Chapter 168 227. Goodbye, Goodbye, Ancient Ghosts of the Frozen Earth (7.7K words-please subscribe)
"What? Such a big change has really happened to Qingyun Xianzong?"

After repeated checks, Bai Shan and Da Neng basically guessed the truth.

The other disciples may not know who the True Monarch, the Heavenly Venerable and even the Patriarch are fighting with, but these two people know very well.

An extremely strange emotion welled up in my heart.

This is really "planting flowers deliberately but not blooming, but planting willows and willows unintentionally to make shade".

The ancestor wanted to seize Baishan.

That unknown old monster also came to Baishan.

This wave is a vicious dog biting a vicious dog, and both sides suffer, but Baishan benefits out of thin air.

Regarding this, Baishan and Da Neng looked at each other in blank dismay.

It's really not as good as pushing the boat along with the current situation if all the organs are exhausted and painstaking efforts are made.

Dao Yueke heard that the old monster was also injured, and said goodbye happily. This time, he really left, and never returned. To some extent, it can be regarded as a second verification.

The old monster was indeed injured, otherwise why would the measures to block Dao Yueke's withdrawal suddenly disappear?

After Baishan announced the reopening of the mountain gate, Jin Wang and others who were waiting at the foot of the mountain were finally able to go up the mountain to meet Princess Yuzhen and this unpredictable brother-in-law.

After learning that her brother-in-law had become the Twelve Immortals of Qingyun, King Jin and the second princess were shocked and congratulated Princess Yuzhen.

Princess Yuzhen also probably knew the truth, guessing at this time that Xianggong might not have to face the ancestors to seize the house, she was smiling from ear to ear, this is a near miss, all hardships have come, and some will enjoy the blessings in the future.

And she will become the youngest and enchanting wife of Qingyun Xianzong in the future. A few years ago, she would not have dared to imagine such an identity, but now her dream has come true.

In addition to these, the Four Elephant Sect also welcomed a guest who made Baishan "guilty"——An Xuezhi.

Originally, all the disciples of the Qingyun Immortal Sect knew that Baishan would be the one to take over, so An Xuezhi's reconstruction was only arranged in the Qingyun Sect, but not in the Four Elephant Sect.

But at this time, Bai Shan has truly become a member of Qingyun Xianzong, so he will not have any scruples, An Xuezhi can come to this former junior brother and practice with peace of mind under his protection, after all The environment of Four Elephant Sect is indeed much better than that of Qingyun Sect.

Deep winter, deep mountains, deep courtyards.

The warm winter sun falls quietly on the white stone bricks.

Thousands of clouds penetrated, leaving behind a magnificent beam of light.

The wind was cold, but not biting, blowing the corners of the skirt and sleeves of the girl in the white dress in the courtyard.

"Congratulations to Sect Master Bai." The girl in the white skirt performed the ancient etiquette. This was An Xuezhi.

Anyone whose physical body is destroyed or withdrawn from Qingyun Twelve Immortals will not be in a good mood.

Bai Shan also saluted and said: "Little sister, you can practice in the Four Elephant School with peace of mind from now on."

The girl in the white dress sighed softly: "Why do you still call me little senior sister? Now that my physical body has been destroyed and my realm has fallen, but Sect Master Bai is among the Twelve Immortals of Qingyun. According to my seniority, I should call you eleventh senior uncle." gone."

Baishan has also figured it out these days.

The Twelve Immortals of Qingyun can only be twelve immortals, because the incense offerings are only enough for twelve immortals.

Waiting for the insertion by myself is actually a temporary arrangement.

Therefore, An Xuezhi is no longer the Twelve Immortals, or she has been stripped of her status as a third-generation disciple, and only enjoys the incense of the fourth-generation disciple. However, her status is noble, and she is the senior sister among the four-generation disciples.

This kind of generational change method is also wonderful.

"In Bai Shan's heart, the little senior sister will always be the little senior sister." Bai Shan smiled, and against the sunlight, he looked more gentle.

An Xuezhi's white dress fluttered lightly, seeing this smile, her heart trembled slightly and warmed up.

These days, although she hasn't seen much of the world's coldness, she can clearly feel the coldness of others. Comparing her heart to heart, An Xuezhi can also understand those sect disciples, after all, this is also human nature.

But the former little junior in front of him is different from those people.

