Lux's Farewell

Chapter 970 [0961] Climbing the Peak

Chapter 970 [0961] Climbing the Peak

Today's Mount Targon welcomed a group of unwelcome climbers.

They are tall and taciturn, and those climbing paths that are quite dangerous for mortals, even for extraordinary beings, seem to be just garden paths under their feet, without the slightest danger.

As for the celestial light that requires a strong will to adapt, when it shines on them, it seems to be just the ordinary afternoon sun, a little hot, but nothing more.

This climbing team organized by Kalya set out from the source of the Thousand River Diversion Project and quickly began climbing along the eastern foot of Mount Targon. The Rakkor people who got the news along the way tried to intercept it, but they failed. There is nothing you can do about these people.

On the one hand, it's because these people are too strong, and on the other hand, it's because most of the elites of the Rakkor people were lost to Naerima Jie - the victory brought by the strong gravity field made the Rakkor people believe in the sun disk. Their reliability also made them inevitably slack off, so that when the powerful gravity field failed, the Lahorak Guards gathered in Naerimajie were wiped out.

If these people are allowed to successfully withdraw from Mount Targon, relying on the various temples, stone vortexes, altars and star dials on the mountain, those extraordinary people can completely explode with power far beyond their own. In that case, even thousands of The Legion of Gods was completely revived, and Kalya did not have the confidence to lead them to Mount Targon.

But now, the situation is different.

The victory of Nerimajie greatly weakened the mid-to-high-end combat power of the Rakkor people. Without the people, even if the Rakkor people would have built countless defensive buildings on the way to the peak in the past few thousand years, they would have no impact on the people. It's still a smooth road for Kalya.

Under the snow line, the people who climbed the peak did not encounter any meaningful resistance - at this moment, even the news of the fall of Nerimajie had not yet spread. After seeing this group of people, the Raqor sentry immediately Still thinking about issuing a warning.

As a result, the climbers reached the snow line effortlessly.

When the sky and the earth turned pure white, Kalya finally encountered the first wave of organized resistance.

The Snow Line Sentinel activated the Sun Shield, creating a sudden flash flood - the snow was melted quickly, and then swept towards the climbers along the winding mountain road like a canal, mixed with ice, on both sides of the mountain road. , the stone curtain rose like a curtain, and the sentries picked up throwing spears and flying stones, condescendingly wanting to engage in a close-door dog-fighting battle of annihilation.

These snowline sentries are undoubtedly elite. Their tactical skills are very good. The entire attack process is smooth, fast and deadly. The only problem is that the enemies they face are obviously not at the level they should be dealing with.

The attack down the river had just begun when the flash flood, which was mixed with gravel and ice and was enough to destroy an army marching in the mountains, was suddenly cut off.

In the disbelieving eyes of the snowline sentries, a hooded spellcaster just waved his hand and completely changed the trend of the mountain road like a water channel, directing the water to the cliff on the side.

The water spurted out from the cliff like a spout, like a natural waterfall, lighting up a rainbow in mid-air and temporarily transforming a temple below into a water curtain cave.

And during this process, the others didn't even stop, and they still climbed up the steps unhurriedly, heading towards the top of Mount Targon.

Seeing this scene, the captain of the Snow Line Sentinel instantly realized the seriousness of the problem. He blew the whistle without any hesitation.

As the shrill whistle sounded, the news of the arrival of the powerful enemy was quickly spread. The nearby snow line sentries responded one after another. The whistles came and went, and soon caused a larger avalanche.

For the Rakkor people on Mount Targon, avalanches are also part of their defense system. The whistles of the Snowline Sentinels are specially processed and can easily attract snow on the mountain, and the Snowline Sentinels' posts are all built In areas not affected by snow, in addition to patrolling, the sentries will also clear the snow near the sentry post.

Therefore, once they encounter a strong enemy, they will blow their whistles to warn, and other snowline sentries who heard the warning will also blow their whistles. The whistles that echo in the mountains will soon cause large-scale avalanches and hit them hard. enemy. Compared with the snow melted by the Shield of the Sun before, the scale of the avalanche triggered by the Sentinels was more than a little larger. The snow that had been dormant on Mount Targon for tens of millions of years collapsed at this moment. , like the sky falling and the earth falling, even moving the snow line of Mount Targon up several hundred feet.

It was just an avalanche, and the damage was not fatal.

What's really terrible is that even ascended ones and dark descendants have a hard time maintaining their balance in the avalanche of heavy snow. They can easily be swept down the mountainous area - Mount Targon, where there are cliffs everywhere and they can't fly. Once it is washed down, the feeling will not be pleasant.

Fortunately, there are enough spellcasters in this team of climbers, and their professions are also wide enough.

A protruding rock rose from the mountain, perfectly hiding the climbers' queue. Although the rock soon broke apart, the climbers took advantage of this time to show their skills and use their own methods to avoid the impact of the avalanche.

The ones that can fly fly into the sky.

Flexible snow surfing.

Firmly insist on Qingshan.

The spell casters have more tricks up their sleeves, and various force field shields have been put up one after another.

With someone helping to provide buffer time, although the people who climbed the peak were still a little embarrassed, when the avalanche ended and the bare rocks were exposed on the mountain, no one was left behind.

Among the more embarrassed climbers, Renekton was undoubtedly the most embarrassed one - if he hadn't taken extra classes, was familiar with elementalization, and had Nasus helping him, he might have He really became the only unlucky guy to roll down the mountain.

But even so, he didn't know when his cloak was torn off, and his half-elemental body was exposed to all his traveling companions, making him extremely uncomfortable.

Kalja, as the team leader, was not introduced.

But Renekton still knew the identities of these travelers.

They are all former colleagues!

"What are you looking at? It's not like you haven't seen it before!" An unhappy Renekton yelled loudly, "You know it all, but you still want to show more, why are you pretending?!"

However, what he never expected was that after he revealed his identity, someone took off his hood after a moment of hesitation, but what was revealed was a face he had never seen before.

"Are you Mr. Renekton?" The little girl with dark skin and two impressive thick eyebrows seemed to be relieved, "Great, Mother Weaver has something for you."

Kalya’s Little Classroom Stone Vortex:

When the energy is full, sometimes stones can not be bound by gravity, and can float in mid-air and rotate slowly like a vortex. This is a stone vortex.

Stone vortexes will only appear in places full of energy such as Runeterra, Targon or Ionia. Their appearance often indicates some magic nodes, and locals will build magic buildings here.

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