Chapter 150 193. The Last Daily Journey, the Civil War in the Northern Barbarians (8.2K words-seek subscription)
"Grandpa, come~~
come and have fun~~
Hee hee hee~~"

"Don't move, stop!
It hurts. It hurts."

in the dark.

The little rascal pulled out her hair in a bun, shook her hair, and suddenly her long black hair drooped down like a river of death. She leaned forward and faced the man who was half leaning on the bed, forehead to forehead, and her eyes met.

Every inch of Miss Xiaomei's peach blossom eyes is shining, obviously. She really didn't expect to meet Baishan again.

The term of this "really unexpected" is "this life", or even "forever".

She knew that Song Youning was waiting to die in the ice and snow of Northern Man.

She also knew what Baishan was going to do.

Whether it's Song Youning or Baishan, it can be said that it is almost impossible to meet again alive.

Even if Baishan has a great fortune, it is impossible to break through this vast sky net, which has been established and solidified for countless years.

Because uncle may be an opportunity, but not all opportunities.

This opportunity needs to wait for all the opportunities to be completed before it may play a role in the future.

But my uncle was in a hurry.

She couldn't persuade, and she couldn't persuade.

But the good fortune of the world is here, my uncle was seriously injured and floated on this ship.

Changmian Sea spans thousands of miles, linking Beiman and Dagan. Compared with Blue Star, it is like the Atlantic Ocean. There are many ships in this vast ocean, such as merchant ships, fishing boats, cruise ships, military ships, and ships performing special missions. A ship on a small island in the sea, a pirate ship, and a ship with strange spirits (Dagan, Northern Man, although there are many chaotic places in various countries, natural disasters and man-made disasters, frequent wars, people who change their children to eat, starve and die everywhere; But there are also many prosperous places, luxury and pleasure, why not eat meat, wine and meat stink, know no suffering, island kingdom; luxurious entertainment, exaggerated luxury trade, never lacking).

But unless they are close to the port, these ships will not bump into each other. It is a great fate that my uncle can just float here.

Miss Xiaomei was extremely happy in her heart.

It's as if they have already "parted from life and death", but they suddenly meet again.

This excitement immediately wanted her to have no regrets.

What should be done with my uncle, I have to do it even if there is a thunderbolt.

Miss Xiaomei arched her delicate body, propped up the quilt, her red lips curved like flames, she giggled and said, "Master's body is strong now, so it won't hurt."

The next moment, there was a rustle.
Miss Xiaomei muttered in surprise, "Huh? Does it really hurt?"

She touched it with both hands, Huarong paled and said: "Master, your abdomen. Why is your injury so serious? What kind of attack did you get hit by?"

Bai Shan smiled wryly and said: "A talisman with wind and fire, I received it twice."

After touching it, Miss Xiaomei knew that he was really hurt so badly that he couldn't do what he had to do in a thunderbolt, and the regret couldn't be made up for.

She suddenly felt a little empty in her heart, and her charming eyes unhappily opened, so she carried the quilt on her shoulders, straddled Bai Shan, and said with her hands on her hips: "Master, why don't you marry me? "

Bai Shan remembered that Miss Xiaomei just opened her cute "cherry mouth". This is a horror scene that can only be seen in restricted-rated horror movies, and it is a childhood shadow that will make children have nightmares after seeing it.
Miss Xiaomei was not stupid, she said, "Just because of that."

With an "ah", she opened the small mouth that the baby's fist couldn't fit in, and said "ahhhh", "Is this pot?"

After finishing speaking, she closed her mouth and said sadly, "You think I'm ugly."

He is a normal man, there is no reason why he would want to have sex with Sadako after watching [Midnight Ghost].

He explained: "No, Miss Xiaomei. After all, I am still human, and people can only be with people."

Speaking of this, Miss Xiaomei immediately cheered up.

She glanced at her mouth and said, "Don't think I don't know.

Many of you human beings often hang out with foxes, snakes, otters, cranes, tortoises, snails, cats, dogs, and monkeys, and some even have children.

