Chapter 224 337. Ashes of Yan Luo, Lost in the Abyss (6.2K words-please subscribe)
As soon as Bai Shan and Bai Miaochan entered the temple, they saw a Taoist nun sitting in the courtyard drinking tea.

Bai Miaochan is okay, because the difference in strength between her and the Taoist nun is too large.

However, in Bai Shan's eyes, this Taoist nun seemed extremely huge, like a tall god statue, hiding her head among the floating clouds, her eyes were like the moon hidden in the sky, and she was calmly and peacefully looking down at him in the dust.

This made Baishan pause for a while, feeling like Wukong was flipping on the palm of the Tathagata Buddha when he was making a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace.

"This nun is so scary."

When he looked at the Taoist nun, the Taoist nun was also looking at him.

Those are a pair of ancient well-formed eyes, with bottomless depths inside.

Not long after, the Taoist nun's eyes like the sun suddenly resumed their circulation, and then she grabbed a black wooden box from the void, placed it on the table, and said, "This is the urn of Muhai Yanluo, and it will be useful for your future itinerary." Useful. In exchange, you need people to surround this place and not let anyone get close."

Bai Shan looked at the Taoist nun quietly, he already understood that the expert in front of him had seen everything, and she didn't want to get involved in the calamity.
Before Bai Shan could speak, Bai Miaochan's brows and eyes had already opened into a smile, turning into two crescent moons, "Is my sister also a tea lover?"

The nun looked sideways at Bai Miaochan, but she just looked at it and didn't speak.

Bai Miaochan took out an elegant small pot of tea from the mustard bag, and said: "Taste tea to know people, different people like different teas, but you can't judge whether it is expensive or not."

Bai Shan on the side was sweating a little. Although Sister Miaomiao knew her very well, the title of "sister" and her words at this time were too abrupt.

However, to his surprise, the nun was silent for two seconds and asked, "Then how much is your tea worth?"

Bai Miaochan smiled and said: "I planted it myself, and I didn't sell it for money, so it's worthless. The tea plant is also a common plant, nothing special. But, I planted it because I like it. And I drink it with my sister. When it comes to tea, I can just tell the story of growing tea.”

The Taoist nun suddenly showed a smile, and said softly: "Seeing off the guests."

This call to see off the guest was too unexpected, but Bai Shan still took the urn, promised to send someone to guard the Taoist temple outside to prevent anyone from entering, and then left.

On the way back.

"Sister Miao Miao, it's too straightforward for you to call her sister directly."

Bai Shan couldn't help complaining.

Bai Miaochan said: "Didn't I tell you that I took the butcher to go shopping for a few days before, and the butcher is a very straightforward and naughty child, a foodie."

"Child." Bai Shan felt that repeating these two words was a kind of complaint. I'm afraid that female butcher is countless years older than him and Bai Miaochan combined.
Seeing his expression, Bai Miaochan didn't know what he was thinking, so she patted him coquettishly and said, "You can't tell how old you are after a long life. I think it's better not to worry about how old he is, but to see how he behaves." How old is it? Nutu is like a child, so I will treat her as a child."

"This kid is not young." Bai Shan complained.

Bai Miaochan giggled, "In any case, I took advantage of my seniority. If I take advantage of it, then you will take advantage of it."

She coughed, and then put things right and said, "The parent of a child like Nutu is likely to be easy-going, and such a person doesn't like you being respectful and polite, and shouting one after another, that's why I call my sister, and I'm with you." She does homework."

Bai Shan said silently in his heart: But he still saw off the guests.

day appearance.

"Master, that sister is very nice, why did you see off the guests?" the female butcher asked.

Yuan Hu said: "She is just an ordinary person, how dare she call Master and Sister?"

The female butcher said: "What are you talking about? People don't know who the master is, and the master doesn't like being called senior."

After that, she said coquettishly again: "Master~~~Why did you drive him away? No one has come to this temple for countless years."

