Chapter 153 199. Promise to Say Goodbye and Enter the Edge (8.0K words-please subscribe)
northern barbarians.

barren cliff.


The naked man with black hair danced wildly, but on the cliff in front of him, there was a silhouette of a mysterious woman condensed by the moonlight.

There is snow under the cloud, but it is sunny above the cloud.

The moonlight is soft, so it is not surprising that the silhouette is condensed by moonlight.

Miss Yueguang observed for a while, then suddenly said: "Have you finished the five chapters of [Kaitianjing]?"

"Yes." Bai Shan answered frankly.

Miss Moonlight calmed down, circling around Baishan's body, closing her eyes, stretched out her moonlight hand, touched his skin, feeling the strength of the man in front of her.
She secretly speculated in her heart: Only five articles can make the body reach such a level!

After the fifth chapter, it should be able to turn into a real road pillar.

Although it cannot be the strongest one, it is the one that everyone does not have.

it's scary
I'm afraid that no one in this world would have thought that the body can also be turned into a pillar of the avenue.

【Kaitianjing】Does it still have such an effect?
The reason why she didn't talk about the scriptures is because Miss Moonlight knows that what the [Five Classics] said must be spells, spells are based on the body, but they are different from physical power after all, the former comes from the world, and the latter comes from oneself.

Bai Shan stood naked in the wind and snow, bursts of terrifying pressure naturally radiated from his body.

There were insects screaming softly in the mountain wind and snow, but at this moment, there was no sound at all.

Insects and beasts are more sensitive to natural disasters than humans. Therefore, before disasters, animals often have visions, such as: frogs come ashore, winter snakes come out of holes, fish panic, livestock do not enter pens, dogs bark wildly, and birds fly away.
For these little beings, Baishan is almost equivalent to these disasters.

Especially at this time, he has no restraint, just expressing himself at a glance, that is naked.

Miss Moonlight's faint voice sounded again:

"Baishan, you must not let outsiders know that you can change freely between a catastrophe and a human body."

"Let's not let people know that your power of transformation comes from [Five Articles]."

"Otherwise... it will be a deep seed of disaster."

Bai Shan asked: "Is this power special?"

He knew that [Five Articles] was powerful, but he always felt that he had only lived for 29 years, while others lived for thousands of years.

No matter how terrifying a talent is, it will eventually be diluted by time.

Miss Yueguang said: "The primordial spirit is the reason for communicating with the world and casting spells.

The body is the place where the primordial spirit is stored, and it is the cornerstone of casting spells.

No one can abandon the body and cast spells using only the soul. "

Bai Shan nodded.

He probably knows this, no matter how strong his own strength is, if there is no container to display these strengths, then the real power will not be able to display much, and if it is used beyond normal, those containers will collapse.

"What about the gods all over the sky? They have mastered powerful spells, so they will naturally have a strong physique." Bai Shan asked the question he was most concerned about. He was afraid that his efforts were not worth mentioning at all. It's a joke.

Miss Moonlight saw through his thoughts, and said: "You don't have to worry, your power is the only one in the universe for the time being."

Bai Shan was surprised and said: "Please teach me, Miss."

Miss Moonlight said: "You don't need to know too much, you just need to know that most of others rely on external objects to strengthen their bodies.

Foreign objects can make their bodies reach the level of casting stronger spells, but they can't make their bodies take a step of qualitative change.

It is even more impossible for them to build superb strength on the body.

But you are full of countless possibilities and uncertainties. "

Bai Shan thought for a while, and probably understood the meaning.

The same is steel, and others are a missile rack for launching missiles, but he is a Transformer, which can use various energy fires to continuously strengthen itself, and launching missiles is also one of its functions.

He pondered for a while, then suddenly raised his head and said, "Miss, I want to ask you something."

Miss Yueguang looked at him quietly, waiting for the next sentence. In fact, she had a good impression of such a special and unique man who was good to Ning Ning.

Bai Shan said: "If I invite the patriarch of the Qingyun Xianzong out with the divine talisman, can you kill him?"

Miss Moonlight was stunned and laughed.

After laughing, she said, "No."

Bai Shan said: "Is he so strong?"

Miss Moonlight said: "I can't make a move."

"then you."

"I'm waiting."

"Wait for what?"

Miss Moonlight smiled, but stopped answering and said instead: "Ning Ning, you can't practice."

