Chapter 116 What?Pick up?

Su Meng fell into the sea, making a dull bang, her body touched the sea surface, the huge pressure hit, coupled with the sudden freedom, she was already a little hypoxic, almost subconsciously opened her mouth wide, greedily Breathing the sea-smelling air.

However, in the next second, the salty sea water poured in through her mouth and nose, Su Meng quickly held her breath, her legs pushed the water surface hard, trying to swim ashore.

At some point, this coast became so deep that her feet couldn't reach the bottom of the sea. When she came last time, there was only a sandy beach that reached her knees.

However, she was about to swim to the shore, but the monster hiding in the water refused to let her go easily. The purple-black tentacles attacked her again, and after that, a strong jet of ink sprayed out, quickly killing her. The sea was even darker.

Ever since Su Meng fell into the water, Zhang Lin and the others did not dare to shoot arrows into the water anymore, for fear of accidentally injuring her. Seeing the scene in front of them, they couldn't care less about anything else. They quickly bent their bows and set up arrows again, held their breath and shot at the monster. .

Three arrows were fired at once, and the monster became even crazier in pain.

But it was precisely because of these three arrows that Su Meng had a chance to escape.

Su Meng was almost washed up on the beach by the waves. She struggled to get up from the icy water, staggered and ran a few steps on the beach, until she came to a safe distance, then knelt on the reef and coughed , panting heavily.

The taste of choking on water is definitely extremely uncomfortable, and she was thrown in mid-air by that monster for so long, almost suffocating.

No matter how fiercely she usually behaves, she is still just an ordinary person. Now her complexion is as pale as paper, and the sea breeze blows by, she is trembling almost uncontrollably.

"Su Meng!"


Zhang Lin, Su Xiang, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue ran over quickly. Seeing Su Meng's distressed appearance, Du Jiayue took off her jacket without even thinking about it, and wrapped the clothes around her. body.

"I'm fine." Su Meng continued to pant heavily, coughing continuously while speaking, wishing to cough up her lungs: "I know what that monster is, it should be the legendary king squid."

"I don't care what that monster is. It's so big, let alone a squid, even a squid can eat people. Let's go home!" Su Xiang said and wanted to drag her into the jungle.

Su Meng opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but finally closed her mouth, obediently following behind Su Xiang.

When the five returned to the camp, Su wanted to boil herbs to prevent colds and fevers, Bai Jing turned up the fire in the fireplace, and Zhang Lin started making arrows.

They didn't have many arrows in the first place, and they all used them on that monster today.

Everyone is doing their job and everything seems to be in order.

Su Meng took off her wet clothes, wiped her body with hot water, and got into the sleeping bag. After a long time, she felt her body gradually warming up.

After seeing Su Meng lying down, Du Jiayue was busy helping her wash her clothes and dried them with fire, and then helped Su Meng apply the special herb Haijinsha on the bleeding place.

Looking at the large and small scratches on Su Meng's body, the string of suction cup marks on her waist, and the red and swollen ankles, Du Jiayue burst into tears.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If it weren't for me... we wouldn't have checked, but you wouldn't have been injured..." Du Jiayue was sobbing, while applying medicine to Su Meng, and from time to time, she leaned over to give her Wound whirring.

"I'm fine, don't blame yourself. Thanks to you today, we know that the sea area is so dangerous." Su Meng smiled, and comforted Du Jiayue softly: "You think, if we didn't go to investigate , if we meet that monster without any preparation next time, wouldn’t we all be dragged into the sea, and we don’t know what’s going on?”

"Now that we are prepared, we will not take that road in the future. We can open up a new road to the coconut grove, or just give up that piece of sea area."

Du Jiayue sniffed, wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, pouted and said, "Then you have a good rest, I'll get you the medicine."

At the same time, she also made up her mind that she must practice archery well in the future, and she must never hide behind Su Meng again and become her burden.

In the jungle, Huang Ming listened to the sound of the dispute, his heart was not fluctuating, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

The dispute occurred between Park Sang-hoon's group and Jeff's group.

Jeff has not caught any prey for the past two days, so as soon as the rain stopped, Park Sang-hoon's team urged him to go hunting quickly.

But Jeff didn't have a jacket, and he didn't have any clothes to keep out the cold, so he planned to wait until the sun came out tomorrow and the weather was warm before going hunting.

Then Jiang Na and Cui Danni of Park Sang-hoon's group said casually: "What if you can't hunt the prey tomorrow? You don't think that as long as you go hunting, you will be able to catch the prey, right? Then we will be hungry for another day?"

Before Jeff responded, Nora from Jeff's group sneered: "The others are amazing, they would rather be hungry than accept my fruit."

Then Rees suddenly blew his hair: "It's been so long, why are you still going over the old score? We have explained Farke many times."

Huang Ming looked at Wang Xiang blankly: "Is it really the right decision for us to stay here?"

Wang Xiang's face was full of fatigue, as if he had aged ten years: "I don't know, maybe not."

On the other hand, Liu Yuan's group and Gu Yue's group got along fairly well. The two sides worked together to hunt together, which indeed increased the success rate a lot. Not to mention the meat to eat every day, at least two pieces of meat could be eaten every three days.

"I didn't expect that after coming to this island, the last few days were the most comfortable." Gu Yue, Liu Yuan and the others sat around the campfire, chatting while warming themselves.

They all decided to quit the show after 30 days. Anyway, they have achieved their goals and experienced all their experiences. There is no need to feel wronged and suffer all the time.

"That's right, mangoes actually taste pretty good when baked, but eating too much can lead to mouth ulcers." Liu Yuan grinned and said, he now has three ulcers in his mouth, so painful that he can't even drink water. torment.

"Then do you have any regrets?" Gu Yue's old cadre made a mistake again, and before Liu Yuan could answer, he said to himself: "My biggest regret is that I didn't experience the scenery of this island well. When I was running around for a living, I never thought that when I came to the wilderness, it turned into running around for survival.”

"Nature is really amazing. It can give us countless wealth at will, but it can take it all back in the blink of an eye." When Gu Yue said this, he paused, thinking of those trout.

"Sometimes I wonder, if we had controlled our greed and didn't catch so many trout at one time, or spent time and energy doing embalming work immediately after catching trout, would we not have to move gone?"

"That's right, back then we even picked up a sheep and a pheasant." Liu Yuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"What? Pick it up?" Gu Yue frowned, a thought flashed through his mind, he seemed to have found something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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