Chapter 188 266. Opening up the world again, the world is cloudy and windy (6.0K words-seeking subscription)
Why can Miss Xiaomei help the female corpse in red to see reincarnation?
Bai Shan's thoughts raced.

Suddenly, he remembered the origin of the abyss, and he was a little stunned.

"The Abyss used to be the underworld, so it is normal that it will have many characteristics of the underworld.

This can be seen from the fact that Miss Mei can play Huangquan Qu, and Huangquan Qu is like Mengpo soup, which can make people forget a memory."

"However, there is not only Meng Po soup in Yincao Difu, but also the book of life and death.

It is said that the book of life and death records people's past and present lives. If Miss Xiaomei can see this book of life and death, she will naturally know who the mother of the female corpse in red is. "

"The gorgeous attire that Tang Xiaoya mentioned, who else is it but Miss Xiaomei?"

"As for the dream time, it was 15 years ago.

And 15 years ago, wasn't it the time when I just entered the abyss and she and Ningning died not long ago?
I just left, and I'm busy with other things. This business is really busy. "

Bai Shan secretly smiled wryly, feeling that the universe is huge, yet small, and even if you travel tens or hundreds of light-years away, you will meet some people as you should.

At the same time, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he believed that Miss Xiaomei was fine before, after all, Miss Xiaomei's body was still lying in the coffin in Taohuayuan. Now...he finally got new news.

In this way, even if Ning Ning died, then Miss Xiaomei would know exactly where Ning Ning was in this life.

Many thoughts flooded into Baishan's mind, and after a detour, he came to yesterday's canyon.

As soon as he passed the corner of the mountain, Bai Shan's pupils shrank.

"what happened?"

He murmured.

In sight, under the gloomy sky, in the canyon surrounded by mountains, those mutated flowers and plants that had only completed their mental pollution yesterday were in a mess, nothing at all, all dead!
The flowers are messy, the stems and leaves are broken, and the claw-like roots are torn to pieces, laying in a mess on the canyon wasteland, as if there are countless tillers running over here.

But not even with a tiller.

Because these flowers and plants have mutated, they will run.

Is it a beast?

Not like.

Because the roots of these mutated flowers and plants are like sharp claws, if the beasts came here, they might be torn apart by the roots of these flowers and plants.What's more, beasts don't eat grass.

So what's going on?

Is it because of the canyon, or something else?

Bai Hua huddled in his arms, looking at the scene in front of him, she was very angry. For it, it seemed that it took three days to pile up a toy, but now it was pushed down.

Bai Shan was not angry, his brows and soul roots flickered, a transparent eye emerged in the void, and then gradually floated into the air, overlooking the earth, everything on the ground was invisible.

After observing for a while with this celestial eye, I didn't find any clues.

After a stick of incense, Bai Shan withdrew his eyes.

"Father~~" The mutated Bianhua tugged at his clothes uncomfortably.

Bai Shan thought for a while, and gestured to Bai Hua: "Grass, small. Tree, big, we, tree."

What he means is that although the vegetation here is lush, most of them are miscellaneous flowers and weeds, even if they mutate, they are just mutated weeds, but today he wants to take white flowers to find some plants that are already powerful, and let those plants mutate, so Firstly, even if you encounter danger again, you can resist it, and you can also use "fishing" to see whether this canyon is special or something else.

When the old man said this, Bai Hua immediately listened.

Baishan continued to advance into the depths of Endless Mountain with white flowers, and began to re-select pollution points conscientiously.

After a while, he stopped in front of a vine with purple flowers.

The vines are densely covered, but they are thicker and tougher than the vines in Baishan's impression, covering an area nearly [-] meters wide, wrapping all the trees, which is particularly "arrogant".

"This is the Star Picking Tower Vine?" Baishan's [Wood Chapter] and [Wood Demon Chapter] contained a lot of plant knowledge, which allowed him to recognize the special plants in this world at a glance.

