Chapter 160 211. Returning from the Fall of the Fierce Battle
Overcast and cloudy, the sky and the earth are dark.

Lin Jing was retreating quickly, and the two figures were like ghosts in the mountains, darting quickly.

Bai Shan has seen so much, and being in it again, he has roughly understood the situation.

The Jinzhou Rebellion has lasted for three years. In the past three years, the immortals of the Qingyun Immortal Sect have mostly traveled outside in containers in order to avoid accidents with their real bodies.

Now, they got up in a hurry, and only then did they show their true selves and make a real move.

The Nine Immortals did not act in unison, because the battlefields were not in the same place.

This time, Chifeng Daoist and Kong Mingzi came here in order to use some tricks to bring the people directly to a certain place, and then make alchemy.

Xuantian Vientiane Sect and Yunmeng Xianzong didn't want Qingyun Xianzong to succeed, so they directly "rebelled" the people around King Jin and asked them to give a warning when King Jin ascended the platform to speak.

This warning can wake up many people.

But it's just a few.

Xuantian Wanxiang Sect and Yunmeng Xianzong didn't mention alchemy, so no matter who it is, they can't suspect them.

Now, there are casual cultivators in Shilu Temple, and believers are attracting the attention of Master Chifeng and others, Fairy Yunrong is planning to sneak attack from behind.

If the three generations of disciples of Qingyun Xianzong can be seriously injured, then... this will be a big blow to Qingyun Xianzong.

If one can be killed, it will not sound good if the news spreads in the fairy world. At least the Qingyun Xianzong will end up "ineffective" in the eyes of the saints.

Opening the Purple Mansion and seeing the Immortal Root means that you no longer need to rely on yourself, but can directly use the aura of heaven and earth to exert your power.

Because it is "relying on the aura of heaven and earth", this power is not your own.

To put it to the extreme, if you are no longer in this world, then you will lose these powers.

Since there is help, there is a degree of help.

This level is sorted from weak to strong, roughly: spells, magic tools, and arrays.

Spells are the weakest.

Magical artifacts or treasures can improve a lot.

The formation map can be improved a lot.

The formation diagram belongs to the formation method, but it is also a high-level power in the formation method, because the formation method does not use the formation diagram at all.

The existence of the formation map can make several instruments in some mysterious operation, gather in one place, and naturally "react" with the surroundings.

What Chifeng Daoist is holding is actually a formation map.

Picture name: Earth Spirit.

The activation of this array requires three magic tools - the Fengling Pen, the Disha Glazed Mirror, and the Stone Lingtai.

In short, the formation map combines the power of the three instruments, and uses the surrounding environment to play a role.

Whoosh whoosh!
Whoosh whoosh!
Many evil spirits broke out of the ground and went away with the wind.

Chifeng Zhenren has long discovered that there are troublemakers in Shilu Temple.

This long-range attack formation is prepared for these people.

Sure enough, several casual cultivators had used their supernatural powers in this environment where thousands of ghosts were walking around in the daytime, resisting and looking for enemies at the same time.

These casual cultivators were all "deceived" by "Yunmeng Xianzong" and "Xuantian Vientiane Sect" through some means.

The believers of the abyss are using their strength to resist such overwhelming winds and earthly evil forces.

And all of this fell into the eyes of Master Chifeng.

"It's just casual cultivators and abyss believers, then I will kill them first."

After all, the real Chifeng turned his palm over, and the "transparent" land under his seat became more and more crystal clear. This is because the "Earth Sha Glass Mirror" is playing a greater role through the formation map and the surrounding environment.

With the operation of the formation, the underground is vicious and suddenly changes.

It was originally like a spring of tadpoles, but it suddenly seemed to be entwined with water plants. When it broke the ground, it had turned into a big black snake, floating in the void, and swimming far away.

This big black snake is made up of evil spirits, and there are still a few blurred grimaces between the tumbling bubbles.

The big snake fled dozens of miles away, and entangled a monk in just one encounter.

The cultivator hastily mobilized his strength to resist, and used the exorcism talisman and magic weapon, but it was useless. After a while, he screamed and fell to the ground.

The real Chifeng uses the array map to carry out long-distance attacks that cannot be touched by magic tools and spells, and does whatever he wants.

Not long after, in Shilu Temple, two of the three monks who came to help King Ming died.

Under this kind of power, the exposed believers could not hide. They prayed to the demon god one after another, and their bodies were alienated to resist the attack.