"Why? She wants to practice so much, why can't she practice? Is there some congenital disability, but if there is a defect, there will always be a complement. I want to know. What is that and how to make up for it!"

"There is no defect, and she can't make up for it. She just can't practice." Miss Moonlight gradually rose up, overlooking the northern barbarian land.
A faint voice came from above.

"You have shown your strength, and your goal has been achieved.

My original intention was the same as yours, and I hoped that Ningning would live a life safe and sound, but if she had to be exposed to the eyes of the immortals, I would rather let her die early.

The responsibility for all this lies with you.

I know you also have difficulties.

But are unable to cope with everything you are about to face, then my promise will still be terminated at any time."

"What you faced before was nothing but dust-like power.

But after the God Realm, there is the Real God Realm.

The end of the true god realm is the beginning of true power. "

"Hope you know."

"Don't be careless."

The voice became more and more ethereal, as if singing poetry from the depths of the sky, it finally disappeared.

Standing in the snow and ice, Bai Shan looked up at the sky, more and more puzzles came to his mind, and the world became more and more mysterious in his eyes.

Feixue dyed his hair white and black, so he took his clothes and boots and put them on casually, looked at the Shishan Road, restrained his breath, and walked back.

In the camp, the bonfire is still burning.

In the blazing fire snake, the little snowflakes are like a frozen picture of deep winter.

The night watch guards sat down, rubbed their hands, breathed, a little listless.

This place has reached the northern part of the barbaric land, and the danger has faded.

Bai Shan sat by a bonfire and began to realize the power he had just harvested.

【White Mountain】

【Shouyuan: 29/508】

[Talent: "Equivalent" Exchange]

【Physical: Five Elements】

[Realm: Spiritual Infant Realm; Overall Enhancement 9, True Qi Cloth 5, Spell Control 3, Soul of Military Dao 1]

[Extreme Yang Magic Seal (True Qi Mind Method), nine levels; function: strong fire and poison control, nine suns, disaster tiger] (The conditions required for Dzogchen, deduction is in progress.)

"Shou Yuan has not changed, it should be because Shou Yuan is related to Yuanshen."

"Zhenqi cloth body 4 has become Zhenqi cloth body 5."

"Besides, the ninth floor of [Extreme Sun Demon Chapter] is Jiuyang and Calamity Tiger."

"There is still Dzogchen? This Dzogchen still needs to be deduced." Bai Shan suddenly looked forward to it. He thought that "disaster tiger" was the ultimate, but there was a further Dzogchen.

"In addition, [Extreme Sun Chapter] has also become [Extreme Sun Demon Chapter]. Sure enough, Zhengmo is not separated before the sixth level of the chapter, and it will be different after the sixth level. That's why the name came into being. Variety."

True Qi Cloth Body 5: You have taken another step up from the human limit of True Qi, and your True Qi reserve has been greatly improved.

Jiuyang: Nine additional small dantians are born in your body. When you use the power of true energy, you can use the power in the dantian additionally. For each additional small dantian you use, the power will increase by 0.6 times.

Calamity Tiger: The abyssal devil tiger that symbolizes volcanoes. You have a terrifying ability to adapt to high temperatures and the power to trigger volcanoes. In this state, all the power of true energy will rise to the height of spiritual energy, that is, an additional 10 times increase.

"According to my own algorithm, under the five elements, my strongest attack in the dark night is 21247, and my normal attack is 3078."

"Now, my strongest attack is 56015, and my normal attack is 8118."

"However, if I transform into a disaster tiger, the strongest attack is 61, and the normal attack is 8.9."

"If I can cultivate the [Wooden Demon Chapter] to the ninth floor, then my strength should be further improved.

It's a pity that Yu Nie Bai Yemu couldn't be put in the mustard bag, so I put it in Wantai Mountain and asked Da Neng to take care of it for me.

I have left a lot of blood, even if it has been a year now, if I only poured one drop a day, it should be enough. "

"According to my previous speculation and the actual battle, when Master Huang Yun uses the Yellow Dragon Seal, his strength value is six to seven thousand, let's say it's 6480.

Then, if I meet Master Huang Yun or Fairy Yunluo, even if I am in a normal state, I can kill them at will. "


Bai Shan closed his eyes.

In his mind, the words of the mysterious "Miss" rang in his mind.

———"What you faced before was nothing but a power like dust.

But after the God Realm, there is the Real God Realm.

