Chapter 30 Breakthrough progress!
In the arena, Su Wen calmly faced everyone's gaze.

He knew that it would be very abrupt to stand up now, but he still planned to try. Opportunities never fell from the sky, but he had to fight for them by himself!
Walking forward slowly, he took a deep breath and said, "I also analyzed a spell rune, and it is different from the runes analyzed by the two masters. I don't know if I can show it."

As his voice fell, the scholars in the field were stunned. They looked up and down the school uniform Su Wen was wearing, and their first reaction was——students can also analyze magic patterns?
Moreover, what he was talking about was a rune that even the two masters hadn't analyzed, so don't even think about it, it must be a useless rune. After all, at the level of college students, they have just been exposed to the analysis of magic patterns, right?
The steward of the Scholars Guild also frowned slightly at this time, obviously not believing that a student could make any breakthrough.

"Are you Ron's student?" But at this moment, Clyde, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

Su Wen also looked at the fifth-level scholar, bowed and said: "Yes, Master Clyde, I am here to participate in the exchange meeting on behalf of Teacher Ron."

Hearing Master Ron, the faces of the scholars present showed strange colors. It is really impossible if they are just ordinary college students, but if they are students of Master Ron... maybe there is a slight possibility?

The person in charge on the stage glanced at Su Wen unexpectedly, nodded after a moment of silence, and said, "Then you can hand over the rune to me."

Su Wen took a deep breath, folded the white paper he had prepared and taught it to the research assistant.

The person in charge took the note and quickly opened it, and after looking at it, his expression moved slightly. This is indeed a spell rune that they have never seen before.

Although he didn't report any hope, he still poured magic power into the magic wand in his hand, and began to draw spell runes on the ground.

With the continuous movement of the staff, the spell rune was quickly outlined. The scholars in the audience watched quietly, and found that they had never seen this rune.

"I hope it will be successful." Su Wen's eyes were fixed on the movements of the mage on the stage.

Naturally, he obtained this spell rune through the induction of the beast. At the beginning, he was not sure. It was not until the runes analyzed by other scholars were released, and after continuous comparison, he finally confirmed what he thought.

Therefore, he selected two seemingly complicated ones from the spell runes he felt, and planned to try them out.

If these two runes are real, and they are runes that the Scholars Guild can't analyze, he is very likely to use them to obtain the research topic of "Resuscitation Moves".

Of course, doing so is also very risky. Even if he successfully parses out the spell runes, he will still be noticed by interested people and suffer possible threats.

But the debt is not overwhelming. He already has a "spiritual contract" on him now, a research topic that is enough to attract the attention of many mages, and it is not a big deal to carry another one now.

Even, when he continues to show his value, he can attract the attention of the Mage Association and the Scholars Association. With the attention of many parties, it will become safer.

In the arena, the magic wand in the hands of the principal is still constantly outlining the spell runes. This simple spell rune itself is equivalent to a simplified magic circle, which is composed of many symbols put together - this makes Su Wen Think of the text in my hometown.

Originally, the sorcerer's face was quite calm, but as the staff continued to outline, his face gradually became dignified.

And at the moment when he drew the last stroke, his hand trembled suddenly, his eyes widened instantly, and he looked at the spell rune he had drawn with incredible eyes!
The moment the spell rune was outlined, he suddenly felt the magic power in his body being quickly drawn by the spell rune—obviously, this rune turned out to be real! ! ! !
"How is that possible! It's really a spell rune! Even the Scholar's Guild hasn't analyzed the spell rune!" At this time, the principal's heart has set off a huge wave!

At the same time, the scholars in the field were also stunned!

The moment the spell rune appeared and the magic power fluctuated, everyone already had the answer in their hearts.

Just like that, they couldn't accept it for a while. The mage apprentice in front of him actually parsed the rune that even the fifth-level mage couldn't parse!
"It turned out to be a real rune!" Clyde's expression was equally astonished.

Wei Tuo frowned, and looked at Su Wen in the distance unexpectedly, feeling a little displeased in his heart, this little mage actually analyzed the rune that he hadn't.

Of course, at this moment, he was just a little unhappy. He was confident that he hadn't analyzed the rune because of the limitation of time and analysis tools. As long as he was given time, he would be able to analyze it easily.

In addition, just one spell rune that he didn't analyze can't explain anything, but he has analyzed a total of [-] spell runes, and finally this research topic still belongs to him.

Obviously, this fifth-level scholar in the Guangming District still underestimated the shock in the heart of the principal on the field, until he saw the principal suddenly look at Su Wen with a serious voice, the smile on his face subsided a little .

"How did you analyze this rune?" The person in charge took a deep breath to calm down, but his eyes were fixed on Su Wen.

After seeing this scene, the surrounding scholars felt that something was wrong at this moment, restrained all kinds of guesses in their hearts, and also set their eyes on the only mage apprentice in the field.

Facing an inquiry from a high-ranking member of the Scholars Association, Su Wen smiled slightly, and answered the wrong question: "It seems that the rune I analyzed is correct, so there is nothing wrong with my analysis method."

"His set of analysis methods." The scholars chewed this sentence carefully, and their faces suddenly changed slightly.

Many scholars have their own analytical habits and methods, and the more knowledgeable the scholar is, the more so--does Su Wen also have a set?Or Master Ron taught him?
"That's right, the spell rune you analyzed is correct."

"The energy response is similar to other spell runes, and it is indeed analyzed from the same magic pattern!"

"And." When he said this, he paused, "This is a spell rune that our scholars' guild has not been able to analyze for a long time!"

After the last sentence of the person in charge fell, the scholars in the field even Wei Tuo's eyes widened, showing an expression of disbelief, and finally realized what was happening on the scene-there is no doubt that a breakthrough has appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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