In the distance, Master Chifeng nodded slightly, stroked his beard with a smile.

When those believers in the abyss are exposed, the people will naturally understand the "truth" and realize that "the general and those who spoke are indeed controlled by the devil of the abyss."

Kong Mingzi stood beside him, with his eyes closed, his body half hanging, his long sleeves fluttering in the wind, as if he was sensing something.

After entering the mid-to-late stage of the Divine Realm, the soul will be more sensitive, so that it can perceive the fluctuations of aura, and then use the aura fluctuations to detect whether there are enemies in a large area.

Under this kind of investigation, methods such as Xiaoyinjie talisman paper figures will be useless.

Because low-level magic talismans like Xiaoyinjiefu only use some simple methods of blinding eyes and ears, while the high-level "spiritual energy detection" is based on "whether spiritual energy is used".

However, this power can only be used in the middle and late stages of the Divine Realm.

Although it is possible to investigate in the early stages of the God-manifesting Realm, the scope is extremely small.

Otherwise, if the previous Fairy Yunluo found an abnormality and scanned it directly in a large area, she would find many small aura fluctuations hidden on the cape of the dead dragon.

Because the talisman paper man cannot hide the fluctuation of aura.

At that time, no matter how Bai Shan performed, Fairy Yunluo would never approach him easily.

It is worth mentioning that Fairy Yunrong's wide sleeves moved slightly last night, and milky white gas escaped. In fact, she was also using the method of "spiritual energy detection" to investigate, and carefully determined the unknown formation of Chifeng Daoist, and then Only then did Bai Shan tell him to be careful.

However, no matter how much Kong Mingzi did his investigation, he still couldn't find Baishan and Fairy Yunrong who were rushing over.

Because these two people didn't use the slightest aura at all.

The two of them were just hurrying along with normal foot strength, and they had already boarded a high ground between seven turns and eight detours, hiding behind a big bluestone.

Bai Shan quietly swept across the big formation in the empty valley, as well as the real man in red robe on the big formation, and the young man in green robe beside him.

He quickly calculated the strength comparison between the two sides in his heart.

It's already afternoon, so it stands to reason that [Night Demon] cannot be triggered.

But now, the dark sky and the ghosts walk through the weather, but the [Night Devil] still takes effect.

If he doesn't reveal the power of Calamity Tiger, then at this time his power can reach the level of the middle and late stage of Manifestation Realm.

He glanced at Fairy Yunrong beside him.

Fairy Yunrong said via voice transmission: "The one in the red robe is Chifeng Daoist, and the one in blue is Kong Mingzi. You attract Kong Mingzi's attention, and I will sneak attack Chifeng Daoist."

Bai Shan nodded, then pretended to be muttering something, and rushed out suddenly.

Kong Mingzi's eyes moved suddenly, seeing someone suddenly appearing and running towards him at high speed, he didn't even ask, he raised his hand and shot out a level 5 wind character talisman.

Several tornadoes formed in the void, twisted around one place, turned into a sharp piercing talisman spear, pierced hundreds of feet, and pierced Baishan.

Bai Shan took a deep breath, the fire poison emerged on the surface of his body, crossed his arms, and blocked his face.

The talisman gun pierced through the air, and arrived in an instant, swiftly and violently!
boom! !

Rune Gun Smash!

The wind is messy, the rolled autumn grass bursts, and the dirt rolls.

Bai Shan raised his right hand, and five bone claws lingering with crimson fire poison suddenly pierced out.

At the place where the bone claws were torn, the air was distorted, and the flames filled the air, making his figure blurry, flickering like a devil crawling out of an abyss.

"It turns out that you are a believer in the abyss, and you have some skills." Kong Mingzi saw it clearly this time, and without holding back, he raised his hand and shot out a level 6 wind character talisman.

Dozens of tornadoes calmed down suddenly, danced and lingered, and condensed into a roaring dragon in an instant, flying tigers from the palm of the young man in green clothes, violently rushing towards the white mountain that could not dodge.

boom! !

Level 6 Fengzi Lu shattered again!
In fact, if it wasn't for Bai Shan's pretentious cooperation, these two talismans would have no effect on him at all.

At this time, he was full of energy, he hadn't made the first blow, and his strength was at its peak.

【Water Chapter】Dzogchen's comprehension of "wrapping the fingers softly" makes Baishan's "defense ability" at this time reach a terrifying level.

