Chapter 221 331. In the appearance of the sky, can one mountain accommodate three tigers? (6.4K words - please subscribe)
Daoyue Ke's white hair flutters like two silver rivers of stars, hanging down smoothly from her shoulders, covering her bulging chest, covering her private areas, and falling down to her legs. She has red lips and white teeth, and although she is only 1.5 meters tall , but exquisite and embossed, every piece of flesh in the carcass contains a powerful explosive power.

Behind her are many monsters, including the blood-eyed skeleton wolf, the giant hyena, the bone ghost, and the decapitator.
But these monsters are actually the first time to follow the king to the world.

In the past, even if they came to the world occasionally, they borrowed some power to the little believers through the unique "equivalence exchange" principle, but their ghosts never came to the world.

The abyss devil naturally has a devil's language.

The giant ghost hyena looked around and let out a strange roar: "Invasion, invasion of the world!"

Dao Yueke clenched her small fist and hit it on the head with a "bang", "You are stupid, we didn't come here to invade the human world."

The blood-eyed skeleton wolf tilted its head and said, "But, boss, isn't it like an invasion if we appear here?"

The decapitated demon on the side may have decapitated more heads and its IQ has also improved, it analyzed: "Boss, whether it is a god or a human, as long as he sees us, he will definitely attack.

Our existence is an invasion.

So, why don't we actually invade.

Otherwise, the benefits will not be taken at all, but the price of being attacked will be borne. "

Daoyue Ke said: "It makes sense."

The bone ghost with the lowest IQ twisted its elongated, tall and weird body, screaming sharply with a sad voice: "Invasion, invasion."

Obviously, this one has forgotten what he is here for.

Those who can call out the boss of Yueke are already considered top-level figures, and in the gap of the abyss, there are densely packed eyes of evil spirits waiting for the bosses and the boss's boss to make a decision.

Da da
Daoyue Ke stomped on the ground with her little feet, and the air was extremely quiet.

The blood-eyed skeleton wolf king and the giant ghost hyena king looked at the boss curiously. They only felt that after the transformation of the boss, the little feet were still as beautiful as ever, but why such beautiful little feet didn't even grow any hair, which made the wolves and dogs I feel very twisted.

Unlike in the past, the fluffy tiger claws made both the wolf and the dog think they were so beautiful and flawless, and they were willing to crawl under the feet of such a female boss.

When the wolf king and the dog king turned around with the boss, they raised their heads again and saw that the holy white hair of the boss had grown to his head.They don't understand why the hair only grows in one place, why?Is it so beautiful?

The Giant Ghost Hyena King suggested: "Boss, you should stay as you were before."

Dao Yueke stopped, and turned back coldly: "Go back, you are here, it is indeed an invasion, but I am different. I can integrate into this world now."


The wolf dogs and devils actually don't like the environment here very much. It's too decent, too clean, and full of vigor and vitality, which makes the ghosts quite uncomfortable. It's just fine if they don't invade. Return to the country of the dead as soon as possible. The four abysses, where the eerie environment is suitable for devils.

The "boss" ghosts are reluctant to part.

Dao Yueke stepped forward, raised her feet one by one, and kicked the four subordinates back into the abyss. When the narrow and dark abyss gate was closed, she put her hands on her hips and meditated: "In this way, it's not an invasion
It's just that I don't know which daring person wants to kill the evil spirit soldier. I have to find him and stop him.

If he doesn't want to have an extra enemy like me, and doesn't want to face the real revenge of the Calamity Tiger Clan, he should stop the suppression of the Evil Thought Demon Soldiers. "

Although Dao Yueke asked her subordinates to go back, she was not alone, because she still had her own world.

Dao Yueke's world is not a small disaster tiger.

Lonely shade does not last long.

She is only a tigress, and she is not hermaphrodite, so how could she give birth to the little disaster tiger by herself?

Her world is a volcanic zone erupting forever, hot, burning, and destroyed, and no flesh and blood life can survive.
Living in this world are magma monsters with low IQs.

However, after a long period of existence, no matter how low the IQ is, it still has the IQ.

Dao Yueke stood outside the city.
She wants to go shopping for clothes.

But at this time, she realized how to enter the city without clothes?

But if you don't go to the city, how can you buy clothes?
This question troubled her very much, and what troubled her even more was that she was a clean freak and a clean person. She couldn't do such things as knocking out pedestrians halfway and stripping their clothes.

