Chapter 148 189. Secret Covenant, Zhan Yunluo, Shuiyuehuajing (8.9K words-please subscribe)
Dead Dragon Cape, all year round, the waves are monstrous, and the snow foam is like fog.

The eternal north wind comes from the coldest ice abyss in the extreme north, blowing endless furious tides, beating the hard cliffs every day, and white waves soaring into the sky from time to time, like a giant dragon in the deep sea making waves, shaking its body and flicking its tail, and disappearing in a moment .

The biting cold wind blows from the deep sea, mixed with water vapor and the strange whimper of the deep sea, which makes people's hair stand on end.

Baishan did not bury the "Spiritless Rock" in the Seven Star Domain, but chose to forge it.

After his observation, he found that the texture distribution of these strange rocks is very uneven. It is very light when held at a certain angle, and very heavy at a certain angle. Obviously, the center of gravity is seriously unbalanced, which means that there are various components in the strange rocks. The ingredients vary enormously.

After a little investigation, Baishan finally found a heavy texture at a fault. It was a strange metal, and the metal was covered with black charcoal-like stones.

This rock is extremely hard, even seven or eight Marrow Cleansing warriors grabbed a giant hammer and slammed it violently, but they couldn't seem to move the huge rock.

The slightly "softer" rocks on the Qixing Terrace took a lot of time to build, and the degree of hardship was no less than that of ordinary people who piled stones and piled tiles to build a majestic palace.

The remaining leftovers are difficult to dispose of.

It is a metal that cannot be broken by warriors or monks.

How magical the Seven Stars Domain is, Baishan doesn’t know, but monks not only can’t make weapons from this strange rock, but also can’t use this strange rock to refine weapons, just like you can’t use rubber to conduct electricity.

But Baishan's current physique is "Overall Enhancement 8", which is a physique that even the ancestors may not be able to match.

Such a physique is really a "professional counterpart" to deal with this seven-star strange rock.

Bai Shan took off his coat, revealing a strong body, with black hair hanging over the house, grasping the "Maru Soldiers Giant Hammer" he had obtained in the Forbidden Land of Cold Winter, he stretched his arms like a strong bow drawn into a full moon, and then at the peak of his power It smashed down like a lightning bolt.

Bang! !

There were huge waves and thunder.

After a short pause, the thunder sounded again.

The weight of Marubing's giant hammer is a thousand times that of ordinary steel. Ordinary monks are refined and then driven by aura.

But after getting close to the seven-star strange rock, the spiritual energy simply failed directly.

Thanks to the power of Baishan, another monk might not even be able to lift the sledgehammer.

And with the ramming, "charcoal slag and floating dust" began to appear in the leftovers of these "difficult to use" seven-star strange rocks.

At first, the floating dust was still deeply trapped in the strange rock, but with the continuous ramming, the floating dust began to jump up, and then the floating dust turned into particles.

These particles leaped out in big ones, exposing the strange outline of the "steel structure" inside the rock.

Bai Shan stretched out his fingers and wiped the outline of the "steel structure", feeling a soul-stirring coldness from it, closing his eyes and even feeling a sense of despair floating in the universe.

As his fingers moved closer to the "steel structure", the feeling that the aura was forbidden became stronger.

But if he moved his fingers to touch the particles that fell on the ground, he didn't feel this way.

One of his guesses was confirmed:
The reason why the Seven Star Terrace has the effect of sealing off spiritual energy is not because of the rocks, but because of the strange steel hidden in the rocks.

Could it be that there are some areas in the universe where spiritual energy is forbidden at all?

And the reason why "wormholes" like Tianmen bypassed that area was not a kind of arrogance of "bypassing the desert", but just avoiding dangerous areas?After all, a star field that completely seals off spirit energy is simply a nightmare for an immortal.

An inexplicable thought entered Bai Shan's mind, but disappeared immediately.If so, what exactly exists in this universe?How dangerous should this world be?

However, now is not the time to think about these things.
Bai Shan restrained his mind and continued to concentrate on forging.

Bang! !

Bai Shan's body was like a bellows, sucking up all the surrounding air, and turned it into infinite force to smash towards the steel.

so day and night
day to day.

In a blink of an eye,

One day passed
Two days have passed.
Seven days have passed.
Bai Shan's eyes are focused, his face is unkempt, and his face is full of weather, like a down-and-out uncle.