Kong Mingzi's level 6 talisman attack, according to Baishan's calculations, has a power of about 6480, and to break through his "finger soft" defense at this time, 33609 power is needed. In other words, Kong Mingzi has to use a weapon to hit him. OK.

However, defense belongs to defense, and Bai Shan still used his terrifying body control to make himself "bruised and bruised".

But even so, he had already approached Kong Mingzi, and then raised his hand, poking at Kong Mingzi with five fingers.

Although he has the name of a teacher and brother, but he does not have the reality of a teacher and brother. Since this is the case, why would Bai Shan hesitate?

Kong Mingzi's two attacks in a row were blocked, his handsome face showed a dignified look, and then his brows and hearts sparkled, and the purple three-legged tripod spinning in his palm suddenly flew into the air.

Gulp, gulp, gulp.
The flame seemed to be tumbling with bubbles, making a popping sound.

Immediately afterwards, the three-legged tripod collapsed.

Kong Mingzi shouted angrily, "Go!"

Chi! !

Zi Yan fell from the sky, like the Milky Way falling from the nine heavens, rushing towards the approaching Baishan Mountain.

However, the next moment, Kong Mingzi's expression became extremely ugly.

Because he felt a sudden violent wave of spiritual energy not far away, and at this moment he could no longer free his hand to stop it.

On the other side, when Kong Mingzi made a move to deal with Baishan, Fairy Yunrong had already sacrificed her mortal weapon.

The five slender fingers are wrapped in a net, and the spiritual energy is like a crystal clear tide, and a fiery red spear emerges in it.

But he saw that fiery red long spear grows when it sees the wind, and the spear pattern is shining brightly, dazzling.

This magic weapon is not the magic weapon of Yunmeng Xianzong, but a sixth-grade magic weapon obtained by Fairy Yunrong hundreds of years ago in the ancient battlefield.

The ancient battlefield is fragile and mysterious, and can only be passed through the spirit infant realm, but there are many treasures hidden in it. Some people speculate that the ancient battlefield is a "secret realm" composed of countless "powerful corpses". The end may be the legendary Fairy Court.

After Yunrong Fairy got the magic weapon of the long spear, she kept hiding it carefully. When she broke through to the middle stage of manifesting the spirit, she also got a more suitable magic weapon, so the magic weapon of the long spear was secretly hidden until then. Just use it.

Five fingers swept over the spear.

The spear shot out loudly, turning into a flaming phoenix with raging smoke, and went straight to the real Chifeng.

Seeing the overwhelming red flames and black smoke, Master Chifeng hurriedly drove the strong wind to resist.

But he was still focusing on Shilu Temple a moment ago, but it was too late to turn back suddenly at this moment.

Even if he had time, he couldn't deal with Fairy Yunrong's blow with all his strength.

Fear flashed in the pupils of Master Chifeng, and in a blink of an eye, he put aside the formation map and sacrificed a fifth-grade magic weapon shield to protect his whole body.

The long gun shot to.

Bang! !

The magic weapon shield shattered directly, without even being able to block the moment.

"No!!" Master Chifeng yelled in fear, but he couldn't do anything.

A gleam flashed in Fairy Yunrong's eyes: "It's done!"

Immediately afterwards, she hurriedly sacrificed the sixth-grade magical weapon shield and rushed towards Baishan, but she was too late, and could only watch helplessly as Baishan was submerged by the purple fire pouring down from Kong Mingzi's tripod.

Is this a one-for-one exchange?

Fairy Yunrong felt a little sad in her heart.

But in the next moment, another sudden change occurred.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !
In a group of piercing continuous explosions.

The powerful coercion is like a majestic mountain falling.

The giant shadow in the purple robe descended slowly, its eyes were like lightning, and a thin web of fiery lightning lingered around its body.

Fairy Yunrong's blow was directly blocked by the lightning grid, but it did not hurt the real Chifeng behind the giant shadow.

For the rest of his life after the catastrophe, Master Chifeng opened his eyes wide in disbelief, looking at the burly figure standing in front of him, panting heavily.

But Yun Rongxian, who had just saved, also had beautiful eyes.

She reacted quickly, she paused to rush towards Baishan, and then directly raised her hand, wanting to take the spear from afar.

But the purple-robed giant figure moved its hands violently again, like big iron pliers, it was bound to the spear body of the sixth-grade long spear magic weapon.

The fire surged on the gun, but the hands arced around.

Under this big hand, Fairy Yunrong was unable to recall the spear.

And when she looked up again, she was even more shocked, because she had recognized someone.