If the clothes have been worn by others, they will not be clean.

Dao Yueke temporarily changed back to the appearance of a white tiger, and sat on the top of the mountain in annoyance. She released two magma monsters and poured out her troubles.

The magma monster roared: "Slaughter the city, slaughter the city, the dignity of the king cannot be desecrated!"

Another magma monster roared: "Slaughter the city, slaughter the city, the king's body cannot be seen!"

Dao Yueke threw the magma monster in again, she will not slaughter the city
The devil's position is different, she just hates the gods and gods in the flesh and blood world, so how can she do things like gods and gods?
"It's better to maintain the form of the catastrophe and go north." Dao Yueke sighed, she didn't understand why she made this deal.

She has never been to this world and has no coordinates, so she can't fly around, it's troublesome everywhere, and she has to provoke heaven and man, why?

Why did she agree?Are you out of your mind?
But after thinking about it, a burst of inexplicable anger suddenly surged up, drowning her thinking.

The white tiger set foot and headed north.


There is a small town on the edge of the ancient city of Daxing, named Shanyin Town.

Bai Miaochan heard that there used to be many Taoist temples in this Shanyin town, but they were destroyed later, and many martial arts temples were built to worship Baishan.

Baishan is busy with this and that every day, and can't take care of these many things, but Bai Miaochan wants to come and see, because she has seen too many kings in Dixi's memory who are very happy, courtiers are flattering and flattering, regardless of the life and death of the people, and forcibly established building various temples
While the rich wine and meat smell, the road with frozen bone.
Bai Miaochan didn't want to see such a thing happen, because it was definitely not Bai Shan's original intention, nor what she wanted to see, so she disguised herself as an ordinary person, and let a female warrior of the Three Realms of Heaven and Man be the driver, Then came in a carriage all the way.

In just one day, Bai Miaochan arrived.

The wheel hub of the carriage was turning between the roads, Bai Miaochan opened the curtain, there were indeed palaces everywhere outside the window, and the plaques of the palaces were marked with "War God Palace", and there were quite a few people coming and going to burn incense.

Seeing that it was still early, Bai Miaochan went to the surrounding villages for a stroll.

To her delight, what she feared did not happen.

The increase in food production has kept the people from starving, the cooperation of the aristocratic family, and the suppression of heaven and man have greatly reduced corrupt officials, and the immortals who descended from the world often haunt the wilderness, and they will not come as they did in the previous world. oppress the people
In a way, this is a prosperous world.

"Dong Yuan, are you hungry?" Seeing that it was getting late, Bai Miaochan asked Yushou.

Seeing that the adult in the car actually knew her name, the royal hand was also moved. She was from Tang Yanluo Jinyiwei and a diehard loyalist of the Martial God lineage, and she vaguely knew that the adult in the car should be the wife of the Martial God. Later levels of characters.

"Subordinates. Subordinates are all arranged by adults." Dong Yuan said.

Bai Miaochan looked outside, there was a noodle shop on the side of the dirt road in the distance, an old man was cleaning a table outside the shop, and some civilians were eating noodles beside the shop, the curtain in the shop was slightly lifted, and there were still people inside Busy.

"Do you eat noodles?" Bai Miaochan asked.

Dong Yuan said, "It all depends on the adults."

Bai Miaochan smiled and said, "Do you want to eat or not?"

Dong Yuan said: "It all depends."

Bai Miaochan said: "Then shall we eat here?"

The two got out of the car and took their seats. Dong Yuan wanted to chase someone away but was stopped by Bai Miaochan. Then the two ordered noodles and sat down on the country road to eat.

It was the beginning of winter, and it was getting dark early in the north, and within a short time, the air was filled with snowflakes.

However, when the sky was completely dark, there was no snow again. A bright full moon rose to the mid-heaven, and the brilliance of the sun shone faintly on the land of this world, showing a sense of indifference. .

Bai Miaochan got into the car and Dong Yuan drove.

Suddenly, Bai Miaochan felt something in her heart. She lifted the curtain and looked outside, but saw a Taoist temple appearing in this barren mountain.

Under the moonlight, the Taoist temple looks ancient, solemn and silent.

"Stop." Bai Miaochan shouted.

Dong Yuan stopped.

Bai Miaochan lifted the curtain and got out of the car, stood on the side of the road, looking at the ancient Taoist temple.