The end of the true god realm is the beginning of true power. "———

His thoughts moved, and he murmured in his mind: "That is to say, the power of the Vientiane Spiritual Infant Realm still only follows the principle of three-fold increase, and it has already followed the principle of six-fold increase when it reaches the God-manifesting state. will be stronger.

But the magic weapon will gradually become a magic weapon, and the power it can enhance is even more terrifying. "

"According to Miss, the heights that spells can reach are terrifying. Nine out of ten spells have physical strength. The further you go, the more difficult it is to practice. But as long as you take a step forward, your strength will be gained. An earth-shattering improvement."

"Forget it, that may not be the case"

"How strong it is, I need to test it myself."

Baishan wants to collect data through actual combat.

Do everything possible to disintegrate the five sects of the fairy world from within.

Whether it's for Bai Miaochan, for Song Youning, for Zhao Yuzhen, or for himself.

From time to time, the bonfire made a soft bean-popping sound.

Baishan has a feeling in his heart, looking into the distance
Among the trees in the distance, a red shadow flashed away.

Bai Shan stared slightly, got up and chased after him.

That red shadow is indeed Miss Xiaomei.

Bai Shan approached and said softly: "Miss Mei, Miss agrees."

"I know" Xiaomei lowered her eyes secretly, and said softly, "I will let Miss Song live well before my uncle is defeated."

After finishing speaking, she turned around suddenly, and her peach blossom eyes were full of flowing water, like the entrance of a peach blossom garden, with colorful falling flowers, as if there was light.

She raised her hand to prop up the dense cover, then ran to Bai Shan, jumped up, her long legs suddenly wrapped around Bai Shan's tiger waist, and she hung on Bai Shan like an octopus with eight claws.

Only then did they make contact, and Miss Xiaomei made a happy voice:

"A lot! A lot! A lot of yang energy!
Xiaomei is almost full. It's so comfortable. But it's still a little bit, a little bit."

"Good lord, I beg you, I beg you! Come and be merry~"

Miss Xiaomei is indeed a distorted painting style.
No matter what the atmosphere is, as long as Miss Xiaomei appears, it will immediately become colorful and colorful.

But he could still say that Xiaomei was not human.

But is he now a human, or a catastrophe?Does he still have the right to despise Miss Xiaomei for this?

Having said that, if a person can become a tiger, will others still think you are a human?

Should be.

After all, Sun Wukong has changed 72 times, from this to that, and no one else thinks that he is not a monkey.

The logic is smooth and there is no problem.

Bai Shan pushed Miss Xiaomei away and said, "Miss Mei, I am still human after all."

"Miss told me." Miss Xiaomei giggled, "My good uncle, you are about to become a disaster, come and have fun with me."

After that, she bit her lip again, and said frivolously, "The main reason is to have more yang energy, and to be able to cultivate better son-in-law faster, so you won't help me?"

Suddenly, she didn't know what she thought of, she lowered her head, and said delicately: "Young Master, can you become a white tiger with a height of [-] meters?"

Because of her "physical constitution", the redness on her face was all due to rouge and gouache, so she couldn't blush by herself, but such a small movement gave people a sense of shyness.

Bai Shan was stunned for a while, without turning the corner, he asked, "Why are you saying this all of a sudden?"

Xiaomei pointed to Cherry Xiaokou, and continued to say bitterly: "Then you don't have to be afraid of me opening your mouth wide."

Baishan:? ? ?
Xiaomei is shy.

Baishan:! ! ? ? ! ! ? ?

"Miss Xiaomei, are you serious?"

"Good man, give it to me quickly~" Miss Xiaomei narrowed her winking eyes, like a thread
"It's not good to transform here, right?"

"What's wrong, it's not a big deal here anymore! This is Beiman, and it's Beiman dancing wildly with demons! There's a breath of abyss everywhere, and no one will notice, Mr. Duo!"

"Didn't you worry about He Xian before?"

"I have the latest news, useful news for my uncle."

"what news?"

"Grandpa. Either I will ride you today, or you will ride me. You choose one."

Miss Xiaomei's voice is as sweet as sweet-scented osmanthus glutinous rice with [-] cents of sugar added. She has long jet black hair, deep red embroidered shoes, gorgeous red clothes, and a faint fragrance of white plums.

Bai Shan still hesitated.

Xiaomei supported her hands, and the air mask suddenly became much larger.

clack clack.
Bai Shan's figure changed into a [-]-meter holy white tiger.