This is the second "Peak Lord of Shuangzhu Peak" among the Twelve Immortals of Qingyun Immortal Sect - Lei Shanxiang!

In terms of strength, this one is the top three among the twelve immortals, and he is a well-deserved first-class combat power.

You must know that even in the same realm, the gap between the strong and the weak is huge. Fairy Yunrong is almost at the middle level in the middle and late stages of the God-manifesting realm, but Leishan Xiang is absolutely at the upper level.

In addition, Fairy Yunrong didn't use a handy weapon, and it was much worse.

The moment she saw the Thunder Mountain Elephant, she knew that she was being ambushed by the counter-attack, so she didn't care about anything, turned around and fled.

Lei Shanxiang knew that she was going to run away, snorted coldly, and disappeared in an instant. When the evasion technique was activated, he had appeared in front of Fairy Yunrong. Without hesitation, he suppressed Fairy Yunrong.

Fairy Yunrong sacrificed another sixth-grade magic shield.

The two shields are controlled together, not to block, but to delay time.

But even this can't be done.

There were two shattering cracks, and the two sixth-grade magic weapon shields were directly smashed by the giant thunder and lightning hands.

Fairy Yunrong spewed out a mouthful of blood mist, and her whole body fell onto the loess.

Lei Shanxiang approached with his hands behind his back, and said in a cold voice: "When did the late-stage powerhouses appear in the casual cultivators?

let me see who are you "

Seeing him approaching, Fairy Yunrong shot out talismans and magic weapons one after another.

Boom! !Boom! !Boom! !Boom! !
Leishan Xiang just drove the magic weapon and slapped it casually. Whether it was a talisman or a magic weapon, they were all like broken copper and iron, and were slapped aside.

Anxiety and exhaustion flashed between Fairy Yunrong's brows, and she was completely panicked when she saw the Thunder Mountain Elephant approaching.

At this moment, it was a mutation and rebirth.

A ghost-like figure suddenly shot out from the purple fire that no one cared about.

The figure was like light and lightning, and suddenly came to the side of Fairy Yunrong, and the "almost scorched" arm suddenly picked up Fairy Yunrong, and then stepped on the ground, amidst the loud noise and splashing dust, like a missile Fly to the distance.

Fairy Yunrong narrowly escaped death, looking at Baishan who was almost burned like a ghost at this time, her mood was complicated, and she didn't know what to say.

Bai Shan grabbed her directly and galloped forward with all his strength.

Although Na Kong Mingzi's purple fire is powerful, it still can't break through his "finger softness". Even if it breaks through, the purple fire may not be effective for a man who can take a bath in magma.

Therefore, he is still in good condition now.

He saved Fairy Yunrong because Fairy Yunrong's identity cannot be revealed yet.

Fairy Yunrong is exposed now, and things will come to an end soon.

If it comes to an end, the chaos in the fairy world will be suspended, and this is not what he wants to see.

Therefore, he saved people.

"Xiaowu. Do you have any last wish?" Fairy Yunrong asked, she decided that if she escaped, she would help Xiaowu fulfill her last wish. If she couldn't escape, everything would be over.

Bai Shan snorted a strange voice: "No."

The two were talking, when they suddenly saw a bright light behind them, the originally dark sky was illuminated by panic and snow-white, as if a blue-white scorching sun rose from behind.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying lightning spear pierced through the air, piercing through Bai Shan's body and Fairy Yunrong in his arms in an instant.

Killing the two of them with one shot, a mushroom cloud surrounded by lightning arcs exploded in the void.

The world is bright!

After a while.
Yin wind, thunder and lightning, dissipated.

But the sky did not clear up, and lead gray clouds came over the ground, as if they were just above the mountains and forests.

The next moment, it was as if the sky dam had burst, thousands of tons of water overturned the clouds and fell to the earth.

The world is dark and oppressive, and from time to time, there are pale lightning strikes, the sky and the earth illuminated are white for an instant, and then dark for an instant.

Lei Shanxiang stayed where the mushroom cloud was, looked down quietly, but remained silent.

Because those two were gone.

"Second senior brother, is it already gone?" Kong Mingzi followed closely behind, looking at the man in purple robe in awe.

Lei Shanxiang shook his head, but he didn't know either.

He was afraid that the two would escape, so he picked up the magic weapon and shot it from a distance with all his strength. But he didn't expect that the other party disappeared without any reaction.