Dong Yuan said: "There shouldn't be a Taoist temple here, could it be that the mountain spirits and wild monsters are causing trouble?"

After finishing speaking, she was a little strange, because for a long time, she also understood that whether it is a fairy or a goblin, spiritual energy is always needed for cultivation, and there is no spiritual energy in this world, so even if there are some little ghosts bound to the ground, there are absolutely no big monsters.

But this Taoist temple is not like the illusion that a little ghost can show.

Bai Miaochan said: "Dong Yuan, come with me to have a look."

As she spoke, she tightened her snow-white jacket and stepped towards the Taoist temple.

The stone steps of the Taoist temple are very clean, apparently someone often sweeps them.

Winding up, it is a viewing gate that can only be entered by two people.

Bai Miaochan looked up, but saw that the plaque on the door was written in some ancient style.

According to Di Xi's memory, she recognized this ancient style, which was written in the three characters "Heavenly Appearance".

And this font was obtained by Di Xi from Di Wan's memory, and Di Wan saw it in an ancient book in Xianting at that time.

One must know that Di Wan was born in the early days of the ancient times before the Calamity of the Life Demon Sutra.

Ancient books in the early days of the ancient times, how far away should that be?
Bai Miaochan's beautiful brows moved slightly, she was a little hesitant.

At this moment, the door of the Taoist temple opened.

Two little Taoist boys in black and white collar, with red lips and white teeth, looked out of the door.

It was a boy and a girl.

The two boys and Bai Miaochan met their eyes.

The boy looked at it blankly, and then made a surprised sound.

The girl said sweetly, "Sister, come in and have a cup of tea."

Bai Miaochan felt very weird.

Dong Yuan didn't recognize the word on this Taoist temple, a stern look flashed across her brows, she stopped in front of Bai Miaochan, looked at the girl, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

boy still standing
The girl said: "My name is Nutu, and his name is Yuanhu. The master of the Taoist temple here is our teacher, so I can't disclose his name."

Dong Yuan ignored her, and suddenly stepped on the ground. Behind her, the withered grass rustled and flew up. It was covered with wind blades and aura. From a distance, Dong Yuan seemed to be surrounded by countless magic swords.
"go with!"

With one order, the dry grass blows up the wind, and ten thousand swords enter the Taoist gate.

Whoosh whoosh! !
Dong Yuan didn't intend to hurt anyone, she just wanted to try.

If the other party is some kind of demon or ghost, it will appear in this way.

However, when the girl saw the scene of ten thousand swords, she just turned her small mouth and spit out some words, and all the long swords turned from withered grass disappeared.

Dong Yuan was startled, and wanted to make another move, but a voice came from beside her: "Stop."

The voice was Bai Miaochan's.

Dong Yuan obeyed and stopped immediately, but looked at the girl warily.

The little boy named Nütu smiled, then walked out of the Taoist temple casually, came to Bai Miaochan's side, and said to the Taoist boy behind him, "I'll go for a walk, and I'll be back in a while."

Yuanhu said: "The teacher said, seven days at most. You must come back in seven days."

Nu Tu responded: "Understood."

As she spoke, she held Bai Miaochan's hand, and Dong Yuan wanted to stop her, but as soon as she moved, she felt weak and powerless all over her body, all the strength was gone, and her body seemed to be trapped in a small space and could not move.

Nvtu smiled and said, "I have a crush on my sister. These few days, my sister will take me to play, okay?"

Dong Yuan hastily reminded: "My lord, this girl is weird."

But Bai Miaochan took Nu Tu's hand and said with a smile: "What a cute little girl, then you can go out with my sister to play, and within seven days, I will definitely send you back."

Nu Tu blinked her beautiful eyes, but laughed.

The two walked away before Dong Yuan recovered, and then followed closely.

The three got into the car, and Dong Yuan steered the car cautiously, trying to wait for an opportunity to send out a secret signal to notify the surrounding Jin Yiwei.

Nu Tu sat behind with Bai Miaochan, and the two were talking.

Bai Miaochan felt very strange, because Nutu seemed to know nothing about this world.

But Bai Miaochan is also well-informed, knowing that there are many heavens and earths in this universe, many worlds, and perhaps Nu Tu also came from another world.

But as the chat continued, Bai Miaochan discovered that this female butcher not only knew nothing about the world, but also knew nothing about immortals and the abyss.
As for the state of manifesting the gods, the state of the true gods, and the state of blending the gods, they are even more at a loss.
Although at a loss, Nutu listened with great interest, she was full of interest in everything here.