The Taoist nun drank tea calmly, and the catkin holding her chin flicked lightly in the void again. The female butcher who was still far away suddenly felt her head was flicked off, and she hugged her head with an "ouch".

The Taoist said: "That man is the robber of this era. He exudes a strong aura of karma, which is why he knocked on the door of our Taoist temple."

"Ah..." Nv Tu and Yuan Hu were both stunned for a moment, although they could see the extraordinaryness of the man, they couldn't see through it like a Taoist nun.

The Taoist said: "Between heaven and earth, when the robber is in power, he is the last thing to be provoked, because at this time he is a pawn of the heaven, and he has a strong power of cause and effect in his body.

If you get too close to him, you will also become a pawn of heaven by the way. "

"Cause and effect." Nu Tu had talked with Bai Miaochan before, and after looking back, she compared her current realm with her back then.

She found that the God Fusion Realm was probably the ordinary level in the past, and the main feature was that there was a small world that was carried around; and it allowed the small world to breed a delimiting device that could only be used in the small world.

The Five Elements Realm and the Yin-Yang Realm were her extraordinary levels at that time.

The Five Elements Realm is mainly transformed into energy, which is no longer restricted by most of the space, and the rules of the eternally fixed world, and is no longer restricted to be used in a small world, making the rules a rule under one's own control.

In the Yin-Yang realm, one can further see the rules of time and go back to the past.

Going back to the past is the characteristic of entering the yin and yang realm, but anyone who goes back to the past will understand that even if you go back to the past, you must not change the past, otherwise you will be wiped out by powerful forces in an instant, no matter what magic weapon you have. No power can resist this obliteration.

Of course, if you are just strolling in the busy city, it is fine under normal circumstances, because time still has the power of restoration. People, in all likelihood, it will be fine, but if your old friend is also of a high realm, then he will understand that you came from the future, then this matter may be serious.

Therefore, people who go back to the past will often find a quiet place to stay, and will never run around in case of uncontrollable accidents.

Only those who are infinitely close to the top, that is, the existence beyond the Yin and Yang realm, can truly see cause and effect.

The power of cause and effect is the power that can be controlled by the existence of the next level. This is probably the "one level" that Bai Miaochan said, but the specific Nvtu doesn't know.

But now, Taoist nun can see right away that the man is the robber.
Nvtu asked: "Master, have you gone further?"

The nun nodded with a smile, she had nothing to hide from her disciples.

The female butcher asked again: "Then what should we do?"

She snapped her fingers and said, "I have been wandering around with the people around the robber for so long, the door of our Taoist temple was knocked by the robber, and you even gave him a treasure, Master."

The nun said with a smile: "Cause and effect are not so easy to follow. Only those who have a half-knowledge will avoid them like snakes and scorpions."

The female butcher asked, "What kind of rule is that?"

The Taoist nun patiently taught her disciples: "To use the simplest analogy, cause and effect are similar to favors in the world. If you owe favors, you need to repay them in an equal amount. The other party still needs to return it to you, and only if there is no more or less can the end be just right.

As for human feelings, the meaning of "no more, no less" is actually closer to a transaction. When both parties agree in their hearts, then... no more, no less. "

The female butcher said, "Is it that simple?"

The Taoist nun shook her head: "However, when you repay favors, you will definitely do something, and your actions will hurt or help a third party, so there is a cause and effect between you and this third party.

Just like throwing a stone into a river, there will always be ripples. "

The female butcher said, "Isn't it impossible to do anything?"

The nun said with a smile: "However, the strong have no fear of the weak, just like no amount of spider silk can wrap an elephant, no amount of rope can tie a dragon."

Nu Tu felt like a fool, swaying from side to side, she wondered: "Then can we go out again?"

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something again, and hurriedly said: "Master, we just happened to be stuck at this time and couldn't go back. Did the law of heaven want us to be robbed?"