Kong Mingzi paced around for a few steps, then squatted down suddenly, and said, "Second senior brother, there are some burnt pieces of meat and bones, and broken mustard seeds bags, which should be really smashed into ashes."

Lei Shanxiang was speechless, is this really too aggressive?
Suddenly, his expression changed, and he said: "Junior Brother, be careful that there seem to be quite a few people here today."

In the heavy rain, the whole body was in tatters, like a ghost, running wildly in a panic.

And sitting on this person's shoulder is a transparent figure, which is the soul of Fairy Yunrong.

The blow from Leishan Elephant just now was so powerful that Fairy Yunrong's body was torn apart without any resistance.

"Are you okay?" Fairy Yunrong asked.

Bai Shan didn't answer, but just let out the "He He" sound of the dying beast.

Fairy Yunrong was anxious, but there was nothing she could do. At this time, she was in the state of spirit and soul, and she only knew some simple techniques of killing the spirit and soul.Moreover, she is only in the state of manifestation, and her spirit cannot stay outside for a long time, so she must quickly find a body.

Suddenly, she felt the man she was sitting on fell forward and fell into the mud all of a sudden, and then the man's breath of life was disappearing, and his body began to disintegrate, like dry and cracked land, piece by piece, extremely scary.

Fairy Yunrong shouted hastily: "Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu!"

As if returning to the light, Bai Shan raised his head and said with a painful expression: "Revenge"

These three simple words seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

His head fell into the muddy ground, and he lost all signs of life. His body began to undergo a strange change, both inside and outside were corroded by fire poison.

Fairy Yunrong "knows" that this is the performance of the believers in the abyss who "dedicate their bodies to the demon god".

She felt a little sad for no reason.

The soul lingered for a moment, but didn't want to leave immediately.

The shower had just stopped.

Fairy Yunrong found a young female corpse who had just died in the surrounding area, occupied the female corpse, stretched her muscles and bones a little, and found that this was a woman who was not even a warrior.

She walked to the side of Baishan's "corpse" and suddenly began to dig the soil vigorously.

After a long time, a soil hole appeared.

She pushed Baishan with a stone, causing it to fall into a hole in the soil, and then threw the stone away, only to find that most of the stone had been corroded.

At this time, the clouds dispersed and night fell.

The galaxy all over the sky exudes a faint light, shining on the earth.

Fairy Yunrong sat next to the "Baishan Corpse" who could no longer be called a human, and said softly: "We are watching the stars together again."

After speaking, she fell silent.

After a long time, she added: "I will avenge you!"

New and old grievances, year-round grievances, and the hatred of destroying one's body erupted from the bottom of Fairy Yunrong's heart.

She glanced at this special man again, then pushed down the soil, buried him, sighed softly, turned and left.

Now she has to find a way to leave Jinzhou and return to Yunmeng Xianzong. Without her real body, this means rebuilding.

But even so, she was still able to tell the Zongmen about these things and let the Zongmen decide for her.

Afterwards, she would retreat and start over.

In the starlight.

The new tomb is isolated, and the soil is still moist.

Suddenly, a strange and terrifying scene appeared.

A hand broke through the ground, and then the tomb was arched, and a body crawled out of it.

Dirt and grass rustled and fell to the side.

This is White Mountain.

He took out a piece of flesh and blood that had already been prepared from the mustard bag, then raised his hand, and used fire poison to corrode the flesh and blood into a mass of shredded flesh, and then buried the flesh in the tomb.

"Ta Wulie, he is dead."

"Although I didn't succeed, it's not a return without success."

While speaking, his figure began to change again, and in an instant he turned into a tall and thin man who was completely different from before.

brush! !

Bai Shan took a black robe and wrapped it around his body, then closed his eyes and listened, sensing his surroundings, and seeing nothing unusual, he prepared to return instead of leaving.

the reason is simple.
He vaguely felt that the war might not be over yet.

Return at this time, or there is still a good show to watch.

Now that the Thunder Mountain Elephant has come, if Xuantian Wanshouzong and Yunmeng Xianzong are more vigilant, there is a high possibility that someone will follow here, and it will be another big battle.

In addition, the northern barbarian army has also arrived.

Bai Shan was walking while thinking, but after a few steps, he suddenly felt a little sore in his body, so he stopped again, adjusted his breath a little, and then he recovered.

"Although I haven't turned into a disaster tiger yet, it's really extraordinary to hurt my second senior brother while I'm fully defending."

PS: Try to recover~~~
(End of this chapter)

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