Chapter 237 363. Killing Saints, Transferring Luck (6.3K Words - Subscription)
In the quiet room, the light is dim, and the candle flame that propped up a faint light field is flickering
But the candle suddenly "expanded" more, and then exploded strangely.

Not only the candlelight, but even the rocks on the walls, and the tables and chairs in the room made crackling sounds.

The sound became clearer and denser.
Accompanied by a series of spider web cracks appearing where the eyes can see, and these cracks are pulled towards the direction of Baishan as if they have been subjected to a huge gravitational force.

Bang bang bang! !

In just a few seconds, the tables and chairs were shattered, the walls collapsed, and the steel bars in the boulder were like cotton balls that were kneaded into balls, and then flew towards Baishan, and then stopped a foot away from Baishan. down, forming a giant ring of matter.

Then, not far away
The lake in the manor boiled, and water droplets floated up strangely, and the fish swimming at the bottom jumped uncomfortably, while those fish that approached the water surface were directly dragged into the air, and the fish mouths uneasily "clicked, clicked, clicked". "Here, there is a tendency to fly into the sky
The weird trees around seemed to be dragged by invisible big hands. It was calm at dusk, and there was not much wind, but the trees fell into a circle, and the tops of the trees were facing the direction of Baishan. It broke through the ground and flew towards Baishan.

However, the next moment.
Bai Shan came back to his senses, and his pupils regained focus.

Feeling the leakage of power, with a thought in his mind, the power was under control.

pause time.
Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa
Rings of broken stones and wood fell to the ground one after another.

When the lake water fell back, the old tree returned to its original position like a bowstring, and it bounced violently with a "bang" sound!
For a moment, a huge energy wave was generated centered on the Valkyrie Garden, like a full moon ebbing, and it spread violently to the surrounding area!
Bang! ! !
It's settled.

Heaven and earth ensemble!

In the eyes of immortal cultivators, this energy wave is actually not very good, it can be easily achieved by using the spell driven by spiritual energy;

But this is not a spell, nor is it a shot.
but exist.

This is not the end of the spell, nor is it the end of the shot.

but initially.

In other words, Bai Shan just stood there quietly and did nothing, and the entire Valkyrie Garden began to collapse.

This environment cannot bear his body at this time.

And if left unchecked, more than one Martial God Garden will collapse in the end. Maybe the entire Endless Mountain in the north of Daxing Ancient City will collapse, and even the entire human dynasty will collapse.

This is not a shot, but just standing there quietly, without controlling the power.

that is it.

After Bai Shan controlled his strength, he glanced at the shattered quiet room around him, and then glanced at the information through "Equivalent Exchange Talent".

Among the information, the progress of "Requirement 2: Understand six special scenes and deeply imprint them in my mind" in [Six Consciousness Centering Skills] is still (1/6).

He breathed a sigh of relief.

This wave is really a fluke.

The taboo power that Tiandao buried in prehistoric times was obtained by himself.

I didn't expect that the "Equivalent Exchange" talent can be used like this
This further proves his idea: "Equivalent exchange" has not been affected by Tiandao.

In addition, he took the world's blood marrow before, his body was upgraded, his power was uncontrollable, and he had to seal it with Miss Mei'er's previous life needle, but now he can control everything easily.

This further shows that the power of the world's blood marrow does not belong to him completely, and the way of heaven has left behind.

Outside the quiet room, although the quiet room collapsed, the little lady in red didn't panic. After she noticed the abnormality, she just changed from the original sitting posture to a standing posture waiting for battle. Her task is to protect the young master, especially in the This kind of time of "robbing the master and fighting for hegemony" should be even more so.

When she was playing in the world, she had seen quite a few times when a master guard ran back foolishly when he heard movement in the room, but because of his negligence, nothing happened.So, she won't make such stupid mistakes.

In addition, the phenomenon just now, in her eyes, can only be regarded as a small scene.

Seeing that everything was settled at this time, Miss Meier turned her head and smiled, applauding: "Oh, uncle, are you going to destroy your own house?"

Bai Shan smiled awkwardly, let go of the domain, then precisely controlled everything and quickly recovered.

Not long after, a secret room was rebuilt.

The secret room has just been rebuilt, Bai Miaochan and Xiao Ning have already come running.