They can do it, but can't you, uncle?
They can do it, sir, can't you? "

Miss Xiaomei sent out soul torture with grief.

Bai Shan is not good at talking, and he doesn't want to talk, especially when he is not in a good mood.

But when I was with Miss Xiaomei, I couldn't help but keep talking, and I was suffocated if I didn't talk.

Miss Xiaomei is a very focused person. Ever since Baishan met her, she has been focusing on this topic. No matter what time, no matter what, she can always get around to the topic of "wife".

Bai Shan asked: "Then Miss Mei, what are you? A goose?"

Miss Xiaomei laughed "goose goose goose goose" and said: "It's not a goose goose goose goose."

She smiled, climbed up a little bit and said: "Why don't my uncle quickly practice Dao Yueke's kung fu, when the time comes, my uncle will no longer be a human being, so you won't dislike me.

I have already thought about my married life. During the day, I will be on top, with my legs clamping your tiger belly, and riding you around;

How about at night, can you be on top instead? "

Bai Shan was shocked by this colorful married life, he squinted and said: "Didn't you persuade me not to practice before?"

Miss Xiaomei smiled "goose" and said: "You know that even if I persuade you, my uncle won't practice."

Bai Shan said seriously: "I might really know how to practice."

Miss Xiaomei's smile stopped, her face turned pale, she stared at her peach blossom eyes and said, "Master, do you really want me to ride you? Or do you want to ride me?"

He decided to change the subject.

"By the way, by the way, you actually knew Fairy Yunluo would come here, right?"

"I saw her soul during the day.

Now that she's here, I'm not going to let her go
It's just that Yuanshen's speed is extremely fast. If I let her run away in this open ocean, it will take a lot of effort for me to catch her. At that time, I will attract the crane fairy, and then it will be very troublesome. "

Miss Xiaomei showed a look of reminiscence, and continued, "However, I saw her walking around in the cabin, and saw that my uncle was seriously injured, so I guessed that she would not leave for the time being, but would come to my uncle late at night.

So, I am waiting for her here.

Fortunately, it was solved, otherwise I don't know what to do? "

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Shan nodded and said, "Yes. Fortunately, it was resolved."

If the primordial spirit of Fairy Yunluo saw the ship, turned around and fled back to the land, contacted the sect, and informed the fairy world of the situation, Song Youning would be directly involved in an unimaginable vortex. At that time, everyone related to Song Youning will also be involved, even himself will be suspected.

After that, he fell silent again and asked, "Is Ning Ning okay?"

Miss Xiaomei chuckled and said, "Miss Song is angry with you."

"Huh?" Bai Shan was in a daze, not knowing why he was angry.

Miss Xiaomei leaned into his ear and said, "It's your fault that you didn't send him off, it's your fault that you didn't help her solve the problem that she couldn't cultivate, it's that you didn't watch her watch the sunset, it's that you didn't sleep with her, it's that you didn't find her for a year. She... However, she blamed it secretly and only said it in front of me."

If it was many years ago, he felt that Ning Ning was making trouble for no reason.

But now, there is an inexplicable debt in his heart.

Because he didn't even give her the most basic companionship, and he knew what her fate was, but he kept her in the dark and watched her embark on the journey of death.

a few days later.

In the morning, Bai Shan sat up from the bed.

After these days of meditation and recuperation, he finally recovered a little bit, but he still couldn't mobilize his true energy, otherwise, the meridians would be like salt water flowing through the wound, burning hot.

He checked Fairy Yunluo's mustard seed bag, and sure enough, there was a dark gold book page——【The Chapter of Qinglong Zhuoshui】.

However, he still remembered that the previous Jinzhou had suffered a devastating natural disaster, and the place where the accident occurred was near the deserted village where he had obtained the [Soil Chapter].

He could easily guess that there might be "the location of some kind of spiritual imprint" on these pages, so he naturally didn't dare to take out this page, but thought about staying at a suitable place, taking it again, and then throwing it away after reading, so as not to Get burned.

