewell

Chapter 942【0933】Truncation

Chapter 942【0933】Truncation

Tryndamere did not act rashly.

If this passage is indeed a replenishment passage for the defenders on the bridge, then it cannot be taken down by just relying on the two squads of warriors.

What I have to do is to confirm the location of this passage, and then bring someone over to cut it off, instead of rushing up recklessly.

As Ai Xi's blood ally, he is no longer a loner who can act recklessly.

Waving his hand to signal Zhan's mother to hide behind him, Tryndamere also lowered his figure and raised his ears.

In the partition wall above, there were heavy and neat footsteps, and in addition, he also heard the voice of the password.

It seems that Tryndamere was lucky. The wall he landed on first was not the first line to support the bridge, so the garrison was weak enough that he could quietly deal with the defenders. Moreover, the patrol period of the patrol force was relatively long. He was not discovered immediately, nor was he intercepted because he didn't know the password.

Now, after Tryndamere quietly crawled on the partition wall below and figured out the patrol password, he made a prompt decision and ordered Zhan's mother to go back with him, put on the clothes of the defenders, and pretend to be the sentries he had killed in order to confuse them. After this round of patrol.

His plan was successful.

By shouting vague passwords in an impatient tone, Tryndamere successfully deceived this round of patrols. Not only that, he also mastered the patrol's password - before the next wave of real patrols arrived, he led The two teams and their mothers swaggered around pretending to be patrols and walked around the plank road.

The Frost Guard tribe obviously did not expect that someone would be so bold as to swing down from the bridge on a rope and then patrol up from the wall below. In addition, except for Tryndamere, the other War Mothers were all ice. Bloodline, there is no sense of disobedience when walking on the plank road and partition wall. Lissandra has gathered a large number of members of the Frostguard tribe. The number of defenders of the Frostguard Fortress has increased, but they are not familiar with each other. Everything adds up. Giving Tryndamere a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to infiltrate.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he finally confirmed the location of the trestle leading to the bridge. Here, they left a small space coordinate. Later, the Dharma Controller would use this coordinate to give the defenders of the Frost Guard Tribe a small space. surprise.

Then they returned to the place where they rappelled before the third wave of patrols arrived.

After launching the hook lock onto the bridge, Tryndamere and War Mother returned to the bridge before the defenders discovered the problem, lit torches, and found them.


At dawn the next day, the coalition forces launched an attack on the simple defenses of the Frost Guard tribe on the bridge.

What is different from yesterday is that today, in addition to hand-to-hand combat, the coalition's law-enforcers have also officially entered the battle - however, their target is not the Frost Guard defenders on the bridge, but the spatial coordinates provided by Tryndamere.

Among the mages, those with the talent for space magic are rare. However, considering that all these mages need to do is to guide the direction of spells, even if it is a hundred-person mage group to provide magic coverage, it is enough for one magistrate to provide guidance. , so as long as the coordinates are correct, the spell will successfully reach where it should go.

The Frostguard tribe knew nothing about this.

When the Frost Guard warriors heading to the bridge ran along the partition wall to the bridge, waiting to line up to climb the ladder to the bridge, under the guidance of the space mage, various elemental impacts came one after another.

The unprepared Frost Guard tribe was knocked off their feet by the explosion on the partition wall, and all the ladders that carried people to the bridge were also destroyed.

Even if the Frost Guard priests later hurriedly propped up several ice walls to block the ice wall, and immediately organized and set up ropes to continue transporting people onto the bridge, the replenishment efficiency of the Frost Guard tribe defenders on the bridge was still greatly reduced.

Then, as the space coordinate stone was finally discovered, the mages gave up casting spells on the soldier replenishment channel, and instead began a round of fire coverage towards the bridge.

Due to the special environment of the Howling Abyss and the simple defenses on the bridge deck, the fire coverage effect is not very good, but don't forget that the long-range firepower of the coalition is not limited to the Archon!