Bai Shandao: "I am born to be useful, and I will come back after the fairyland is gone. I believe that when the little senior sister returns to show her spirit in the future, there will be boundless scenery, and thousands of swords will come to court!"

An Xuezhi's delicate body trembled when she heard the words, and her expression became softer.

Before Zhenjun Xuanyun said that the ancestor regarded the younger brother as a body to steal, she was indifferent, but now she has a feeling of "fortunately he is safe and sound".

Junior brother is different from those people.

Not only is he a monster, but he is also so warm. When she was at a low ebb, everyone looked at her coldly, but only the younger brother greeted her with a smile.

"I am born to be useful, and the fairyland will come back after it is gone"

An Xuezhi closed her eyes, murmured this verse softly, she felt that there was a bit of pride in the free and easy way, this pride actually dispelled the haze in her heart, like seeing the sun through the clouds, repeating the sunshine.

"Okay, Baishan!! When I return to Xianshen, there will be boundless scenery, and thousands of swords will come!"

Bai Shan smiled and said, "Little Senior Sister, don't be discouraged, there will be a day."

An Xuezhi said: "I have never known you before, but I don't want you to be such a person. In the future, in this fairy world, there must be a place for junior and junior."

Bai Shan laughed loudly and said: "Senior Sister and I don't have to flatter each other anymore, let's find a secluded cave and practice with peace of mind."

Seeing her junior brother like this, An Xuezhi suddenly felt guilty, but she couldn't talk about the past, she said softly: "Baishan, go find Yingfengxian. The sect really hopes that she will also return."

Bai Shan smiled wryly and said: "Senior Sister Fengxian, she can't see the end of the dragon, where can I find her?"

An Xuezhi smiled and said, "No one else can find it, but you can."

After saying that, she turned around and left, following the winding ridge path, going far away in the skylight, gradually getting farther and farther away.
Bai Shan retracted his gaze.

Looking for the Phoenix Fairy?

He has mixed emotions.

His relationship with Senior Sister Fengxian is that "I made a mistake that night", and it is still "Senior Sister made a mistake".

The worlds and concepts between him and Senior Sister Fengxian are almost not the same. If they really have a heart-to-heart relationship, it may cause great disasters. His secrets can be known by Da Neng and Yu Zhen, but they cannot be known by Feng Xian. Senior Sister Xian knew that because Senior Sister Fengxian's water was too deep, she had already made up her mind, and she had no reason to live and die with him.

Not to mention heart-to-heart, getting along together is quite hard to imagine.

His essence is a foodie, what he thinks about is the fireworks in the world, and what he thinks about is sister Miaomiao, a foodie, who wakes up and eats all over the country and the heavens together.

But Senior Sister Fengxian is so cold, so cold that she doesn't eat the grains of the world, so cold that she devotes herself to cultivation and Taoism.

If the two are together
Bai Shan asked, "What should I eat tonight?"

Senior Sister Fengxian replied: "There is Bigu Pill in the bottle."

Bai Shan asked, "Want to go sightseeing next week?"

Senior Sister Fengxian replied: "Junior Brother, you should concentrate on your cultivation and don't let your mind wander!"

Bai Shan asked: "The common people in this world just want something to eat, something to live in, and something to play with. What's wrong?"

Senior Sister Fengxian replied: "Why do you still care about ants?"

In comparison, Song Youning was simply an obedient girl, she just thought about it that way, she didn't do anything, she couldn't do anything.

But Senior Sister Fengxian's thinking is deeply ingrained, she can't change it, and she doesn't need to change it for him.

Bai Shan stood up.
He decided to make a trip to the north in the near future.

Now, for that mysterious lady, his identity has been corrected, and there is no danger anymore.

He wanted to bring Ningning back, let her return to the capital where luxury and money were glamorous, and let her live happily ever after.

The words of parting suddenly rang in his ears.

——— "That's one or two years! Baishan, you must come and pick me up! If you can't become a great immortal, then leave me alone!
I will wait for you at the seaside of Changmian in Beiman, I want you to ride the clouds, wear your most handsome fairy robe and armor, and take me away under the envious eyes of everyone! ! "———

——— "You are a great fairy, but even if you are a great fairy, you are still my husband-in-law!

You said that when my illness is cured, you will come to pick me up!right? "

"Great Immortal, you won't lie, will you?"——

Bai Shan showed the color of memory, smiled and murmured: "I won't lie to you, I'll come to pick you up right away."