"What I have to do now is to heal my wounds as soon as possible, and then succeed in practicing [Water Chapter]."

"Once the [Water Chapter] is completed, my [Fire Demon Chapter] and [Wood Demon Chapter] can also be cultivated. At that time... my strength will undergo a quite terrifying qualitative change.

At that time, Fairy Yunluo and Daoist Huang Yun will not be my opponents at all.

Senior Sister Fengxian, Daoist Ying Long might not be my opponent either. "

"After all, [Fire Demon Chapter] and [Wood Demon Chapter] can also have a substantial improvement in addition to the mutation brought by the ninth floor.

For example, "Three Suns" in "Fire Demon Chapter" should become "Nine Suns";
And the 'natural affinity' of [Wood Demon Chapter] should also be improved accordingly.

Those two alone are enough to improve me a lot.

And turning into a calamity tiger can make the true energy in the body equal to the spiritual energy, which is a direct increase of ten times.

Devouring the Yu Nie Bai Yemu watered with my essence and blood in my own world, it will definitely have an undesirable effect. "

"Besides, my physique has reached an overall enhancement of 9, which should be an extreme state of forging. My body will most likely also undergo changes."

Bai Shan only felt that his anxiety was relieved slightly.

He was full of anticipation.

For a while, I felt a little better.

"Although the northern barbarians are bitterly cold, I am good at medicine, so I can use some miraculous medicine to help Ning Ning recuperate her body and last a little longer.

At least let her live this life safely. "

Thinking of this, he felt a little depressed again.

Because, Miss Xiaomei's behavior last night made him feel the mystery of "Miss" again.

And Ning Ning went to Beiman is the decision of "Miss"
Bai Shan stared blankly at the gloomy wall in the grocery room, and suddenly another thought rushed into his mind.

"Too bad, all the talisman paper figures were lost, some fell into the sea, and some still landed on the cape of the dead dragon, so they can't be retrieved."

"Also, if any immortal finds that Fairy Yunluo is missing, they will definitely go to Cape Death Dragon. Then they will see the talisman paper man."

"Wait, Fairy Yunluo didn't seem to be wary of me at first, but after I used the paper talisman, she suddenly became serious. Inferring from this, the immortal has actually discovered the paper talisman."

"Then the talisman paper man cannot be used for the time being, and if it is gone, it cannot be retrieved."

Bai Shan was in a worse mood.

At that time, after he was seriously injured by Fairy Yunluo's talisman, it was not easy for him to maintain consciousness and float in the sea, and he was unable to manipulate the paper talisman at all.

Although after the update, the power provided by the talisman paper man's military way is actually not much, and it is more used to cooperate with him and investigate, but the talisman paper man contributed a lot to beheading Huang Yun and Fairy Yunluo.

"If the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come."

"I'll just make some more advanced talisman paper figures in the future."

After thinking about it, Bai Shan got off the bed, walked through the aisle of the cabin, and came to the railing on the deck.

The giant ship is still riding the wind and breaking the waves, the waves are undulating, and the waves are bursting.

Golden scales grow on the sunny sea surface, while the sea breeze blows from the north, making it a bit cold, but without the bitterness of night.

Bai Shan rested his hands on the cold and rusty railing, looked into the distance, and breathed in the fresh air.

Suddenly, he felt a gaze falling on his back.

Bai Shan turned his head slowly, but saw a petite and exquisite woman standing in the warm sunshine.

The beautiful woman was looking at his back in rapt attention, with many emotions flashing in her eyes.

But when she saw his face, the beautiful woman's expression suddenly became gloomy. She turned her head and didn't meet his eyes, but turned and walked back into the cabin.

This beautiful woman is Song Youning.

Seeing her reaction, Bai Shan probably guessed the reason.

Song Youning must have looked at his back and felt familiar, but after he turned his head, revealing this human skin mask and bird's nest-like hair that he hadn't done for a long time, Song Youning was reminded that "the person in front of me is not her my husband", so she turned and left.