Xiao Ning respectfully called out "Master" to Meier, then probed her head, looked inside curiously, and asked, "Master, is there a Martial God inside?"

Mel nodded with a smile.

Xiao Ning suddenly became nervous, stood up uncomfortably, and looked into the room full of reverence.

After seeing her master and uncle being able to enter and leave the Martial God Garden at will, she knew that the master and uncle had a very close relationship with the Martial God, but now it seems that the relationship may be even closer.

She suddenly thought of Baishan.

Baishan is the furnace of master and uncle, and master and uncle are closely related to Wushen.

Will the Valkyrie crush Baishan to death in a fit of anger?

Thinking of this, her daughter's family became inexplicably worried again.

Although Bai Shan is a furnace, he is very good to her after all, so we can't let him die in vain.

Mei'er didn't know that Xiao Ning had thoughts, so she shifted her gaze to meet Bai Miaochan.

Bai Miaochan needed to put on a show in front of Xiao Ning, so she asked, "Has your Majesty the God of War made any progress?"

Meier said, "I don't know, it's just that my strength is out of control."

A worried expression appeared on Bai Miaochan's face.

Meier smiled and said: "Don't worry, Elder Sister, he is fine."

This "big sister" was very inexplicable, and Xiao Ning suddenly understood the status of this uncle.

Oh, this is Uncle Master
Bai Miaochan was also stunned for a moment, but immediately understood what Meier meant.

Mel has two meanings.

One, from now on, she is also Bai Shan's wife, and she will really treat Bai Shan well;

Second, since they are all wives, they must have a size. Meier called her "big sister", which means she recognized her "status in the world" as a "big wife".

Seeing that Xiao Ning was here, Bai Miaochan dragged Xiao Ning away again, as it was inconvenient to ask further questions.

Xiao Ning chirped and asked questions like "Would His Majesty's power go out of control?" She had been in the Northland for a long time, and she hadn't seen any power, so the scene just now naturally wouldn't shock her.

At this time, in the quiet room.

Bai Shan sat cross-legged quietly, silently calling the name of "Strange Witch" in his heart
However, the "strange witch" did not respond, it melted into Baishan, like a shadow returning to its body, and it no longer has its own self, and this is already its best destination.

Bai Shan searched carefully, and looked down, but saw a layer of incomparably bright "delimiter" color appearing under the skin after a little luck.

Flashes, but floating all kinds of pictures.

He took a look at those pictures and recognized some of them. They were pictures of prehistoric massacres, and they were the tip of the iceberg of Pangu's demons.

He sat cross-legged and sorted the history of the heavens in his mind.

One, the birth of the universe.

Second, in the prosperous prehistoric age, aura was abundant, so [Kaitianjing] played a terrible role.

Third, open the heavenly demon robbery, but the most terrifying thing is not the robber, but the demon in the heart of the robber.

Fourth, the universe restarts, the heaven and the earth unite to kill the demons, the heavens and the earth are opened, and the innate creatures are born.

Five, the gods create characters, and the [Jiaohua Jing] is formed.

Sixth, in the golden age, the gods retreated, the existence of the [Life Book] and the prosperity of the heavens made the "sage" gradually approach the way of heaven.

Seventh, in the ancient times, the "strange witch" was born, sweeping away the prosperous top figures in the heavens, and then the "Spiritual Demon Scripture" was born, which wiped out civilization, greatly reducing the effectiveness of the "Sage King" They all hid. The indiscriminate killing of the [Spiritual Demon Sutra] led to the destruction of the underworld, the abyss appeared, and the side effects of the Demon Sutra also surfaced, that is the great terror crawling out of the abyss.All of a sudden, the gods of the heavens fell, and the galaxy shattered. Fortunately, the Great Terror was defeated.

Eighth, in the ancient times, a new fairy court was established, the heaven and earth were full of aura, and [Kaitianjing] was born again, because [Kaitianjing] does not need to rely on civilization, and the strong people bred by [Kaitianjing] can form with the ancient gods balance.However, unexpectedly, the [Wooden Sutra] of the [Kaitian Jing] was stolen, and after the defeat of the Great Terror, the "Houtu Shidao" was born.This "Ten Demons of Houtu" is mysterious and unpredictable, no one knows what it is, and it has not yet been born.