The nun said with a smile: "Of course, if it weren't for the way of heaven, how could we have just happened to be stuck here, and then met the robber who came to the door? The way of heaven really wants us to be robbed, and one of us can die. After all, we are far away from each other. His closest person."

The female butcher said: "Then what should we do? Shall we... Shall we hide away and never see the robber again?"

The nun shook her head and said with a smile, "It's impossible to hide, but I have my own arrangements."

It was getting dark.

Baishan and the two returned to the ancient city of Daxing.

Princess Yuzhen has been practicing in Taohuayuan.

Xiao Ning is in the Endless Sect.

Daoyueke failed to get out of trouble.

Miss Meier is not here
This kind of situation is very rare. Miss Mei'er had something to do before, but since Xiao Ning came back, she generally didn't run out.

Bai Shan always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Fortunately, Miss Meier didn't show up until midnight. She hesitated, hesitated to speak, and Bai Shan asked again and again, before she said: "Miss may be going out. Maybe it's a good time for my uncle to follow me into the abyss." .”

After finishing speaking, she seemed a little regretful again, as if she felt that she had betrayed Miss.

Bai Shan worked hard for a long time before the ghost king said, "When the lady leaves, I will take my uncle into the abyss, but she won't bother with the details in the abyss, and I can only check it myself."

The words are divided into two parts.

a few days later.

Bai Miaochan was walking on the street when suddenly a figure appeared in front of her, but she saw it was a beautiful little girl with red lips and white teeth.

"Female butcher!" Bai Miaochan's eyes lit up.

The little girl giggled and said, "Teacher Guanzhu invites you to drink tea, sister, are you going?"

Bai Miaochan said: "Not ready yet."

The female butcher said: "No need to prepare, follow me."

As she said that, she didn't know what method she used, but with a flash of her figure, she brought Bai Miaochan to the sky.

The nun smiled and said, "Come here?"

"Sister." Bai Miaochan was a little apprehensive, but she still sat opposite the nun.

In the quiet ancient view, there is a stone table on one side, the fragrance of tea curls up, and two beauties sit on each side.

The Taoist nun said softly: "My sister is a wonderful person, and I also like to deal with wonderful people. From now on, I will only see you alone, okay?"

Bai Miaochan said: "Bai Shan he"

The Taoist nun shook her head, indicating she was gone.

Bai Miaochan said: "I know."

The nun said again: "Don't let him know."

Bai Miaochan hesitated, then nodded again. As long as you can help Baishan, who can help?

She said sincerely, "I will help my sister keep it a secret."

The nun said with a smile, "Then I will invite my younger sister to drink more tea."

Bai Shan played with the urn presented by the Taoist nun.

Maybe it's been playing for a long time, or maybe something happened.

His "equivalent exchange" talent actually worked again.

A message formed according to his reading preferences emerged in his mind.

【Mu Haiyan Luo's Urn】

【Type: Jewelry】

【Introduction: He longs to go home. 】

[Effect 1: When you scatter the ashes of Muhai Yanluo in the dark area of ​​the abyss, it will directly illuminate this area, but only you can see it clearly. 】

[Effect 2: When you smear the ashes of Muhai Yanluo on your body, there is a certain chance that the monsters in the dark area of ​​the abyss will obey your orders]

[Price: When you use ashes to smear your body, please be careful that His existence away from home for too long may treat your body as His home. 】

"Mu Hai Yan Luo." Bai Shan was silent for a while.

He had chatted with Bai Miaochan last night.

Because Bai Miaochan inherited the memory of Di Xi and Di Wan, she knows a lot.

As for Mu Haiyan Luo, she naturally recognized him.

Before the Life Demon Sutra measures the future, the abyss is still the underworld, and the ten abysses are only the ten halls of Yama in the underworld, and this Muhai Yama is the master of the fifth Yama hall in the underworld, and those who kill themselves for money will come When he came here, he was thrown into hell and suffered from swallowing money, that is, how much money he was greedy during his lifetime, he needed to exchange the money into copper coins, and then ate them one by one.

