Lux's Farewell

Chapter 945【0936】Awakening

When she saw the flash of surprise on Lissandra's face, Kalya's mood became extremely happy.

Following Volibear's roar, Immortal Crazy Thunder, who was originally called by Ornn and Anivia to help deal with the monitors, instantly turned red and rushed straight towards Lissandra.

What does it mean to be extremely jealous when enemies meet?

That's it.

Kalya was happy, but Lissandra was irritated.

Although Volibear is still in a weak stage, it is not a big problem for Lissandra to deal with him, but Volibear itself is not the key, the key is the two people around him!

The relationship between the demigods of the wilderness is still relatively subtle. Although Anivia is cold and Ornn is silent, that at most means that after Lissandra takes the initiative and defeats Volibear, they will not come to look for them later. Trouble does not mean that they can sit back and watch Volibear be defeated in front of them!

Kalya has a good grasp of the mentality of Anivia and Ornn. With Volibear's explosion, I'm afraid Lissandra will face the attack of the three old gods!

Even Lissandra couldn't fight one against three, not to mention there was Kalya watching eagerly next to her.

In this case, temporarily retreating may be a better option.

However, how could Kalya, who had planned everything long ago, allow her to escape easily?

The coalition forces have wasted too much time and combat power on their way north. At this moment, only by quickly eliminating Lissandra can Kalya and the coalition forces focus all their energy on the follow-up treatment of the Monitor and the Howling Abyss. , let Lissandra run away at this time, that is to let the tiger return to the mountain!

The arrival of the Monitors was based on Lissandra's guidance. Even if they were sealed later, Lissandra's power was part of it. But in Kalya's view, her position was still untrustworthy and must be eliminated!

So, when Lissandra summoned multiple glacier paths and planned to take the opportunity to escape, several sand walls rose from the ground.

The huge ice claws smashed into the sand wall, but were blocked by more sand walls, and eventually collapsed into broken ice all over the ground. During this time, Volibear had already rushed to the ground with the power of thunder and storm. In front of Lissandra.

"Despicable thief!" Volibear roared, leaping high, "You can manipulate betrayal, but you can never truly extinguish the raging thunderstorm!"

Lissandra wanted to say "Actually, I can".

As long as she is given more time to slowly digest and understand the nature of this power, one day she will be able to deprive Volibear of his godhead and truly take the source of the power as her own - unfortunately, she does not Enough time.

Before she fully digested everything, although she could control the power of storm and thunder, this power essentially came from Volibear.

Lissandra had a good idea, but it was useless to say more now. In this case, she could only turn around and fight Volibear.

Immortal Crazy Thunder, who had just recovered from betrayal and serious injuries, was much smaller than the last time he fought Lissandra, but his fighting style was still violent. This mindless and reckless style was Lissandra's. What Zhuo hates the most is that it does not test Lissandra's wisdom, but constantly tests her reactions.

Although this open-and-close combat style allows Lissandra's counterattacks to often produce good results, the problem is that Volibear doesn't care about Lissandra's counterattacks either!

Injury will not make this giant bear fearful, but will stimulate his ferocity. Unless you can defeat Volibear's form with one blow, or destroy the source of his power, otherwise the rolling thunder will be forever. The ground maintains a charging attitude and never sleeps.

Ordinary spells have almost no effect on Volibear. Even the prison built by Zhenbing will be torn apart in minutes in front of the immortal thunder. If there is really another way to deal with this giant bear, Li Sang Zhuo would not start with the believers and complete his revenge through betrayal!

What, why don't you tell Lissandra now to repeat her old tricks and once again use those believers who have deserted Volibear to stab him?

Lissandra thought, but in the previous battles with the coalition forces, those believers who betrayed Volibear were regarded as "unstable factors", and most of them died in the battle with the coalition forces - but It's not that Lissandra likes to burn bridges, but Volibear's believers are all missing a chord, even those who betrayed Volibear and joined the Frost Witch.