Nine, from ancient times to modern times, the situation is getting worse and worse. Heaven has no choice but to sacrifice the [Kai Tian Mo Jing] that once destroyed the universe, but this time, He established the "world will" and wanted to use these "world will" To control the culprit of the [Opening the Demon Scripture], in case the culprit and his inner demons get out of control.

many thoughts flashed
Bai Shan murmured: "These are the logic of calamity. Therefore, the destroyer of the golden age in the ancient times is not a calamity.
Rather, the golden age has brought the sages closer to the way of heaven, which may pose a threat to the universe, so the calamity will come. "

"[Kai Tian Jing] created a prosperous age, and the way of heaven has [Kai Tian Mo Jing] to bring about the end of the age, just like what I am doing now, emptying the aura.

[Jiaohua Jing] and [Sheng Ling Jing], the tens of millions of years of development have brought about an unprecedented golden age, but just because the sage is close to the Tao, the way of heaven has come down [Soul Demon Sutra], bringing about the destruction of civilization .

Now, due to the failure of the birth of the [Kai Tian Jing], the terrible era of the [Kai Tian Mo Jing] is ushered in.
It's all because it would be better to let Quan Jie destroy it than to restart the universe.

And this is the cruelest truth. "

There is a poem that says: If you want to see a thousand miles, you will go to a higher level.

Ascending the height, he jumped out of the original pattern, and saw the ancients in his eyes, so that he could see the true nature of the matter.

Bai Shan stared at the darkness with ecstasy, and said softly: "And the real hidden dangers caused by each calamity have not been eliminated.

Pangu's heart demon, Shengjun, and now the ten demons.
They are always there. "

"When these hidden dangers accumulate more and more, this universe will be over."

"So, letting the Heaven Demon Tribulation end the Life Demon Tribulation is actually just drinking poison to quench thirst, and it can't solve the problem at all.
And now I'm a pawn out of control, I'm afraid I'll be targeted too.

But if he followed the original path, would he be able to die well? "

Bai Shan raised his hand to touch the divine seat, and continued to enter with his divine sense.

This time.
He saw many things again.

He saw the rebirth of Xu Ye Da Tianzun, but the reborn one was a time traveler, and the plot of the story was probably the clichéd "rebirth of the time traveler".
However, Xu Ye is not yet the culprit of the Life Demon Scripture, that culprit has already died in the hands of the terror of the abyss.

The world where Taishang Ancient Moon Sect lived was also refined into a god position by an ancient god.

Withdrawing his thoughts, he stood in the secret room clutching the god's seat, feeling a little heavy, because the future was bleak, like black clouds covering the sky, permeating the universe, covering the remaining civilized worlds one after another, but ... there was no hope at all .

Perhaps being an ordinary person, living for only a few decades without knowing anything, and therefore having nothing to do with it, is happiness.

When people look at mayflies, they feel sorry for them when they see their life and death.Immortals look at people and see that their lifespan is only a hundred years old, don't they feel the same?

When he let go of his consciousness, it was only able to cover 150 miles in the past, but now... this consciousness can spread out infinitely, covering the entire world, and even continued to extend to the starry sky.

And at this moment, he suddenly noticed a prying gaze.

The spy is not far away, but a dozen miles to the southeast of the Martial God Garden.

Bai Shan moved and disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he was already standing where the prying eyes were.

It was a branch of an endless mountain. It was midsummer, and the mountains were undulating and full of verdant green.

Not far away, there is a waterfall hanging like a silver chain. The sound of rushing water and the splashing water mist make people feel refreshed.

And the snoopers are hiding in a cave somewhere.

Bai Shan stepped forward, stood in front of the cave, and asked, "Why are you spying outside?"

The cave was extremely quiet, and there seemed to be no one there, but the next moment, a figure suddenly appeared outside.

Sect Master Xuanyuan was dressed in green clothes, standing with his hands behind his back, with flowing sleeves, looking at the man in front of him, he recognized that the man in front of him was the Martial God.

To be honest, he was only worried about getting involved in the calamity, not any kind of robber.

Although the celestial beings are tossing hard, in fact none of them has reached the level of half-step fusion of gods.

