Chapter 192 274. Xiong dominates a mansion, Fengshen teaches (6.2K words-seek subscription)
The next day
Daxing ancient city, Tang family.

Tang Yan looked left and right, looking out with her beautiful face.

She thought that when she came to this ancient city of Daxing, she would fight for survival and get stuck in the mud every day, but she never thought that she would encounter such exciting things during the short days in this ancient city of Daxing.

The first is to meet the seniors.

After that, the third brother went crazy.

The third brother killed the general, and now he is still unscrupulous. He doesn't know what to do. Today, he can hear the sound of swords and soldiers wafting in the cold wind.

Although Tang Yan is a woman, she also knows that the world is like chess, and every move needs to be carefully calculated, but the third brother who just recognized it seems to have overturned the chess table, grabbing the black and white pieces in the chess cup and directly throwing them at the opponent's face Litter.

Bai Shan came back early today and called out, "Yan'er, what are you looking at?"

Tang Yan was afraid that the old man would be worried, so she hurriedly said, "It's nothing, Dad. I just looked at the sky outside and thought it was going to snow again, so I was in a daze."

At this time, footsteps were heard outside the door.

Tang Yan looked out the window, but saw a burly man and a steady man walking in quickly. They were Tang Hen and Tang Shou who had just returned. She ran to the window and softly shouted: "Brother, The second brother is back."

What Tang Yan meant was that the old man should not discuss anything too exciting in front of him when he is in the house.

The members of the Tang family, one civil and one military, looked at each other and smiled wryly.

They were going to look for Dongfang Shang, but Dongfang Shang was blind to the end. After searching for a day, they found out that he was actually in the City Lord's Mansion in Daxing Ancient City.

But when they went to the City Lord's Mansion, Dongfang Shang had already left, and an unimaginable event directly shocked the two of them "burnt inside and tender outside", which was unbelievable.

They knew that the third brother was crazy, but they didn't expect that the third brother was crazy beyond anyone's imagination.

When the two arrived at the city lord's mansion, a leader of the Shan Gang handed them a porcelain bottle and told them that it was "the city lord's antidote."

The two asked again carefully, only then did they realize that just now, Dongfang Chang directly slaughtered the city lord's guards, then arrested the city lord, and forced the city lord to take the gang poison "Wan Hong San", which requires Take the antidote every month, or you will die.

The cadres of the Shan Gang also conveyed Dongfang Shang's words.

"Brother is a general. If you feel wronged today, let's be a little city lord first. The disciples of the mountain gang in the city should obey orders. From now on, I will give you a big gift."

Dongfang Shang actually wanted Tang Hen to be the city lord, and he could use poison to control the original city lord to give orders.

Tang Hen, Tang Shou really didn't keep up with this rhythm.

it's not rhythm at all
Even the rebellion is not so impatient and rampant
The two looked at each other, not knowing what to do. When they returned home, they stood in the yard, not wanting to enter the house for a while, so they stood under a bare old tree, discussing while the cold wind was blowing.

Tang Hen was silent, but it's not like he didn't do great things. Although he was silent, he didn't panic, but hesitated.

Tang Shouze said: "Brother, the third brother is about to rebel. Moreover, his rebellion is very unusual. There has never been such a way of rebellion in the history books."

Tang Hen said: "I asked the people of the Shan Gang, and they said that the third brother might have the power of ghosts and gods, and he showed his supernatural power last night. He wiped out the seven masters of the Yi Gang in a flash, and killed the Yi Gang once he made a move. helper.

Afterwards, some cavalry rode into the ancient city on snow, and the third brother directly killed the leader.
It is said that the third younger brother was hanging in the air to kill the general at that time.

But the killing method is not a flying sword, nor is it like the legendary spell, it is unbelievable and unimaginable. "

Tang Shou asked silently, "How are you going, brother?"

Tang Hen said, "I just find it unbelievable that the world has never heard of such power."

Tang Shoudao: "What if this power is real?"

Tang Hen: .
Tang Shouhu said genuinely: "Don't you want to return to Darong Imperial Capital?"

Tang Hen said: "I want to, of course I want to! If you betray me, I will kill you!"

