Chapter 242 373. Tunyin Ancient City, Gate of Blood (4.2K words)
The old woman is Hua Xiaoshuang, who is over sixty years old.

While she was talking with her son, something happened at the entrance of the underground village.

Zhu Yu, who was sitting on the rock wall, suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils constricted, and his five fingers grabbed the handle of the long knife at his waist, making a vigilant gesture.

Outside the cave, the scene that was still sunny and sunny just now changed instantly.

A series of iron-gray clouds came running from the sky like thick monsters, covering all the light, and the earth fell into darkness quickly, and panic pervaded.

Such an abnormal situation usually means that some troublesome existence has arrived.
Zhu Yu is very aware of this.

He was about to react when he saw mutant birds flying across the sky from the entrance of the cave. Those strange birds had red heads and sharp beaks, keen senses, great power in the wind, and the ability to breathe out flames. The most important thing was that they Carnivorous, especially cannibals.

This is the overlord of the wilderness, Zhu Yu has encountered it before, but that time he escaped from death with the help of the white tiger, and after escaping, the white tiger was also paralyzed from exhaustion.

This kind of strange bird, Zhu Yu once heard the name called by outsiders, it is called the fire bird.

at this time
Many thoughts flashed by, and Zhu Yu confirmed that he could not deal with the firebird, so he hurriedly looked away, held his breath, and pressed his body against the rock wall, not to meet the eyes of those strange birds.

Unfortunately, there were two children playing in and out of the cave, and one of the girls also saw the hideous strange bird.

Zhu Yu was turning his head slightly, staring down at the girl. Seeing the boy's pupils flashing weak fear, his heart skipped a beat, wanting to remind him.

But before I could speak, the boy was already so frightened that he let out a subconscious scream.

Before screaming, the boy hastily covered his mouth, then stared at his watery eyes, and dared not speak out again.

You may also know that you may have caused trouble, but at this moment you can only cry slowly, two lines of tears slipped down your cheeks, and your body trembled like a sieve.

However, the boy's scream made a certain Flamingo pause. It seemed to have noticed that there was nothing strange about the hole in the ground, and then it rushed up.

And that flamingo brought about a chain reaction.

Although the seven or eight Flamingos could see clearly, they also rushed up.

Bai Shan narrowed his eyes slightly, I moved my seven fingers, clenched the knife again, and stared at the mid-air.

Whoosh whoosh! !

This is a total of eight flame birds, they are like eight flame whirlwinds surging upwards.



Xia Chen counted silently.

But I have never been able to say the word "one".

boom! ! !
Under the ground, there seemed to be some kind of violent cross wind scattered.

Before the eight flame whirlwinds entered the cave, they were washed away in an instant.

That's all, the sky that was densely clouded just now suddenly cleared up, and the haze was swept away.

The long grass fell to the ground with a rustle, and the dark clouds spread far and wide.

It seems that there is nothing extremely terrifying and powerful being approaching outside the world.

The originally dark cave entrance was once again cast with a beam of light.

Outside the beam of light, the two big boys were dumbfounded.

Under the rock wall, Xia Chen also froze.

Not long after, I saw a strange face protruding from the entrance of the cave, a face that I would never forget.

It was Han Yang who came. I looked at the vigilant masked woman under the rock wall and said with a smile, "Da Yu, see you for a long time."

No matter how capable Bai Shan is, he still panicked at this moment. I rubbed my eyes and saw who was coming, so I dared to say: "Sister Bai Bai?"

Xia Chen said, "It's you."

At that moment, the two older boys at the entrance of the cave saw Grandpa Zhu, who was the weakest outside the village, suddenly at a loss. The two children looked curiously at the woman who was retreating from the entrance of the cave.

It seems that I am much younger than Grandpa Zhu, why would Grandpa Zhu call me little brother?
an hour ago.

Han Yang and Zhu Yuchan sat at Brother Bai's house.

Brother Bai has become an old woman, and he still has no way to restrain his excitement at this time. You originally wanted to leave the village on the ground and use your long life to find news about Sister Bai and Bai Shanbai. Did you ever think of it?
You are sitting beside Zhu Yuchan, in the past you only reached Bai Shanbai's chest, but now you are much lower than Bai Shanbai, but the most important thing is that you have gray hair.

Zhu Yuchan pulled the old woman, talking and laughing, but there was no regret in her heart.

Xia Chen directly threw out a fruit that increases lifespan by 800 years, let Big Brother Bai take it, and gave another Baishan.

The changes took place, the skin on the old woman's body began to wrinkle, as if it was about to shed its skin, and a little bit of foul-smelling ink began to escape from the pores. The weak vitality can completely allow you to complete it in a very short time." reverse growth".

