I play poker in Douluo

Chapter 3 Is it Arithmetic Sequence?

Chapter 3 Is it Arithmetic Sequence?
As a human being, it is very dangerous to survive in the spirit beast forest, not to mention that Liu Wei has not awakened his martial spirit, and there is only a purple wound on his shoulder that often hurts.

Under the meticulous protection of the female bear, he spent six years without any danger.

However, when he was six years old, a group of humans appeared, and they killed the female bear.

Thinking of the reluctance of the mother bear looking at him at the end, the tears in Liu Wei's eyes flowed down even more.

After killing the mother bear, the group found Liu Wei who was hiding behind the mother bear. They looked at each other and gradually realized that what they killed was the mother of the little boy behind them, so they buried the body of the mother bear safely. , took Liu Wei back to the Tang Sect.

It wasn't until this time that Liu Wei realized that they were all members of the Tang Sect, and he was allowed to join the Tang Sect to compensate them.

For the Tang Sect, he still yearned for it in the past. After the destruction of the Wuhun Temple, after 500 years of development, the Tang Sect has become the number one power in the mainland besides Shrek Academy.

However, their adoptive mother just died at their hands.

For this reason, even if he knew that this behavior was unintentional, it was understandable. Human hunting and killing soul beasts is justified in the world of Douluo. He definitely couldn't accept joining Tangmen with peace of mind, let alone accept them. any support for yourself.Out of helplessness, the other party had no choice but to give him the qualification to exempt Shrek from the test after six years.

At this time, Liu Wei had already awakened his martial soul, and what made him feel sick was that his martial soul turned out to be playing cards, and almost all of them were pieces of paper, without any aggressiveness at all.

The most terrible thing is that his innate soul power is no more than 1, and he cannot cultivate soul power normally.Only when playing poker can he barely improve his soul power a little bit, but it's still very small. With this improvement in soul power, he might not be able to cross the threshold of level 20 in his lifetime.

He couldn't help being annoyed: Could it be that he played too much poker in his previous life?Do you have to play poker all your life after traveling to the Douluo Continent?

"God, you didn't miss a system for me, did you?"

Howling, Liu Wei walked towards the bedroom.

In fact, Liu Wei knew that his poker spirit was not completely useless.After six years, he gradually understood the form in which his martial soul exerted its abilities.

The first is the J card, he can summon the characters in J, but the disadvantage is that the soul power consumption is too large, with his level 3 soul power, he can only simply summon the characters, and the strength of the characters is based on what he provides. It is determined by the soul power.

Followed by the number cards 1~9, at first he didn't notice the difference.Through repeated experiments and research, he finally discovered the special features of 8 and 9.

8 gives him a passive effect, which is somewhat similar to the card cutting function of the "card master" in the previous life:
With specific actions and soul power, a random card can be cut out between two fingers, and the cut out card will have certain abilities.At the same time, it is also possible to cut cards again through actions and minimal soul power.Each used card will recover after 1 minute.

With repeated training, Liu Wei can basically cut a card in two seconds.

And the number 9 is the only card he has found so far that can carry out effective attacks. It is the hardest card among the nine number cards, and it is also the strongest card he currently thinks. It was previously through the square 9 Force passers-by brothers back.

In the end, that was my new discovery today.

In the past, I could only cut the suit of diamonds from my cutting cards, and I could not use cards of other suits at all, but when I cut the cards just now, I found that the suit of spades was cut out.

In this way, if the 9 of spades is as hard as the 9 of diamonds, two cards with the number 1 can be cut out within 9 minute, which doubles the effective means of attack.

Even if the soul power is low, the strength is insufficient.But even a little improvement surprised him, and he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

Maybe in Shrek Academy, with the strength of this so-called No. [-] academy in the mainland, the problem of not being able to cultivate soul power can be solved!
This is the reason why although Liu Wei was unwilling to accept the Tang Sect's funding, when the Tang Sect offered him the qualification to be exempted from the test, he had to accept it.

This is my hope.

Similarly, Liu Wei tried his best to save money to enter the Junior Academy in order to find the hope of cultivating soul power.

Obviously, the result was not satisfactory.

Thinking of the regrets of his previous life, Liu Wei was a little sad, but he quickly adjusted.While summoning the Martial Soul, he kept cutting out the number cards of spades and flying them out, while walking towards his dormitory.

Today is the last day of the semester, except for unlucky kids like Liu Wei, there are only a handful of people staying in school, and the entire Junior Soul Master Academy is now only a handful of people.

When Liu Wei walked back to the dormitory, it was completely dark.

"Sigh, only the 9 of spades and the 9 of diamonds are good." Liu Wei took back the martial spirit in his hand, said to himself, and then lay down on the bed regardless of sweat.

"It seems that I am the son of 9's destiny, so I will call me 9 Douluo from now on! Haha!" Liu Wei thought to himself, and couldn't help laughing out loud because he thought it was funny.

It is also rare, it is almost impossible to cultivate, but he maintains such an optimistic attitude.

At this time, he had already sat up cross-legged, and was about to start meditating and practicing for his 9 Douluo path, maybe he could suddenly practice?

Soon, he realized that something was wrong, the small mouth was wide enough to stuff an entire egg.

Not frightened, but pleasantly surprised, because he found that his soul power had reached level 5.

what happened!

This is too abnormal, when Ye Yuan checked him just now, he was still not level 4, but now he is already level 5!

As Liu Wei, who has only risen 6 levels in 3 years, this kind of rapid progress was discovered by him immediately.

"Because of what?" Liu Wei jumped up excitedly, hit his head on the top floor and swelled up a big red bump, and he didn't care at all. For him, this could almost be called a life-saving straw.

He doesn't want to be a mediocre soul master all his life, he must make up for the regrets of his previous life!

At this moment, he immediately sat up cross-legged again, and began to think about everything that happened today.

Is it because of being beaten?
No, it's not that I haven't been beaten myself.He quickly denied this option, and then he ruled out one impossible option after another.

Finally, he thought of the fact that he could accumulate a small amount of soul power every time he played poker.

Could it be because he used his own martial soul today?
That's not true, it's never been used before.
Immediately, Liu Wei set his sights on one thing, and at this moment, as if he had suddenly realized, his peach blossom eyes widened into peaches.

"Yes." Liu Wei trembled excitedly, because he had already called out the playing cards.

In front of him are spades and diamonds, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99.

In an instant, he felt the growth of his soul power again. Although it was not as exaggerated as before, it was enough to make him excited.

Is it an arithmetic sequence?
No, it is an arithmetic progression of two numbers.Liu Wei quickly remembered that he was only able to use the spade card today, so he was able to do this today.

Then, he tried to go backwards, or shuffle the order of the nine numbers, and the result was surprising. No matter what he did, the soul power would increase to a certain extent, but it was not as obvious as it was in the order.

What is the law?

(End of this chapter)

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