Chapter 207 303. Brocade Clothes of the Wu Dynasty, Yan Luo of the Tang Gate (6.8K words-please subscribe)
In Jiangnan's study, the candles were extinguished.

Agarwood curls up, covering the old but well-maintained ancient books on the wooden shelf like gossamer gauze.

The distorted black shadow whispered in Wen Sheng's ear with the most bewitching voice, and these whispers were full of extremely strong emotional agitation.

If a countryman who has never cultivated his heart, he would probably draw his knife out of anger if he only heard a few words, and he would break through the door, and blood would splatter three feet.

"The Wu Dynasty has taken action against the aristocratic family."

"The heads of the five thousand-year-old families are all dead."

"But the family was also ignited because of this."

"In the Wu Dynasty, how many people from aristocratic families are there, Wen Sheng, don't you know?"

"What the current family lacks most is a leader."

"But who... is more suitable than you?"

"Kill Tang Yan."

"Kill a woman. You can lead the family and lead the Wu Dynasty."

"The ideal that has always been close at hand, why hesitate?"

The black shadow continued to fire, it was ordered to come here, and it was only a certain adult in the abyss who discovered the abnormality here, so he wanted to create chaos. See what the anomaly is in the midst of the chaos.

Wen Sheng's name is Zhao Ribai, he looks like an old Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi, and he sits silently.

The old Confucian scholar said: "You sprite, you have said so much, you just want me to start a complete war."

"The war has already started." Sombra continued to bewitch.

The old Confucian scholar said: "But those of you who want to start a war will never know what the war will bring. How many mothers can't wait for their children outside, how many starving people will die in the water, how many hatreds will last for ten years A hundred years or even a thousand years!"

"But many people have died, so what if some more die? Everything is for the ideal. Isn't it? When the world is as you wish, peace, beauty, and everything you expect will come." Black The audio and video became more and more bewitching.

The old Confucian scholar did not answer, but instead asked a question: "You monster, you have said so much, so let me ask you a question. When does evil end? When does goodness begin?"

"Of course, wait until the ideals are realized. The sacrifices made for this are just to realize the ideals, and you will become great for a better world." The voice of the black shadow is ethereal.

The old Confucian scholar smiled and shook his head, then with clear eyes, he said loudly, "Evil, from now on!
Good, from now on!

I have never been great, nor have I ever thought of becoming great. "

After all, Asahibai got up to make tea, and poured another cup, the fragrance of the tea was overflowing, and he calmed his mind.

He asked: "The visitor is a guest, would you like a drink?"

Turning his head again, the twisted black shadow has disappeared, and the long black gap on the ground has disappeared without a trace.

On the other side, after Tang Shou heard the news that "Tang Yan made an attack on the family", he rushed for several days to reach the fourth sister.

Tang Shou is full of dust.

These days, he has been on the road.

Tang Yan was calm and relaxed.

These days, she has been suppressing and controlling, pulling out the sons of the aristocratic family in the Wu Dynasty one by one.

The aristocratic family wanted to fight her, but they couldn't rely on power, money, or numbers, they could only rely on people who also possessed the power of gods and demons.

When these people appeared in front of Tang Yan, one would kill one, and two would kill one pair.

If you kill more, it will be calm.

But this is calm and calm, but it is the calm of the dark tide and the calm before the storm.

Sitting in the calm and calm environment, Tang Yan prepared medicines and read the codes of the Wu Dynasty. This codes are the language of God the Father recorded by her, and she will implement every sentence.

God the Father wants a unified human world, a world where everyone can become stronger through hard work without scrambling for power.

In this world, everyone will be tapped to their greatest potential.

Everyone is like a dragon, perfecting the power bestowed by God the Father and pushing it to the highest level.

This is the wish of God the Father, and it is also her wish.

Quiet room.
After the two brothers and sisters sat down.

Tang Shou saw that the people around him had retreated, so he said earnestly: "Fourth sister, governing a big country is like cooking small fish. The family is deeply rooted, and if the family is pulled out, it will cause chaos in the world."

Tang Yan drank tea.

Tang Shou continued: "Do you know that in this world, anyone who is a student or a martial artist can always get involved with aristocratic families.

Before the Dayong Dynasty and the Dayan Dynasty, more than ten generations have not been able to move the aristocratic family, which is the reason.

Today, this generation has passed, and the roots of the family have long been related to all aspects."

Tang Yan drank tea.

Tang Shou sighed, "I'm not from an immovable family."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Yan interrupted directly: "Then you just let so many families in the Wu Dynasty like this? They ate the fruit of gods and demons and received the favor of the father and god, but they still remained loyal to the family and thought about the family at all times. They even formed small groups and interest groups with the aristocratic family as the hub. How do you move?!"