The star picking tower vine is like an enlarged version of the ordinary vine, and because of its thick vines, it can go up the clouds with the trees, and can also intertwine by itself, turning into one after another towering spires, like pagodas It seems that this is the name of the "Star Reaching Tower Vine".

This kind of plant can only appear in extremely ancient virgin forests, but I didn't expect this to happen.

Bai Shan held out a white flower, pointed at Yunteng and said, "This one."

In vain.

Baishan dug the soil, dug a small hole, and put the white flowers in it.

The spiritual source of pollution started to work again, and the vortex of flames extracted parts from the original souls of the plants without hindrance, and returned them as thick smoke after pollution, just like an exquisite and casual soul artist, rebuilding life.

Bai Shan sat next to Bai Hua, crossed his legs and closed his eyes, and began to concentrate on studying the power recorded in the "Tao of the Human World". He had to understand others first before he could perfect this power model.

And in this process of "understanding", he is always confirming what he has learned.

One day passed peacefully.

The next day was also calm.

On the third day, nothing happened.

On the ninth day, Tang Hen finally walked out of the house, came to the courtyard, and began to shake his fists.

As the saying goes, "It takes a hundred days to hurt a tendon and break a bone." It only took him ten days to recover from a broken tendon, so he was ecstatic.

In the past few days, he has insisted on using the "ointment given by the seniors", and his tendons and hamstrings are intact, not only that. His strength has also returned to [-] to [-]% of the original level, but if he wants to recover completely, he still needs to rely on his own strength. Just practice boxing.

And with strength in his body, all his confidence and feeling came back.

Tang Yan saw her elder brother recovering, and saw her old father taking a walk every day. His complexion was getting better and better, he was full of energy, and he was in a good mood.

On the other hand, the pollution of the Nebula Picking Vine was not so fast, and there were no obstacles encountered in the process of pollution, and there was no "attack" incident at night. .

Picking a monster plant like nebula vine naturally takes longer to pollute than hybrid weeds.

White Mountain has plenty of patience.

He waited for the success of the white flower pollution, and also waited for himself to be able to obtain the exercises of the sages in it, and then melt into himself.

Endless Mountain, it was almost mid-August.

It is still summer in other places, but Baishan has already seen light snow this day.

He looked up at the gray sky.

Suddenly, a trace of inexplicable enlightenment emerged from the bottom of my heart.

"Looking at the exercises of the sages through the human world" seems to have given him a chance to jump out of his own circle.

The so-called "if you want to see a thousand miles away, go to a higher level", if the building is one level higher, you will become a bystander, no longer confused by the authorities, and you can clearly see the power of his original cultivation.

The strength of Baishan's martial arts is already equal to that of the sages of the human race in the past dynasties. At this time, he has this opportunity to reach the top. Although it is invisible, he can take another step forward. Where is this step? No one Know.

At this time, Mingwu told him that all the martial arts learned in the world in the past are fuelwood, and now it is time to throw them into the furnace of power.

This means that his previous "whale swallows breath, dragon spits pearls", "King Kong is not bad", "no self", "extreme emotion", "four seas and extreme flow paths" will completely disappear.

But he can also refuse.

As long as it is rejected, it can remain the same.

However, if you don't forget the method, how can you get it?
Bai Shan didn't refuse at all, he directly threw himself into this epiphany.

In an instant, all the martial arts in his mind except the [Kaitian Jing] were put into this melting pot, and began to be dismantled, sublimated, and reorganized. Of course, many of them became scum and were forgotten.

He couldn't remember any exercises like "whale swallows breath, dragon spits beads", and new information appeared in his mind.

——You look at what the sages of mankind have learned, and use what you have learned all your life to create a skill that can rival the sages——

As this information emerges,

The complex power model in the human world suddenly moved, and there were a little more shining points in the many sages' exercises, which meant that the exercise that Bai Shan had comprehended had also been absorbed by the human world.If Baishan fails, and after a few years, this human way falls into the hands of others, then... this other person can also see the cultivation method that Baishan comprehended.