As for the "Wood Ocean", it was the environment of the Fifth Hall at that time.
Feeling something in Bai Shan's heart, he took out the colorful rope bracelet from before.

Sure enough, new information emerged.

[The Peekaboo Bracelet of the Nonexistent]

【Type: Jewelry】

[Introduction: There are many "non-existent" in the universe that you think, but you can't see them.This is a certain existence that can see "non-existence" has collected the power of those "non-existence" during an extremely long and long boring time, and thus weaves a colorful rope to hide and seek with its companions. 】

[Function: When you wear this bracelet, your sense of presence will be reduced to the lowest level, even those with a strong sense of sensitivity will only find you when you get close enough]

[Price: If you disappear for long enough, maybe. You will really disappear]

Bai Shan took the items in between and checked them one by one, but most of them were magic tools, and magic tools were the most useless things for him.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark and Meier reappeared, she hurriedly said: "Master, if you want to enter the abyss, today is the best time. Because Miss just left, she should be out for a long time."

Bai Shan was also decisive, and immediately found Bai Miaochan.

Bai Miaochan seemed to have just come back from abroad, but she refused to enter the Taohuayuan, she just said: "Go at ease, I will wait for you to come back." Although she met Taoist nun today, she knew that Taoist nun was not that willing to help Baishan, she has to grind a little longer.

Bai Shan respected her opinion very much, so he didn't say much, and summoned Tang Yan and Shang Wang, and told them to be optimistic about the heaven and man, and then followed Mei Er into the abyss.

The abyss was pitch black, and the map was hung in front of Baishan as before.

Baishan turned into a catastrophe and began to move forward on the only illuminated road in this turbulent darkness.

at this time
somewhere in the abyss.

dark area.

before the fault.
Emperor Ying is not there, he has his own battlefield, and now he is fighting extremely fiercely with Emperor Xuye and Water Lord, and returning before was just a pawn for the follow-up plan, which is considered a lost scout.

And it is that mysterious young lady who really takes over here.

At this time, the young lady who was supposed to leave was actually standing silently, but behind her was a little lady in red.
This little lady was actually Miss Xiaomei who was supposed to be by Baishan's side, but this time she was behind her.

"Meil, you have disappointed me a little."

"Little Miss"

"But I forgive you, because you are a ghost, and you really can't resist the yang energy in that man." The lady said calmly.

Meier's face turned pale when she heard the words, and she suddenly understood why the young lady said "she will go out" and why she was left here, because the young lady used her to set up a simple trap to invite you into the urn.

Uncle is very powerful, but...any powerful person without a map in the abyss can only be imprisoned.

The young lady said lightly: "If you don't tell Bai Shan that I left the abyss, then he won't fall into this trap."

Mei'er bit her lip and asked, "Why? Miss? My uncle and us must be at odds? Before. Aren't we and my uncle all on good terms? Why?"

The lady was silent for a while, and said: "I thought I would tell you the matter after the dust settled, but now I will tell you in advance.

The so-called calamity is just a reform initiated by the Dao of Heaven in order to maintain the healthy operation of the universe.

And the robber is the existence that implements this reform.

Under this kind of reform, we and the ancient gods are destined to disappear.

The only way is to let our own people become robbers.

But how could Tiandao agree?

However, the law of equivalent exchange in the abyss is very high.

This gives us room to maneuver.

Do you know why the first abyss and the fifth abyss disappeared?
Because these two abysses became the price, in exchange for the robbery of Emperor Fengyue, and Emperor Fengyue also became the Lord of Fire. "


"Daoyueke is just a smoke bomb placed by the emperor outside, otherwise... how could she lend us [The Tiger's Roaring Night Chapter] and [Extreme Sun Demon Chapter] so easily?" The lady talked eloquently, "As for Baishan... he is a variable.