Tang Shoudao: "Aren't there more innocent people? Aren't so many servants just for training from childhood, like a piece of white paper."

Tang Yan shook her head: "When a person gains power, he will be greedy and inflated, and any restraint will not work. Unless...his life is in your hands."

She raised her head slightly, her face was holy, and her eyes were blurred, "I went to Father God's Valkyrie Garden alone, and used some special plants in the garden to develop a holy medicine.

This kind of holy medicine cannot be eliminated even by people who have taken the fruit of the gods and demons.

As long as you eat it, you will be extremely loyal to the Father God, and you must take the antidote regularly, otherwise you will die of pain.

From now on, all those who enter the Wu Dynasty as officials and those who want to take the fruit of gods and demons must first take this holy medicine.

In addition, I also plan to set up Jinyiwei in the Wu Dynasty, with three commanding envoys, six Tongzhi, six Qianshi, 12 townspeople, and several thousand households.
Jin Yiwei supervises the words and deeds of all Wu Dynasty officials, and the world's trends, so as to correct the atmosphere. "

Tang Yan's voice was understated.

Tang Shou was shocked, "You are not ruling the country. You are suppressing. There will be big troubles."

Tang Yan suddenly said: "Second brother, do you know why I changed my name to Godfather under the crown of Martial God?"

Tang Shou:.
Tang Yan said: "Because... our father died in the outskirts of the imperial capital when the Tang family was exiled. The person who accompanied us and protected us all the way is Father God."

She stood up and said, "It's not because I have ambitions that I am in power, but because I know what kind of world God the Father wants."

"What?" Tang Shou heard this secret for the first time. After thinking about it carefully, many puzzles were instantly answered.

But soon, Tang Shou asked, "Who the hell is Father God?"

Tang Yan didn't answer, just looked at him quietly.

Tang Shou also noticed his gaffe, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "Sorry, this news is too shocking, I have to deal with it."

"Shocked?" Tang Yan frowned beautifully. When she heard the news, her first reaction was not shock, but joy.

After a long time, Tang Shou raised his eyes and said, "At the beginning of March, the cabinet plans to hold a meeting. The fourth sister can talk about it at the meeting. Whether it is the Jinyiwei of the Wu Dynasty or the drug system, according to the old rules, seven people As long as four people agree, it will pass."

"Cabinet meeting."

Tang Yan asked, "Second brother will support me, right?"

Tang Shou hesitated.

Tang Yan sneered and stood up abruptly.

A new world requires a new system.

If you can't eliminate the evil, you will suffer thousands of years!
Tang Shou shouted: "Fourth sister, let me think about it, haven't I said it yet?"

But in his eyes, that elegant woman seemed to be a goddess who descended from the God Realm, holding the code of law and leaning on a stick. When she walked to the door, the old trees in the courtyard began to change, turning into one after another. The weird tree beast followed behind her, and the golden-winged tree fairy flew out from among the leaves and landed on her shoulder.

Tang Shou continued to shout: "Fourth Sister, Fourth Sister, I just think about it first, can't I think about it? It's not like you don't know my temper? Fourth Sister!"

Endless Mountain, when it entered February, was still covered with ice and snow, and the sky was full of storms.

A steady figure appeared at the entrance of the mountain path. He untied the cloak to keep out the cold and handed it to the servant boy beside him. Then, he walked in with the wind and snow in his eyes.

for a long time
He walked to the entrance of the Valkyrie Garden.

All kinds of strange plants are in front of you, and the circles of poisonous miasma are difficult to enter.

The figure took a deep breath, knelt down at the entrance, and shouted respectfully: "Tang Shou, pay homage to Father God!"

Sound spreads away
Tang Shou knelt for three days and three nights, but there was no movement inside.

He sighed softly, and then raised his voice again: "Tang Yan wants to suppress the world with legal codes and centralize power in one person. This trip is tantamount to destroying the cabinet and returning to the monarchy!!"

In the Valkyrie Garden, there was still no movement.

Tang Shou shouted again hoarsely: "Tang Yan's actions are tantamount to proclaiming herself an empress! The world will be in chaos soon! Is this really the result that Father God wants to see?!!!!"

However, there was still no movement in the lush forest. Some curious and strange plants looked out, but retracted their heads again.

Tang Shou closed his eyes and sighed softly.

He didn't know whether it was because the Valkyrie didn't see him, or it was just a coincidence that the Valkyrie wasn't in Endless Mountain at all.