However, during this intense casting, his heart began to calm down.

Half a month later
He finally stopped moving, and one by one, long or short, pieces or pieces, grains or grains, straight or curved or weird dark black metal appeared in front of him.

And the Wanbing hammer used for smashing has cracks, and it seems that it can't be used.

Bai Shan tried to use fire poison and true energy to knead these dark metals to shape them, but these metals did not move at all.

Baishan's fire poison, which can corrode all metals, can't even leave half a burn mark on these metals.

"Although I don't know what kind of metal it is, since it came from the Seven Star Domain, let's temporarily call it Seven Star Iron."

"These particles, or the weird-shaped seven-star platform, are of little use.
But these naturally sharp-edged flakes can be used as throwing knives. "

Bai Shan grabbed a slap-sized, flake-like seven-star iron and swiped it twice. It felt okay, at least it was more than enough for throwing knives.

"With this weapon, my attack range has been greatly enhanced
It's a pity that there are only nine throwing knives. "

"However, this is enough. If the nine seven-star iron flying knives are unable to kill the opponent, then even if you lose the battle and die, you can't blame anyone."

He looked at it for a while, carefully put the nine flying knives on his waist, and put the rest of the seven-star iron into the mustard bag. After that, he took another bigu pill, sat cross-legged, and waited for the undetermined arrival archenemy.

A few days later, it was already June.

The temperature difference between day and night at Dead Dragon Cape is quite large.

Hot during the day and freezing cold at night.

this day.
Bai Shan suddenly opened his eyes, and with the help of the talisman paper figurine, he saw three strong men wearing heavy bronze horned helmets walking somewhere. It seemed that these strong men were probably warriors from the Northern Man. But it may also be a believer in the abyss.

With a thought in his mind, Bai Shan asked the paper talisman to follow quietly.

The talisman paper man is short in stature, weightless, and does not have human characteristics. Coupled with Baishan's "careful matching", he is the best scout at all.

Three Bronze Horned Barbarians walk to the edge of a "bone spur" stretch of sea cliff at Dead Dragon's Cape.

There are many tombstones at the end of the sea cliff. The tombstones face south and have complicated patterns. Under the sun, they show signs of vicissitudes that have not been cracked by rain and wind.

The three northern barbarians knelt down in front of the tombstone, prostrating and kowtowing, their eyes gleaming fiercely, and they babbled some northern barbarian language that Baishan could not understand. Just got up and left.

Bai Shan watched them leave without following them, but he also knew that although the terrain of the Dead Dragon Cape was steep, it was not that no one came here, so he became more careful in his daily life to avoid being encountered by others.

However, with [-] talisman figures guarding the surrounding area, it would be difficult for him to be discovered.

In the blink of an eye, another month passed.

Bai Shan is just guarding here, playing with the Seven Star Flying Knife on weekdays, rehearsing various possible combat situations in his mind, and further integrating his various combat skills.

Fairy Yunluo, who practiced [Water Chapter], is a dragon who never sees the end. She only knows that she will definitely come here, but she doesn't know when she will come. However, staying here is the only chance.

This day, sunny.

The temperature is hot.

Sleeping on the sea, the wind and the sun are beautiful.

The sunlight pierced through the clouds and cast a beam of light like a marble pillar in front of the Daodao Temple. The scene is majestic and magnificent.

Suddenly, the "eyes" of a talisman man squeezed into the crevice of the rock on the edge of the cliff lit up.

On the surface of the sea in the distance, there is a sailboat, a lonely shadow in the vast sea, coming from afar.

The person standing at the bow of the ship is majestic, with a banner-like painted halberd behind him, looking like a god general in the sky under the sun, extremely extraordinary.

Bai Shan looked at the man, frowning slightly.

This person was actually someone Bai Shan knew well.

"Why is Uncle Zhu here?"

The person who came was Uncle Zhu from Zhujia Village, where Baishan lived when he was young.

Later, under the popularization of Princess Yuzhen, Bai Shan knew that this Uncle Zhu was Zhu Zhongyi, the "backer king" of the previous dynasty.

This Zhu Zhongyi is a powerful monk who has obtained many wonderful methods of Buddhism in the previous dynasty, and he was even known as "the King Kong who crouches before the Buddha" in the previous dynasty.

Bai Shan carefully hid it, and then made all the talisman figures retreat, shrinking into a relatively undetectable range.