It is obviously the catastrophe tiger that symbolizes the natural disaster of the abyss volcano, but it happens to be white.

After turning into a white tiger, Bai Shan began to try to compress his figure again, and sure enough, the "Overall Enhancement 9" brought by the five chapters is really omnipotent.

The figure of [-] meters can shrink slowly, as if an already dense land containing billowing magma has been forcibly compressed to three or four meters;
It's like a group of extremely mysterious metal, driven by magical power again, forcibly pressed into a group of dense hard matter.

Miss Xiaomei covered her lips and exclaimed: "My good uncle, you can still become smaller when you grow up!!??!!"

It was obviously just stating the facts, but Bai Shan didn't feel right.

The next moment, Miss Xiaomei lay on the ground, looked back and said: "Master, the spring night is short, come quickly."

Bai Shan didn't bother to answer those words.

No matter how much Miss Xiaomei loses her kidneys, he still loses her mind.

At this time, he didn't have the mind to do these things at all.

in the snow.
The dense calamity tiger, only four meters long, lay quietly on its stomach.

Miss Xiaomei also lay on her stomach.

After lying on the ground for a while, Miss Xiaomei understood, she got up, brushed her hair, then jumped on the tiger's back, and then stuck her whole body on it, and shouted out of breath: "My good uncle, the yang energy in your body , A lot! Xiaomei is so satisfied! Xiaomei can't live without you!"

Baishan rose vertically and disappeared in the same place in an instant.

The holy catastrophe that symbolizes natural disasters, with a seductive woman in red, gallops in the snowy mountains.

Bai Shan kept adapting to the current state, while Xiao Mei hugged the tiger's neck comfortably.

"Higher, higher!"

"We're almost at the top!"


Xiaomei pointed to the extreme peak of the mountain.

The two "people" went up the mountain, overlooking the earth.

Xiaomei asked, "What did my uncle see?"

Bai Shan looked over, but saw clusters of dense ghost aura floating around. These ghost aura felt familiar, so he blurted out: "Ghost slave."

Xiaomei said: "The Crane Fairy has crane slaves, and I have ghost slaves, but the crane slaves of the Crane Fairy can't compare with my ghost slaves. Now that I use it recklessly, it means that this land is different from what I thought before. It's completely different, it's a group of demons dancing wildly."

Bai Shan waited silently for the next sentence.

Xiaomei said: "I also know a little about the existence my uncle has to face.

I also understand a little bit about what my uncle is going to do.

Now there is an excellent opportunity in front of my uncle. "

She paused, and said with a twinkle in Taohua's eyes: "The Paradise of Paradise."

Bai Shan said: "You told me that there are people in the northern barbarians who want to develop peacefully, but there are also people who want to rely on their power to enjoy themselves, domineeringly and murderously.

These people use the power of the abyss to do whatever they want. The force they form is called the world of bliss.

You mean."

Miss Xiaomei said: "I met Miss this time and got a lot of news.

In the past, the Paradise of Paradise was monolithic, but for decades, they have been in a state of 'stocking'.

They went to the depths of the northern barbarians to seek the sleeping ancient abyssal creatures, and worshiped them as gods.

But now, believers in the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss are beginning to gather again.

They will re-condense into a big force, and launch a conquest against the southern land, which will involve many abyssal beings, and the immortal gods will also end.

Because of Daoyueke, the abyss disaster tiger clan is also one of the many abyssal beings, and their clan has many believers.

And our advice to my uncle is to pretend to be a believer, enter this reorganized paradise, control the paradise, and then use this power to do what my uncle wants to do.

If my uncle wants to go, I will provide a lot of information here, as well as believers who can help my uncle stabilize. "

High up, Bai Shan slightly closed his eyes.

Miss Xiaomei obviously didn't know that "Xuantian Wanshouzong" and "Yunmeng Xianzong" secretly helped the remnants of the previous dynasty, and the remnants of the former dynasty allied with the militant faction of the Northern Man, and then dragged into the world of bliss.

The enemies of this alliance are Dagan and Qingyun Xianzong.

"Okay." He agreed.

After another two or three days.

Bai Shan's team has completely entered the "safe area".

Feng Biye also joined Feng Wangnan's cronies, and soon a large army arrived, escorting them into the big city under the snowy mountains of the Northland.

at this time
Bai Shan chose to say goodbye.

Outside the camp, Song Xiaomei wanted to run out to see him off, but was stopped by Feng Biye.

