Chapter 162 215. Settlement, return (7.4K words-seek subscription)
The thunder subsided, and the lightning disappeared.

After the rain in late autumn, the mountains and forests are even more chilling and quiet.

Dagan's army was defeated like a mountain, but with the participation of Qingyun Immortal Sect's sixth-ranked Xunfeng Zhenren and eighth-ranked Wang Xianxuan, they regrouped and fought back.

The Red God Army couldn't compete with Xunfeng Daoist and Wang Xianxuan in the late stage of the God Realm, but Yelu Mountain, which rushed to Yelu Mountain, finally blocked Xun Xun with an army of [-], and the believers sacrificed and summoned the power of the abyss devil. The attacks of Fengrenren and Wang Xianxuan.

The battle line was finally maintained near Suzuque Lake.

The northern barbarian army retreated for dozens of miles, not daring to enter again.

Zhu Qinghai also cleaned up the remnants of the army and re-camped, but he was so small that he couldn't form a corner with the northern barbarian army.

At dawn, the war finally came to a halt.

Seeing that the immortals of the Qingyun Immortal Sect had "grouped together", Baishan didn't dare to go out again.

His purpose is to cause chaos among the five sects, not to force the five sects head-on.

In this confrontation, especially after receiving the blow from Thunder Mountain Elephant, he barely understood his own strength position: Changing into a calamity tiger is similar to the third generation disciples of Qingyun Xianzong. It is not known how much the gap is with people like Xuan Yunjun and Bixiao Xuannv.

As for Old Ancestor, he is still incomparable.

The further back the realm, the more terrifying the gap.

Even if you just take a small step forward, your strength will improve by leaps and bounds.

Bai Shan would not naively think that "this is only applicable to him", but not to the ancestors, Xuan Yunjun and others.

Shilu Temple is in ruins, with flesh and blood everywhere, and there is no half of the Buddhist scene in the past.

The only towering thing is the solitary Buddha statue with severed head.

At dawn, the first ray of light falls, but instead brings out the desolation and dusk scene of this majestic Buddha statue.

Not far away, Lei Shanxiang was standing in front of a deep pit, looking at the body of a woman in white in the pit with a gloomy expression.

Standing behind him are Master Xunfeng, Wang Xianju, Master Chifeng, and Kong Mingzi, which can be described as a luxurious lineup.

But these five people all looked extremely dignified.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound in the distance.

"Who?!" Lei Shanxiang turned his head coldly, looking in the direction of the voice.

In the woods, a woman in green poked her head out from behind a broken tree stump, and then ran out.

This green-clothed woman's clothes are gorgeous and her face is delicate. Although her temples are slightly disheveled and her jade hairpin is tilted, it is obvious that she has not suffered any harm.

Obviously, the woman in green clothes is a young lady from a rich man's family. She presumably came to Shilu Temple to burn incense before, but was protected by her own guards in the chaos and fled far away, but somehow she came back here.

Not only did this woman come, but her appearance and appearance changed greatly. At least no ordinary person dared to move forward calmly under the eyes of Lei Shanxiang and others.

In the early hours of the morning, An Xuezhi's physical body was destroyed, and after her spirit floated out, although many living people were seen along the way, those living people were either soldiers or pilgrims in ragged clothes. She didn't want to enter these people's bodies as a last resort, it would make her feel sick.

Fortunately, she felt popularity coming from a secret cave, and when she went in, she saw a couple.

The woman is beautiful, the man is handsome, both of them have swords, presumably they are rich ladies and powerful swordsmen, so they can get out of this chaos.

However, as long as you have not taken the Xisui Pill, it is a "container for what you can take and what you can take" for immortals.

An Xuezhi fell in love with the woman's body, so she took the house directly, and beheaded the sleeping man next to her, and then waited quietly until dawn. Seeing that there was no movement in the distance, she thought that the second senior brother and others might go to the scene , That's why I ran all the way back, I didn't want to, but I did meet him.

"Second Senior Brother, Sixth Senior Brother, Eighth Senior Brother, Ninth Senior Brother, Tenth Senior Brother" An Xuezhi saluted one by one.

Thunder Mountain Elephant heard the sound, his expression was relieved, but immediately his brows were like lightning hovering, and he asked in a deep voice: "Junior Sister, your physical body has been destroyed?"

