I play poker in Douluo

Chapter 44 Domain: 196

Chapter 44 Domain 196
This is... Bloodline suppression?
Liu Wei remembered the saying that there is blood in Douluo Continent.

In the Douluo Continent, the strongest martial spirit is the Dragon Clan, and the powerful Dragon Clan can almost suppress all the Martial Spirits to a certain extent.

Of course, the most obvious one is the beast spirit it belongs to.

Liu Wei remembered the Zihuang Mietianlong mentioned by the boy earlier. This seems to be the martial spirit possessed by Xu Tianran, the emperor of the Sun and Moon Empire in "Peerless Tangmen". It is an extremely powerful dragon, and it is rumored to be the companion of the dragon god , the strength is only under the Dragon God.

Liu Wei had already noticed the opponent's strength just when the boy's form first appeared, and the subsequent changes confirmed this point even more.

But, can you really suppress me with blood?
I am a time traveler, and I will conquer the entire continent in the future, er, plus the sea.

The man who will conquer the entire continent and sea in the future!
Moreover, my martial soul does not belong to this world at all, so what if you are a dragon?
Alas, let you taste the fear of being dominated by mathematics.

Ignoring the thick tension and pressure, Liu Wei still maintained his forward posture, and at the same time, he quickly muttered in his heart:

Back to half a month ago
"There is a special algorithm for palindrome numbers, called the 196 algorithm." Sitting on Bai Jie's cloud, Mu Ziyuan said while looking sideways at Liu Wei who was practicing playing cards next to him:
"Remember what I told you before adding 123 and 321 to get 444, a number you can't get at this stage?"


Listening to Mu Ziyuan's words, Liu Wei did not stop the movement of his hands. At this time, he had mastered the skill of snapping his fingers and started to practice shaking his wrists.

Lifting his right arm, holding an outer corner of the poker card between his middle finger and index finger, Liu Wei took a step with his left foot and put his hand back on his back shoulder. The moment he touched his back shoulder, Liu Wei threw his arm out instantly, The poker cards in his hand were thrown out.

"call out!"

The thrown poker cards flew straight, very fast and full of energy, and gradually lost momentum after 30 meters, the momentum of the forward rush eased, and slowly fell down.

Going forward to observe the state and distance of the flying cards, Liu Wei let out a sigh of relief.Under the condition of suppressing the soul power, I can reach this level by just snapping my fingers, but shaking my wrist as a higher intensity can only reach this distance.

Wrist shaking is a further skill based on finger snapping. It focuses on the combination of shoulders, elbows, and wrists. The body swing required is small, but it needs to be stronger than finger snapping.

After five days of practice, Liu Wei still couldn't grasp the essentials, and couldn't help feeling a little discouraged.

"You have to twist your body. You can tell by observing your right foot. If your power is fully driven, your right foot should be twisted backward at this time."

Mu Ziyuan pointed to Liu Wei's right foot, then smiled and comforted him patiently: "Don't worry, take your time, it's already great to be able to master the flick of your fingers so quickly."

Raising the book in his hand, pointing to the words in it, Mu Ziyuan deliberately laughed out loud, and said in a threatening tone: "The practical class is over, the practical class is over. Next is the culture class, if it is not good, you will be punished for copying the book." Content a hundred times."


While Liu Wei cried out in pain, Mu Ziyuan copied the contents of the book to the air in front of him, enlarging the font.

Seeing the densely packed characters, Liu Wei felt a little headache, but he seemed to be afraid of being punished for copying. He sat on the cloud obediently, leaning against Mu Ziyuan, looked at the words in front of him, and listened to Mu Ziyuan's explanation at the same time:

"For almost all natural numbers, adding itself to its inverse, and then repeating this process for the sum obtained, will eventually result in a palindromic number. The number of cycles required for different numbers is different.

"Let me give you an example, 13+31=44, 123+321=444, even if the numbers that are not palindromic numbers are added upside down, they will become palindromic numbers, understand?
"Next is 19+91=110, so it seems that there is no palindrome, but if 110+011=121, you see, it becomes again"

As Mu Ziyuan said, she showed Liu Wei with calculations on the screen. She was not the slightest impatient with Liu Wei's comprehension ability in rough lines, and continued to think hard, constantly explaining in a more clear way.

Just like that, sitting on the cloud, Liu Wei and Mu Ziyuan listened and taught...

time flies.

Listening to the explanation, Liu Wei looked at Mu Ziyuan beside him from time to time.Smelling the pleasant body fragrance wafting from her body, and looking at her serious and embarrassing appearance, he couldn't help but smile.

Receiving the look from Mu Ziyuan who turned his head, Liu Wei hurriedly covered up his distraction, and asked in a serious manner under a disguise: "Sister Mu, what did you mean by the Lychria number you just mentioned?"

"Didn't I just say that?" After exhaling, Mu Ziyuan felt a little headache seeing Liu Wei's distracted appearance.

Just as he was about to teach the other party angrily, there was a hint of reluctance and sadness in his expression, which disappeared for a moment, and soon he regained his gentle appearance, and said patiently:
"This is very important. I think it may be related to the ability of your martial soul, and it may be greatly improved in certain aspects."

"Ah?" Hearing Mu Ziyuan's words, Liu Wei immediately gathered his spirits, did not look around, and concentrated on watching the words Mu Ziyuan displayed in front of him:
"Lickerell's number refers to a natural number that can never be a palindromic number by adding the number to a new number formed by flipping the digits of the number in reverse order, and iterating this process repeatedly."

"The smallest number is '196'!
"Once, someone calculated '196' for nearly 7 steps, but still failed to get the palindrome number. Later, someone modified the algorithm, and even calculated 2.89 million steps, but still failed to find the corresponding palindrome number. This is the most famous Lychrel number."

The number of palindrome is related to his own cultivation, Liu Wei can feel the importance of it, listened to every word, and thought seriously, asked:

"Sister Mu, how should I use this Lychrell number?"

"Start from the simplest, try to calculate '196' all the way."

196, 691, 88752514!

After half a month of one-hour practice every day, Liu Wei has been able to count from 196 to 52514 in seconds.Of course, this is also inseparable from the improvement of his spiritual power.

When Liu Wei silently recited the number 52514, only one second passed.And in this second, the pressure on Liu Wei's body has completely disappeared, and his mobility has recovered again.

The invisible aura is centered on Liu Wei. As the number in Liu Wei's heart continues to rise, it expands and expands circle by circle, covering the rushing boy in a blink of an eye.

The boy suddenly felt a powerful devouring force, this terrifying devouring force directly swept away the blood power he had created, and it seemed to be constantly pulling it out.

A certain kind of power in the body has been emptied, and normal people would immediately withdraw to avoid this situation, but the madness in the boy's eyes has far surpassed reason.

While screaming frantically, the flesh worms that protruded from his brows rushed to Liu Wei's bloody waist again, scattered purple pus, opened his big mouth full of blood and flesh, and moved towards the A place to bite.

But when it bit Liu Wei's back, a strange scene appeared, it directly penetrated through Liu Wei's back, as if invisible.

At this time, the spiked spear extending from the boy's thigh almost touched Liu Wei's body.But his crazy eyes suddenly froze, revealing a deeply unbelievable expression.

In front of his eyes, the purple fleshy worm protruding from between his eyebrows, which was supposed to bite Liu Wei, turned towards him——


 If you have any questions or suggestions about the plot, you can comment directly.

(End of this chapter)

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