Chapter 115

"Gao Fan, I'm a little discouraged after hearing what you said."

After a long silence, Wu Zixian said in a low voice.The previous excitement was gone on his face, replaced by a deep loneliness, Gao Fan could even feel that his body was a little weaker than before.

"There's no need to be discouraged..."

Gao Fan felt a little regretful, was what he said just now too negative.As a big brother, shouldn't I be the one who encourages my juniors?Just like Yang Kai did to himself.

However, inspirational, how can it be considered inspirational?

"Old Ba, things are actually not that pessimistic." Gao Fan searched for a reason, "You want to go to graduate school, which is actually quite good. Although in the short term, our country's investment in scientific research cannot increase too much , but sooner or later there will be a day of turning around.

"At that time, you will already be a big cow in a certain field, and you can apply for tens of millions of funds casually. You will be picked up by car wherever you go, and you will live in a five-star hotel..."

"When are you talking about?"

"After the new millennium..."

"That is to say, after realizing the four modernizations..."


Gao Fan was dumb.

Realizing the four modernizations in 2000 is the most popular slogan nowadays. The words "realize the four modernizations" can be seen everywhere in newspapers, speeches of leaders, essays for college entrance examinations, and sentences made by elementary school students.

However, among the "Kochi" crowd, they are quite disdainful of this slogan.Some scholars or officials who had the opportunity to study abroad shook their heads and sighed when they came back, saying that the gap between China and others is too great, let alone 20 years, even 200 years may not be able to catch up.

Such remarks, of course, will not appear in the public media, but they are widely spread in private.Beijing is a well-informed place, and the university is a place where "high intellectuals" gather together. Therefore, freshmen like Gao Fan and Wu Zixian were bombarded with such arguments as soon as they entered the school, so that they talked about "realizing the four modernizations" in private. "When saying this, nine times out of ten it is a sarcasm of yin and yang.

Gao Fan encouraged Wu Zixian just now, saying that in the future, he can apply for a tens of millions of projects casually.Gao Fan was serious when he said this, but Wu Zixian thought that Gao Fan was drawing a pie to comfort him.

Wu Zixian asked Gao Fan when such a goal could be achieved, and Gao Fan casually answered a new millennium, but he was actually serious.Because after the new millennium, the country's investment in science and technology has really increased suddenly. For the big players in the industry, it is really not uncommon for tens of millions of subjects.

But when Wu Zixian heard these words, it became a joke.Isn't the new millennium the time when the legendary four modernizations are realized?In other words, Gao Fan responded to his inquiry with a stalk that no one believed.

Gao Fan didn't know how to explain it to Wu Zixian.He couldn't say that this was his own experience as a time traveler, nor could he say that it was a reasonable guess.

Standing at the time point of 1982, you said that China's GDP will surpass that of Japan in 2010, and that it will surpass the sum of the EU countries in 2020. Everyone will definitely say that you are a snake.

Even the most optimistic academics dare not make such predictions.

The most YY network writers dare not edit like this.

But such a thing really happened. How else can we say that reality is always more mysterious than fiction?

"Gao Fan, do you think it's okay for me to go abroad?"

Wu Zixian didn't expect Gao Fan to give him an answer, and turned directly to another question.

In Wu Zixian's view, Gao Fan's previous words are just a routine, which is equivalent to saying "good marriage for a hundred years" when someone gets married. In fact, no one knows whether the two couples can get along.

However, Wu Zixian still felt that he could ask Gao Fan about his graduation destination. He thought that Gao Fan had more knowledge than other students.

"Going abroad? Are you planning to go abroad?" Gao Fan was a little surprised, "Can your family afford it?"

"You don't need to pay at home." Wu Zixian said, "If you go abroad, you can get a full scholarship to cover your living expenses. You can also work in restaurants. I heard that you can earn more than ten dollars a day."

"Oh." Gao Fan finally realized that this was the 80s, and it was true that his family did not need to pay for going abroad, and he might be able to send some dollars back to his family.

Of course, the premise is that you can apply for the full scholarship.

"How do you know this?" Gao Fan asked curiously.

Wu Zixian smiled slightly and said, "Gao Fan, you don't know, Wang Yan has been secretly memorizing the TOEFL vocabulary, and he didn't tell anyone. I saw his book once, and he told me about it. "

"You mean, Wang Yan wants to go abroad?"

"Yes, he has a middle school alumnus who is a few grades above ours and went abroad this year, and he also wants to go abroad."

"Are you influenced by him?"

"No, I came up with this idea suddenly. Didn't you say that my research can't be done in China? If I go abroad, will I have the opportunity to do it?"


Gao Fan recalled the situation in his previous life, shook his head and said: "There is no shortage of funds abroad, but they may not have the motivation to do this project, right? Think about it, the land area of ​​the United States is about the same as ours, and the area of ​​cultivated land is larger than ours. There are many more, but there are only more than 2 million people, and there is no shortage of food at all.

"Moreover, American farmers are very powerful, and they will not allow people to do such research. You should be able to imagine that artificially synthesized starch is almost robbing agricultural jobs. How can American farmers accept it?"

"What about other countries? Europe, or Japan?"

"The situation in Europe is hard to say, but in's a little bit possible."

"Then how about I go to Japan?"

Gao Fan was speechless again, the child in front of him is really stubborn, he will not change the things he likes.Perhaps it was his paranoia that allowed him to come to Beijing from the big valley in Liu'an.

"When you go to Japan, you may not be able to do what you want to do. Why should people invest in you? By the way, there is another problem, which may be more serious than this."

Gao Fan suddenly thought of something and said seriously.

"what is the problem?"

"If you made this achievement in Japan, whose achievement is it?"


Wu Zixian was a little dazed for a while, he only wanted to come up with such a research that could benefit all mankind, when did he think about who gets the results?
"In foreign countries, it must be a consortium that can support such a large project. Then your research results must also belong to this consortium. Think about it, if a consortium in Japan masters this technology, they will be willing Is it used to help the farmers in Liu'an to fill their stomachs?" Gao Fan asked.

Wu Zixian was dumbfounded. He looked at Gao Fan and was speechless for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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