Sure enough, after the backer king landed, he raised his hand and scattered out a search-like talisman. After he didn't find it, he sat on the bow and waited quietly.

After a while, I saw a group of northern barbarians descending from the forest to the beach at the bottom of the cliff.

The three leading men were wearing bronze horned helmets, and these three men were exactly the three men Bai Shan had met a month ago.

But behind the three of them were many strong northern barbarian warriors.

Bai Shan watched from a distance, but he saw people on both sides talking about something. After a while, the backer king took out a map and leaned against the northern barbarians to make gestures.

The two sides talked for nearly two hours, and the backer king stepped on the boat and left again.

Bai Shan didn't expect that he would encounter such a thing while waiting for Fairy Yunluo at the Dead Dragon Cape.
in the following days
Fairy Yunluo did not appear, but on the beach at the Cape of Dead Dragon, various forces appeared on the stage.

In addition to the former king of the mountain and the general of the northern barbarians, there are also monks who have changed into plain clothes, and abyssal believers.
Summer goes, autumn comes.

Falling leaves.

Autumn goes, winter comes.

Xue Kuang from the Northman Continent is like Ling Chi's long knife, cutting flesh and blood and gouging out pupils.

Fairy Yunluo has not yet appeared.

But Baishan is still waiting quietly.

He sat cross-legged in the snow, like a rock in the snow, his body seemed dry, but his heart was hot, he was like a fully drawn bow, this bow has been drawn for six full months, but only To kill a person, to get a law.

And as the number of meetings on the beach at Dead Dragon Cape increased, Baishan also heard the conversation several times, coupled with his own speculation, and the information he had before, he roughly understood what these people were doing.

in short,
One, the former dynasty wanted to restore, but they couldn't defeat the Dagan Dynasty and Qingyun Xianzong.

Second, one of the five sects in the Immortal World wanted to secretly hinder Qingyun Xianzong's alchemy plan, so they sent their disciples to pretend to be casual cultivators and began to secretly support the former dynasty.

As for the reason, Bai Shan can probably guess:
First of all, among the five sects in the fairy world, Qingyun Xianzong is the only one, which is very partial to the saints. The other four sects don’t say it on the surface, but they have a long history of grievances. This can also be seen in the mirage of the spirit beast sect in the Jin Dynasty. ;
Secondly, Baishan was unscrupulous, beheading the genius of Xuantian Myriad Beast Sect, and humiliating the genius of Yunmeng Xianzong. Sao operation.

To sum up the above two points, Xuantian Wanshouzong and Yunmeng Xianzong absolutely did not want Qingyun Xianzong to make alchemy smoothly, so it became reasonable and reasonable to hide their identities and secretly assist the former dynasty.

Third, however, Xuantian Wanxiangzong and Yunmeng Xianzong, who hide their identities and secretly want to cause trouble for Qingyun Xianzong, plus the former dynasty, are not opponents of Qingyun Xianzong and the imperial army.

But at this time, the believers in the abyss who wanted to take advantage of the fire, the Paradise of Elysium, came to this land.

Behind the Paradise of Elysium is the main combat faction of the Northern Barbarians.

These main war factions once launched an exaggerated offensive against the previous dynasty during the previous dynasty
After both sides suffered losses, Dagan rose up, and at the same time, the northern barbarian main combat faction was suppressed by the peace faction.

And the Peace Faction is the Feng Family of the Golden Tent Royal Family, which is why "Xiaoyaohou" Song Sui was able to stop the Northern Man from invading, because the Northern Man did not want to fight at all, they wanted to exchange some benefits by fighting, such as Zhongtu planting technology, the opening of bilateral port trade, etc.
Song Sui agreed to all these things, and then he welcomed Feng Biye back and gave birth to Song Youning.

The former dynasty and the two sects hidden in the dark kept doing nothing, but they had the same purpose anyway, so they colluded with the northern barbarian militant faction who wanted to invade the middle-earth, and the world of bliss.

Anyway, all the sites now belong to the Dagan dynasty, and the sites will be laid down first and then slowly divided.

The northern barbarian militants suffered heavy casualties back then, but after seven or eighty years of recuperation, they have already recovered, and now they are just waiting for an opportunity
However, the appearance of the Zongmen in the previous dynasty gave them a chance.