This scene was also seen by Feng Biye at the top of the attic of the cabin.

into the night.

All sounds are silent.

Feng Biye lightly knocked on the door of a cabin.

The door quietly opened.

Feng Biye walked into it.

In front of the dressing table, there are bronze mirror combs, flower-pin hairpins, rouge and gouache, all kinds of things, and Miss Xiaomei, with her pale neck held high, carefully dresses up in front of the old rusty bronze mirror.

Her arms are graceful like deep seaweeds, her pale fingers pick up the red paper and put it between her lips, she gently purses her lips, dyeing her lips blood red, then grabs the dark snail, puts it between her eyebrows, and slowly draws her eyebrows.
There was a smile on her lips, weird and bewitching.

At this moment, the identities of the eldest lady and the little maid were completely reversed.

Feng Biye didn't dare to look at her, and bowed his head respectfully: "Miss Mei, that man who was shipwrecked, who is he? I want to find out, so that I can use it in my future life."

Before she finished speaking, Miss Xiaomei interrupted her with a frivolous flattering voice, "Don't ask~~
don't mind~~
He is a shipwrecked person who happened to be rescued by us~~
We'll let him go when we get to Beiman Port, and it won't matter after that. "

Feng Biye's lips moved twice, but he didn't say anything, but replied: "Yes."

a few days later.

Bai Shan's recovery is getting better and better.

Although the movement of zhenqi has not returned to normal, it can still use [-] to [-]% of its strength.

He walked to the railing and wandered slowly from north to south.

The sea breeze blew his black but messy hair, revealing an ordinary fake face and a pair of deep eyes.

Song Youning looked at him curiously, looking up and down, seeing the man's walking movements for a while, and the figure and posture of the man for a while.
In fact, she has been observing for many days.

Most of the time, the man's movements were unfamiliar, but sometimes... some details gave her a sense of familiarity, especially when the man turned his back to her.

Song Youning wrapped herself in a white fleece, hesitated for a while, and finally stepped forward, shouting from a distance: "Hey~~"

Bai Shan was stunned for a moment, how could such a noble and beautiful woman like Ning Ning pay attention to a troubled person like him?According to his understanding, Ning Ning should hold his nose and stay away from him, right?

However, he still stopped in his tracks, said hoarsely, "I've seen Madam."

Song Youning walked up to him and asked, "What's your name?"

Bai Shan said casually: "The villain's surname is Yu, and his single name is a Zen character."

Song Youning asked again: "Yu Chan, where are you from?"

Bai Shandao: "From Beiwu Fishing Village, Xincheng, Jinzhou, no. It's the beginning of spring and I want to go fishing and support my family, but I ended up capsizing the boat. Eh."

Song Youning asked: "What kind of fish do you usually catch? How is the business?"

Bai Shan had already compiled the answers in his mind, and now he answered them one by one.

After a while, Song Youning had nothing to ask. She blinked and stared at him, resting her elbow on her chin, as if she was thinking about something.

After thinking about it, she suddenly said, "Let's go."

Bai Shan saluted, turned and left, and then went for a walk, when a loud shout came from behind.

"White Mountain!!!"

Whether Baishan should go or how to go, he was not moved at all, just pretending that Ningning was calling someone else.

However, Ning Ning looked at him for a long time, and she really had some doubts. After all, it was his bedside person, not an outsider, and it was normal to be able to feel him.

But, I didn't expect that she would know how to use this method to deceive people. This is progress.

He took one step, two steps, three steps, seven steps
Just when he felt that he had escaped from the "danger zone", Song Youning shouted again: "Yu Chan, come back."

Bai Shan was stunned, turned his head and asked in surprise, "Madam is calling me?"

Song Youning nodded and said, "Come here."

Bai Shan went.

Song Youning stared at him for a while, then suddenly said: "Your face is not fake, is it?"

Immediately afterwards, Song Youning took three steps in parallel, stepped forward, raised his hand and grabbed Bai Shan's face: "Let me see."