At the same time, a brand-new power that was both familiar and unfamiliar surged within him.

Bai Shan raised his head, took a breath, and for a moment, the wind and cloud came towards him, circling around him, and the world in an area seemed to start to revolve around him, immortal.

He breathed out again, the whirlwind in this domain, like the imperial edict of the king, moved forward in one go, turning into a billowing wave of swords, rushing, sweeping, and sweeping away, with great momentum and incomparable majesty.

"Go to the sky to become a wind, enter the earth to transform into a dragon"

"This method. Let's call it [Part [-]]."

Where there is the first article, there will be the second article, which shows Baishan's ambition.

And because this method is not foreign, but obtained from the integration of Baishan's perception, it has not paid any "equivalent" price.

New information comes to mind.

Bai Shan directly swept to the part of the exercises. After the many lengthy messages before, the three most prominent ones emerged.

[Cultivation Method 1: Opening the Demonic Sutra (Disabled)]

[Cultivation Method 2: The Way of the World. Part One (Baishan) (Martial Arts Cultivation Method), Dzogchen]

[Cultivation Method 3: Terrain Yaksha Law Code (Spell Cultivation Method)]

Part [-] (Baishan): Your control over the Qi mechanism is superb, and you can reach the heaven and the earth with your body, move the five elements, and transform into a realm.However, what to do in the future needs to be reconsidered.

Bai Shan closed his eyes.

There are two meanings of "Human Tao. The first chapter (Baishan)".

One, this exercise has become a part of the human world.

Second, this exercise is not the first chapter of the Human World, but a method named [Part [-]] that Baishan contributed to the Human World. He borrowed the sages' exercises from the Human World to comprehend the power, and now he has given back.But the power he comprehended was no more special than the sages.

At the same time, he already understood what "what to do in the future" means.

His practice has not come to an end, "Yuan" is just a "product of compromise", a product that neither chooses people nor heaven and earth.

So, if you want to go further, you have to choose.

First, choose people and turn heaven and earth into people.

Second, choose heaven and integrate people into heaven and earth.

This difference is very interesting, just like the difference between righteousness and evil in the three great wonder books.

But when Wu Dao came here, there was a disagreement.

This disagreement is different from the "Jian Zong Qi Zong" in the low martial arts period, but similar to the "Taoist school" of "the struggle between heaven and man".

But compared to the theory of "The Struggle Between Heaven and Man", this is undoubtedly more exaggerated, and it is also many times more difficult.

Bai Shan suddenly remembered the exercises of the sages of the human world.

The sages, in fact, have only advanced their own strength to this point in their entire lives, but they have also begun to face the same choices as themselves.

And the idea of ​​most people must be "choose the first one and turn the world into people", so this semi-finished model is built.

However, after all, manpower is exhausted from time to time, and it is better to be panic-stricken. Even if you throw out such a point of view, you still don't know what to do.

"Integrating heaven and earth into every cell of human beings" is easy to say, but it is not difficult but impossible to do.

The sages continued to advance, but this that they have not even entered the hall.

Now, Baishan is also facing this choice.

He needs to choose, and he needs to think.
If he can get out of this second step.

Then in the human world, there are endless sages' skills, so don't look at them!

The streets of light snow.

Suddenly, a group of more than ten strong men walked through the streets of Daxing ancient city with domineering expressions, came to the north of the city, arrived at the place where the Tang family lived, and then went straight to the courtyard in the middle.

These more than ten strong men are members of the righteous gang, and they came here under the order of the gang leader.

When they got to the door, the first man in animal skin entered first, raised his hand to press against the sound of the half-open wooden door, and pushed hard.

Bang! ! !
The door was pushed open.

There was a loud noise, and the wind and snow swirled.

Tang Yan, who was cooking porridge in the house, was startled, and hurriedly looked out from the earthen stove, but saw a group of strong men standing at the door, and was at a loss for what to do.

Fortunately, Tang Hen walked out quickly. He had just practiced boxing, and his body was still steaming.