For guys like this who might do bad things when their heads are hot, Lissandra's only choice is to sell them to prevent them from affecting her overall plan.

After selling these believers, she also lost her secret weapon against Volibear. She did not expect that Volibear would make a comeback at this time, and Lissandra failed to return to Frostguard Fortress immediately. , and without the secret weapon against the immortal thunder, it seems that he can only slowly tangle with Volibear.

However, seeing Kalya, Anivia, and Ornn surrounding her, Lissandra no longer had time to slowly entangle with Volibear.

"Give up, Ms. Frost Witch." This time it was Kalya's turn to persuade him to surrender, "As long as you are willing to accept the result of being sealed, the war can end. The coalition's goal from the beginning has been the monitor under the abyss, and The same goes for these three.”

Kalya said this with great justice, and this is the truth - if Lissandra is willing to be sealed, the battle can indeed end immediately. From the time the coalition was formed, the goal was to completely eliminate the Monitor and completely bridge the Howling Abyss. rift instead of wiping out the Frostguard tribe.

"Shameless!" Lissandra obviously wouldn't believe what Kalya said. "If you want to defeat me, show your true strength instead of relying on clever words and deception!"

Hearing what Lissandra said, Kalya could only shrug her shoulders, unable to help.

Since you like to be beaten, I can only help you!

Ornn and Anivia did not leave in person.

But the rising ice walls and the cleared vast battlefield clearly expressed the meaning of these two people. With the help of Kalya's secret pokes and the constant restrictions of Anivia, Mingming's strength took over. Lissandra, who had the upper hand, gradually fell behind due to Volibear's entanglement.

This is not a fair fight.

Lissandra became visibly irritable. She shouted angrily, her voice gradually turning from high-pitched to hoarse, and finally became as hoarse as a crow, which made people shudder.

On the other side, Volibear gradually regained part of his own thunder power during the battle, which caused the power system that Lissandra had carefully rebuilt for herself to collapse again, and the various mixed powers in the body were once again unbalanced. , her condition gradually became dangerous.


"Be careful!" Outside the battlefield, Lux has been paying attention to Lissandra's status, "Malphite combat units, deploy along the line of the Howling Abyss!"

Although Lux did not face the void directly, she had clearly noticed a power in Lissandra that made her heart palpitate - this reminded her of Kalya's judgment before the battle.

"Once the situation goes bad, Lissandra is likely to fall out of control. Anyone who uses the power of the void will inevitably suffer backlash from the void, and Lissandra will be no exception."

"You mean, she will be enslaved by the power of the void?"

"At least it will be greatly affected, so we must deal with Lissandra first, at least seal her completely, and cut off the direct connection between the power of the void and the ice bloodline - so, during the battle, you must Always pay attention to Lissandra's status. I will hand over Malphite's authority to you. If the monitor breaks the seal, you must stop the first and most critical wave of void impact." "No problem!"

"Ordinary defensive spells are difficult to be effective against the impact of void energy, so the coalition must ensure that after the Malphite combat unit is deployed, it will use the monolith as the core of defense and manipulate pure elements to respond to the impact of the void - we do not have a monolithic fortress, but in Even outside the Howling Abyss, you can still be condescending."

"no problem!"

"The impact of the void generally consists of three axes, the impact of void energy, then the sea of ​​​​insects, and finally the monitors themselves come on stage. As long as they resist the first two waves, it is enough to leave it to us in the end."



Now Lissandra has gradually become less human-like, and her appearance is already 70% similar to the Icathian Mage King described by Kalya. If nothing unexpected happens, the void energy will soon spurt out!

Therefore, after commanding the deployment of the Malphite unit, Lux immediately issued an order, requiring the coalition's formation to shrink, and the Dharma Controller to use Malphite as the core to guide the power of the monolithic element to deploy defenses.