For the Divine Realm, the destroyed body needs to be re-entered into the container and consolidated with a large amount of incense. Afterwards, it needs to be repaired again. People, directly turned Qingyun Twelve Immortals into Qingyun Eleven Immortals.

An Xuezhi explained the situation exactly.

The crowd fell silent.

Lei Shanxiang's eyes were like lightning, and he said sharply: "I have guessed for a long time. I knew that there must be someone secretly making trouble in Jinzhou, but I didn't expect that Xuantian Wanshou Palace would dare to hinder the saint's alchemy plan! This is to push my Qingyun Xianzong to the Unfavorable situation! Damn it, really damn it!"

Daoist Xunfeng said softly: "Second Senior Brother, this matter is fraudulent. If Xuantian Wanshou Palace really took action, they would definitely not kill Junior Sister with their own flying sword. This is someone who is planting and framing, sowing discord."

Lei Shanxiang said: "Xuantian Wanshou Palace has had a long-standing grievance with my sect, are they still good people? Of course I know that there is suspicion of instigating, but so what? The investigation should still be investigated, and the report should still be reported! Even if it's not them this time, didn't they exist before?"

On the side, Kong Mingzi suddenly said: "Second senior brother, you killed a person before, although the body of that person did not exist, but his strength is not trivial, he must have existed in the late stage of the God Realm.

There are not many such existences, you only need to ask the master to make the decision, and go to a few houses to see the fairy talisman, and you will know. "

Daoist Xunfeng said: "Junior brother, it's useless, the spirit has gone away, but the name is still on the talisman."

Kong Mingzi said: "Then let them call three generations of disciples and see who can't come!!"

Daoist Xunfeng couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Junior Brother, this family won't listen to us."

Kong Mingzi said: "This can't be counted. How can there be so many people in the late stage of the Manifesting Realm in the world? It doesn't matter if one died before, but just now there were two who were able to draw with me and the second senior brother. Such a calculation is enough." There are three of us."

Master Xunfeng said helplessly: "Without evidence, we will only be beaten up. On the contrary, we will say that we are not good at alchemy, and we are looking for excuses."

Kong Mingzi said angrily: "They are all making alchemy for saints, how dare they?!"

Daoist Xunfeng said with a wry smile: "Junior brother. Dare, they are really brave."

Kong Mingzi was furious: "Then try it, stab it to the sky, and see how they end up!"

Master Xunfeng said earnestly: "Junior brother, this is the way to kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, so don't be reckless."

Kong Mingzi sneered and said, "Reckless? Do they dare? I think they will give in first!"

Daoist Xunfeng hastily persuaded: "Brother, dare, dare. If you are in charge, you will dare to do anything. They will not give in first."

Lei Shanxiang's expression was cloudy and uncertain. Today he set up an ambush and wanted to pull out all the "gopher mice hiding in the dark", but he didn't expect that it wasn't gopher mice that were pulled out, but tigers.

However, although he was furious and wished to smash those troublemakers to ashes, he also knew that what Daoist Xunfeng said was right.

Without evidence, he would not be able to question Xuantian Myriad Beasts.

Lei Shanxiang pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "Xunfeng, you have always been alert. In such a situation, what do you think should be done?"

Master Xunfeng is famous for being "cowardly", but because of this, he is also very stable.

At this time, the real man stroked his beard and said: "Brothers, I thought the enemy was in the dark, and we were in the light.

What the enemy in the dark thinks is nothing more than defeating each other. Then we only need to act from now on, we are all in one place, the one who attacks the enemy must defend, and the one who defends the enemy must attack, instead of being entangled in the intrigue in the dark ghosts.

At that time, no matter how much we have lost in secret, even if it is the loss of popular support, even if the city is destroyed, even if someone is framing and spreading rumors, we will not care at all.

Wherever the enemy's base camp is, we will fight there, and don't care about anything else. "

Kong Mingzi said: "Senior Brother Six, you are afraid of them! You have fallen into the prestige of my Qingyun Immortal Sect! I want to see who comes back, and when the time comes, catch someone alive and send them to the Xuantian Myriad Beast Sect , to see how they deny it!"

On the side, Wang Xianxuan's eyes showed coldness, obviously he also felt that what Kong Mingzi said was right.

What kind of existence is his Qingyun Immortal Sect?
How can you back down to such an extent?

