I play poker in Douluo

Chapter 7 Mercy Knife, Similar Fate

Chapter 7 Mercy Knife, Similar Fate
"Bah, little pervert!"

Just now Mu Ziwan realized that Liu Wei next to her was completely silent, so she looked over curiously. At this glance, her face turned red to the bottom of her ears.

Feeling ashamed and indignant, she slammed a book on Liu Wei's head, and then floated back to the clouds. She glanced at him coldly and said:

"In the future, you can study slowly by yourself."

Liu Wei was still rubbing his head in pain, and now he is also in a dazed state.Just now I was concentrating on listening to the lecture, but who knew that Mu Ziwan suddenly turned around, smelling fragrant, and she was wearing a dress that was not particularly conservative.
Hearing her indifferent tone, and looking at the headache-inducing numbers in the "book", he suddenly became overwhelmed, and couldn't help but "regret" in his heart:
If I could do it all over again, I, I, I would choose Li Bai!
Honestly reading the contents of the book, the more Liu Wei read it, the more eager he was to try it out, wishing he could try it right away.It's just that this dreamlike space can't summon martial souls, and when he discovered this, he looked at Mu Ziyuan cheekily and asked:
"Good sister, how can I get out?"

"Go out after waking up." Mu Ziyuan replied without raising her head.

no?I really fell asleep?Liu Wei had a headache. He thought it was a special opportunity or was pulled in by Mu Ziwan, but found that he fell asleep after meditating.

Well, it must be because meditation is useless, of course it is easy to slack off ineffective efforts!
Mu Ziwan's eyelids trembled, and she really wanted to tell Liu Wei, who had a rich brain: Don't think so much, you are just lazy.

Shrugging his shoulders, Liu Wei reluctantly accepted the fact that he couldn't go out for the time being, so he sat cross-legged on the ground and began to study seriously.

Time passed little by little.

After reading for a long time, Liu Wei's brain is a little buzzing.Compared to reading a book, he might as well go to the Star Dou Forest to fight with the spirit beasts for three days and three nights.

My head is so dizzy, am I not dreaming about studying in the future?It's too difficult for me!Huh?Why did you start coding various formulas later?

He raised his head from time to time, hesitated to speak, and held back the words when he saw Mu Ziyuan's indifferent face every time.

I just want to chat! _(`”∠)_
Liu Wei felt that he had been studying for 24 hours in a row, and once again experienced the pain of living in school like years.Moreover, at least there are people in the school to chat with, and now I don't even have anyone to talk to.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was a goddess who could be seen from a distance but not chatted about, and it was related to the cultivation of his soul power, he would never have been able to read the book patiently. This simply broke his Guinness record!
Seeing Liu Wei's gradually blurred consciousness, Mu Ziwan knew that he was about to wake up, so she also stood up, stretched herself and said lazily:
"I'm going back."


Liu Wei found that the aster on the cloud suddenly disappeared.

What's the meaning?Liu Wei didn't understand: why can you come and go freely?Do I have to wait until I wake up naturally?It's not fair!
In desperation, he bluntly looked at the contents of the book again:

"How to put a number a at the end of a number m? m*10+a is enough. For example, m=0, a=5."

What is this? Did I make a big leap?

Before he had time to think about it, he just felt a "bang" in his head, and his originally vague consciousness gradually became clearer miraculously.

Then, he woke up.

"Wow! So amazing!"

Liu Wei sat up with a "chuckle" and posed like a strongman. He was pleasantly surprised: I felt very tired in the dream, but it was a completely different feeling after waking up!
hurry up!

As soon as he woke up, Liu Wei quickly summoned his poker martial spirit. This time, he keenly noticed that the four playing cards with the number 1 seemed to have a faint white light along the edge.

The light is very faint, and it is basically impossible to find it without staring at it. That is to say, Liu Wei will subconsciously observe carefully after having previous experience, otherwise he may not be able to find it.

Presumably it should be caused by opening the first door.

By the way, there are 9 gates in total!Why is the first door open?
After thinking for a while, Liu Wei decided to leave the question to the goddess when he entered the dreamland next time.

At this moment, he has more important tasks!
"Open it, my golden finger!" Liu Wei stood up abruptly, yelled in the second, and raised up the three cards "1 King 1" in his hand and was about to throw them out.
The bedroom door opens...

"Brother Viagra! I'm back!" The young man kicked in the door, rushed in excitedly, then looked at the stunned Liu Wei, and asked suspiciously, "Brother Viagra, why are you standing so high?"

Don't look at the young man's reckless behavior, but his demeanor is really extraordinary.

He is seven feet in length, beautiful in speech, elegant in appearance, civil in shape, not self-decorating, and natural in nature.Although he doesn't have Liu Wei's pure natural breath, he has his own unique sense of freshness, just like a sunflower in the rainforest.

Quiet and ascetic, full of dirt and flaws.What a pretty boy.

It was Liu Wei's good roommate - Hua Yuan who came.

"Ahem." In front of "little brother", he still had to put on airs, so he hurriedly buffered the embarrassment, Liu Wei sat down calmly, and asked steadily: "Xiao Yuanzi, haven't you come home?"

Hua Yuan was stunned for a while, he had never been able to figure out Liu Wei's behavior, and then he didn't pay too much attention to it, and hurriedly summoned his own martial soul after answering.

As a circle of yellow halo rose, a light knife appeared in his hand. The blade was in the shape of a willow leaf, and a thin white film of light was attached to the surface.

Liu Wei is very familiar with this kind of knife, after all, he has dealt with it countless times.

Huayuan's Wuhun has a nice name, it's called "Compassionate Sword".But this kind of compassion is only for others, for Hua Yuan, this knife of mercy almost made him die.

Because of it, you can't hurt people!

Hua Yuan is a child of an aristocratic family, and his sect is one of the seven new sects: the sword sect.

The Hua family is the founder of the Sword Sect, and the descendants of the Hua family have always been the masters of the Sword Sect.The current suzerain Huaxin is titled the sword god, and the martial spirit "Dragon and Phoenix Ring" is known as one of the top weapon martial arts in the mainland, and it is currently the number one sword martial soul in the mainland.

Hua Xin is one of the youngest Titled Douluo, she reached the title Douluo at only 35 years old, and now she is only 37 years old.Originally, Hua Yuan, the eldest son of Hua Xin, should live a carefree life.

However, Huayuan awakened the compassion sword spirit, not only did not inherit his father's powerful "dragon and phoenix ring", but he didn't even have a large blade.Well, it doesn't matter, the big deal is to develop towards the agility attack system.

Here comes the most deadly point. As the name suggests, the compassionate knife is merciful everywhere. The small blade can easily penetrate into the body of ordinary people. Note that we are talking about ordinary people here.Even a slightly stronger soul master can hardly be hurt by him under the protection of soul power.

Not only that, the wound it opened will not bleed at all, and there will be no pain, and the wound can be easily healed as long as it is stimulated by soul power.

Combining all kinds of situations, isn't this messing with people?Can't the soul master's martial soul fight normally?So what is the meaning of its existence?

In desperation, he met Liu Wei.

Compared to Liu Wei, Hua Yuan will soon become a level 20 great soul master. Liu Wei is the real one who can't even cultivate soul power!

But he usually behaves like a normal person, it has to be said that this is the first time Hua Yuan admires someone so much, except his father.

(End of this chapter)

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