When she arrived in the town, the female butcher turned into an ultimate foodie, she wanted to eat everything, but she had no money, so she could only look at Bai Miaochan.

Bai Miaochan was not stingy either, she paid directly for what the female butcher wanted to eat and buy.

After playing like this for six days
Bai Miaochan is going to send Nv Tu back.

At this time, the female butcher took the initiative to say: "Aren't you curious about what we watch?"

Bai Miaochan said: "If my younger sister wants to speak, she will naturally. If she doesn't want to speak, why should elder sister make things difficult for others?"

Nu Tu giggled and said, "I've eaten so many things from you, and let you take them to see them for so long, it's okay to tell you."

She was silent for a while, then turned her mouth suddenly, and the area in the carriage turned into an area that cut off any prying eyes.

Nutu then said: "If I tell my sister that I came from a long, long, long time ago, will my sister believe it?"

Bai Miaochan was a little dazed.
But Nu Tu sighed: "It's been so long... I can no longer find a trace of my era in this world.

Along the way, my sister told me about the many strengths
Then let me tell my sister about my strength at that time.

At that time, there were only six realms in the world.

Everyone can open up a small world when they are born, and they can turn into a world after death, and the world will give birth to weapons.

Those without weapons are the first level, and those with weapons are the second level.

This two-two realm is called the ordinary level.

Turning into a body of energy, immortal and immortal, is the third realm.

Traveling through time and space, returning to the past, is the fourth realm.

These three or four realms are called extraordinary levels.

And the five-six-two realm above the three-four realm is called the top level.

I watched along the way, and found that the current realm is really incomprehensible. My sister told me so many true gods and fusion gods. level."

Bai Miaochan's eyes widened. She didn't expect the little girl to be so bragging, so she couldn't help laughing.

According to this statement, Baishan is still at an ordinary level, right?

Seeing her smile, Nutu said angrily, "Don't you believe me, sister?"

Bai Miaochan didn't coax her, but said: "I know you are extraordinary, but I really don't believe what you say."

Nvtu said angrily: "My master is the pinnacle of the extraordinary, and I have also entered the second realm."

Bai Miaochan said: "Then take me to your small world to see."

The female butcher said, "I can't go now."

Bai Miaochan said, "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"

Butcher: .
While talking, the carriage has arrived at the ancient Taoist temple.

Nu Tu didn't talk about realm anymore, she jumped out of the car and was about to wave goodbye, but after thinking about it, she grabbed a small bracelet woven with colorful rope from her pocket, handed it to Bai Miaochan and said, "Sister, you If you encounter danger, or go to some dangerous place, you will not be felt by other people or things when you wear this bracelet."

After finishing speaking, she bounced away. She had a very happy life these days.

Bai Miaochan looked at the bracelet for a long time, but she didn't think it was special. She silently put it away. She didn't need this kind of thing, so go back and study it for Baishan.

Then, she said to the front: "Dong Yuan, let's go back to the ancient city of Daxing."

Dong Yuan stared at the girl and left until her back completely disappeared, then she breathed a sigh of relief, she replied "Yes, my lord", then turned the car around and rode north.

Dao Yueke finally came to the Northland.

She beat the tiger on its head, then washed the tiger skin and wrapped it around her body like a chest wrap.

She wants to talk to the leader of Heaven and Man about the "Evil Thought Demon Soldier".

During these days, she has already found out the whereabouts of the leader of the Heavenly Man.

The existence named Martial God is in the ancient city of Daxing in the north.

in the morning
She was walking along the road, thinking about how to enter Daxing Ancient City, when suddenly a carriage stopped beside her.

The car curtain was lifted, revealing a delicate face.

Bai Miaochan shouted: "Do you need help?"

Dao Yueke met Bai Miaochan once, after all, she was very close to Mei Er and Bai Shan.

Hearing the voice at this time, he turned his head and saw Bai Miaochan.

Dao Yueke was stunned, what a coincidence?

Bai Miaochan saw the girl with white skin and silver hair, but she was wearing a tiger skin with bare feet, so she hurriedly grabbed a dress from the mustard bag and ran off the carriage, put the clothes on her, and asked, "Girl, what's wrong with you?" ?”

Daoyue Keqi said: "You are. Bai Miaochan? Bai Shan's wife?"