Bai Shan took a step back, pretending to be flustered and said: "Ma'am, can a man and a woman kiss each other!"

Song Youning stopped when he stretched his hand halfway, nodded thoughtfully, said "Oh", and then said: "Then wait a while."

After a while, Song Youning led three big men over, then pointed to Bai Shan and said, "Go and tear his face off to see if he is wearing a human skin mask."

When did Ningning become so smart?

However, he didn't panic, because he saw the girl Xiaomei standing on the high pavilion.

Miss Xiaomei overlooked all of this, holding her five fingers slightly.

And the area where he was located had produced slight aura fluctuations.

The three big guys didn't walk in front of Baishan, but just stared at the air in front of Baishan for a long time, Song Youning stared at it for a long time, and then slowly showed disappointment.

After that, she sighed softly, turned and walked away.

Obviously, Miss Xiaomei used illusion, and Song Youning's "skin tearing plan" failed.

at this time
Even in spring, the Beiman Golden Tent is still in the snow.

But no matter how violent the wind and snow was, it couldn't suppress the howling sound of the gold and iron horse at this moment.

The man in the horned helmet holding a mace stared fiercely, laughed and swung violently, smashing the spiked tip of the ball into the head of the enemy on the opposite side.
The head is like an egg shell being smashed, and the brains are splashed.

With another drag and pull of the mace, a broken-headed general turned over and fell to the ground, rolling into the ice, snow, mud and dust.

The man in the horn helmet raised his head, laughed happily, then roared violently in the northern barbarian language, and then many of the same wolf knights behind him charged forward.

This scene is destined to be recorded in history books.

Since, more than [-] years ago, the northern barbarian militant faction worshiped the abyss, mobilized a large army, stepped on sea monsters, and invaded the then Great Jin Dynasty southward, and suffered both defeats with the Great Jin Dynasty, it has been silent.

Afterwards, the Northern Man fell into the hands of the Peace faction, and the Golden Tent royal family ushered in a new master, mainly the "Feng" family.

After the peaceful faction had presided over the Northern Man for more than [-] years, the militant faction who cultivated their health and rest had finally healed their wounds and found an opportunity.

At this time, they followed this opportunity and came out of the shadows, with a brutality not inferior to that of the past, to take back the golden tent, and then continue to go south, south...
Because there are fertile lands in the south, sweet wines in some places, and beautiful women in some places.

If you have had enough of living in the bitter cold, then you can either go head-on and plunder the prosperity of the south, or let the south also fall into war. In short, my life is not good, and you can't live a good life; I live a good life You still can't live well.

The militant faction of the northern barbarians is dominated by the "Ye" family.

The northern barbarian state religion established by the "Ye" family is the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.

And the opportunity, coincidentally speaking, was witnessed by Bai Shan.

Before the deep winter of last year, on the beach under the cliff at Cape Dead Dragon, the militant faction of the northern barbarians made an alliance with the remnants of the previous dynasty.

This also means that the Paradise of Paradise behind the two sides, the great power in the remnants of the previous dynasty, the sneaky Xuantian Wanxiang Sect and Yunmeng Xianzong among the five sects of the fairy world, and the abyss that hates immortals have reached an alliance (small note: any camp) They are not monolithic, there are at least two opposing forces inside, with different beliefs, and great differences in behavior styles, and the same is true for the abyss).

Such a powerful alliance, united together, is like the wheel of the times, crushing anyone who stands in the way.

This was the opportunity, and the militants launched the "seizure of power" in the early spring.

And the timing of their choice is also very good.

At this time, Feng Wangnan, the "Wolf Lord" of the peace faction, is following the old custom to go hunting in the northern Daxue Mountain in spring.

Although there are still many people staying behind in the golden tent, the core figure is Feng Qingman, the "Sword Master of the Northern Man".

At this time, the militant faction's "power-seizure action" was sudden and swift. For a while, even though Feng Qingman barely resisted it, he hurriedly packed up the remnants of the army and went deep into the northern man.