What's more, they are not at a disadvantage at all now, so why do they act like "cowardly"?

Besides, Junior Sister An Xuezhi's body was destroyed, it was time for revenge, how could she back down?
He pondered for a while and said: "Senior Brother Six, are you being too cautious?

If we don't care about this, we don't care about that, bad things about us are spread everywhere, and this will definitely destroy the incense of my fairy world in the world.It is not easy to explain to the ancestors. "

Master Chifeng echoed, "I think so too."

Listening to what the three juniors said, Master Xunfeng couldn't help showing a wry smile. He was often out of tune with his seniors because he was too steady.
Fortunately, Lei Shanxiang thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "This time, we will do as Xunfeng said."

Baishan didn't wait for the follow-up battle, and he didn't dare to use the clouds and mists to hurry, so as not to be detected by the "detection of spiritual energy fluctuations" by the gods.

He originally wanted to find a small town to have breakfast, but the surrounding area was full of refugees, and there was no safe place at all. As for the small town, it was dilapidated, and most of the townspeople inside closed their doors at home, and no one dared to go out.

After running for most of the day, he didn't finish his breakfast or lunch, instead he sent out a lot of meat in the mustard bag.

In the evening, he finally met the "First Saint" Wei Rou.

Wei Rou brought a total of thirteen believers before joining the battle, but now only three are dead.

This kind of meat grinder-like battlefield was originally where whoever entered would die.

"Big Wusa, what shall we do next?"

Bai Shan thought for a while and said, "Let Yelu Mountain stick to it and avoid confrontation with the immortals.

Urge the other two fronts to let them go deeper.

To avoid the final battle, send teams to cast nets everywhere, spread the evil deeds of immortals everywhere, lure them into action, and let them run around, exhausted.

When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy is tired, we fight, encircle the points to fight for reinforcements, defeat each one, and divide them into kills.

All are, the enemy is scattered, this is our chance. "

"I understand."

"You don't want to die." Bai Shan said again.

Wei Rou is the person who listens to him the most in Paradise, if she dies, it will be very troublesome.

The first saint felt the concern from the great Wusa, and his face showed joy, and respectfully said: "Yes, my lord."

After that, the central and eastern fronts of the northern barbarians really started.

There are also countless secret operations, and all kinds of rumors are flying everywhere.

Baishan is going to fix things on both sides.

On the other hand, King Jin reorganized his soldiers. He had learned his lesson and never went to the front line again.

And the Eight Immortals of Qingyun obeyed what Daoist Xunfeng said, attacking and defending at the same time, no matter how unfavorable things happened behind the scenes, the Eight Immortals of Qingyun also pretended to be deaf and dumb, and ignored them.

During this period, Kong Mingzi, Wang Xianxuan and others wanted to attack several times, but they were all suppressed by Lei Shanxiang.

In this way, Xuantian Myriad Beast Sect and Yunmeng Immortal Sect have no way to make a move.

The death of a third-generation disciple on both sides can be regarded as a real blood feud.

But now that the Qingyun Eight Immortals are acting like this, if the two sects want to cause trouble, they only need to send out the same combat power, but if that happens, the noise will be exposed directly in all likelihood.

Xuantian Myriad Beast Sect and Yunmeng Xianzong wanted to make trouble, to siege them secretly, but they didn't dare to expose them.

In this way, Bai Shan, who was thinking of fishing in troubled waters, would not be able to fish.

Immediately afterwards, Manzi's eastern front was also defeated, and the east and west lines merged to the center line, stalemate with the Dagan army.

Deep winter is approaching, it is time to go back.

The savages finally began to retreat.

However, the Qingyun Eight Immortals were as stable as old dogs, eight of them were one body, and they killed the retreating barbarians on the Sea of ​​Eternal Sleep.

Bai Shan was amazed by the stability of his brothers and sisters, and secretly sighed in his heart: "No one should be underestimated."

However, it is up to people to plan and make things up to God.

This trip was not without success.

Firstly, the blood feud between the two parties was indeed further provoked. Each party died a disciple of the third generation, and both died because of the other party.

Secondly, because the immortal did not stop the rumors, his reputation in Jinzhou was much worse.

Thirdly, the Beiman Ye family suffered heavy losses, especially when they quietly retreated from the Changmian River, they were almost wiped out.

In this way, the uncle and the second uncle in the north should be able to wait for the opportunity to fight back and take back the golden account, right?Ning Ning's situation will also be safer.