The three northern barbarians with bronze horn helmets that Baishan saw before worshiped the tombs of the northern barbarian "heroes" who invaded China and killed countless people in the middle of the country.

Fourth, Abyss hates immortals more. After the believers in the Paradise asked the "Oracle", they got a positive answer.

Fifth, the hermit society did not actually participate in the war, because the hermit society was looking forward to the people being able to escape the flames of war, so they were only saving people everywhere.

It is not unreasonable that the situation in Jinzhou has been deadlocked for so long.

This is simply a pot of chaos.

Among them, there is also the power of Baishan secretly.

In the oil-flowing earth, any spark may start a prairie fire.

This Mars may be Baishan on the Seven Star Terrace of the Four Elephant Sect of Mount Wantai, or it may be something else.
But the two sides really fought each other, and the land of Jinzhou became the stage of war.

So many thoughts flashed by,

Bai Shan raised his head.

In winter, these people seldom appear.

Because half a month ago, he saw Zhu Zhongyi, the backer king, and a barbarian man wrapped in stabbing armor made a blood alliance, and it was obvious that he had completely concluded a covenant of mutual advance and retreat.

They have to complete this ritual covenant before winter.

Because the weather at Dead Dragon Cape in winter is really extremely bad,
The blizzard that can kill people and the sea of ​​eternal sleep with high winds and high waves make it impossible for people to survive here.

Even the villages and towns far away from Cape Dead Dragon have retreated to the interior of the Northern Barbarians to escape the terrible snowstorm.

Most of these villages and towns are nomadic, so the relocation will only be the relocation of tents, which is not very troublesome.

"Still didn't show up?" Bai Shan lowered his head slightly, with a wry smile on his lips.
He took out the Seven-Star Flying Knife, rubbed it lightly on his fingertips, closed his eyes slightly, and imagined the various possible angles of Fairy Yunluo's appearance, as well as various accidents.

In a blink of an eye, winter passed.

Fairy Yunluo still didn't appear.

The snow on the cape of Dead Dragon also melted, and the earth seemed to have been washed, and the green sprouts were born again in the spring breeze.

Before he knew it, Bai Shan had been waiting here for ten months.

During these ten months, he also painstakingly and carefully tested the power of the Seven Star Iron Flying Knife.

The effect of this "Seven Star Iron" is not the same as his "Wuyu".

His "Wuyu" is close behind, and can very quickly blast away all the spiritual energy of the opponent and the surrounding space.

However, "Seven Star Iron" has a strange "delaying" effect.

This kind of delay will greatly reduce the movement of spiritual energy, making all the spiritual energy in the human body extremely unsmooth, so for ordinary monks, this has caused a kind of "banning" effect.

But whether it will have the same effect on high-level monks, or whether it will be weakened, is unknown.

The principles of the two are different.

In other words, if the opponent has already used the Magical Artifact, even on the Seven Star Platform, the Magical Artifact will not be weakened.

But if you want to use the magic weapon standing on the seven-star platform, you will not be able to use it because of the "spiritual energy running delay".

To explain it in terms of the game that Baishan understands, that is, once the Seven Star Flying Knife gets close, it will cause a "silence" effect on the enemy, and the "silence" effect will disappear after the enemy moves away.

It can be said that if the seven-star flying knife is used magically, then it is a divine weapon, otherwise it is no different from ordinary flying knives.

The power of this "ban" is actually no way to compare with Baishan's "No Territory".

The former is just a delay, but the latter is a kind of exclusion of rules.

However, no matter what the situation is, at this time, Bai Shan's heart is as calm as water, and all his thoughts have been put aside. He only wants to kill Fairy Yunluo, and then get the [Water Chapter].

One day, he was sitting cross-legged in the hollow of an old tree, when suddenly, a certain talisman man saw a cloud floating from a distance.
Bai Shan opened his eyes suddenly, and he saw clearly the fairy in white robe standing in front of Yunxia.

He remembered the appearance of this fairy even in his dreams, because Da Neng had shown him a portrait long ago.

This is Fairy Yunluo! !

Waiting for October, now it's finally here!
The battle of life and death is about to start!
Bai Shan quickly put on the human skin mask, put the Seven Star Iron Flying Knife into the mustard bag so as not to be exposed, and then ran towards the cliff with his back to Fairy Yunluo.

He has already lost face or something.

So, he wants to act.

Normal acting is not acceptable, because no one is a fool and will not be played by you.