Although the matter of wreaking havoc on the five sects of the Immortal World has not yet been completed, the situation has temporarily entered a blissful and sunny period. From the fast pace that was imminent before, it has slowed down again.

He exchanged a few words with Da Neng and Yu Zhen, and then he soared into the clouds and headed north.

half a month later.

He passed through many mountains, rivers and wind and snow, and landed at the foot of the heavy snow mountain in Beiman.

The heavy snow is majestic, pouring over the territory of thousands of miles.

Glaciers and frozen rivers, thousands of miles of ancient roads, only dim yellow tents can be seen.

Baishan easily found the Feng family in the Northland, but he couldn't find Song Youning.

After several twists and turns, he found Ningning's mother, Feng Biye.

"Mother-in-law, where's Ningning?"

"It's my aunt." Feng Biye looked a little gloomy, "A few days ago, Ning Ning went out with the maid Xiaomei, but she didn't come back. I think she was caught in a snowstorm and lost her way back, and then"

Bai Shan frowned, interrupted: "How many days?"

Feng Biye looked sad, and said sadly: "It's been almost [-] days, elder brother sent many people to look for it, but they only found two or two frozen corpses at the foot of the snow mountain yesterday."

Bai Shan was silent for a long time, and said, "Show me."

He followed his mother-in-law to a mortuary house.

In the room, there were two corpses, judging from their figure, clothing and appearance, they were Song Youning and Miss Xiaomei.

Bai Shan is not stupid, he knows that this is impossible
It's impossible to even think about it with your feet.
He raised his hand to gently touch Song Youning and Miss Xiaomei, but immediately fell silent.

The two, so real, so real that all his feelings were deceived, telling him "they are real" "you are late, they are really dead".

If it was said that the faces of the two were ruined, then Bai Shan would not believe it at all.

But for the two people in front of them, Ning Ning's narrow oval face is clearly visible, or because of the freezing and low temperature, the eyelashes are still slightly raised, and their faces are pale, as if they had suffered a serious illness when they returned from the Ice and Fire Country. ceramic white.

At this point she seemed to be just asleep, not dead.

Miss Xiaomei was just an ordinary maid, she was dead when she died, nothing special.

Bai Shan watched carefully, but felt that the details of the two of them were the same as those he knew. Coupled with the two familiar faces, they were silent for a long time.


"It's absolutely impossible."

Bai Shan murmured.

"My lord, my condolences are changing." Feng Biye's eyes turned red, and he obviously cried for a long time.

Bai Shan suddenly turned around and said: "Impossible, mother-in-law, this is not your daughter, you should know!"

Feng Biye bowed his head, sobbed, and said in a mournful voice: "How can a mother not recognize her daughter?"

Bai Shan felt a little inexplicably depressed and suffocated, he left the tent in a flash, soared into the clouds, landed in a mountain peak, and then entered Dao Yueke's dark temple with a single thought.

"Dao Yueke! Come out!" Bai Shan shouted in the temple.

But the temple was quiet, but only his voice formed a response, quietly spreading and returning, and gradually disappeared.

Daoyueke is gone too.

"Dao Yueke, are you interested?" Bai Shan continued to shout.

In the dark temple, there is only an echo.

Bai Shan continued to shout: "I'll count to three, if you don't come out, you will never know how to take the second step in this life!"

He paused for a moment, then began to count slowly.




"Dao Yueke, you and I made a deal right, we owe each other nothing.

But then you hid in my thoughts in order to avoid the old monster. I didn't kill you, but let you wait until the old monster was injured before leaving. Doesn't that count as you owe me?
What are you hiding from me for?
This is your temple, how could you not hear me! "

For a long time.
"Come out! I'll just ask you a question!"

"I just want to know if Song Youning is still alive?"

"You just have to tell me yes, or no, and that's it."

"If you don't make a sound, I will take it as it is"

Still, no response.

It seems that the demons of the abyss are all a big dream. When they wake up from the dream, all the "people" are gone.

Baishan left the Dark Temple, went to Daxue Mountain again, grabbed the "six-hole bone jade xun" given to him by Miss Xiaomei, and played the melody with incomplete pentatonic, but the frivolous and charming woman in red never appeared again.

He went to the coast south of Xinzhou and continued to blow the six-hole Xun, but no ghost ship came to the shore.