This wave is basically about driving tigers and wolfs away, regardless of victory or defeat, it is a profit.


Under the snow mountain.

Winter is coming, and the bone-piercing snow is thickly accumulated everywhere in sight, and the world is quiet and pure white.

Without warning, several black holes with white wounds suddenly appeared on the pure white ground.

Miss Xiaomei, who was sitting quietly, moved her butt, and her embroidered shoes fell into the snow, covering her knees in an instant, but this kind of cold temperature was actually just right for her.

In the wind and snow, a terrifying figure was moving its limbs, coming from afar in the distorted air and snow and fog, and stood opposite Miss Xiaomei.

"How did you find him?"

"Who am I looking for, why do I need others to ask and care about? Besides, didn't you want me to see him before?"

"But now it's bad"

"What?" Dao Yueke was not meeting Miss Xiaomei for the first time, and it must be a big event to make Miss Xiaomei say the word "oh no".

Miss Xiaomei gestured and said, "You are the robber."


"Baishan is also the robber."

"he is."

"If you meet together, then you will be two robbers."

Daoyue Kehu's face was bewildered.

Miss Xiaomei said anxiously: "Anyway, you may have been discovered."

Daoyue Kehu was so powerful that he didn't care about it: "Oh, the destiny is with me, so why should I be afraid?"

Miss Xiaomei said in amazement: "Are you prepared?"

Dao Yueke said: "That's right, I'm going to hide in the abyss."

Miss Xiaomei: .
"But Baishan can't hide."

Dao Yueke suddenly asked back: "You were able to hide back then, why can't you hide now?"

Miss Xiaomei: .
Daoyue Ke said: "This son of Baishan is really extraordinary, his future is limitless, isn't it worth protecting him?"

Miss Xiaomei sighed: "Everything is up to Miss."

"But. I'm worried that they will come back. After all, it's not so easy to wait for a calamity."

"Or, they have come. It's just, we don't know where they are
Having said that, in the wind and snow, the two "people" fell silent, as if they kept secret about "them".

Bai Shan didn't know this, he was returning to Wantai Mountain.

this day.
The woman is graceful and luxurious, wrapped in a snow-white robe, holding a big tea cup soaked in herbs, sitting in the pavilion among the mountains and clouds, narrowing her almond eyes, looking into the distance.

Every day she will wait for someone here.

Every time the wait is several months, even years.

Just like the words of the person she was waiting for - once the golden wind and the jade dew meet, they will win the countless people in the world.

But it wasn't for her.

She is like the sea, but this sentence only gives a drop of sea water.

Because that man only cares about that drop of sea water.

At this moment, she suddenly heard footsteps behind her.

The woman turned her head, only to see a female cultivator in a pale gold robe beside her.

"Sister Miaochan, why are you here?"

This female editor is Zhao Yuzhen.

Now, in the entire Four Elephant Sect, she is the only one who calls Bai Miaochan Sister Miaochan.

Most of the others who can see Bai Miaochan are already called "Master".

Zhao Yuzhen stood in front of the railing, and suddenly said: "Actually, Mr. Xiang is not in the Four Elephant Sect, is he? I know that. Last time he came out to look for me, I knew it. I feel that he is very depressed and he is not happy at all. .”

Bai Miaochan was silent, she naturally knew that Baishan was fighting in Jinzhou in the north, the battle situation was chaotic, Baishan was hidden in it, she naturally knew that Baishan was in a dangerous situation.

But there is no way, only he can do this.

Zhao Yuzhen's beautiful eyes flashed with thought, she said softly: "I know you are very capable, but can you not force your husband, you know? I think he is going crazy."

"He is your husband-in-law, or your relative who lives and dies together. You should have a much better relationship with him than me and him, but why can I understand him but you can't? Is there anything you can't take your time?"

Bai Miaochan asked: "Then do you know that Baishan has been targeted by the ancestor of Qingyun Immortal Sect. And the ancestor wants to take it from him."

Zhao Yuzhen:
She fell into a long shock and silence.

Even though Baishan seemed to be an enemy of Qingyun Xianzong before, she never thought that this was the reason.

She used to be the "eye of the fairy world", and no one knows the horror of the ancestors better than her, especially the ancestor of the Qingyun Immortal Sect, who is enshrined in the incense ancestral hall.

