I play poker in Douluo

Chapter 38 The Disappearing Wood Aster

Chapter 38 The Disappearing Wood Aster
In this way, under Mu Ziyuan's teaching.Liu Wei cultivates soul power during the day and learns various skills and knowledge at night.Time passed quickly.

A month later.

"Huh? Why is 'Tang San' gone?"

Liu Weifang entered the dream, but did not see the guide "Tang San" who should have existed.

With the in-depth communication with Mu Ziyuan every night, Liu Wei knew that it was because of his weak mental strength that he was not strong enough to "do whatever he wanted" in this dreamland with nine gates.

The "Tang San" in the dream was summoned by Mu Ziyuan to lead him into the spiritual space in the gate of number 1.

Now, Liu Wei's mental strength has improved significantly, and he no longer needs to be guided.

Not only the improvement of mental power, after a month of practice, Liu Wei has finished arranging the palindrome numbers that can be used in two digits, and now his soul power has also been successfully raised to level [-].

However, improving soul power is easy.The difficulty lies in obtaining the soul ring.Each breakthrough requires nine soul rings, and what kind of soul ring should be selected to obtain soul skills is the most important thing.

As for the symbol of the ability of each number card in his martial soul, Liu Wei has been able to confirm it under Mu Ziyuan's analysis:

The number 1 symbolizes the heart;

The number 2 symbolizes matter;

The number 4 symbolizes the elements;

The number 5 symbolizes balance;

The number 7 symbolizes the sacred;

The number 8 symbolizes combination;

The number 9 symbolizes stability, or defense;

The number 3 may be emotion, or it may be morality, in short, it is this aspect;
The most difficult thing to judge is the number 6, which was originally thought to be Yin and Yang, but the previous "recycling" is not enough to explain this, so it is not sure what it is now.

Realizing the lack of corresponding defensive soul skills, after discussing with Mu Ziyuan, he chose the crypt spider as the first choice for the second soul ring.

Number 2, number 3, and number 9 fight for one, as the carrier of the possible defensive soul skills.

First of all, start with the number 3, because the number 2 is currently the most aggressive, so it is also very suitable to use a strength-type or energy-type soul beast as a soul ring.The number 9 seems to be definitely a defensive soul ability at present, so there is no need to be too targeted.

In comparison, the number 3 is more operable, and emotions and morals seem to be biased towards control, but if it is a crypt spider that chooses to drill holes, it is very likely to produce evasion or defensive soul skills.

Crypt spiders mostly live in Sunset Forest.

The Sunset Forest is in the southeast of Tiandou City in the Tiandou Empire, that is, just north of Shrek City, across the Bolili Province of the Tiandu Empire.The Sunset Forest belongs to the second largest primeval forest in the Douluo Continent. Although it is not as big as the Star Dou Forest, there are many kinds of spirit beasts, especially some reptile spirit beasts. A lot of.

After two days of trekking, Liu Weicai came to this forest dominated by yellow-leaved trees.

Now, Liu Wei has lived in Sunset Forest for three days, and has successfully obtained two desired soul rings in turn.

One is a 800-year soul ring, which comes from a crypt spider.The other is the soul ring of 2000, which comes from the four-eyed armored beast.

To say that the four-eyed scale beast is quite tragic in the original Douluo Dalu, and it was directly blown up by Liu Erlong's fire dragon martial soul, instantly killing it.In the end its spirit ring was absorbed by Ning Rongrong, making her Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda comprehend a new spirit ability that increases the defense of the whole body.

However, when he really faced the extremely hard armor covering his whole body, Liu Weicai experienced his perverted defense power. Among the methods he can use, only cutting can cause effective damage to it.Fortunately, his speed is not enough.It took a whole half a day, with the cooperation of soul skills, to grind it while running, and slowly grind it to death.

And in this process, the number 3 second soul ability bestowed by the crypt spider played a very important part.

The second soul skill - dove occupying the magpie's nest (2): After switching out the number 3 poker card, you can use the soul skill. When the poker card flies out, it will hit the target within a range of 3*3 meters to form a nest defense.

Liu Wei uses this soul skill as a more powerful second soul skill with a reference soul power of 45 points, and the consumption of soul power is about 10 points.But the lair defense effect it produced was very good, much stronger than the limit effect of the number 9's "defense", and it withstood several armor-scaled beast attacks.

Of course, it refers to the situation where the number 9 does not have a second soul ability attached.That's right, the soul ring produced by the four-eyed scale beast, Liu Wei endowed it with the number 9, and the second soul skill it produced was called "Complete".

The second soul skill - Complete (9): No need to cut cards, the playing cards under the defensive effect can be used directly, so that the defense of the number 9 has a blocking effect.

Liu Wei absorbed this soul ring this afternoon, and tried it after absorbing it.This blocking effect is very useful, and it is a bit better than the dove occupying the magpie's nest.

The most critical point is that it does not need to cut cards to use, and it has become a passive enhancement of the number 9 "defense".

These two soul skills perfectly met expectations, and Liu Wei was very satisfied.

Especially the nest defense created by "Dove Occupying Magpie's Nest", which can create defense, solved Liu Wei's big problem.

Due to the special nature of Martial Soul and Huayuan's family affairs, Liu Wei went to the Sunset Forest all by himself.

When acting alone, absorbing spirit rings and resting at night will become extremely dangerous.And with lair defense, it is completely possible to create multiple lair defenses in advance through this soul skill before absorbing the spirit ring or going to sleep.

In this way, when the physical body is unable to move, there is a buffer for the defense of the nest, and Mu Ziyuan can also observe the nearby scene for herself, which can remind herself, so that she can react in time before the danger comes.

Unknowingly, Liu Wei gradually got used to the existence of Mu Ziyuan, and has become more or less dependent on Mu Ziyuan.

He himself realized this, and compared himself to Xiao Yan of Douluo Continent several times. If so, isn't Mu Ziyuan the existence of Yao Lao?
"Three stages of fighting spirit, three stages, three stages of fighting spirit."

Thinking of Xiao Yan's soul power being devoured and being coldly looked at, Liu Wei naturally thought of himself.

I didn't activate the palindrome, so I completely experienced the coldness of the world before coming to this dream space.

But thinking about it, I guess it's much better.

For example, Teacher Xiao Yan is a little old man, but he has a little beauty.Just looking at it is very eye-catching, and they can get along day and night together every day.Ah, no, there is no morning, only evening.

We sleep together every night, hehehe.

But it doesn't seem to be the case, Xun'er has been by Xiao Yan's side all the time, but Mu Ziyuan is separated from her by a vast ocean, unreachable, let alone reachable.

Moreover, just yesterday, my goddess teacher did not appear in the spiritual space.

Because Mu Ziyuan did not appear in the spiritual space yesterday, he had a lot of doubts in his heart.But now that the guide "Tang San" had disappeared, Liu Wei couldn't help but began to worry about Mu Ziyuan's safety.

At this moment, Liu Wei's heart suddenly picked up, and bad thoughts arose in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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