Instead, the guards who accompanied him all the way came out one after another to bid him farewell.

The guards were washed away by the "Huangquan Xun Song", so they only regarded him as an expert.

Although this expert is powerful, he is nothing more than an expert who killed a northern barbarian centurion and led them to defeat an equal number of northern barbarians.

Although it is powerful, but I still think it is the kind of power that is "only a little higher than them", and it is nothing.

After a while.
Bai Shan walked far alone, stayed a certain distance, and looked back at the camp.

"As long as I'm fine, Ningning will be fine too." He took a deep breath, and was about to leave when another shout came from behind him.


"Wait a minute~~"

"Wait a minute~~~"

Bai Shan turned his head, only to see a beautiful woman wrapped in a white velvet cloak galloping towards her.

Miss Xiaomei shouted from behind: "Madam, Madam, run slowly."

During the day, Miss Xiaomei was just a maid, obviously Ning Ning was able to come to see him off because of Miss Xiaomei's "release".

Song Youning ran close, stopped panting, and shouted: "Mr. Yu!!"

Bai Shan saluted and said, "Madam Bai, what are your orders?"

Song Youning panted and shouted out of breath: "Don't worry~~ I will rest here to heal my wounds, and I will be able to cultivate soon!


Bai Shan glanced at Xiaomei.

Around Xiaomei was fluctuating spiritual energy, and outside the three of them was a dense air mask.

Song Youning folded her waist and shouted: "You are a great god, but even if you are a great god, you are still my husband-in-law!

You said that when my illness is cured, you will come to pick me up!

right? "

After all, she raised her face, showing a bright and beautiful smile in the sunshine and snow light.

"Great Immortal, you won't lie, will you?"

Bai Shan said: "Although I don't know the situation of you and your husband-in-law, but... I adore Sect Master Bai very much.

Sect Master Bai never lied to anyone, let alone Madam! "

Song Youning let out a "puchi" laugh, covering all the surrounding scenery with her laughter, she turned around, and ran away energetically.

She didn't look back.

Because she wanted to take revenge on her husband once.

In the previous parting, she always looked at his back. This time, she wanted him to look at her back.

Watching her go away and disappear gradually, but she will never look back.

When I ran away, two lines of tears fell down my cheeks.

Song Youning raised his face, crossed his fingers on his chest, tears were streaming down his face, but he said with a smile: "I will definitely be able to practice! Definitely!"

Miss Xiaomei bowed her head behind her, silent.

"Miss Xiaomei asked me to pretend to be a follower of the 'Abyss Calamity Tiger' clan.

But I don't need to pretend at all, I just need to exude a little breath. I am the most fanatical believer in this family. "

"The king of the Abyss Calamity Tiger Clan is naturally Dao Yueke.

Abyss Calamity Tiger has always been only Daoyueke.

However, many abyss creatures form a group with it as the core. "

"Dao Yueke's strength is naturally not only the abyss disaster tiger, but based on this, he has gained a lot of extra power in the abyss."

"Miss Xiaomei said that it is likely to come to me, but these are not important for the time being."

"Well, the contact Miss Xiaomei gave me is a northern barbarian woman named Ling Shili."

Bai Shan closed his eyes for a while, Ling Shili's message flashed in his mind.

Ling Shili is a descendant of a believer in the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.

More than 40 years ago, Ling Shili came into contact with the information of the abyss from her father, and since then she has followed the general trend and become a "beipiao family".

However, because she had been living on the border of Dagan before, she couldn't speak Beiman language.

On the way, she met a believer named Lu Zhonggu. The two became sworn brothers and crossed the snow mountain together.

Ling Shili decided to move on, but Lu Zhonggu dared not step on it.

Later, Ling Shili finally found faith in a ruin behind the end of the mortal world, and returned to the outlying town of Paradise, while Lu Zhonggu left the sad place, went to Dagan, married a wife and had children.

Lu Zhonggu was fond of gambling and ruined his family fortune. His wife was seriously ill and had no money for medical treatment. Before he died, he left a suicide note, so that his nearly 30-year-old son Lu Yan could bring tokens and letters to travel beautifully. Across the ocean, to find this Aunt Ling, in order to seek asylum.

It's a pity that Lu Yan also died on the way, and the tokens, letters, belongings and information that followed fell into the hands of Miss Xiaomei, and then fell into the hands of Baishan.