And that's the real elixir.

On the other hand, Baishan also felt the changes in himself. The half of my disfigured face covered by the mask is slowly recovering, and all kinds of stubborn diseases and hidden wounds in my body are also healing in an incredible way.

The two hurriedly went to take a bath and change clothes, and when they returned after an hour, Big Brother Bai had changed from an old woman to a man, and Bai Shan had changed from exhausted to full of energy, and half of the quilt's face was also intact. .

Han Yan on the side stared blankly at the scene, then knelt down respectfully in front of Han Yang, and kowtowed in thanks.That child was originally a filial child, but at the last moment, he still thought that his mother was about to die of illness, but now his mother has recovered her male body.

After giving the medicine, Han Yang threw out two copies of exercises. I wrote down the "Earth Opening Method" I created under the booklet and handed it to Baishan. Gave it to Big Brother Bai.

The two of them were already overjoyed to see Brother Bai and Bai Shanbai, but receiving such a small gift at this time was even more depressing and grateful. In their hearts, they only wanted to repay Brother Bai and Bai Shanbai. It is also related to the fact that the two were smashed to pieces.

"It's a pity that Bai Miao has arrived." Brother Bai was not a little sad, "Afterwards, I kept saying that I suspected that Sister Bai and Bai Shanbai died just like that, so I kept looking for it."

Xia Chen looked up, not a little silent.

Brother Bai tilted his head and said: "Bai Shan, it's actually his fault. If he stays at this time, he can only die with me. If he dies, you people, not even the people outside the village, will come back alive."

Xia Chen lowered his head, clenched his fists, and said in a high voice, "Xia Chen, I sacrificed myself, but you, you are a coward, you escaped."

Xia Chenqin said: "That's right. It was my own choice to stay with Bai Miao, but it took even less courage for you to choose to leave. What's more, this city is terrifying. Even if he runs away, he may not be able to run away." Lose"

The two fell silent suddenly.

Zhu Yuchan saw that the two came up quietly, reached out and grabbed the backs of their hands, and said, "Be good, it's because Xu lost his temper."

"En." Brother Bai replied.

Bai Shan also nodded.

In fact, there was no estrangement between the two of them, but at this time because of Bai Shanbai's arrival, the knot of guilt is quickly being untied.

Zhu Yuchan saw that the expressions of the two had become anxious, so she asked, "What is this terrifying city they are talking about?"

Xia Chen's eyes flashed with fear, and he sighed heavily.

And Big Brother Bai said: "Baishanbai, this city was originally a big city named Tunyin in the east of Xinzhou. You wanted to retreat into the mountains to avoid disaster.

After all, Xiaojia goes crazy from time to time, and a place with fewer people is safer.

When passing through Tunyin City, you encountered many strange and bizarre events, and then Bai Miao died, and many people from the village who accompanied you died, and only [-] of you escaped. "

You fell silent for a while, and a look of extreme fear flashed in your eyes, as if just thinking about it was like reliving a nightmare.

"Don't be afraid, without him, Sister Bai, everything will be fine." Zhu Yuchan comforted her softly, and then said, "Now his Sister Bai is very powerful."

Brother Bai understands, you have also heard of some powerful immortals later on, and sister Bai should be less powerful than these immortals, anyway, you need to look up to.

Yes, Zhu Yuchan's words did have an effect, Big Brother Bai came to his senses a little bit, and continued: "Actually, whether you have entered the city or not, even Bai Miao is very vigilant. I noticed that there is nothing strange in this city from a distance."

"What's weird?" Zhu Yuchan interrupted and asked.

Big Brother Bai shook his head and said: "You also know that Bai Miao is the weakest outside of your group. I felt that it was weird at that time. I said it seemed... It seemed that few worlds were overlapping.

Before, you bypassed this city and traveled far away, but even so, you were still involved in this city. "

Xia Chen on the side added: "It is involved, but the target that affects the other party is likely to be you, and you are just on the edge of your heart.
This is an infinite fantasy.

Xia Chen had half a foot in it, and I escaped, so I threw you out one by one, and then I was struggling outside the illusion.

You. You should turn back.Sure, you can pull me out too.After all, there is only half a meter between you and me."

A distance of half a meter is the distance between life and death.

Han Yang probably understood when he heard that.

Few worlds are overlapping, and it is most likely a battle between God Fusion Realms.

And what Bai Miao was involved in might be a big world in the God Fusion Realm, and this big world might be related to the illusion.

Therefore, Bai Miao must have escaped.

