Chapter 118 Hunting Pheasant
Seeing Zhang Lin and Bai Jing looking at him with puzzled faces, Su Xiang didn't want to be too impatient: "In Australia, the local aborigines have always liked to use a special method to process black beans. After removing the toxin, they can be ground into It is eaten with flour, and even products made from black bean flour can be bought in some places in Australia.”

Speaking of this, Su Xiang paused, with a smug smile on his face: "It's a coincidence, I am not talented, and I happen to know the special way to deal with black skin beans, that is to say, as long as we collect enough black skin beans , we will be able to eat the staple food after that week."

Zhang Lin and Bo Jing looked at the triumphant Su Xiang, rolled their eyes silently, didn't bother to talk to this little boy, and started picking black beans seriously.

They picked all the way along the bushes, and it happened that it happened to be the last fruiting period of castor. There were many fruit pods, all of which were huge, and the black beans inside were plump.

When the backs were full, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing stopped their hands, getting up and preparing to return to the camp the same way.

At this moment, Bo Jing suddenly stopped in his tracks. He tiptoed to a low bush, stretched out his hand and pulled it a few times, and actually pulled out a few ping-pong ball-sized eggs with blue-gray shells. .

"Hehe, there is nowhere to be found. There is no door to hell and you just want to go. I didn't expect that there are wild eggs in this season." Bo Jing smiled proudly, carefully put the wild eggs in his hand, and then squatted down to continue push lightly.

Just when he was pulling vigorously, a colorful pheasant suddenly jumped out from nowhere, and rushed towards Bo Jing in a daze.

Bo Jing was taken aback, and then a burst of ecstasy welled up in his heart.

He said that when there are eggs in the nest, there will be a hen guarding the side. He was wondering where the hen in this nest went, but now that he thinks about it, it should happen to be out for food. No, the hen is now Chicken foraging is back.

Many thoughts turned in his mind, but his movements were not slow.

Bo Jing quickly put down the wild egg in his hand, and reached out to grab the pheasant that was rushing towards him.

"Alas!" The sharp chicken beak pecked at his arm, and immediately blood flowed out. Seeing this, Su Xiang and Zhang Lin hurried up to help.

After being in a hurry, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing took two firmly tied pheasants, ten pheasants, and three-backed black beans, and set foot on the way back to the camp.

"We're back." The three men who returned with a full load shouted arrogantly.

Su Meng and Du Jiayue came out of the earthen house with surprised expressions on their faces.

Du Jiayue didn't expect the three of Su Xiang to come back so soon, and bring back so many things.

It was because Su Meng recognized the black bean, she looked at the three of Su Xiang with a smile, and gave them a thumbs up: "Not bad, very powerful, it seems that we will have a staple food soon."

Bai Jing scratched his head in embarrassment, and said with a naive smile: "The pheasant is still alive, should we raise it first or kill it to eat? By the way, I picked up ten wild eggs. We can have scrambled eggs with wild vegetables at noon."

"Eh? Are there any eggs?" Du Jiayue ran over quickly, and after seeing the pocket version of the eggs, she couldn't put it down: "Why don't we keep them for the pheasants to hatch, so we have a flock of pheasants."

Bo Jing shook his head and explained: "No, as long as the eggs have been touched by others, the pheasant will not hatch again, so we can only eat these eggs."

"Really?" It was the first time Du Jiayue heard this statement, she didn't believe it, so she turned to look at Su Meng.

Su Meng nodded dumbfounded, feeling that Du Jiayue regarded her as an encyclopedia of wilderness.

Seeing Su Meng nod his head, the corners of Bai Jing's mouth curled up, and he snorted triumphantly: "Hmph, I'm right, that's what the old man in the village told me."

In the end, the five people unanimously decided to keep the two pheasants and raise them. After eating the bacon and sausages and there was really no food, they would consider slaughtering the livestock.

The five talked and laughed, and began to prepare lunch.

Today's lunch is wild vegetable scrambled eggs and stewed bacon. Of course, wild vegetables are the protagonists, and their bacon is really running out.

After lunch, the five tacitly didn't mention whether they were full. After resting for about an hour, they began to process black beans to prepare for the staple food.

Su Meng, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue sat around in the wooden shed, knocking the pods on the ground, and the pods collided with the stones, making a crisp sound.

The pods that wrap the black beans are very hard. If you peel them by hand, it will take a lot of effort and time, so Zhang Lin came up with the method of knocking.

Two hours later, Su Meng and the other five finally peeled all the black beans from the three-back bamboo sack, and the shelled black-skinned beans only filled one back sack.

"How much flour can be made from such a small amount of black beans." Bai Jing sighed. At first, he thought that there were already a lot of black beans in the three-backed stalk, and he could eat them for ten and a half months. Now it seems that, If you can eat three or five meals, you will be satisfied.

"Let's go pick some more, or the fruiting period will be over." Su Xiang carried the backpack, picked up the hatchet, and was about to step out of the camp.

Su Meng also put on the back sling, picked up the bow and arrow and followed: "Let's go together, it won't be too late to pick all these black beans first."

Zhang Lin hesitated. Looking at Su Meng's swollen ankle, he said in a deep voice, "Why don't you stay in the camp to process the black beans, and the four of us go out to pick them."

Su Meng shook her head and spoke firmly: "My feet are fine, but the swelling hasn't subsided. Su is right. The fruit period of black beans will be over in October. If we don't get these black beans as soon as possible After picking it back, I want to meet this kind of plant that can be used as a staple food next time, but I don’t know when I will have to wait.”

Speaking of this, she paused, and glanced at a few sausages and bacon hanging on the wooden shed: "And we don't have much food left, this food is only enough for us to eat tomorrow."

Zhang Lin wanted to say something else, but when he thought of the hunting performance of the three of them in the morning, he sighed, closed his mouth, silently carried his back, picked up the hatchet, and followed Su Meng out of the camp.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon. Although Taiji Island was approaching winter, the sun was still extremely hot, making people sweat profusely.

After coming to the small grassland, Su Meng handed over the back to Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue, and went to the small grassland alone with a bow and arrow, looking for hunting opportunities.

After Su Meng left the team, Du Jiayue also began to "not do business".

It just finished raining yesterday, and many fungi appeared in the jungle, so she couldn't control her hands and started to pick up the fungus involuntarily.

Only Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing were picking black beans honestly, but this time they didn't plan to take them back with the shells.

Just when Su Xiang and the three of them were seriously picking up the black skin beans, Du Jiayue suddenly let out a scream.

(End of this chapter)

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