Chapter 11: Already Feeling Tired

Su Meng looked at the oversized beach pants that Zhang Lin and Bai Jing had replaced, and couldn't help showing a gratified smile: "Whoring two pieces of such a large piece of fabric for nothing, now we have the materials to make change and wash underwear. "

With Su Meng's explanation, the barrage was posted faster.

Many people didn't understand why Zhang Lin and Bo Jing chose two oversized beach shorts. After all, one leg of the oversized beach shorts could accommodate their legs. Meng said that she was going to disassemble the pants to make underwear, and she exclaimed in an instant that she could still play like this.

"What are we going to do next?" Zhang Lin looked around and found that this landing place was indeed quite good.

It's just that there are a lot of reefs, and you need to pay special attention to your feet when walking, especially if they are still barefoot, they will be cut by these reefs if they are not careful.

After Zhang Lin said these words, he quickly realized that something was wrong, and then he heard Su Meng answering the words very naturally: "Let's check the environment here first, usually there are coconut trees on the seaside." It’s kind of like this, and this is a shallow sea, maybe you can find some seafood.”

in the live room.

"Mengxin just arrived, may I ask if the leader of this group is not Zhang Lin (funny)"

"Su Meng: I'm panicking at this moment"

"Great Immortal, please abdicate and give way to Xian."


Zhang Lin nodded, and followed Su Meng's words: "Then we will divide the work and cooperate, two of us will build a shelter, and the remaining three will search for food and water."

"Don't panic, the seaside is not a good place to build a shelter. The tide here is very likely to rise." Su Meng shook her head, rejected Zhang Lin's proposal, and said the classic sentence in the survival program by the way: "People don't You can live three weeks with food, but only three days without water."

"Then you mean to find water first? But it would be a waste of manpower for five people to find water, right?" Zhang Lin frowned slightly, disapprovingly saying: "Then you and Su want to stay and make a fire , so that we can boil water to drink immediately after we find fresh water.”

Unexpectedly, Su Meng shook his head: "What I mean is, take a little time to explore the surrounding environment first. If you find coconut trees, then the coconut juice can be used as temporary fresh water, so that we will not be in trouble after we enter the jungle. There will be water shortages.”

"Wait, you said to enter the jungle?" Zhang Lin frowned even tighter. He didn't want to enter the jungle. There are snakes and insects lurking in it, such as scorpions, and it is very dangerous to enter the jungle barefoot.

But he didn't refute Su Meng directly. After all, this was a live broadcast, and he didn't want to make the atmosphere awkward.

"We have to find a suitable place to build a shelter as soon as possible, and build the shelter." Su Meng looked around and frowned.

Generally speaking, there are several ways to find water sources on a deserted island, one is to look at the terrain, the other is to use the strata to find water sources, and the other is to walk along the coast.

That's what Wan Chuan said.

But it's a pity that the beach here is not big, it can even be said to be a little small, and there is a huge towering cliff in front of it, which directly cut off her desire to explore the past along the coast.

Behind him is the dense jungle, and rows of tall and huge trees stand like sentinels at the exit of the jungle.

"Is it true that we can't build a shelter here? We have sleeping bags, so we can find a cave for a few nights." Zhang Lin was struggling for the last time. He really didn't want to go into the jungle barefoot.

"Caverns in the wild are usually the residences of wild beasts, especially since this is a primitive island. If you don't want to be harassed by wild beasts in the middle of the night, you'd better stop thinking about it."

Su Meng checked the beach carefully again, and found that the beach was also very barren, not to mention fish, not even a single shell.

So she decided to waste no more time and went straight into the jungle.

However, she also considered Zhang Lin's worries, so she took a hatchet and chopped off some vines, intending to teach Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing to weave sandals with vines.

What she cut was a palm vine called Southern Province Vine. This kind of rattan is full of spikes, but it is also relying on these spikes on the leaf sheath to grow on other plants.

These sharp thorns are also very easy to handle. You only need to tear off the leaves, and the thorns will be peeled off together with the entire leaf sheath.

The production of sandals is also very simple. The treated rattan is directly measured to be 6 times longer, which is about 1.5 meters.

Then bend it into two circles, clamp them with the thumbs of both feet, and then use another cane to weave back and forth between the two circles using a standard up and down staggered weave.

When weaving, it needs to be tightened by hand, so that the woven sole will be very dense.

When the knitting is halfway through, it is necessary to start narrowing the width of the sole, and then cut off the excess part, and fold the rest back, and the sole is considered to be woven.

At this time, Su Meng found another hibiscus tree, the bark of which is very suitable for making rope.

Peel off the bark, tear out the fibers of the inner layer, then twist the two strands of bark fibers clockwise, and then twist them together counterclockwise, and a rope is woven.

Next, measure out a rope that is 5 times the length of your feet, and then use the branch to lead the rope through the woven sole.

In a moment, a pair of flip-flop version of simple sandals appeared in front of everyone.

Putting on sandals, although it is a bit harsh, but at least there is no need to worry about snakes, rats, ants and broken stones on the jungle floor.

"I'm opening the way ahead. Be careful and pay attention to the surrounding branches and the top of your head." After speaking, Su Meng stood up, picked up an extra rope and tied it around her waist, using it as a belt.

In an instant, the jacket, which was still very roomy, became fitted and looked like a knee-length dress.

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue also followed suit, and took up ropes and tied them around their trousers (waist) to serve as temporary belts or belts.

The five of them were about to enter the jungle, when Bo Jing suddenly said, "Isn't sea water used to make salt? Shall we take some sea water with us?"

Su Mengmeng replied without thinking: "No need, we haven't found a suitable place to build a camp yet. If we bring a pot of seawater, it will only delay our speed. It has taken a lot of time to make sandals just now."

"Okay." Bai Jing thought for a while and thought it was the same reason. The sleeping bags they carried were already heavy. If they were carrying a steel pot full of water, the weight...

Bo Jing shivered, already feeling tired.

(End of this chapter)

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