Tang Shoudao: "In fact, no matter what, we can't escape the relationship. The imperial court will definitely send troops to quell the chaos. At that time, the third brother will die. No matter how we explain it, we will definitely have the matter of the city lord because of this sworn relationship. He was arrested again, and thus the leader of the execution ground.

Brother, you can lead the army, why not help him.

And I am good at internal affairs, so I will preside over the rear.

However, these are not in a hurry.

Because, I don't know if the third brother still cares about our relationship. "

Tang Hen said with a headache: "There should be a third brother, otherwise I wouldn't have given me the position of city lord and asked me to take charge of the mountain gang here."

Tang Shoudao: "Then let's try first, brother, you can subdue some people who can be used first, and then I will be of great use."

Tang Hen said: "I am the best at leading and training soldiers, but I have to be busy."

At this moment, the inner door opened, and Tang Yan shouted: "What are you muttering about, dad asked you to come in for dinner."

The two brothers looked at each other and shouted, "Come on~"

After a while.

Tang Yan brought plate after plate of steaming dishes to the table.

The two brothers continued to bring food to Mr. Tang.

"Father, you eat this meat, it's very tender."

"Father, take a sip of this soup. In this weather, the soup gets cold quickly, so drink it while it's hot."

After Tang Yan put down the last dish, she wiped her hands on the apron, sat down at the table, and said with a smile, "Big brother, second brother, you are very diligent in serving food today."

Just as Tang Hen was about to speak, Tang Shou tugged at the corner of his clothes and grabbed the words, "It's like this, Dad. The third younger brother we recognized before has a higher and higher status here, so he helped us find a job, Go to the city lord's mansion."

Tang Yan paused for a moment with her chopsticks, with a look of curiosity on her pretty face, "We're all low-ranked, aren't we not allowed to be officials?"

Tang Shoudao: "It's not about being an official, but about doing things. My eldest brother and I have thought about it over and over again, and we still want to go. The main reason is that we don't want to waste this ability."

Bai Shan, who was playing the role of Mr. Tang, nodded tremblingly and said, "Okay, okay, since you can still do something, let's do it, eh."

Tang Shoudao: "If you're going to do something, you may go out sometimes. My brother and I will move out of here, maybe we won't come back often."

Tang Yan froze for a moment, then looked at the two of them in shock.

Bai Shan said: "Fuck you, it's always good for young people to have something to do. When I get old, I will live in this house for the elderly, and I won't go anywhere. After getting used to it, you can't Forcing me to move away."

Tang Hen and Tang Shou brothers hastily put down their chopsticks, knelt down in front of Baishan, kowtowed three times, and said at the same time: "Father, I made you suffer."

After dark.

Tang Yan waited for her father to sleep, and then found her two elder brothers.

Once the three of them communicated, Tang Yan knew what the two brothers were going to do.

They want to rebel with Dongfang Shang.

It was unbelievable, but there was no other choice.

"Fourth sister, that's how things are. Dad will take care of you from now on. However, you still have to take care of Xiaoya. Brother and I will get someone to help you later."

"This house... I can come here alone, don't ask outsiders to come."

"There must be someone to help take care of the home. Don't worry, the person selected by my elder brother and I will definitely not be bad."

The next day.

Tang hated Tang Shou and began to move to the city lord's mansion.

The two of them acted vigorously and decisively, without the slightest bit of obsession. After seeing the situation clearly, they decided to do it, so they decided to go all out.

Baishan didn't care about them, he continued to go into the mountain every day, guarding the mutated forest that Baihua secretly expanded, and continued to think about the corresponding exercises of "human beings blending into heaven and earth".

He needs to sow more seeds, let those seeds take root and germinate, and then bear fruit.

And he's not some kind of mastermind behind the scenes, he just can't help it
His time is limited, so he needs others to develop all kinds of power with all his strength, which is much better than him working behind closed doors.

a few days later.

Linzhou Prefecture.

A man in white walked with his hands behind his back in the strong wind.

The government soldiers drew their bows and shot.

The arrows fell like rain, but they stopped directly beside the man in white, hovering in mid-air unbelievably, spinning slightly.

When the man in white advances, the government soldiers retreat.

This man in white is Dongfang Shang
He has become addicted to using this power, and is constantly challenging himself to develop more uses.