All traces of the "Song family" have been erased. Song Youning is just the eldest daughter of Marquis Xiaoyao. When she went to visit her relatives in Beiman, she encountered civil strife in Beiman and delayed her return trip. Later, she accidentally encountered a snowstorm while going out and died at the age of thirty.

The past is vivid, but it seems like a passing cloud.

The first life has not yet passed, but the song has ended, and the people have dispersed.

In the end, Bai Shan rolled the coffins of Song Youning and Miss Xiaomei and returned to Wanxiang Mountain.

It stands to reason that when the main wife dies, the husband-in-law needs to do funeral affairs, but Baishan doesn't do it.

He came to the courtyard of Da Neng and took out two coffins. Inside the coffins were thousands of years of black ice in his mouth. The corpses were lifelike and neither rotted nor rotted.

Bai Shan asked directly: "Are they real?"

Daneng walked around the coffin three times, remained silent for a long time, and said, "It's fake."

Da Neng said: "But no one knows where it really is. I think you should hurry up and practice, and you will be able to investigate when you really come into contact with the abyss one day."

Da Neng said: "I never lie."

Afterwards, she took a few steps lightly and deftly, and said, "Think about it carefully, in fact, they are just golden cicadas escaping their shells, and they are hiding from these old monsters that came out of the robbery."

On this day, the disciples of the Four Elephants Sect saw the suzerain on the lonely cliff outside the main hall, silent for a long time, obviously missing his dead wife, then suddenly rose up, flicking the sword with one finger, the sword energy rose up like a dragon, transformed into a form, chopped to pieces The rosy sea of ​​clouds and mist at dusk.

The vast world is divided into two parts, like a sea of ​​fire being divided by a sword.

Everyone knows that the suzerain's [Jin Shizhang] finally broke through the sixth floor.

into the night.

Bai Shan couldn't make up his mind, and tried again to communicate with Yueke through the dark temple, but it still failed.

Two coffins are in front of you.

The lid of the coffin is closed, and the beauty is nowhere to be seen.

Bai Shan was silent for a long time, but he didn't want to put the two coffins into the mustard bag, because he always felt that the two corpses would suddenly come back to life?After all, Miss Xiaomei is so powerful, how could she die?

If it's just a suspended animation, it's just a power out of body that he doesn't understand.
If he put the coffin into the mustard bag at will, wouldn't that harm the two of them?

In any event, however, he was never able to keep the promise
What will Ningning be thinking at the end?
If it was really death, how desperate would she be in the end?

Will she hate herself?
Hate yourself for not keeping your word, hate that you never saw each other for the last time?

He believed that Miss Xiaomei would be safe and sound, but what about Ningning?
Is this to avoid those old monsters, or have they suffered a catastrophe?
Is this really fake?
Or was Da Neng just deceiving in good faith because he was worried that he would lose his fighting spirit?
Many questions came to my mind, but I couldn't find the answer.

Distraught, Bai Shan took out the statue, and raised his hand to caress the cold corpse-like body.

One thought into it.

It is still the murloc world of the deep sea.

This time, he was looking for a target, and he caught sight of the mermaid bishop of the temple. From the perspective of such a character, he may be able to spy on many major events of this foreign civilization, or come into contact with higher-level power.

This murloc bishop has a very kind face, he likes to go through adversity, and has a very good reputation. No matter where he goes, the fish will line up to greet him, their eyes are shining, and they are extremely adoring.

Obviously, this murloc bishop is completely different from the little female murloc before.

As time passed, Baishan saw that the murloc bishop had saved many fish.

And because of the long-term existence in this murloc world, Bai Shan also gradually learned the language of the mermaid clan.

In the third year of possession, some fish came from outside, and those fish looked extremely distressed, some had broken scales, some were bloody and fleshy, and some were disabled.

There is more than one city in the murloc world, and these fish obviously escaped from the outside, as if they were refugees from the human world.

The murloc bishop did not exclude these refugees, but appeased the people, saying that "the gods tolerate all living beings, and they must always be compassionate." At the same time, it sent temple believers to carefully purify these refugees to remove the toxins of pollution.

In addition, the murloc bishop also went to the local "City Lord's Mansion" and had secret talks with the city lord to settle these foreign refugees.

As a result, the bishop held a high position and did good deeds, and his reputation spread far and wide, and he was more and more praised.

But in the fifth year of possession, Bai Shan saw another side of the murloc bishop—the dark side.