Most of the coalition forces didn't quite understand this order. If it was just to deal with the aftermath of the battle between Volibear and Lissandra, then they wouldn't act like they were facing a formidable enemy, right?

However, the next moment, everyone knew why.

"You asked for this!" As another thunder struck her, Lissandra finally let out a cry that was almost wailing, "Do you think you can? No, no, no, you can't - you have no chance. !”

"This world is in doom. I will wait for your arrival at the end of the cold!"

As he spoke, pitch-black ice began to appear on the surface of Lissandra's body. Clusters of thorn-like ice spikes twisted and spread, eventually turning into a huge mausoleum, completely wrapping Lissandra's body in it. .

The furious Volibear scratched at the tomb, but the sharp claws carrying thunder only left a few white marks on the ice, and it returned to smoothness after a while.

Then, just as Volibear was about to jump up and try to smash the tomb, there was an earthquake.


The earth is trembling, the earth is roaring, the earth is roaring, the earth is wailing,

Above the Howling Abyss, except for the Malphite combat unit that had completed its deployment, most people were a little unsteady on their feet.

During the earthquake, the dark howling abyss was illuminated with ominous purple. Then these purple lights rose into the sky and turned into purple rings, tearing the sky, shattering the dark clouds, and even lightning. Devoured.

Countless people were lying on the ground, but clinging to the ground would not give them even the slightest sense of security, because as the purple energy surged out like a volcano, the whole world seemed to have changed.

Fortunately for the coalition forces, under the protection of the Malphite combat unit, everyone was restless at best.

But on one side of the Frost Guard Fortress, the Frost Guard warriors and Frost Guard priests quickly fell into madness under the purple clouds in the sky.

They twisted their bodies and let out bursts of unexplained low calls from deep in their throats. These sounds clearly came from their mouths, but to Lux's ears, they seemed to come from ancient times.

"Leave, seal, destroy, fight!"

"Leave, seal, destroy, fight!"

Amid this terrifying whisper, these people frantically picked up weapons and began a bloody internal fight.

At the same time, the purple light spurting out from under the Howling Abyss became brighter and brighter, and within the field of view of the Hex telescope, purple seemed to be the only color.

"Keep the defense!" Lux temporarily put down the Hex telescope, "All the mages, don't begrudge the backup energy. We must hold up the front to avoid becoming those crazy monsters outside. The final battle is about to begin. This It’s a battle that concerns the life and death of Runeterra!”

"The ancient seal is about to be broken, and the sleeping monster has awakened. We are just above the abyss, waiting to work!"

Under Lux's order, the Archon warriors relied on the Malphite unit to build a complete defense unit along the edge of the Howling Abyss, struggling to resist the erosion of the power of the void.

I don't know how long it took, as if I had lost all sense of time, the gushing power of the void finally gradually stopped, and just when everyone was slightly relieved, a burst of chirping neighing came from below the Howling Abyss. out.

Then, with a buzzing sound of flapping wings, countless winged void insects flew up from under the abyss.

Most of the bodies of these ugly guys are covered with void chitin, and their mouthparts come in various shapes, but without exception they are ferocious and terrifying. After they fly out of the abyss, they can lock the deployment as soon as possible. The Malphite combat unit on the front line next to the Howling Abyss quickly rushed over.

Then, before they could get close to the defensive barrier, a shower of arrows rained down on Ashe's command. The arrows like locusts shot through countless newly hatched void insects. The first round of arrows After the rain, at least a thousand void insects fell into the abyss like dumplings.

Some of them were smashed to pieces on the cliffs of the Howling Abyss, and some became food for the same kind. However, the following void worms still did not stop at all and continued to surge towards the direction of the coalition forces.

From the very beginning, the battle entered a fever pitch.

Kalya’s Little Classroom·Three Axes of the Void:

Energy spurt, insect swarm cover, and the monitor himself take action. These three moves were summarized by Kalya as the Three Void Axes - simple, but powerful.

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