The head of the strong man with animal skin directly asked: "Is the animal tooth knife yours?"

Tang Hen didn't answer, and didn't even look at him.

The brawny man snorted coldly: "Those exotic knives belong to the Hongfang clan, right? People who are not close can never hold them! The Hongfang clan is helping Dayan's alien race. You hold those things, What do you want to do?"

After he finished speaking, someone continued: "Although we are located in the ancient city of Daxing, we know that we are loyal to the country. We have checked who you are! You are the great general Tang Hen! No wonder the southern territory has not changed for several years. Jiangnan rebels colluded with the party, and even colluded with the enemy country!!"

"You are such an unkind and unrighteous person, everyone can punish you!!"

Angry voices followed one another.

Before Tang Hen could speak, a man in Tsing Yi walked out from under the eaves behind. It was Tang Shou.

Tang Shouyuan said: "A member of the Yi Gang?"

The leader said: "That's right! We are members of the Yi Gang!"

After finishing speaking, he cupped his hands against the sky again and said, "The boss is an old man who is loyal to the emperor and patriotic. Even if you see traitors at the border, you need to take care of them!"

Tang Shou laughed and said: "Isn't it just relying on the word 'righteousness' to act recklessly, robbing openly and stealing secretly? It is really inferior to talk about 'righteousness' in everything.

You guys are here today because you took a fancy to the animal tooth knife we ​​sold some time ago, so you want to see what other good things are hidden in our house?
He didn't move before, that is, he was checking us. Now that he checked, he felt that our Tang family was easy to bully, so he came here like a fly. "

Among the righteous gang, a gang member sternly said: "Don't talk too much with these thieves, take them down first, and take them back!!"

The knives were pulled out one after another, dull and dull in the snowy sky.

The members of the Yi Gang had already heard the news, but there was no one in the Tang family.

Although Tang Hen was a great general, he had his tendons broken in his hands and feet. This would lead to death, and only the old and weak, women and children would be left after he died.

At this time, the eyes of these ten or so people were all fierce, without any cover, and even if someone saw them from a distance outside the door, they did not dare to approach.

In this ancient city of Daxing, dead people couldn't be more normal.

Tang Hen glanced sideways at Tang Shou.

Tang Shou nodded slightly, obviously he had already estimated the situation today.

However, he was not prepared to act immediately, but took a step forward.

The man whose eyes were originally full of resentment apparently regained his composure, and the former resentment turned into extreme sharpness, as if two bloody cavalry were hidden in his eyes, and his aura was terrifying.

With just one step, the powerful spirit and evil spirit spread out and overwhelmed these gang members.

Immediately, several people felt their bodies go cold and their hearts shuddered.

A member of the gang sternly said: "I'm afraid he's a ball, so many of us are warriors! He's just a useless person!!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Tang Hen again and said, "What else is there in the house, hand it over! Spare your life!!"

As for whether it is true forgiveness or not, that's another matter.

The tense atmosphere dissipated.

Tang Hen took another step forward, came to a rock in the yard, and raised his hand to touch the rock.

chi chi chi.
There was a sound of crushing rocks.

Raising his hand again, he saw a clear palm print on the rock.

The gang members were a little confused.

But at this moment, there was a sound of laughter, and a blurry figure shot out from the midair quickly. The figure grabbed a ghost knife in its hand, and turned into an arc of light to slash at Tang Hen.

Tang Hen had experienced many battles, even with this kind of sneak attack, he breathed out a little, his body paused, and he swept aside at a fast speed.

Before everyone could react, they saw a man in black being grabbed by Tang Hen and smashed to the ground.

Boom! !Ka Ka Ka! !
A small hole was blasted out by the huge force on the mud, and several of the man's bones were also broken.

Yibang helped the crowd to see clearly, and hurriedly shouted: "Fifth Master!"

Tang Hen grabbed the man in black and threw him out.

The members of the Yibang rushed to help, but they didn't help them. Instead, they took seven or eight steps back and sat down on the ground together.