After hearing about it, I became interested in that city. After all, I really want to know what made the ancient gods fight.Going ten thousand steps further, even if the reason is important, at most I can find a lot of ancient gods.And I came here to hunt the ancient gods.

"Tunyin City? Where is it probably located?" Han Yang asked directly.

Bai Shan froze.

Xia Chenqin said: "Sister Bai, you remember the map."

After scanning for seven weeks, you found that there is really no place for painting outside your home, so you blushed and said, "You can draw a picture underground and show him."

Han Yang said: "It must."

With a wave of my hand, I waved out the pen and paper, and then I sent out buckets of millet and boxes of fruits and vegetables, stacked them in the door, and waved: "Han Yan, take out the food!" Distributed to the villagers."

The middle-aged man inside the door was completely dumbfounded.

Brother Bai said: "Let's go slowly!"

Only then did Han Yan wake up silently, and moved slowly.

Brother Bai took the pen and paper and began to draw.

Although your martial arts are good, but in other respects you are far better than Bai Shan, even Bai Miao later.

A simple map is drawn.

Brother Bai drew the map based on the walking path back then, and you even marked a rough distance.

Yes, you still have some hesitation, "Sister Bai, that's the map 80 years later, but the world inside is too safe now, and the mountains and rivers don't change from time to time. The terrain may have been like that for a long time."

Xia Chen next to him said, "Sister Bai, you want to go with him, you know this city."

"Something happened," Han Yang took the picture and glanced at it.

The city of Zifu in the spiritual world was suddenly opened, and thoughts came out like armored horses.

Those thoughts can occupy the body of a mortal at will, and they can also smash the spirit of a special person to collapse at will. Their speed is extremely slow, even slower than Han Yang himself.

They will check the information they have obtained along the way, and then return to Zifu to bring all the information they have to Han Yang. Xia Chen feels like he has seen these places with his own eyes.

But if a certain idea can come back, Xia Chen will also know what happened here, but Han Yang will understand that there must be a problem in the place where it disappeared, so I can check it out.

In the surge of my thoughts, within a few seconds, I arrived at the place marked on the map.

It's just that the so-called Tunyin City has long been seen, and it has become a small lake reflecting sparkling waves in the sun.

One of the thoughts returned and brought the information back to Han Yang, and the rest stopped gathering to search.

And all of that, before Xia Chenqin and Xia Chen's eyes, was a matter of two or eight seconds of contemplation.

Han Yang said: "Xiaoshuang, I have seen this city, can you tell me about the other characteristics of this city?"

Met you?
other characteristics?

Xia Chenqin and Bai Shan completely understood, with confused faces.
Xia Chenchan smiled and said, "Their sister Bai has already visited the scene."

Bai Shan said: "But sister Bai has been moving outside."

Although Big Brother Bai was full of surprise, he said directly: "Xia Chen can see that the city seems to overlap in space, but you only feel that the city is not a bit dark when you are outside your eyes. Even if the surrounding sun is shining, the place where the city is located Like a cage above a dark cloud."

Han Yang nodded, and Zhu Shaonian rushed out again, ending the search.

About 1 minute ago, those thoughts really found a big city based on the "darkness" characteristics, but when they approached, they were directly involved in some kind of vortex, and none of them were drawn into it.

Not half of them came back slowly and told Han Yang the information.

Han Yang got up quickly and said, "You and Bai Shanbai are leaving."

"Ah..." Xia Chenqin and Bai Shan were both at a loss.

Han Yang said: "They are preparing dinner, you will come back later."

The two of them showed some distressed looks.

Han Yang took Zhu Yuchan and left the village on the ground. Now the world inside is turbulent and will be completely separated at any movement. Therefore, no matter where I go, I will take Zhu Yuchan with me.

a moment ago.

Han Yang came to the place where the idea happened.

This is a city, as Xia Chenqin said, always shrouded in darkness.

Yes, I'm curious, it's been 80 years, why is the city still the same?
Even if it is a confrontation between the gods and gods, it will last for 80 years.

However, that is the first extremely unique place in this world that I discovered. Naturally, I have to go back and explore, saying that I will definitely find the gods of the ancient times, so that I can continue to get less "Pangu information" from it, and grab it. "Pangu Heart Demon Fragment", which made it weaker.

After taking a look twice, I stepped back and walked behind the closed city gate in a flash. I raised my hand and pushed.

The city gate was opened slightly, and the rancid blood inside and outside found the exit like a tsunami, spurting out violently.

Han Yang breathed out, and all the sea of ​​blood instantly changed direction and flowed backwards.

Then, I just took small steps outside, and at the same time raised my voice and shouted: "Is no one home?"

(End of this chapter)

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