"I can grow arbitrary wind limbs from my body, as long as I can swallow air, I can do this easily."

"In the beginning, I condensed my arm, but it was inconvenient to catch people with my arm."

"The wind is invisible, as long as I can control it well, it can take any shape."

"Then try my strength."

He took another step, waved his hands, and produced a huge wind pillar tens of meters long. Under his control, the top of the wind pillar gradually turned into a sickle blade.

While walking, the sickle slammed into the surroundings, the walls collapsed, the houses collapsed, and a woman screamed from the mansion of the Linzhou Mansion.

Dongfang Shang stepped forward, his body leaped into the air, and the strong wind gushed out from behind, turning into two big hands of wind to support the ground.

The government soldiers raised their heads and shot upwards.

The man in white was thinking.

"It's like having a new body, and I'm familiarizing myself with this body, so I can learn to walk, and learn to control the body to make various postures. It's like a baby learning to walk."

Whoosh whoosh! !

Arrows landed on his body one after another, as if they had entered the vortex, but they were only stirred, but could not enter again, as if the arrows had been shot into a fat belly.

"Ridiculous." Dongfang Shang showed pity, and then he closed his eyes and fell from the sky.

The government soldiers looked at the sky in horror.

But a ball like a storm fell down, and the wind blades in the ball lingered like silver threads.

"Run away!"

"Run away!"

Although the government soldiers are elite, they dare not stand any longer.

And the storm ball transformed by Dongfang Chang directly hit the place with the most people.

Bang! !

The soldiers who were hit were directly sucked into the storm and whirled.

And the storm, like a real ball, bounced up again, and when it reached midair, it threw the soldiers in the wind away one by one.

Bang bang bang! ! !
Dongfang Shang felt the power at this time.

When they opened their eyes again, tens of thousands of government soldiers were wounded, dead, and had no fighting spirit.

This world is different from the world before Baishan. There is no "army formation" here, and it is impossible to condense the spirit of soldiers together.

Therefore, facing Dongfang Shang's extraordinary power, it was simply unstoppable.

Only Dongfang Shang was left on the field.

He walked among the ruins for a while, then bent down suddenly, and picked up a man in official uniform.

This is the mansion master of Linzhou mansion. At this moment, the mansion master is covered in blood, so he doesn't have any prestige at all.

"Why do you want to deal with my elder brother?" Dongfang Shang asked.

"You your big brother?"

"Tang hate."

The Palace Master snorted and said, "It turns out that Tang Hen really conspired against him. Tang Hen not only colluded with the Jiangnan rebellious party, but also colluded with you and other evil heretics. It seems that exile is not enough to wash away his crimes, and he has to implicate the nine clans."

Dongfang Chang's expression returned to calm, "My lord, it seems that I can't see the situation clearly. Is it because your mouth is too hard?"

After all, he didn't see any movement, and an invisible hand suddenly grew out of his chest.

This hand reached into the Palace Master's lips.

The palace master suddenly felt a force rushing to open his mouth, and then the invisible hand smashed into his mouth.

Chi! !Chi! !Chi! !

The hand twirled quickly, as if an iron rod with nails was spinning around in the mouth.

The Palace Master's teeth fell off one by one, and some were washed into his stomach.

Dongfang Chang stopped and threw the Palace Master on the ground at will.

"You evil devil heretics, your death is imminent."

"Ha ha."

Dongfang Chang threw the Palace Master away at will, looked at the subordinates beside him and said, "Go and pry his mouth open."

That hand looked at Dongfang Shang with fanaticism and awe, and then dragged the master of Linzhou Mansion away.

After a while.
The palace master couldn't bear the torture, so he told everything.

To deal with Tang Hen, it was only Tang Hen who cut off his financial resources in the previous disaster relief work. Although this man is now the head of Linzhou Mansion, he was the head of Jiangnan Hanshan Mansion before. Linzhou Prefecture, which lays eggs, is named Pingdiao, but it is actually a demotion.

When I was in Hanshan Mansion before, although there were those big families on the top of my head, it was a good place. The people below offered good things, and even the beauties had juicy skin and aura. .

But when he came to Linzhou Mansion, everything changed.