But as a fairy, if you see a mortal shouting in mourning, you won't feel that this mortal is actually luring you closer.

Bai Shan has learned that Yunmeng Xianzong is a sect with only fairies, and most of these fairies are quite sensitive to the relationship between men and women.

So, at this time, he rushed to the edge of the lonely cliff at the cape of the dead dragon, and shouted in grief and indignation at the sea: "Ah~~~~~"

"Longer, Longer~~~~~"

"16 years!"

"It's been 16 years!"

"Why haven't you come back yet!!"

"why why?!!"

With loose long hair, Bai Shan knelt down on the edge of the cliff, clenched his fists, and smashed the cliff hard, as if he didn't feel any pain at all.

As he smashed, the drooping temples also shook slightly, showing an extremely sad mood, which made those who saw it sad and those who heard it moved.

Fairy Yunluo is coming here stepping on the clouds. She has traveled all over the long rivers of the world these years, and now she passes by the Cape of Death Dragon, where the water is surging, and she decides to come here to comprehend [Water Chapter].

She was crossing the sea through the clouds, and she could land on the headland when she saw it, but she suddenly saw someone on the headland in the distance.

She subconsciously became vigilant, but when she got a little closer, she saw that it was a mortal.

That mortal has a strong physique, but there is no aura fluctuations around him.

Fairy Yunluo immediately felt relieved.

She wanted to bypass the man directly, or kill him casually, but she heard the man shouting something in grief.

Fairy Yunluo became curious.

She walked around quietly and quietly, listening attentively.

Just hearing that, Fairy Yunluo was moved.

Without him, because this feeling is too abundant.

Even though she has lived for so long, she has never seen such an infatuated man.

"Long Er, 16 years have come, I have come here, why haven't you come yet?"

"Sixteen years ago, you were poisoned with a strange poison, but you left me a letter saying that you were taken away by the Nanhai god nun!
Let me wait for 16 years, you will come back after 16 years! "

"But in the past 16 years, I haven't seen this farewell."

"Your favorite white plum blossoms in front of the yard are blooming and thanking."

"But why haven't you come back yet?"

"You know, it's been so hard waiting for you in the past!"

"Dragon, Dragon"


"Auntie, you lied to me, right? There is no Nanhai God nun in this world, right?"

"Why didn't you keep your promise!"

"Why didn't you keep your promise!!"

The sea breeze roared, blowing and dancing wildly on the temples.

The man roared to the sky.

Fairy Yunluo looked at it in a daze.

Nanhai Shenni?

A 16-year agreement?
Leave a letter?


Not keeping promises?

She has already imagined some plots, which seem to be very rare.

Yunluo Immortal Sect disciples travel abroad, and if they encounter something, they can tell each other after returning home, especially these stories about idiots and resentment are still popular, and it is really a good medicine to train their minds.

She looked at the man and decided to ask him.

But at this time, after the man shouted "Why didn't you keep your promise" three times, he jumped up and jumped off the cliff.

Fairy Yunluo raised her hand and flicked it casually, a strand of white silk was rolled out, Xian Baizhang directly wrapped up the man who fell in mid-air, and rolled him back to the cliff.

Then, Fairy Yunluo descended from the cloud, walked slowly towards the man, and asked from afar, "Why did you commit suicide?"

Bai Shan opened his eyes.

Seeing those red eyes, Fairy Yunluo felt more and more amusing about mortals. They were obviously just ants with a short lifespan, but they were born to be able to brew so many emotions.

Bai Shan looked at him blankly, and reacted normally, "You are. Are you the Nanhai God nun?"

Fairy Yunluo pouted in her heart, and said: "This seat came from the sky, I don't know what kind of Nanhai god nun. However, if you are willing to tell this matter to this seat, this seat may give you a chance to go Is it Long Er or Auntie?"

Bai Shan bowed his head and said, "I'm both Long'er and my aunt."

Fairy Yunluo became more and more curious, and said, "Speak."

Bai Shan glanced at her and found that the distance between the two was still far away, so he was not in a hurry, sighed, and then began to talk: "That year, I was still a little beggar, just sneaking around outside the city, but I saw her today. A white-clothed fairy holding a poisonous needle appeared, and I later found out that her name was Li Mochou."

Baishan began to tell the story of the modified version of Condor Heroes from another world.