After receiving the news that the troop replenishment channel was destroyed, Ashe immediately led Avarosa's archers to start throwing arrows.

Locust-like arrows were shot diagonally, and then covered the rear of the Frost Guard tribe's position like a curtain of rain, allowing the Frost Guard tribe who came up the bridge to experience a wave of death from the sky.

In the past, there was a soft ladder connected to the partition wall under the bridge deck as a passage for replenishing soldiers. The reserve team of the Frostguard tribe could directly enter the fortifications from below. The damage caused to them by the Avarosan's projectiles was extremely limited.

But now if they want to continue on the bridge, they must survive more than one round of arrow rain. In this way, although the Frost Guard defenders at the front still have the advantage of simple defenses, the following soldiers will soon It began to be unable to replenish it, so it gradually began to lose its foothold.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the coalition forces began to make a large-scale breakthrough, and soon advanced the front line more than 200 yards without any intention of stopping.

If we continue at this rate, the coalition forces will successfully capture the Frost Bridge today!

The fight was fierce on the bridge, but beside them, Kalya, Lux and Lissandra still maintained their confrontation.

Even though her side seemed to be losing ground, Lissandra still had no intention of taking action. She just stared at Lux and Kalya, seemingly determined to prevent them from participating in the subsequent battle.

Kalya and Lux ​​also have great confidence in the coalition forces, and they also believe that as long as they can keep an eye on Lissandra, everything will not be a problem.

In this weird sit-down battle, the coalition forces took almost a day and paid a heavy price to completely occupy the main structure of the Frost Bridge.

Although the partition wall and plank road under the bridge are still in the hands of the Frost Guard Tribe, and although the ratio of troop exchanges in the offensive is not good-looking, when the last covering team of the Frost Guard Tribe also withdrew from the bridge, the coalition position There was still a roar of cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

After going through untold hardships and spending a year on the expedition, they finally arrived at the enemy's lair and came under the Frostguard Fortress!

As long as they capture this fortress, they can completely end Lissandra's rule and bring a new order to Freljord that is completely different from the past!


At the pre-war meeting to attack Frostguard Fortress, all commanders, including Lux and Ashe, were very excited.

Even if everyone knows that Frostguard Fortress is the hardest nut to crack; even if everyone knows that Lissandra has been delaying in order to concentrate all her strength on Frostguard Fortress; even if everyone understands that Lissandra Zhuo must have more than one trump card in his hand that has not yet been revealed.

But being able to march to the city and push the front line into the face of the Frost Witch is still an exciting thing.

Therefore, in this pre-war meeting, everyone was beating their chests loudly, wanting to be the first to attack, and saying that they could be the first to scale the city wall.

However, among the excited people, Kalya looked calm and silent. It was not until everyone had finished speaking that he spoke slowly.

"I believe in your confidence and courage." He smiled and took off his mask for the first time. "But this is the Frost Guard Fortress. Even if the fortress is captured, the coalition forces will definitely pay a heavy price."

Hearing what Kalya said, many people looked surprised.

"I'm not doubting your will to fight." Kalya ignored these glances and continued, "But the Frostguard Fortress is not the last battle, so I have a small suggestion - why can't this battle be How about making the scale smaller and deciding the winner in a simpler way?"

Hearing what Kalya said, Lux couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

"I plan to give Lissandra a letter of challenge." Kalya continued, "Use my name to challenge her to a one-on-one battle."

Many dissatisfied Avarosa people suddenly turned cloudy and sunny, and many even cheered. One-on-one duel, this kind of thing is so popular in Freljord!

As for the Northern Expeditionary Army, although most of the commanders have doubts, they have no reason to stand up and oppose - if Kalya can really win, then this will indeed greatly reduce the progress of the war.

Under this situation, there were even a few arrogant guys who clamored that they could compete with Lissandra, and for a while, the atmosphere in the camp seemed to become more heated.

Kalya looked at all this with a smile, and finally spoke again after a while.