So the Palace Master naturally hated Tang Hen, and wanted to kill this lowly exiled fellow directly.

As for "imminent death" it is another matter.

According to the Palace Master, a hundred miles to the northwest of this place, Darong's famous [-] Tieshan Army secretly stationed there. The reason why the Tieshan Army was there was to intercept the princess of the Hongfang clan.

This princess's coming here is actually related to Tang Hen.She came to save her lover.

"Iron Mountain Army?" Dongfang Chang showed a smile on his face, he just had a chance to try out the new power he thought of - Gun Fort!
In the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

After Baishan returned, he ate and lay down again.

Then, he vaguely heard Tang Yan talking to someone.

The speaker was Tang Shou who hadn't returned home for a long time.

"Fourth sister, I'm going on a long journey this time. But you still keep it from dad and don't let him know."

"Second brother, what's wrong?"

"Your third brother single-handedly defeated all sixteen cities in Linzhou Prefecture, and he also repelled the Iron Mountain Army.

Now that things have come to an end, your elder brother and I have to go to Linzhou Mansion to meet him, and then" Tang Shou was a little excited, but then said, "Then, elder brother guards Linzhou Mansion, and I will secretly go to the imperial capital with third brother, First try to pick up your sister-in-law and young lady from the dance and music department, and go to Lenggong in the imperial capital to pick up the third sister
When we succeed, we will have no scruples. "

"Sister-in-law, young lady and third sister" Tang Yan murmured, and the images of three beautiful women flashed in her mind. She sighed softly and said, "Second brother, is it really possible?"

Tang Shou said excitedly: "Your third brother said that he will go to the imperial capital to meet the heroes of the world. You think, he can single-handedly take down the entire Linzhou government, and even repel the Tieshan army. How could he not have this ability?
Your third brother really has the power of gods and demons, and today is not what it used to be, extraordinary.When Xiaoniang came back, I sent Xiaoniang quietly and let her stay with Dad.With my little mother around, my father has a companion after all. "

Tang Yan was silent for a long time, then responded softly, and said again: "You also pay attention to safety."

"Do not worry."

"Second brother~~" Tang Yan yelled again when she saw Tang Shouyao leaving.

Tang Shou turned around and looked at her suspiciously.

Tang Yan said: "Come back this time. You seem to have changed a bit. What's the matter?"

Tang Shoudao: "It's nothing, it's all outside affairs, so I won't bring it home."

"En." Tang Yan nodded, watched Tang Shou go away, and then showed a worried look.




In the most luxurious place of Linzhou Mansion, a fanatical atmosphere is permeating, and countless men and women wrapped in moiré ribbons are shouting excitedly.

The brazier was burning, and red seedlings jumped up one by one, licking the air, illuminating patches of light in the wind and snow.

And these many men and women are raising their heads in admiration, worshiping the man in white at this time—Dongfang Shang.

Dongfang Shang floated in the air with his hands behind his back, accepting the worship calmly.

In this era, because of the continuous battles, people advocate martial arts and strength.

Now, this Dongfang Clothes has gained the power of gods and demons, and within two months, it has swept the entire Linzhou Mansion, creating countless miracles, and unwittingly recruited a large number of "believers" behind it.

These "believers" include disciples and elders of the former martial arts sect, fierce generals who used to be in the army, and even all kinds of thieves.

But the same thing is that they are all fascinated by Dongfang Shang's power.

Facing such an overwhelming force, they were all subdued.

When Dongfang Chang was crazy, he respected that mysterious teacher even more, so he took advantage of the situation and created the "Fengshen Cult", only worshiping the wind god.

This Fengshen is his teacher.

At the beginning, even though Bai Shan directly "pulled the seedlings to encourage growth" and transformed his body, he also taught him the cultivation method, obviously allowing him to carry forward this method while inheriting the mantle.

Therefore, Dongfang Chang first selected six believers to practice this exercise.

Of course, this supreme skill also has a name——[Wind Mystery Code].

Snowflakes fell "squeaking" and made "chucking" sounds in hundreds of braziers, but they couldn't dampen the enthusiasm and devotion of the believers.

Supreme power.
Fields never touched
Real existence. Gods!