"Has that been able to fight?" Zhao Yuzhen finally asked a question.

If she had to do it all over again, she might not dare to think about double cultivation with Baishan, but there is no such thing as a do-over in this world.

Now she is determined to be tied to Baishan, and there is no way out.

Bai Miaochan said: "If you give him time, it will definitely be possible, but now it's still a little short."

"It's bad," Zhao Yuzhen murmured.

But immediately, her beautiful eyes widened: "Just a little?"

Bai Miaochan said silently in her heart, she probably missed [Wooden Demon Badge], [Gold Demon Badge], [Earth Demon Badge], and [Water Demon Badge] to practice successfully.
When the chapters of [Kaitian Jing] are completed, the body will reach an unprecedented level of terror.

Coupled with the fact that this is a magic seal that came into being as the times require, it is simply "the great catastrophe chosen by the way of heaven".

Such a great catastrophe must not love the ancestor.

But the problem is that in all likelihood, the five magic chapters have not yet been fully released. Then the timing is simply impossible to grasp, and it will be infinitely delayed.

"What level is the husband now?" Zhao Yuzhen's eyes were shining, excited and confused, his delicate body was slightly proud, and his legs were tense.

Bai Miaochan said: "When he comes back, you can ask yourself."

While talking, I saw a cloud floating from afar.

After returning to the mountain, Baishan asked the monks in the mountain, knowing that Bai Miaochan was here, so he came to look for her.

He landed in the pavilion, his black hair swept back in the cold wind of the mountains, revealing a slightly tired and dusty face.

in the pavilion.
Bai Miaochan sat calmly.

But Zhao Yuzhen's eyes were shining like the autumn moon in the sky.

"Xiang Gong!!"

Princess Yuzhen flew up, and the little bird slipped into the arms of her man like a human being.

Bai Shan felt that he was hugging a ball of warm jade-like fire, obviously Yu Zhen was emotional again.

In her arms, Princess Yuzhen said softly: "Sister Miaochan told me about Xianggong, how good is Xianggong now?"

Bai Shan looked at Bai Miaochan.

Bai Miaochan nodded and said, "Yuzhen is your wife, it doesn't matter if she knows."

"Yes, my husband, I know that you are hiding it from your wife, and you are worried that your wife will be afraid after knowing the truth, will be afraid, will betray you, and will leave you. Hey huh"

Princess Yuzhen burst into anger, bewitching the crowd with her demonic words, and her power was unstoppable.

Bai Shan was stunned, he still remembered that when he was in Taohua County, every time he came back, it was Bai Miaochan who took him to eat supper.

But now, Bai Miaochan has become a powerful person, but there are still people who welcome him back.

However, Princess Yuzhen is not pulling him to eat supper, but pulling him to eat her.
"Sir, just now we were talking about how powerful you are, so your wife asked you, can you beat the three generations of disciples of Qingyun Immortal Sect?"

Bai Shan nodded: "Yes."

Princess Yuzhen stuck to his body, breathing rapidly: "What about Zhenjun? A second-generation disciple at the level of Zhenjun."

Bai Shan said: "Maybe, I haven't fought."

He really has no idea in his heart, even if he becomes a catastrophe, his strength will only increase by eleven times.

But Xuanyun-jun may not be that much stronger than Leishan Xiang and the others.

However, if he really wants to fight, he still has "Wuyu" who can carry out a sneak attack.

At this time, Princess Yuzhen's cheeks were flushed like drunkenness, she liked her husband to be strong, this made her excited and stimulated, her heartbeat became more and more rapid, and she said softly like a mosquito: "Fight me."

Bai Shan glanced at Bai Miaochan.

Princess Yuzhen said: "It's your wife anyway, I'm not shy, what are you worried about?"

Bai Shan coughed, put Princess Yuzhen beside him, and asked, "How is your cultivation going?"

Princess Yuzhen said coquettishly: "It's only been more than half a year, how can you improve so quickly?"

When she asked this question, she immediately jumped out of the state of "need to be murdered".

Only then did Bai Shan look at the powerful Bai Miaochan, and said, "Let's talk."

Da Neng Bai Miaochan asked: "Is everything going well?"

Bai Shan said: "It's okay, Lei Shanxiang killed Fairy Yunrong, and I took advantage of the chaos to kill An Xuezhi with the flying sword of Xuantian Myriad Beast Sect. However, both women's bodies were only destroyed, and their souls fled back. .

