Chapter 110 Growth
In the morning, the birdsong echoed in the jungle.

Su Meng, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue were brushing their teeth with mint black charcoal by the sink.

"I don't know what's going on, but I woke up from hunger this morning, feeling like I could eat a cow." Bai Jing spat out the mouthwash in his mouth, and wiped the water stains at the corners of his mouth indiscriminately, with an incredulous expression on his face.

Du Jiayue rubbed her growling stomach, and echoed, "I woke up from hunger too, so what do you want to eat in the morning?"

"Let's eat something lighter in the morning. It would be great if there was rice. I really want to eat porridge and eat white rice. I can accept noodles, wontons and dumplings if it's really not good."

Seeing Su Xiang staring at him with aggrieved face, Su Meng spit out the water that he rinsed his mouth very calmly, and said in a light tone, "Why are you looking at me, I'm not Doraemon, I can't make rice."

Hearing this, Su Xiang and the four of them actually showed disappointed expressions on their faces, and the corners of Su Meng's mouth twitched, thinking that these four brats really regarded her as an omnipotent creator, she just had more skill points, Even if she knows about rice, it needs to be available on this island.

Thinking of this, Su Meng suddenly paused, and then said: "But it's not the same thing if people don't eat staple food for a long time. Let's look for this kind of plant when we have time. Rice is almost as big as rice except Antarctica. Rice grows in some places, maybe on this island."

Seeing that the four of Su Xiang showed expectant expressions again, Su Meng continued to add: "You can also look for some tuber plants, such as cassava, canna, etc., which can extract a certain amount of starch, although the taste is not as good as the flour in the city, but It’s okay to eat a simple version of Chaoshou dumplings.”

"As for today's breakfast, let's eat wild vegetable stew casually. The sour vines we picked yesterday must be disposed of as soon as possible. They don't last long and are easy to attract flying insects."

"Okay, then I'll hurry up and cook them into jam." Du Jiayue nodded with a smile, her expression was extremely happy.

After breakfast, Su Meng, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing started to build the roof, which is also commonly known as the Fangloufang, putting up purlins, nailing rafters and building "green tiles".

The beams were set up at the very beginning, and what Su Meng, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing had to do now was to put the wood used as purlins on the beams to hold the beams of the rafters and fix the rafters And the roof load is transmitted downward through the beams, which actually uses Huaguo's mortise and tenon structure.

This work cannot be done by her alone, not to mention that Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing have all taken the genetic liquid, and their physical fitness has been greatly improved. This kind of labor delivered to the door is not for nothing.

After erecting the purlins, Su Meng and the others began to build the rafters again.

The rafters are actually the strips of wood placed on the purlins to support the house panels and tiles. Because there are no nails, they can only be bound and fixed with ropes.

In fact, in modern buildings, rafters are no longer used, and the use of rafters is currently limited to traditional wooden buildings.

Su Meng made a sample on the stone wall. After teaching how to build the arrangement, she climbed down from the stone wall and patted the sawdust and dust on her body with her hands: "My menstrual period is not over yet, so I can't be too tired." I’m overworked, so I’ll leave the rest of the work to you.”

What she said was quite righteous, but in fact her menstrual period was almost over, otherwise she wouldn't have moved the wood yesterday.

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing didn't have any objections. On the contrary, they were quite happy to have this opportunity to exercise themselves. They were like dry sponges, eagerly and actively absorbing all the skills they could learn from Su Meng. and knowledge.

Maybe they look like coolies in this team, but they know in their hearts that they have actually grown a lot, although this growth is very slow.

Next, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing started to get busy. They stepped on the triangular ladder, slowly moved the trunk of the pine tree to the roof, and began to build the rafters.

In fact, the arrangement of the rafters is similar to that of fish bones.

Time passed quickly in the busyness, and the weather in the afternoon soon became cloudy, and the position pointed by the shadow on the sundial was probably around three o'clock in the afternoon.

In order to move into their new home as soon as possible, they didn't even eat lunch, and worked overtime, desperately trying to finish building the roof before dark.

Su Meng and Du Jiayue were not idle either. They washed and dried the sour vines, put them in a dustpan, and cooked the jam together in two steel pots.

With the stirring and turning of the wooden spoon in the steel pot, a sweet and sour fruity scent wafted out. Although the smell was very light, the five of them were in a state of starvation at the moment, so a trace of the scent at the moment It seemed to be magnified countless times, causing Su Meng and the others to swallow their saliva.

"Mengmeng, why don't I just make dinner." Du Jiayue swallowed, and forcibly turned her eyes away from the jam in the steel pot.

"Okay, everyone has worked hard today. Let's eat better. Let's fry the last bit of oil residue. In the evening, we will eat fried wild vegetables and stewed meat with oil residue. The fruit after the meal is sour vine."

"Okay." Du Jiayue was silent for a while, then smiled and agreed.

Although the food in the camp has bottomed out again, their arrow skills have also improved a lot. After the house is completed in these two days, the five of them can go out hunting together, and there will be a lot of food at that time. There will be hunger.

Thinking of this, Du Jiayue poured the sour vine fruit jam in the steel pot into a clay pot, letting the heat of the jam dissipate slowly.

A bit of damp mountain wind blew by, Su Meng frowned, looked up at the clouds in the sky, only to see that the clouds on the other side of the sea were gray and extremely low.

"It's going to rain?" Su Meng murmured, with a bad premonition in her heart, don't let it rain for another three days or just have a storm?
She wasted so much energy just to build a strong house, lest a violent storm hit, and the roof would be blown off or the house would be blown down.

It would be too embarrassing if the storm came before her house was built.

Thinking of this, Su Meng couldn't sit still, got up and climbed onto the stone wall, and joined the team building the roof.

She supported the roof frame with her hands, crawled on it, and fixed the pine logs with ropes.

However, even though the five of them had been busy all day and had hardly any rest, they were barely able to build the frame of the roof until it was completely dark, and there was no time to lay the roof at all.

Su Meng sighed, and knew that she was a little anxious. After all, building a roof was a huge project. The lightest pine logs weighed tens of kilograms, and the heavy ones weighed hundreds of kilograms. It took too much effort and time.

At night, the sky really began to rain, but the rain was not very heavy, it continued to rain all night, and stopped just after dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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