This deep sea murloc country is by no means a country of material affluence.

The main sources of food are "hunting" and "gathering".

Hunting fish and shrimp, collecting algae, this situation is somewhat similar to the "Stone Age" known by Baishan.

But because of their cultivation, the mermaids also have a lot of demand for resources.

This situation is doomed, the mermaid country is not a country that can "resist risks".

Once any disaster breaks out, food is destined to be in a state of shortage, and then starvation will be everywhere, and fish will eat each other.

In fact, it stands to reason that the sea is boundless, and the murlocs possess great power. They are the overlords of the sea, so there should be no shortage of food.

But Bai Shan, who was following the bishop, began to understand more and more that the safe area for the murlocs seemed to be limited.

Although this area is very large, it is indeed limited.

The temple and the lord of the mermaid kingdom set clear boundaries for this area, and loyal soldiers patrolled side by side.

All murlocs know that if they leave this boundary, they will encounter danger.

The upper limit is for the shallow sea.

Bounding in all directions is for—the sea of ​​chaos.

The boundary goes down, it's for - the sea abyss.

In the fifth year, a deep-sea earthquake broke out in the chaotic sea, which took the lives of many nearby fish.

Famine naturally came to the mermaid kingdom.

The lack of materials, coupled with the fact that the mermaid kingdom had received a large number of refugees before the bishop, finally caused turmoil.

During this turmoil, the temple caught a large number of "rogue mermaids", and the bishop said that they would be punished by the gods.

Baishan saw the "deep-sea alien version of the fish experiment".

The bishop seemed to have known that the disaster would erupt, and also knew that food would be scarce. It had taken in many refugees over the years, planting the seeds for this moment of disaster.

Let me just ask, if the mermaid kingdom is full of mermaids who know each other well, even if they encounter danger, they will get through it together.

But if a considerable number of alien mermaids were added, it would naturally cause chaos.

And only when there is confusion, can the bishop logically capture many mermaids for experiments.

His scheming was so deep that Bai Shan felt that "the mermaid died in the shallow sea before" was really nothing.

Then, Baishan watched the bishop conduct experiments and research.

Sure enough, the bishop knew long ago that there was no danger in the shallow sea, and there was only cold, a cold in which everything was frozen, even the air in the sky was frozen and fell down.

Under this extreme cold, the spells of the murlocs were useless.

However, the bishop also knew that in this freezing cold, a strange ancient virus was still alive. Those viruses did not dare to enter the water, but they crawled rustlingly on the overseas land.

The bishop accidentally obtained these ancient viruses, and at this time he was experimenting with how to perfectly integrate the mermaids with the ancient viruses, so that they could also enter the shallow sea, or even enter the land, to see the outside world.

The evil bishop, who is kind on the surface, actually has the ideal of expanding the racial territory.

Before, it suffered from a lack of research subjects and had been delaying its progress, but now it can carry out evil fish experiments without any restraint.

Along with the research, Bishop discovered two characteristics of these viruses.

The first feature: Ghost.

According to Bai Shan's understanding, these viruses are not entities at all, but like a special kind of spirit.

It is precisely because there is no entity that it can survive in the extremely cold world.

This is really a ghost virus walking on the ancient frozen soil.

The second feature: Soul Eater.

Just like the literal meaning, all the mermaids thrown into the virus have their souls swallowed, and then these viruses will stay contentedly in the "Purple Mansion" of the mermaid.

However, once they stay in the "Purple Mansion", these viruses will become inert, that is, they don't want to move.

If they were already full, even if the bishop threw another live murloc beside them, they would remain indifferent, as if they hadn't met the "condition" to eat again.

Time flies, it has been three years.

With this thought, Bai Shan didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurried back to his body.

A huge amount of information entered his mind, and his troubles were diluted a lot for a while, and he became calm at the same time.

"Da Neng is right, I have to hurry up and practice."

"Miss Xiaomei can't die so easily."

"As for me, I have actually been forced to make a choice. The abyss did not accept me, at least Miss did not accept me, no matter what the reason was."

"That's why they disappeared from my world."

"But... one day, I will meet Abyss and Xiaomei again. If I don't have the strength at that time, even if I ask about Ningning, I won't be able to get an answer."

Bai Shan actually knew it in his heart, Ning Ning.