The original Immortal Court expected this variable to destroy the ancient gods, and we also expected this variable to disrupt the world. Unfortunately, this variable was finally held in the hands of Heaven.

Perhaps, he is the strongest killing chess that Tiandao clears us.

But we're not going to let it go.

It is also impossible for us to destroy this pawn.

Since he can defeat Dao Yueke, it shows that his growth rate is already very fast.
So, I want to trap him in the abyss.

As for your unfinished deal with him, it can't be blamed on anyone, and it will be fine. "

"But." Mel wanted to struggle.

But as soon as she moved, she felt her hands and feet were locked.

The lady said: "You are imprisoned here, so you don't have to make a choice. When the matter is over, I will come here to pick you up."

After finishing speaking, the young lady turned and left. After walking a few steps, she suddenly turned her head and said, "I sent Xiao Lingzhi there, so... there will be no accidents."

After all, she disappeared in place.

Meier couldn't help shivering when she heard the word "Little Ganoderma lucidum". She stared blankly at the back of the lady going away. She was silent for a long time and lowered her head decadently. She had already foreseen the tragic ending of the uncle.

In the abyss without a map, my uncle will be trapped forever
If my uncle is unwilling to be trapped and wants to explore by force, then the greatest possibility is to be swallowed by the monsters in the darkness of the abyss.
Originally, if the executor was weaker, my uncle might turn the tables.

But the little Ganoderma lucidum was originally the monster on the third floor of the Daguangming Temple, no matter how strong my uncle is now, he will fall for it

Calamity Tiger moved his limbs.

The little lady in red is holding a red silk pole, and at the end of the pole is a map of the abyss.

The little lady Nuo Nuo said: "My lord, the place we are going to now is the third abyss."

"Why the third abyss?" Bai Shan was curious.

The little lady smiled and said: "Because, there are many people imprisoned in the third abyss. One of them is my uncle's senior sister, the woman named Yingfengxian."

Bai Shan's limbs moved imperceptibly, a look of vigilance flashed in his eyes, and he asked, "Why are you locked up?"

The little lady said: "Of course it's a consumable, hehehe."

The laughter just started, and a huge change happened on the abyss road.

An unprovoked collapse emerged from the void, as if it was about to drag the little lady into a small world.

But the little lady reacted extremely quickly, and at almost the same instant, she also released the small world.

The force of entering another small world is opposed to the force of the previous one, and the little lady is safe and sound.

This kind of terrible reaction made people dumbfounded, even if Bai Shan asked himself, he might not be able to do it.

The little lady's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

But the abyss map in front of Baishan has disappeared.

The surrounding area suddenly darkened.

The road is gone, the little lady is gone, and the map is gone.

Bai Shan asked: "Who are you? How is Mei Er?"

In the darkness, Mel's voice came.

"You do have a conscience, and you are still concerned about Meier, so let me remind you that the area you are in is not dangerous, as long as you stay obedient, you will be safe and sound.

But if you want to leave by void travel, you may never come back
As for me. We have met before.

However, I have seen you, but you have not seen me, hehe. "

Bai Shan probably guessed that the other party was someone from the original Song Mansion, so he asked, "Why did you do this?"

The voice giggled: "It's not important, it's not important, you can't get out anymore and when the dust settles, we will come back to you again."

The voice gradually faded away and disappeared without a trace.

In the darkness, the original dead silence was restored.

Baishan waited quietly. Except for the foothold, the surrounding area was surrounded by darkness that obscured his vision. He was placed in the thick black mist, and he couldn't see his fingers. Even the power of the domain was blocked here and could not be displayed.

Bai Shan quickly entered the Peach Blossom Spring and took out [Muhai Yanluo's Urn].

Open the lid of the box, and then evenly divide the ashes in the box into one hundred parts, seal each part in a small box, and then put the box back into the urn.

In this way, he only needs to take out one set of ashes each time, instead of being robbed just after taking out the urn.

(End of this chapter)

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