Miss Xiaomei was once investigated by someone. After admiring the existence of a certain abyss, Ling Shili's temperament changed drastically. She didn't like the relationship between men and women, but only liked gluttony. However, she had deep feelings for that former Lu Zhonggu.

And this identity is also the opportunity for Baishan to enter the world of bliss.

Because Baishan can't speak the northern barbarian language.

a few days later.
Wearing the "Lu family clothes" given by Miss Xiaomei, Baishan found Ling Shili.

This place was completely different from what he had imagined, it was not a bit gloomy, but a luxurious noble manor.

The environment and style are completely different from the style of the Beiman big tent, and I don't know how much money was spent.

It can be seen from this that this Ling Shili is doing well here.

He put on the selected human skin mask, looked at the manor from a distance, and stepped forward.

A maid who was sweeping snow stopped him, and then sweetly said: "*&¥#@!"

Bai Shan knew that she was speaking the northern barbarian language, so he didn't care, and said directly: "I am the son of an old friend of Lord Ling Shili."

The maid was stunned for a moment, and then asked in a bold tone: "Do you have a token?"

Bai Shan was stunned for a moment, this maid is actually a "bilingual" talent
Immediately, he took out the letters and tokens that Miss Xiaomei had prepared, and handed them out together with a silver ingot.

The maid quietly put away the silver ingots, and went in with letters and tokens.

Baishan looked into the distance.

In the distance, kilometers away, there is a luxurious palace.

His current physical fitness is the ultimate under the "human bloodline", and his eyesight and hearing are naturally terrifying. Even a speck of dust on the window sill of the palace can be seen clearly.

Unfortunately, the situation inside the palace is blocked by the wall.

Bai Shan moved a little, adjusted his sight, and looked into the palace through an open window.

Inside, a long gold and jade table was filled with delicacies, and an extremely fat and tall woman who looked like a meat ball was devouring food.

Compared to her, the previous Huanxi Maitreya may be a slightly fat little girl.

"It seems that belief can really change life." Bai Shan sighed in his heart, "This abyssal creature that Ling Shili believes in should love to eat it?"

The maid didn't enter the hall, and she didn't even dare to disturb the master to eat.

After a long time, the meatball woman suddenly turned her head, glared at the maid, and let out a hoarse roar.

The maid hurriedly knelt down and held up the letter and token.

The meatball woman picked up the letter, opened it, spread it out on her meaty hand, and looked at it, and then her expression became excited.

Immediately afterwards, she grabbed the token and put it in front of her nose to smell it, her eyes became brighter immediately.

She stopped screaming, but murmured softly in Dagan language: "Zhonggu, Zhonggu, I never thought I would see your child in this life! Your child is my child!"

Although she has long since lost the love between men and women, she still remembers that she once had it, and the only object of her love between men and women is Lu Zhonggu.

Today, she is over 60 years old. Because of the particularity of the abyssal creatures she admires, instead of having gray hair, she looks "young" and full of "vitality" in her 60s.

But after all, she felt bad about having no offspring.

Now that Lu Zhonggu's child appeared here, it just made up for her inner shortcomings.

She was overjoyed and said, "Call him in."

When Bai Shan saw this scene, he felt relieved, and finally nothing happened.

Afterwards, he will make a quick decision. After the matter here is completed, he will return to Wantai Mountain quickly.

In order to kill Fairy Yunluo, he had already wasted too much time.

But in the next moment, his expression froze again.

There was a crisp "click" sound, accompanied by a scream.

The beautiful ten fingers of the messenger maid were snapped off abruptly.

The meatball woman looked down at her condescendingly, and then grabbed a silver ingot from her sleeve, "Do you dare to take his money?"

Bai Shan squinted his eyes, wouldn't it be a mistake to give money?

The next moment, the meatball woman asked coldly: "How dare you take my child's money?!"

The maid was slapped several times, her face was covered with blood, but she didn't dare to resist.

The meatball woman hit her three times and threw the maid backwards.

Bai Shan squinted at him, although he was also cruel, but that was when he was killing an enemy, and he would never be like this when facing his own people.It was difficult for him to have a good impression of this meatball woman's behavior.

Soon, two more beautiful maids in the palace stepped forward and dragged the maid out of the apse, and another maid came forward to wipe the blood on the ground.

The meatball woman smiled and said, "Xiao Rou!"

A beautiful and capable maid in blue came out.

The meatball woman said: "Go and bring the little master in."

The maid in blue said respectfully: "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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