No matter how you look at it, the situation you are in is extremely helpless, coupled with the presence of the turbulent ancient existence, the best way for that mysterious lady to deal with it is to cut the mess quickly and take her out of him.

After all, I have failed Ningning.

An unspeakable pain welled up in his heart, he could never imagine that the woman who made him dislike at the beginning would become a dagger stuck in his heart.

Even if he saw Ning Ning for the last time and said goodbye well, it wouldn't be like this.

Scenes of past events flashed in my mind, and the Song family was a mystery from beginning to end.

"Master, Mr.~~"

Princess Yuzhen's voice came from outside the mourning hall.

Bai Shan got up and waved his sleeves.

Princess Yuzhen said softly: "Sister Ningning will be sad when she sees your husband like this in the sky."

After that, she hastily added another sentence: "If I die one day, and my husband can feel sad for me like this, Yuzhen will feel very happy, so if I compare my heart to my heart, sister Ningning will also be happy.
Moreover, she must be the same as Yuzhen, and she doesn't want to see Xianggong always sad. "

"I'm fine." Bai Shan said, "Can there be any abnormalities these days?"

Princess Yuzhen shook her head, "Since that day, there have been no more accidents."

Bai Shan pondered for a while, lowered his eyes and thought for a while and said, "Yuzhen, fry two side dishes. I want to drink."

Princess Yuzhen said: "What does Xianggong want to eat?"

Bai Shan said: "Grilled fish."

He saw that the murloc bishop often ate grilled fish, so he couldn't help but want to try the taste.

After drinking, Baishan felt that the many messages were still undigested, so he stopped entering the world of god statues for the time being, but followed a spiritual spring in the mountain, climbed up the steps, and came to the library pavilion on the back mountain of the Four Elephants Sect.

There are a lot of books in this pavilion, and it is different from Qianshan Library Pavilion, only the suzerain, the disciples of the immortal sect, or those who have the suzerain's handwriting can enter it. Naturally, there are many secret books in it.

Baishan was so busy before that he almost lost his head, so naturally he didn't have time to read books here at ease.

But now, he is determined to look for history and secrets, especially to find all the news about the "Da Guangming Temple".

The four-story ancient pavilion of the Song family is the "Da Guangming Temple", and this is the only way he can find the Song family again.

As he stepped in, the disciple guarding the pavilion hastily stood up respectfully and said, "I have seen the suzerain."

This disciple, Bai Shan knew that he was a man of great power and could be trusted, so he asked, "Do you have any books about Da Guangming Temple?"

"Da Guangming Temple?" The disciple guarding the pavilion looked blank, and then said in shame, "Please forgive me, disciple. Disciple really doesn't know the name. However, a bookworm may know."

Bai Shan wondered, "Bookworm?"

The disciple replied: "Yes, it is Zhenjun Yaohua. She likes to come here to study very much. She stays here after practicing. She reads for a day. It has been more than two years. If you ask her, she is very happy. May know."

True Monarch Yaohua?

Bai Shan thought of such a person, this is the second generation disciple of Xuantu Xianzong forced here by Xuantu Immortal Venerable, and he is also an existence that has merged with [Soil Chapter].

The next day.

After Qi Yaohua finished her practice as usual, she sat down in the Library Pavilion to sleep.

She first took a lot of books and put them in front of her, then covered her body with a mountain of books, and then fell asleep.
She has social fear, the world here is too scary, and the library is safe.

Suddenly, she noticed a gaze, she hurriedly opened her eyes, looked up, but saw no one, so she muttered twice, and lay down to sleep again.

Bai Shan looked away in disappointment. Is this "reading for a day"?
Forget it, let him find it himself.

Therefore, Baishan asked where the ancient book area was, and following the guidance of the agency platform, he came to the bookshelves one after another to browse through the books.

The light in the Zangshu Pavilion is very good, beams of light shine down from the sky, and from time to time there are long clouds casting shadows in the huge Book Pavilion.

It took three days to check Baishan.
But the result was as expected, he didn't find any information about the "Da Guangming Temple", even if he had rummaged through books such as "The History of Buddhism in the Former Dynasties", he found nothing.

three days later.
He felt that he had almost recovered, so he returned to the quiet room and held the ice-cold statue again.

One thought, enter.

The ancient history of the mermaid world slowly turned again as he stepped in.


PS: At the end of the month, click your finger and vote for the author, thank you~~
(End of this chapter)

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