You know, the fourth sister had to wait half a year to see the Martial God before.

However, the fourth sister has already started to do it.

Seeing that the cabinet meeting was imminent, Tang Shou had to get up and return.

Deep in the inner court, a small garden.

"Flower beautiful beautiful flower."

"Watering, my mother said, you need to use your little hands to pick up the kettle, go to the well to fetch water, and then water the flowers."

The girl has long silver hair.

Waist-length hair, bound by a flower headband.

She has a beautiful face, but it's a pity that her eyes are a little silly, and she is watering the flowers in this small garden at this time.

Suddenly the door opened and the girl turned her head to see the charming and beautiful woman standing in front of the door.


The girl put down the kettle, ran over and hugged the beautiful woman.

Tang Yan closed her eyes and gently combed her long hair with five fingers.

"Mom." The girl hugged her tightly, "That's great."

"En." Tang Yan responded softly, put her arms around her daughter, changed her speaking mode, and entered into a stuttering and childish dialogue.

Until a woman's voice came from outside the door.

"Master, the path to the dungeon has been cleared"

This woman did not take the devil fruit, but practiced near the Black Jade Pagoda and achieved the power of the gods and demons. Of course, she had already taken Tang Yan's "sacred medicine", so she was called "Master".

When Tang Yan heard the voice, she gently stroked Tang Xiaoya's silver hair again, and said, "Mom has something to do, so I'll go and see you next time."

With that said, she got up and headed for the exit of the small garden.

Tang Xiaoya chased her away, calling "Mom, Mom", Tang Yan stopped again, coaxed her gently and patiently, coaxed her for a while, waited until Tang Xiaoya smiled, and then left.

There is a faint voice in the distance
"Master, all the prisoners in the prison are special prisoners who have taken the fruit of gods and demons. We"

"Is King Shang still alive?"

"King Shang? He is still alive, imprisoned in the deepest part of the dungeon. Over the years, he has become more and more dangerous. Even if his power is blocked, even if he is in the most painful torture every day, he seems to be getting more and more excited. The jailers all said that he...he might be practicing in the sky prison."

"Practice." Tang Yan paused, showing a charming smile, "That's good."

A dark and damp dungeon.
Elegant footsteps sounded, and they stopped in front of the deepest cage.

In the dark cage, a pair of pupils full of storms lit up, and the darkness seemed to be rolled up. A hoarse voice came, "Who?"

There was no answering voice.
Some are just the sound of brushing the pages of a book.

Immediately afterwards, the woman's cold voice sounded:

"On special occasions, practice special methods.
Dongfang Shang, who disobeyed the Father God, was imprisoned here.But if you can make meritorious deeds in the body of a crime, you can also make up for your mistakes. "

"Humph hum. Ha ha ha." Laughter sounded in the darkness.

A cold voice sounded: "You only have one chance, and I won't give you time to think about it. Answer me now."

"Of course I agree." In the darkness, a hoarse voice emerged, "It's just that I have thought about it many times, who will eventually come here and take me, a lunatic, out.

But no matter how I think about it, I never thought it would be you, hahaha, this world seems to be becoming more and more crazy, interesting, really interesting. "

As soon as the words fell, the trajectory of a pill pierced through the air.

In the dark, the figure didn't even ask, didn't even think about it, just opened its mouth wide, sucked in the elixir, and then swallowed it.

"This is a holy medicine, and taking it has great benefits in improving the bones. However, you need to take the antidote once a year."

"I know, I know, when will you take me out?"

"Not only do I want to take you, I also want to take out all the people detained here. But not now, when the time comes, someone will come to unshackle you."

"Hey, don't you wait for a few years without news?"

"No, half a month at most."

"That's good. I haven't stretched my muscles for a long time. I'm really eager." In the darkness, there was a suppressed crazy sigh.

Tang Yan asked: "What do you desire?"

"Of course, the power of Valkyrie, as long as I can get close to him, and even a little closer, it will make my heart beat.

I often wonder why Valkyrie didn't kill me back then, but let me live in this mud and darkness. Now I understand. Only by being alive can I see his power again.Great, great, hahaha! "The crazy laughter was full of excitement. He was not happy for freedom, and he no longer had power in his heart. All he wanted was to be able to see the Valkyrie again, and then feel the despair of the difference between clouds and mud.

Time flies to the beginning of March.

The seven members of the cabinet have arrived and sat around the table.

They are Tang Yan, Tang Shou, Yong Di, Tu Xiaoshi, Leng Feng Taoist, Ascetic Monk, and Wen Sheng.