After going back and forth several times, Feng Qingman finally fled into White Bear City.

The militants immediately surrounded White Bear City.

Ye Huaiyin wore a ox horn helmet on her head and brandished a mace. Looking up at the majestic city in the distance, she suddenly turned her head to the side with a feeling. A barbarian wrapped in a black robe with gray cloud patterns came hurriedly, offering her both hands. a letter.

Ye Huaiyin read the letter, couldn't help laughing, then pointed to the sword master standing on the top of Baixiong City, and said loudly: "Feng Qingman!!! Your third sister brought your niece here !!!”

The Tsing Yi Sword Saint at the top of the city frowned, remembering that this happened.

Ye Huaiyin raised her voice again: "Feng Qingman! In two days, I will come to you with their mother and daughter in my arms!
If you don't open the city gate and surrender, I'll take off the clothes and pants of her mother and daughter and throw them in the snow.
Let my sons go up one by one to keep warm for her mother and daughter, and show you under the city, okay? ! "

He swung his mace and made a whirring sound.

The savages behind Ye Huaiyin stared round their eyes, shining with cruel light, and shouted one by one: "Okay!! Okay!!!"

Feng Qing said angrily: "You and I belong to the same clan, why did you rebel?!"

"Same family?" Ye Huaiyin laughed loudly, and then pointed at the green-clothed swordsman at the top of the city, "Look at your cowardly appearance, and your cowardly brother!!
What wolf lord?
This is becoming a dog slave! !

Shy, dare not, dare not, what kind of wolf master? !

Thanks to the old wolf master, he even named your elder brother Fengwangnan.

Looking south, looking south, this is to remind him not to forget to take the land in the south.

Where is your elder brother?And you?What about your family?In the blink of an eye, peace was made. "

Feng Qingman raised his voice and said: "My northern land has been in turmoil for a long time, and we have made great efforts to seek peace. We have exchanged a lot of middle-earth technologies, and obtained a lot of seeds that can grow in frozen soil, and then planted farmland. , open ports, and promote merchants!! This is the real way of governing the country! This is the life I, the northern barbarians, want!"

"Fart you!!" Ye Huai sternly sternly said, "I am a bitterly cold place in the north, how do I farm? How do I trade? If I don't grab it, will I starve to death?!"

Feng Qingman said: "Ask yourself, have you been hungry all these years?"

Ye Huaiyin sneered and said, "Then why can't we enjoy the Huahua Jiangshan? Not only do we have to not go hungry, but we also have to eat well, use well, and play well. In life, if we don't enjoy ourselves in time, Seeking bliss, what's the point of living?!"

Feng Qingman sternly said: "Then you are going to drag Beiman into the flames of war!?!"

Ye Huaiyin did not give in, twisted her neck and said: "Counsel!! Idiot!! Surrender quickly before opening the door!"

The two sides quarreled for a while.

The city gate should be closed or closed.

a few days later.

Black Goose Harbor in the southern part of the Northern Man.

A huge ship slowly approached.

The boat ladder was lowered, strong guards cleared the way ahead, and a big beautiful woman and a small beautiful woman walked in the middle.

The two girls have snow-white skin, delicate curly hair, and spring water in their eyes. At first glance, they are not the beauties that can be raised in this bitter cold land, but can only be nourished in the luxurious cradle of luxury in the south.

As a maidservant, Miss Xiaomei walked a little back, glanced at Baishan behind her out of the corner of her eye, said nothing, and followed Feng Biye and Song Youning.

Bai Shan stood on the side of the boat, looking at Ningning who got off the boat, feeling some unspeakable emotions in his heart.

at last
Ning Ning finally set foot on this land of death arranged for her.

However, although it is the land of death, Ningning's uncle is the wolf lord of the Golden Tent royal family, so she should get the best treatment here, and there should be no accidents for a while.