"Then it's settled. Tomorrow morning I will specially invite Your Excellency Lissandra to have a one-on-one battle with me, where no one can interfere."

During this process, both Ashe and Lux ​​remained silent - it seemed that they had been mentally prepared for Kalya's proposal.

It was not a spur-of-the-moment move, but a long-planned move.


The next day, when more than a hundred loud voices recited Kalya's War Letter outside the Frostguard Fortress, Lissandra, who had been quietly staying in the Frostguard Fortress and planned to wait for work, became a little angry. .

Because what Kalya wrote was a very targeted statement of war.

Kalya, who is best at catching people and hurting them, completely described Lissandra as a coward in the letter of challenge.

The other two of the three sisters died heroically, but you managed to escape with your life.

In Focalodna you are afraid of facing unknown enemies, so launch a fake to test the waters first.

When the battle situation at Fort Diver was slightly unfavorable, you abandoned the army and fled alone.

Even the walls of Frostguard Fortress cannot give you enough sense of security, so you need to hoard an army.

Now I am standing here, waiting for you to come out. This is your lair. Do you dare to have a one-on-one battle with me right here, under the watchful eyes of all the Freljordians?

If you are a coward, afraid of failure and death, then keep silent and stay in the fortress silently. We will use the flesh and blood of the brave to crush the fortress built by the coward.

And if you are willing to stand up, then I will also guarantee that this is a battle of honor for the brave, and no one will interfere.



Lissandra was really angry and laughed.

What is shameless?

This is called shameless!

Kalya shot the arrow first and drew the target later, trying to blame everything on Lissandra being a coward.

But actually?

She was the only one left with the sacrifice of the three sisters, because one of the three sisters was always left to clean up the mess.

Forcalodna launched a puppet because Lissandra didn't pay attention to the coalition forces at first.

In the end, when Diver Castle escaped alone, it was because Chaos Storm Yin had just absorbed Volibear's power.

As for the final gathering of the army at Frostguard Fortress... is Lissandra cerebral palsy if she doesn't gather strength in this situation?

To be honest, these things have nothing to do with cowardice. If I have to say it, not daring to die is the only thing about Lissandra that has a little to do with cowardice.

But Kalya's eloquence has always been extraordinary, and when he said it, it was as if Lissandra was a coward, and it was obvious that he was going to put Lissandra on the fire.

Can Lissandra ignore him?

Actually it is possible.

Although the morale is slightly fluctuating now, as long as Lissandra personally comforts him, there will be no problem.

Moreover, the defense system of the Frost Guard Fortress is very complete. There are a large number of defensive and sealing formations drawn on the cold city wall. In the battle, the coalition forces will be at an absolute disadvantage. Even if all these people are wiped out, they may not be able to set foot on the city wall. step.

As long as Lissandra sits in the audience hall, victory will surely belong to the Frostguard tribe.

But doesn’t Lissandra have a temper?

When she was blinded by Volibear, she was determined to take revenge even after tens of millions of years. Now facing Kalya, who had tricked her before and lost his immortality, and might be finished in a few years. Does she want to take revenge now, or will she completely lose the chance of revenge in the future?

Reason told Lissandra that she could continue to wait and stay in the audience hall quietly waiting for news of victory.

But in her heart, a flame has already been burning. Now that she has straightened out all her powers and rebuilt a complete power system, at this time, you still come to ask for a one-on-one challenge. Is it possible that there will be even extreme odds? A chance of victory?

Do not make jokes!

I'm Lissandra!

When the loud-voiced warrior specially selected by the coalition forces began to recite the letter of challenge for the third time, the sky above the Frost Guard Fortress completely dimmed.

Dark clouds were gathering, and the rolling thunder was like the wrath of the burning sky, echoing between the cliffs on both sides of the Howling Abyss. It was mixed with the whistling wind, making people uneasy.

Amidst the wind and thunder, Lissandra's voice seemed to come from the sky.

"Looking for death, I promise you."




(End of this chapter)

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