Apparently, in a world where even poetry is scarce, stories are even more rare.

Fairy Yunluo was so fascinated by it that she even threw a Bigu Pill to Bai Shan when she got up to look for food, and asked him to continue talking.

This lecture went straight to the evening.

The bright moon hangs high, and the story is told.
The more Fairy Yunluo listened, the more curious she became. Originally, she just wanted to listen casually, but now she wanted to arrest this man and bring him back to the sect as a little pet who could tell stories.

Let this little pet tell his story to the sisters, and lock him up when he gets tired of listening to it, and let him tell it again when any sister wants to hear it.

If he refuses to speak, release poisonous insects and monsters to scare him.

If you get tired of playing one day, just let monsters eat him. Anyway, mortals have a short lifespan, and they can get close to noble fairies like them in their lifetime, smell their fragrance, and hear their fairy voice. Sansheng is lucky, and he will die without regret.

After a long time, Baishan talked about "Little Dragon Girl accidentally ate the love flower but was rescued by the Valley of Unrequited Love, while Guo'er entered the Valley of Unrequited Love with foreign forces", he slowly said: "The owner of the valley said, "I This lady's surname is Liu, not the little dragon girl you mentioned.""

After finishing speaking, he let out a long sigh, then bowed his head, obviously remembering the sad thing, so he didn't say any more.

Fairy Yunluo was listening eagerly, and asked, "What about the next one?"

Bai Shan said: "Please help me find my aunt."

He got up excitedly and ran towards Fairy Yunluo, "Please help me."

Fairy Yunluo saw that this mortal stinking man dared to approach him, she snorted "presumptuous", and then flicked the white silk, lashing at him like a whip.

Bai Shan cried out in pain, fell to the ground, then quickly got up and ran away.

Fairy Yunluo sneered, dare to run away before the story is finished?

She immediately stood up, took a step forward, and approached Baishan in an instant.

However, she seemed to feel that the stinky man in the world smelled bad, so she raised her hand and pulled out another white silk.

But at this time, Bai Shan turned around and a flying knife shot out.

Fairy Yunluo saw the cold light suddenly appear, and blew it out in one breath.

The flying knife was blown away directly.

It's just an ordinary throwing knife.

Under the moonlight, Bai Shan was hit in the body, he let out a cry of pain, staggered forward, and fell to the ground.

After he landed, he gritted his teeth and shot out another throwing knife.

Fairy Yunluo felt that the man was struggling ridiculously, so she blew casually again, and the throwing knife deflected away again, and landed on the ground.

"It's so soft, you want to penetrate me too?
Come on, finish the following, I won't kill you. Fairy Yunluo's voice was cold. In her eyes, ordinary people and her are not in the same world at all.

But she was only standing tens of meters away from Baishan, but she didn't get close.

A smelly man doesn't deserve to smell the air she exhales.

Baishan seduces again and again, seeing that Fairy Yunluo is not approaching at all, and the distance between the two is not too far at this time, he made up his mind, and then he took out a "flying knife".

Then he raised his hand and shot "at will".

This throwing knife is a bit weird, dark and cold, it is the seven-star iron that can "delay the sealing of spiritual power".

The flying knife was extremely fast, piercing Tianxin like lightning, carrying a terrifying power that was indescribable.

Fairy Yunluo subconsciously blew away with another breath.

However, this time, the flying knife was not gently blown away by her.

The air she blows is like a breeze caressing the body of a giant dragon, it is useless!
Whoosh! !

next moment.
The flying knife directly passed through Fairy Yunluo's eyebrows.

Fairy Yunluo still had unbelievable shock in her pupils.

Such a mortal ant-like man could really penetrate her?

Wasn't this throwing knife soft before? How could it hit her with just one touch?
However, the shock has solidified.

Immediately after
Fairy Yunluo's face began to shatter.

Like a smooth mirror being thrown by a stone, it made a "click" sound, and many cracks began to spread endlessly.

This situation made Baishan feel a little bad.

But his reaction speed was extremely fast. When the flying knife was shot, he had already pierced in front of Fairy Yunluo like a violent thunder, and "Wuyu" erupted loudly, and at the same time raised his hand to pat the shattered "Fairy Yunluo" go.

boom! ! !
Before the magic hand settled down, "Wuyu" had already covered the "broken Yunluo Fairy", and then... a burst of aura was directly knocked out, forming an almost liquid aura outside.