Bai Shan comforted himself, and then withdrew his mind. At this time, his injury has not fully healed, and he can only exert [-] to [-]% of his previous strength, but it should be fine in half a month.

He decided to find a place to stay in Beiman for this period of time, and then began to practice [Azure Dragon and Water], and then... happened to boil the blood of the Sun Demon Tiger in this icy and snowy area of ​​Beiman, and then drank it.

In this way [Extreme Sun Demon Chapter] can break through to the ninth floor.

he was thinking
after a while
Suddenly there was some commotion in the distant port.

He looked up, but saw that the atmosphere in the distance was a bit depressing and tense.

Bai Shan listened attentively, and the voice came clearly.

But he couldn't understand.

However, he could clearly see the distance from the deck, and the people led by his mother-in-law and Ning Ning were stopped by a group of people.

Bai Shan got off the boat quickly and walked over quickly.

When Miss Xiaomei saw him coming, she quietly retreated to the back, and said via voice transmission: "Grandpa, it's a good thing you're here. The atmosphere here is not right, and something might happen. But there are too many people here, so I can't make a move."

Baishan asked, "What are they talking about?"

Miss Xiaomei began to act as a translator
A burly man in armor and carrying a huge knife was leading hundreds of barbarians, standing in front of the wolf cart and said: "*&...%"

Xiaomei translated: "Madam please get in the car quickly, we are sent by Lord Wolf to pick up Madam."

Feng Biye: "*&%"

Xiaomei translated: "Where is the wolf master's warrant?"

The armored man said: "*&"

Xiaomei translated: "I left in a hurry and didn't bring anything with me. Please hurry up and get in the car. The Wolf Lord has arranged a banquet in the city. We must arrive on time."

Feng Biye: "%$"

Xiaomei translated: "I won't go with you without a warrant from Lord Wolf. We'll just wait here."

The armored man froze for a moment, then snorted, with the corners of his lips parted, showing a playful expression of "Enough of cat and mouse".

Bai Shan looked at Xiaomei.

Xiaomei said, "He was laughing."

The next moment, the armored man suddenly pulled out his giant sword, saying: "*&@!."

Xiaomei translated: "Since Madam refuses to get in the car, don't blame us."

As soon as the translation was finished, the armored man suddenly swung his sword. The two guards in front reacted quickly and drew their swords to block.

Bang! !

Bang! !

The two guards flew backwards as if being hit by the giant beast's long tail, and the blocking sword shattered in mid-air.

You know, the guards who can protect Feng Biye back to Beiman are all at the sixth level of martial arts, but they are so vulnerable.

During this fierce fight, Feng Biye hastily pulled Ning Ning back.

But when she pulled it, it was in vain. When she turned her head, she found that Ning Ning's reaction was extremely quick. She just wanted to withdraw, and Ning Ning had already slipped behind and hid.

Feng Biye retreated, but the guards started to go up.

The armored man laughed and swung his sword.

The guards are like chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow.

But in fact, not so.

These guards are definitely elites, but the armored man has already broken away from the normal martial arts category.
Bai Shan could see a strange silhouette of black shadow standing faintly behind the armored man, and every time he made a move, this silhouette of black shadow would emerge.

Miss Xiaomei was staring at the black silhouette, her peach eyes narrowed into long and narrow knives.

"Grandpa, something serious may have happened."

Bai Shan asked: "You make the move, or should I make the move?"

Miss Xiaomei said: "Master, I can't reveal it."


Bai Shan responded, stepped forward, and in full view of everyone, raised his fist and slammed at the armored man.

The armored man smiled grimly and swung his sword.

Bai Shan didn't look at the sword at all, and continued to punch out.

This fist is getting bigger and bigger before the eyes of the man in armor
The sword shattered.

boom! ! ! !


Blood and brain matter shot out in all directions.

In an instant, the armored man had become a headless corpse standing in the sun, and the corpse fell backwards belatedly, falling into the dust.

And because all this happened so fast, even though the man's head was gone, his hands and feet were still twitching.

(End of this chapter)

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