The matter was spread out directly.

That's three pieces.

First, destroy the immortal family;

Second, how to distribute the Black Jade Pagoda;

Third, Jin Yiwei, should the holy medicine system be implemented.

First is the statement.
Whoever proposes, who makes a statement.

Tang Yan's face was sacred, and he said directly: "The existence of the family will only allow the Wu Dynasty to be infiltrated by the family. The warriors who possess the power of gods and demons do not thank the father for the gift, but thank the family for the opportunity, and then hold together together For a long time, the Wu Dynasty has also become a flowing water, and it is still the aristocratic family. Therefore, the aristocratic family must be destroyed!
The Black Jade Pagoda can only be in my hands, and the warriors who can practice around the Black Jade Pagoda can only be warriors who have taken the holy medicine. Still only fame and fortune.In the long run, how is it different from the past dynasties?
Jin Yiwei must exist, and during this turbulent time, if someone wants to plot a rebellion, Jin Yiwei can detect it immediately.Even if you can't detect it immediately, you can still shake the mountain and make these people calm down.When there are more warriors taking the holy medicine, Jin Yiwei can be eliminated.

The above is my statement.

Hands up in agreement. "

After the words fell, a tense atmosphere emerged.

The ascetic monk clasped his hands together and said firstly, "This matter is absurd, forgive me, I cannot agree."

Taoist Lengfeng didn't move at all, obviously he didn't intend to raise his hand.

Wen Sheng shook his head and said: "Tang Yan Shangshu, there is no need to be like this. If you want to destroy the family, you can only educate. It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people. When everyone knows that they are for the country and the people, the family will disappear without a trace. This is a step-by-step move, and even His Majesty the Martial God can understand it."

After all, he nodded in a graceful manner without raising his hand.

On the other side, Yong Di directly raised his hand, and she could tell that Tang Yan was indeed the darling of the God of War, and what she meant might not be the meaning of the God of War.So whatever Tang Yan said, she would support her.

Tu Xiaoshi glanced at Yong Di, and raised his hand.

Tang Yan raised her hand slowly, then cast her eyes on Tang Shou, and said, "Second brother, what about you?"

Tang Shou looked at the three people here and sighed secretly in his heart
In today's Wu Dynasty, those who can take the fruit of gods and demons must be talented warriors with extraordinary strength, and where do these warriors come from?
Buddhism and Taoism
Even if he raised his hand, the combined strength here is not the opponent on the other side.

Even if the third sister had the Black Jade Pagoda, it would be too hasty.

His expression moved a few times.

But at this moment, there was a sudden roar and explosion outside the cabinet, as if all the palaces and towers were blasted into the sky.

Outside, violent wind tornadoes and long pillars of flame broke out from the direction of the prison like demons, rushed towards the sky, and shot in all directions.

It didn't take long before there were hurried footsteps coming from far and near, before the seven-member meeting at the core of the cabinet.

A respectful and frightened report sounded.

"Master Xiang, all the ministers, the prison is broken, and the prisoners have escaped."

As soon as the words fell, figures suddenly appeared in the cabinet.

Since the establishment of the Wu Dynasty, the Tianlao has been transformed and specially used to hold prisoners with the power of gods and demons
The prisoners inside are all insane, talented and powerful.

Even King Shang, who was invincible back then, was imprisoned in it.

The day was broken, didn't the dozens of prisoners inside all escape?
Is this still available?

Tang Shou was sweating coldly, and while his Adam's apple was rolling, he glanced at Tang Yan who was not far away.

The beautiful woman sat gracefully, her expression calm, neither sad nor happy.

On the other hand, Wensheng said in a hurry: "Go and maintain order. If you want to arrest, wait until you leave the city to arrest. Don't hurt the people."

Tang Shoudao: "Do as Wen Sheng said."


The person who reported came out in a hurry.

In the cabinet, silence was restored again.

Tang Shou looked around and said, "I have a proposal.

The Black Jade Pagoda was controlled by Tang Yan Shangshu, and Jin Yiwei was also established according to Tang Yan Shangshu to supervise the Quartet.

But the act of holy medicine is not feasible, and the aristocratic family may not necessarily need to be eradicated.

With Jin Yiwei present, the style of the Wu Dynasty will be suppressed, even if the person serving in the Wu Dynasty has a relationship with the family, they may not still obey the orders of the family.The aristocratic family will be completely excluded from power.

So, okay? "

He looked at Tang Yan, "Fourth sister, if you nod, I will raise my hand."

At this time, he had no other choice. This proposal was not good, but at least it could avoid the immediate dispute.