And the "Shattered Yunluo Fairy" disappeared, turning into a mirror with ancient mysterious patterns drawn on it.

Obviously, this mirror is absolutely not ordinary, but a life-saving treasure at the bottom of the box.

This mirror is most likely in a state of aura triggering all the time, so when his Seven Star Iron Flying Knife arrived, Fairy Yunmeng's aura was delayed, but the mirror was still effective.

Under the bombardment of Baishan's "Wuyu", the effect of the mirror is lost.

clack clack.
The mirror turned into a mortal mirror, and the crystal-like surface shattered to the ground.

However, Fairy Yunluo disappeared.

Just like Bai Shan's long-planned blow just now, it just hit a phantom.

Baishan has never seen this kind of "magic weapon that provides passive skills".

At this moment, he immediately restrained his mind, closed his eyes suddenly, and held a throwing knife again.

In an instant, the sights of five hundred talisman figures appeared in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a figure of a fairy in white suddenly appear at the symmetrical place of his original site.

"You actually managed to destroy my Shuiyuehua mirror!!"

"Are you a monster from the abyss?!"

Fairy Yunluo's unbelievable anger sounded.

Obviously, this "Water Moon Flower Mirror" is an extremely important life-saving treasure for her, and it is extremely difficult to destroy, and it can even be used as a defensive magic weapon. She was startled and angry.

But having said that, Fairy Yunluo's movements are not slow.

In an instant, she held a statue of Nine Swords on her palm.

The statue shines, if you want to come alive
Bai Shan didn't look at the flashing light, but stepped on the ground suddenly, rushing towards Fairy Yunluo.

His first strongest shot is gone.

For the second shot, he had to make sure he could hold Fairy Yunluo with his own hands, otherwise he might not be able to do this so-called "Water Moon Flower Mirror" again.

At the same time, the talisman paper people who quietly formed a siege around them also launched an attack.

Infinite wind spears, sword rain, and giant swords shot at Fairy Yunluo, as if an army of monks was attacking.

These attacks are extremely scheming, rather than attacking, it is better to say that they are "forcing to move".

Under normal circumstances, since Fairy Yunluo was urging the magic weapon of the Nine Swords Statue, she couldn't be distracted from defending against the attack behind her, so she could only dodge.
And as long as she faces Baishan, she can just dodge these many attacks.

At the same time, as long as Fairy Yunluo has confidence in her Nine Swords statue, she will also choose to face Baishan and make a move.

This is the battlefield chosen by Baishan.

At that time, he will use Wuyu and the second attack to kill Fairy Yunluo with all his strength.

A scene completely unexpected by Bai Shan happened.

Fairy Yunluo originally wanted to attack Baishan, but when she saw the many talisman figures, she actually put down the statue of Nine Swords, and at the same time sacrificed a giant shield magic weapon shrouded in clouds and mist.

Surrounded by a huge shield, it swung away the attacks of many talisman figures.

And Fairy Yunluo is retreating!

She is staying away from Baishan!

Bai Shan saw her expression clearly, it was a kind of unparalleled vigilance, even fear.

This vigilance and fear put Fairy Yunluo in an unbelievable focus, which declared that this third generation disciple of Yunmeng Immortal Sect would no longer have any underestimation of the enemy towards this mortal martial artist.

Bai Shan is not omniscient and omnipotent, he just infers normally that after Master Huang Yun's soul died, no one knew everything about him.

But he didn't know that real Yaohua was the little village girl in that mountain village who was subjected to brutality.

And although the little village girl didn't see the specific battle process, she did see the talisman paper man, and...she unintentionally told all this to the ancestor of Xuantu Xianzong.

In order to avenge the disciples in the sect, the ancestor of Xuantu Xianzong had already quietly passed on the "talisman paper man", but he did not inform Qingyun Xianzong and Xingxia Xianzong, but Xuantian Wanshouzong and Yunmeng Xianzong All the disciples above the third generation of Zong knew about it.

This series of operations just avoided all possible information channels of Baishan and Da Neng.

At this time, Fairy Yunluo saw the talisman paper man, and naturally regarded Bai Shan as the mysterious person who "killed the real Huang Yun".

How could she not use all her strength? ! !
PS: In the future, the update time will be before 12:11 noon (looks like 12:[-]-[-]:[-]).

(End of this chapter)

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