But he is No. 1 in this fairy world, and other existences in the fusion state can be beheaded by him at will. Although Li Jian, the suzerain of the Necromancer Sect, was also in the state of fusion, he had already been beheaded by him, and turned into a A corpse domain.

The suzerain of the Xuanyuan Ancient Sect is not afraid of this existence named Martial God, who is actually the Lord of Tribulation.

Sect Master Xuan Yuan said: "I also hope that the Martial God can return the throne to me."

Bai Shan looked at him quietly, and suddenly said: "Are you using this god to cause chaos in the world?"

Although he didn't ask much about the situation in the world, Tang Yan would always send all the information to let him know everything clearly. Combined with the characteristics of the "Evil Thought Demon Soldier" and Xiaomei's words, Baishan did not It is difficult to deduce part of the truth.

This suzerain is causing chaos in all directions and stirring up the world, thus allowing the evil thoughts to grow.

The Evil Thought Demon Soldier is the power of the world snake.

So, he asked again: "Have you made a deal with the world snake?"

Sect Master Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment, but since he was pointed out, he didn't intend to hide any more, so he nodded and said: "That's right."

Bai Shan calmly said: "That snake wants to deal with me, what about you?"

The appearance of Dao Yueke was also related to the World Snake Tie. Fortunately, it was resolved, otherwise, no matter whether he or Dao Yueke was seriously injured, he would not be able to accept it.

Sect Master Xuanyuan said: "I'm just making a deal, I never want to deal with you. This time, if the throne hadn't fallen into your hands, I wouldn't be here either. You return the throne to me, and I can guarantee that in the future There is still no crime between the fairy world and the world of heaven and man."

He looked calm, and said again: "Baishan, I have heard about you. Although you have experienced a lot, you are still a young man. If you can have a good relationship with your neighbors, there will be nothing wrong."

Bai Shan said: "Since we are neighbors, then help me lure that snake down, and then tell me what happened."

Sect Master Xuanyuan naturally couldn't tell, he was still counting on the existence behind the snake to help him survive the void thunder disaster, he was only one step away from stepping into the Five Elements Realm, and finally waited for this opportunity to execute the transaction for so long , how could it be possible to abandon it?

Sect Master Xuan Yuan said: "Young man, there is a contract spirit in the transaction. I will not betray it. If I make a deal with you in the future, I will naturally not betray you."

Bai Shan smiled and said, "In your eyes, I'm just so easy to fool?"

Sect Master Xuan Yuan squinted his eyes, and then smiled again: "Is it true that in your eyes, an old guy like me has no deterrent power, so... you think you can control it as you like?"

Bai Shan said: "At the end of the day, we still have to do it, right?"

Sect Master Xuan Yuan sighed, and then said: "Please."

As soon as the voice fell, the two figures soared upwards, floating among the clouds, so as not to affect the landscape of the world.

But in fact, an existence that has reached this level can control power even if it is killed, without harming the innocent.

Sect Master Xuanyuan expanded a circle of light around his body, and that circle of light was a small world.

The small world opened but did not open, and then looked again, Sect Master Xuanyuan had already held his delimiting weapon in his hand.

It was a ball of bright and surging beads.

There are crystals and pictures floating on the surface of the bead, which is obviously a delimiter.

"Since it's a confrontation, there's no need to introduce strength, right?" Sect Master Xuanyuan said.

However, Bai Shan has already recognized the delimiter, "In the ghost world of the ghost king, you gave me that light, right?"

Sect Master Xuanyuan said: "Yes. However, I didn't take the life of the robber. Heaven protects you, and great luck protects you. But I don't have these. That's why I need to take it myself."

With a thought in Bai Shan's mind, the surrounding area was covered with a cage, and the wind was like a knife, spinning endlessly. Looking closely, there were all kinds of power of wind, fire, thunder and lightning on the blade.

Sect Master Xuan Yuan smiled: "This kind of power is not enough."

After all, he has already swung the Delimiter.

Suddenly a bright light shot out from the bead.

His delimiter is called "Tomb Bead of Light", and there are three lights containing the law in it, and the law is that anyone who sees the light will be killed by the light.

But who would dare to close their eyes and not look at a confrontation with an existence like Sect Master Xuanyuan?

And even if you close your eyes, you can still see the brightness of the light through your eyelids.