Tang Yan looked at him, was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Tang Shou also raised his hand, and looked at the other three, "Wen Sheng, Great Monk, Master Leng Feng, what do you think?"

The ascetic monk said "Amitabha" and became silent.

Taoist Lengfeng nodded.

Wen Shengdao: "I only hope that Shangshu Tang Yan can formulate a law for the supervision of the Jinyiwei, and don't let the party fight against differences and frame Zhongliang."

Tang Yan said: "The ones I want to kill are those who belong to the same party, attack dissidents, frame loyal people, and cause chaos in the world. I will discuss with you the final drafting of the code."

Wen Sheng looked at Tang Shou and said, "Master Xiang, I have no objection."

after the meeting.
The sky prison escape case gradually subsided. The strange thing is that those vicious prisoners did not carry out any acts of sabotage or revenge, and they seemed to have evaporated from the world one by one.

Bai Shan didn't have time to care about and manage all kinds of things in the Wu Dynasty.

All his time was allocated to "Cultivating the Late-stage Techniques of Manifesting the Realm", "Enlightenment [Part [-]]", and "Cultivating Stronger Mutant Plants".
These days, he wasn't even in Endless Mountain, but took the "spirit-eating plants" to a hidden corner of the fairy world.

The fairy world is full of aura, and it can be regarded as a paradise for spirit-eating plants.

He used Dixi's secret medicine to control a small sect, and then released these plants in the mountain area where the small sect was located to devour the spirits.

This mountain area is a place of fourth-order aura, which is much better than the second-order in the human world.

And when the capture here is over, he will go to another realm.
The spirit devouring army is getting more and more spiritual energy will be absorbed faster and faster
When all the aura of the fairy world is absorbed, the immortals will become waste.

And the "trash" in the world will become "immortals".

half year later.

Autumn day
Fenshui City.

On the boat.

A middle-aged man was sitting on the ground in the back, Yingying Yanyan in the boat, the man hugged left and right, very happy.

At this time, a respectful voice came from the curtain.

"The villain Mu Wenzhuo visited the magistrate of the Wu Dynasty, and the villain wanted to donate money to ask for a child servant"

"I heard that you and your wife are very affectionate, so I will send your wife here, and donate another 5 taels, and I will raise you as a servant."

"Little man. Think again, little man."

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of chaotic sticks, and the man was beaten out and fell onto the approaching ship, but the beating men obviously didn't intend to let him go, and jumped over to continue beating him.

The middle-aged man, surnamed Ma, was originally a military officer with strong strength, and his roots were connected with the aristocratic family, so he was very popular and hot. , although the power of awakening is not too strong, it can still become the magistrate of a new dynasty.

At this time, Ma Zhifu waved to the outside, and a man dressed as an old servant walked in, respectfully said: "Master."

Ma Zhifu said: "Do you know what to do?"

The old servant laughed and said: "Then Mu Wenzhuo and his wife love each other, since he is not willing to trade his wife for his future, then let his wife trade him.

It is a serious crime for Mu Wenzhuo to insult the magistrate, and he needs to be punished with a staff of two hundred.

The old servant quietly sent someone to inform his wife.

Presumably that little lady must be sensible and know what to do. "

Ma Zhifu said: "Let's do it."

Beside him, the beauty who was sitting in his arms whispered: "Prefect, I heard that those royal guards in the Wu Dynasty were very vicious. You did this."

Before the words fell, she was directly arrested and thrown into the river.

Ma Zhifu snorted coldly: "If the news of my one-acre-three-point land gets out, then I will write my name upside down. Jin Yiwei, Jin Yiwei is really a bunch of damn beasts!!
And that Tang Yanluo, obviously we are all superior beings, but we still have to abide by the law, I can go to hell.

Hmph. The aristocratic family is right, and Tang Yanluo is the scourge!
She herself became a god and demon, but she didn't want to enjoy the benefits of the god and demon.

Then, sooner or later, she will be beaten as a mortal! "

While talking, Ma Zhifu pulled the beauty next to him and pulled her hair. This beauty is also a charming and coquettish woman, and her face is somewhat similar to Tang Yan.

"Come on, kneel down, kneel down!! Serve me well, bitch, hahaha!"

The next day
A man's corpse floated on the Fenshui River. Someone recognized the man as Mu Wenzhuo.

and a few days later
Someone found a beautiful woman in the suburbs and hanged herself with a white silk.

Soon, the identity of the beauty also came to light, and it was Mu Wenzhuo's wife.

However, the sound gradually died down, and the matter could not even be heard thirty miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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