Later, there were countless frictions between the parties, but no formal confrontation, because the eight immortals of Qingyun Xianzong suddenly gathered together, advancing and retreating together, like a solid piece of iron, impeccable. "

Immediately, he began to explain the details again.

Beside him, Princess Yuzhen stared at her beautifully, and said in her heart: Your husband is so amazing!
Princess Yuzhen was even more stunned when she heard that Xianggong could change his body, and looked at Baishan in disbelief.

When she heard that Xianggong had unknowingly become the lord of the Saint Kingdom, Princess Yuzhen was already stupefied.

Later, when she heard that Xianggong had agreed to watch the stars with Fairy Yunrong, she took Bai Shan's arm and said, "Xianggong, your wife also wants to watch the stars with you."

Bai Miaochan listened carefully, the situation is delicate at this time, it is better to be still than to move, wait until the wind picks up slightly, and then push the boat with the current.

Half a month later

Qingyun Xianzong.

The fairy in red stood on the top of the green peak, in the spiritual mist, her wonderful eyes became colder, more arrogant and sharper.

The ribbon on the placket danced in the long wind of aura, just like her inviolable and profane demeanor.

Behind her, there are many disciples of Yujian.

These disciples dared to return from the legendary ancient battlefield.

At this time, several families were happy and some were sad, some returned empty-handed, and some got treasures.

The one with the biggest change is naturally Fu Xingyun.

This abandoned son of the Demon Sect who once knelt in front of the stone steps of Yunxiao Peak still carried the huge sword as before, but his eyes had changed a lot, obviously he had encountered many things in the ancient battlefield.

"Third Martial Uncle, Xingyun is going back to the cave first." Fu Xingyun didn't dare to look at the chilling Fengxian Martial Uncle, he only dared to salute from afar.

For some reason in the past two years, Martial Uncle Fengxian's temperament became colder and colder, as cold as the snow-covered stars in the galaxy in the legend.

But if it's just cold, Master Fengxian is getting more and more charming.

This change in temperament must be a manifestation of the improvement in strength.

However, this is also a strong test of the xinxing of male cultivators.

Whenever any male cultivator raises his eyes to look at Master Fengxian, he will feel an uncontrollable throbbing, his heart is wandering, his passion is burning, he can't help but want to kneel at her feet, even if he can lick her toes, he will give birth to this life. No regrets.

And if Martial Uncle Fengxian said what she wanted, there might be countless male cultivators scrambling to get it for her, even if they sacrificed their lives.

After Fu Xingyun finished his salute, he turned around and left with his sword.

In the ancient battlefield, he gained a lot.

Originally, the Qingyun Immortal Sect only regarded him as the whetstone of Baishan, but now... his whetstone has not been broken, and he is still alive and well.

The whetstone also wants to go beyond the knife.

Fu Xingyun wanted to prove that he would not lose to anyone, whether it was for him or for Yang Xiaochun.

Thinking all the way, Fu Xingyun suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

It was as if a bee was "buzzing" in his consciousness.

"Could it be that you were injured?"

Fu Xingyun was in doubt, but fortunately, he had already returned to his cave.

Drilling into the hole, sitting cross-legged, absorbing the spiritual energy.

Suddenly, a trace of mysterious brilliance flashed in his eyes. This brilliance hides some kind of obscure mystery and mighty power that ordinary people cannot directly see.

Fu Xingyun noticed it very quickly, and only then did he realize that he might have gotten some "dirty things" on the ancient battlefield.

His expression turned cold, and he roared angrily: "Get out!!"

After saying these three words, his face became ferocious, and an unimaginable pain pervaded the air.

Fu Xingyun hurriedly got up, and when he got up, a "mysterious statue of a god shaped by light and incense" poured out of his arms.

Although the statue is only the size of a palm, it gives people the feeling of boundlessness. If you look at it quietly, it's like looking at the depths of the universe and starry sky with your eyes on the side of the telescope. civilization.

However, no matter what you see, you can never see the appearance of the mysterious statue.

Suddenly, the fallen idol returned to his chest, and then merged into his flesh and blood.

Fu Xingyun only felt thunder in his mind.

Eight words come from the depths of the soul
"Since you see the light, why don't you worship?"

(End of this chapter)

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