Therefore, when the light shines, it must die.

Although it is said "as far as possible", if he can take the opportunity to kill Baishan, Sect Master Xuanyuan will not let it go.
So, after one light, he quickly cut out the second light, which is to accept the lesson from the previous time: it seems that killing once is not enough, so he has to kill twice.

The moment Bai Shan saw the light, he released the power he had just obtained.

Under deliberate use, an unimaginable force gathered on his right hand.

His right hand became dark.

Do not.
Not darkened.

Instead, there is no light.

In other words, it turned into a hand with a huge gravitational force.

This hand can absorb anything, even light.


The light of Sect Master Xuanyuan was sucked by the hand in an instant, and turned into a faint halo outside the black hand. The halo soon collapsed and went into the darkness. Wherever it went, everything was annihilated, as if the black hand was a devourer deep hole.

Sect Master Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment, the scene in front of him was far beyond his expectations, but he couldn't let his delimiting weapon have an accident, seeing that it was too late to speak, he flashed quickly, came behind Baishan, and at the same time activated the "light The last light in the tomb.

This light cut directly from the back to Baishan's right arm.

Only Baishan's right hand is the part that is pure black and lightless. Everything else is normal. If it can be cut off, it will also break the root of power.

brush! !

That light cut directly on Bai Shan's arm without bending halfway.

Obviously, the decision made by Sect Master Xuanyuan at this moment was correct.

But the broken arm that Sect Master Xuanyuan had imagined did not happen.

The light slashed on Bai Shan's body, making an ear-piercing grinding sound.
The clothes on Baishan's arm were smashed to pieces, revealing the skin that also shone with the luster of the delimiting weapon inside. Ancient, mysterious, terrifying, and strange and shocking killing scenes are flying by
Sect Master Xuanyuan finally showed a look of disbelief. The No.1 in the fairy world has only seen this kind of situation on the abyss demon god, but the scariest abyss demon god he has ever seen is by no means as terrible as Baishan at this time.

Bai Shan subconsciously turned around and waved his arms.

The third light was also sucked in by his right hand, and then annihilated.

The "Light Tomb Bead" also made a cracking sound under this wave.

The weapon of the world was destroyed, Sect Master Xuanyuan only felt his soul tremble. Looking at Baishan at this time, he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, turned around and flew away, and fled into the small world in an instant.
Bai Shan raised his hand to grab it, and Sect Master Xuanyuan, who had just entered the hour's Eji, felt an irresistible pulling force.

Whoosh! !

He was caught out of the small world and came to Baishan.

Bai Shan said: "Isn't the suzerain going to break his promise?"

At this time, Sect Master Xuanyuan still has the original appearance. His boundary-defining weapon is destroyed, and his realm may be regressed. He looked at the black hand of Baishan and the body of the boundary-defining weapon in fear, and asked: "What kind of power is this?"

Bai Shan said coldly: "Tell me what I want to hear."

Sect Master Xuanyuan had no choice but to reveal the deals he had made with the World Snake Tie.

Bai Shan listened, and was indeed a little disappointed. He originally thought that there would be a big event, but it was not.

an hour later
Sect Master Xuan Yuan left in despair.

He quickly returned to the fairyland.

But as soon as he arrived in the fairyland, he felt something was wrong.

His body is falling apart.

It seems that Bai Shan's swipe just now not only destroyed his boundary weapon, but also his body, and even damaged his soul.
Just as he was thinking about it, his body began to disintegrate rapidly.

Sect Master Xuanyuan rushed out of his body and flew over the wasteland in the fairyland, trying to find a place to heal his wounds, but the wounds were too serious.

"You must first find a body."

The primordial spirit stumbled around looking for it.

Not long after, I saw a woman sitting cross-legged on a spiritual mountain.

Sect Master Xuanyuan panicked and entered the woman's body directly, and now he can't care about anything.

But this entry still has not been able to resist the disintegration of the soul
That woman is Qi Yaohua.

Qi Yaohua suddenly heard something screaming in her mind, and then an unimaginable force emerged, and slowly penetrated into her weak body, becoming nourishment.

She is sitting at home in this wave, and the strength comes by herself.

Just to know what happened, she has become stronger.
Qi Yaohua looked confused, what kind of luck is this?
(End of this chapter)

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