Tang Shou walked to the elder brother's side, and raised his voice: "Go and tell you the head of the family, our Tang family was punished to come here, we only want to settle down, and don't want to cause trouble. Today, my elder brother is merciful, so we can get to know each other again."

The righteous gang members were silent, and then suddenly turned around and went out with the help of the five masters.

Seeing the vicious gang going away, Tang Yan poked her head out and asked, "Brother, your injury."

Tang Hen said: "It's almost done."

On the other side, Tang Shou shouted: "Fourth sister, quickly boil a basin of water, your elder brother needs to take a bath."

"Bath?" Tang Yan couldn't keep up with the jumping thinking of the second brother.

Tang Shoudao: "After washing, put on clean clothes. Tonight, he and I will go to the mountain gang overnight."


Tang Yan was a little silly, but she came to understand again, "Second brother, didn't you say that you only settle down and don't cause trouble, and that the well water does not violate the river water?"

Tang Shoudao: "That's for the Yi Gang. I have already found an opportunity for the Shan Gang. Brother and I will go with me tonight, and it will definitely work!
Don't worry about it, go and boil the water.

Also, don't tell our father, he is old and can't bear this thought. "

a long distance away.

Imperial City.

deep palace.

There are two figures pasted on the window, showing secret discussions.

"The news has been released for so long, how is the movement on the red side?"

"Reporting to the emperor, Princess Hongfang led her people, riding the fire cloud leopard, headed straight to the Northland, then reached the Calabash Mountain and turned eastward. It should be on the way to the east now."

"What an infatuated woman, how did Tang Hen fascinate such a foreign woman? I'm really curious."

"My Majesty, this kind of foreign woman has the habits of beasts, which is naturally barbaric and rude. When she sees a man who is also brutal and rude, she will of course like it.

Otherwise, how could they subdue the Fire Cloud Leopard and use it as a mount?

When the time comes to capture the red princess, the emperor will know it at a glance.

Maybe the princess saw the majesty of the emperor, so she handed over all the secret casting methods of star iron and dragon tooth.

Everyone in the world thought that the emperor really liked alchemy, and was deceived by alchemy liars like Luo Chenzi, and then he destroyed the Great Wall and An Guogong's family.

But no one knew that this was the emperor's attempt to deceive others and paralyze the Great Yan Dynasty.

As a matter of fact, the emperor had already made up his mind, and his subordinates really admired him. "

"Oh? Then tell me, why do I want to kill An Guogong's family?"

"An Guogong has always had a good reputation, and his peaches and plums are all over the world.

Tang Hen is also famous, Weizhen Military Department.

It is not a crime to have a good name, nor is it a crime to have a prestigious name.

But it's a crime if the virtuous name and prestige fall into the same family. "

The emperor was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice: "I gave him a chance to give him some beauties, but he didn't want it.

I asked him to help the disaster again, but he was not greedy at all.

No matter what I ask him to do, he only wants to be famous. "

"The king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die, and An Guogong deserves it." The minister who spoke continued to please.

The emperor said silently: "Go down, Princess Hongfang must catch her, she is the source of our Darong's future magic soldiers."

"Yes, Your Majesty!!"

The emperor waved his hand, and the courtier took his leave slowly, and then left quickly.

In the study room of the deep palace, it suddenly became quiet, and the oil flowers of the ever-burning lamp were lightly exploding.

The weather here was not as hot as in Daxing Ancient City, it was still extremely hot, the eunuch outside the door brought sour plum soup to cool off the summer heat, and left again.

The emperor took the spoon and scooped it up on his own, but he didn't drink it, but pushed it to the table respectfully, got up again and said, "Are you here?"

A black shadow walked out slowly.

The emperor hurriedly said: "Master Immortal, please sit down. Try my secret sour plum soup in the world. Although it is not as good as a fairy thing, it is still delicious."

"Yeah," the weird voice responded, and then the huge body slowly sat down in front of the desk, like a shocking hill.

(End of this chapter)

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