This time it was Bai Miaochan's turn to be stunned.

It took a long time to answer: "Well, I am."

After a while.

Two girls in the carriage.

Daoyueke finally put on new clothes, Bai Miaochan gave her a handful of melon seeds, and the two girls ate together.

Bai Miaochan wanted to ask who Yueke was, but Daoyueke didn't say anything, only said that he wanted to see Baishan.

Bai Miaochan's expression gradually became weird.
That night.

The two girls returned to Endless Sect and found Baishan.

Bai Miaochan gave Bai Shan a gouged look, and then shouted angrily: "Bai Shan, a girl is looking for you."

Bai Shan looked curiously at the girl beside Bai Miaochan.

The girl is 1.5 meters tall, with long white hair, which is braided behind her back, just hanging down on her soft and clean legs.
Although she is only 1.5 meters tall, her body proportions are perfect. She has long legs and a wasp waist, and has beautiful facial features. Even wearing a padded jacket, she can still show her bulging breasts. A soft little beauty.

What makes people feel even more special is that even if she is standing, she gives people an extremely wild feeling. This kind of wildness always arouses the curiosity in people's hearts, and makes you can't help but think, if it is really happy , Can you conquer such a wild beauty?

At this time, Bai Mao stood on tiptoe arrogantly, trying to increase his height by two points so that Bai Shan could see clearly.

But Bai Shan still shook his head and said, "I don't know her."

Bai Mao scolded: "Bai Shan! Have you forgotten the relationship between us?"

Baishan:? ?

Baimao continued to roar: "At that time, we didn't have any clothes on!"

Baishan:? ? ?
Bai Mao hugged his chest and continued to remind: "Bai Hu."

Hearing "no clothes" and "white tiger", Bai Miaochan's face paled immediately, she became angry, and said angrily: "Bai Shan, it doesn't matter if I have many sisters, but you can't just abandon other girls all the time! "

Bai Shan looked at Bai Mao carefully again, but still couldn't recognize who she was, so he smiled wryly, "Sister Miao Miao, I really don't know who she is."

Baimao continued to remind: "We are all white tigers, we are still close together, I turned you over with my hands and you deliberately showed me your belly!"

The air suddenly quieted down.

A charming scene appeared in front of Bai Miaochan's eyes, but immediately she caught a doubt.

She knows about Baishan, whether Baishan is a white tiger or not. She knows it.

Bai Mao shook the braids of long hair, stretched out his hands, showing two tiger claws, and said, "Bai Shan, did you guess it?"

"Dao Yueke?"

Bai Mao nodded, then leaned towards Bai Shan and said, "Didn't expect that?"

Bai Shan said honestly, "I didn't expect that."

Seeing Bai Miaochan's gaze, Bai Shan said: "Sister Miaomiao, this is Dao Yueke, I told you before."

He never hid anything from Bai Miaochan.

Bai Miaochan suddenly understood, she realized her misunderstanding just now, but she can't be blamed for it, because what Daoyueke said was too ambiguous. She couldn't help laughing, then suddenly thought of something, turned around hastily, and then Turning back, he smiled and said, "Bai Shan, treat Yue Ke well."

As soon as he said that, he slipped away.

Bai Miaochan is quite unhappy since Bai Shan has not left any heirs, but now that there is an existence of the same level as Bai Shan visiting, it seems that the two of them still have some relationship, isn't that just right.

Besides, the only male calamity tiger in the world is with the only female calamity tiger, so they don't do anything, right?

So, she left like a gust of wind. As for the appearance of the sky and the colorful rope bracelet, I will talk about it later.

The door is closed.

Baimao stepped forward, walked to Baishan, sniffed it suddenly, and said strangely: "You smell so good, it makes me emotional for no reason, maybe...the trousers are dirty."

Bai Shan thought for a while: "Perhaps, this is the instinct of wild beasts."

Bai Mao took it for granted, and then sighed coquettishly: "It's a pity that you are the robber, and I am also the robber. We are destined to be incompatible."

Bai Shan said with emotion: "One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers."

Bai Mao said: "What about the three tigers? The three tigers are not tolerated?"

Baishan:? ? ?
Bai Mao coughed and said, "It's just a joke."

Bai Shan asked: "What did you come to see me for?"

Bai Mao said: "Do you know Martial God? I want to talk to him about something."

(End of this chapter)

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