Dongfang Shang looked towards the direction of the imperial capital in the southeast, and secretly said in his heart: "Did you see, senior, I am using the power you gave me to dominate the world.

You said that as long as I climb to the top of the world, maybe I can see your back. I look forward to that day, I am so looking forward to it!

I have secretly learned that there is an expert behind the Tang family, you should be that expert, right?Even if it is not, it is a person with a relationship.

Three days later, I will set off, go to the imperial capital in person, and bring back all the members of the Tang family.

I want to see how much a hero in this world weighs!
It just so happens that I can also try my newly developed power——Tiandu! ! "

His eyes radiated strong confidence. In less than two months, he had changed a lot. If it wasn't for speculation about Baishan's identity, or Tang Hen and Tang Shou, how could he catch his eyes again? ?

The imperial capital and the emperor used to be names that could easily make him uneasy.

This anxiety was like a cage locked him.

And this time, he wants to break this cage, so that his strength can be honed to a higher level! !

It is snowing in the north, but the imperial capital is still a desolate scene in late autumn.

A fallen leaf quietly drifted away, whirling and falling in front of the cold palace.

Concubine Zhen's black hair had turned white, she was sitting on the cold ground, looking at the ancient bronze mirror.

Suddenly, she frowned.

The sound of dense footsteps in the distance, and the sound of the collision of iron armor scales gradually approached.

Bang! !

The gate was smashed open, and the black-armored imperial army poured in, then ran quickly along the two corridors, dispersed, stood still, and surrounded the cold palace.

A handful of powerful crossbows shone with a cold light, and they were raised immediately, facing Concubine Zhen in the cold palace.

The commander of the imperial army came out in a row, and said sharply: "Ms. Zhenfei, your practice of magic has been discovered. The emperor asked me to take a look at it. At the same time, the emperor also asked me to bring a word to the empress."

Concubine Zhen's expression was cold, and she sighed in her heart. She had practiced for eight full months and was just getting started, but she didn't expect to be discovered.

She asked coldly, "What sorcery?"

The commander of the Imperial Army sneered and said, "Your Majesty, you don't have to deny it. There is an expert in this palace. If you say there is, then there must be one. The expert also said that your Majesty's sorcery has just started, and if you can break it with a shield, then it must be." That's right.

Now, the emperor asked me to tell the empress.

Did the concubine abolish this magic trick herself, or was it done by a subordinate official? "

Concubine Zhen got up slowly, grabbed a bag of embroidery needles at hand, and poked her fingers in, as if she wanted to ask something.

But before she caught her, the commander of the imperial army suddenly waved his hand and said sharply, "Shoot the arrow!"

With an order, the trigger of the crossbow was pulled, the cold light flickered, and the stream flowed into a river, drowning Concubine Zhen.

But looking again, the concubine Zhen who was shot turned into a phantom.

Laughter like silver bells sounded in the desolate and bleak air.

The commander of the Imperial Army recognized that the voice was from the sky, and suddenly raised his head. On this platform, there were red threads connecting needles, covering the cage, like a spider casting a web.

Fortunately, the imperial guards were commanded by experts, so they all brought big shields this time.

The shields were set up one after another, and the sharp needles fell on the thick shield surface, and the sound of ding ding ding was endless.
And between the gaps in the shield, the cold light of the continuous crossbow was aimed at the sky again.

"Fire the arrows!!" the commander of the forbidden army yelled again.

Arrows flowed towards Concubine Zhen who was in mid-air.

Concubine Zhen had nowhere to go in the air, she let out a loud shout, and could only resist with her inner energy.
Arrows hit her body one after another, and bounced off one after another, while her true energy was also rapidly consumed.

When Concubine Zhen fell to the ground again, she showed a ghostly figure again, and fled outside, trying to escape.

The imperial army wanted to catch up, but Concubine Zhen's speed was extremely fast, and she had already climbed over the red wall in an instant.

But immediately, she froze.

Because there are still densely packed forbidden troops outside the wall.

The imperial guards set up their shields, raised their crossbows, and faced her murderously.

Behind the shield, an old eunuch smiled and said, "Your Majesty, let's waste your time, so that our family can take you to another place and stay in the prison."

(End of this chapter)

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