Chapter 120 Double Happiness
This price was unbearable for her, so she chose to go back and take the risk to call for reinforcements.

It's just that before she goes back, she has to take protective measures and hang the two deer on the tree first, otherwise the bloody smell will soon attract many beasts, so her wave is to make wedding dresses for other beasts up.

Su Meng, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue returned to the camp with the last ray of light on their faces, their faces full of joy of harvest.

Once at the camp, Su Xiang pushed Su Meng on the bamboo chair, knelt down to help her apply herbal medicine to her swollen ankle, and luxuriously wrapped it with a piece of clean cloth.

"You will stay in the camp these days, and you are not allowed to go anywhere."

Hearing Su Xiang's stern tone, Su Meng nodded obediently, with a smile in her eyes.

Then, she thought of her brother in the original world, and most of the smiles in her eyes disappeared, replaced by deep worry and longing.

He should be doing well now, right?At least it should be better than she is now. After all, after she died in an accident, the insurance company paid a lot of compensation, and he was the only beneficiary. The money should be enough for him to live happily ever after.

"Su Meng, Su Meng." Zhang Lin's shout brought back her wandering thoughts, Su Meng regained consciousness, and looked at Zhang Lin.

"What should we do with the two deer? If we deal with them in the camp, will it attract wild animals?" Thinking of the scene of the wild beasts encircling the camp last time, Zhang Lin showed a trace of fear on his face, and shivered uncontrollably.

Su Meng looked at the darkened sky outside, and shook her head: "Now is the time for wild beasts to move. If this will be slaughtered, it will definitely attract many wild beasts."

"Then save it for slaughter tomorrow?" Bai Jing asked tentatively.

Su Meng shook her head again: "Meat will rot. Wild animals are no better than poultry in cities. Animals must be disposed of as soon as possible after death, otherwise parasites and maggots will breed soon. I believe you have seen it just now. It will only take a while." , there are already so many flies around these two deer."

Zhang Lin and Bo Jing thought about the scene when they went to lift the deer just now, and silently shut their mouths.

"Peel off the deerskin first, and we will have venison hot pot for dinner. Then we have to find a downwind place near the camp trap, and dig a pit as an underground oven for cooking."

"Su thought, you go to that location and dig a pit that can hold two deer. It doesn't need to be deep, but it must be big. Then put a layer of stones in the pit, and then light a fire on top of the stones. Lin, Bo Jing, you two are responsible for helping me."

Su Meng quickly arranged everyone's work. She was not a procrastination person. She had already walked up to a big tree with a hatchet while speaking: "Hang these two deer up for me."

She doesn't have time to teach Zhang Lin and Bo Jing how to skin them now, but they still hold the torches, and while paying attention to the movement around them, they are carefully learning Su Meng's skinning techniques.

Su Meng's movements were fast and smooth, and the obviously bloody scene seemed very natural to her, with a flowing beauty, especially at the moment when the deerskin was peeled off, it felt like she was watching a decompression video.

After peeling off the skins of the two deer, Su Meng didn't pause at all, and immediately asked Zhang Lin and Bo Jing to carry the two deer to the water tank. She wanted to quickly process the internal organs of the two deer.

"Eh? Didn't these two deer have bloodletting?" Bo Jing realized later, and frowned: "If there is no bloodletting, the smell will be very fishy, ​​right?"

Su Meng gave him an annoyed look, because she was too used to it, and at what time was it, she was still thinking about whether it was good to eat or not.

Wouldn't it be more seasoning to deal with the fishy smell?

"If the blood is let out now, the smell of blood will immediately attract many beasts. I dare not say anything else, but the big cat and bear will definitely smell it."

Su Meng was teasing, but the movements of her hands did not slow down.

In a short period of time, she took out all the edible internal organs of the two deer and put them in clay pots. She removed all the inedible organs and threw them into the bonfire to burn.

By the time she finished handling the two deer, half an hour had passed, and the sky was getting darker.

"Su Xiang, have you dealt with the hole you were asked to dig?" Su Meng's tone was very calm, but she was a little anxious in her heart, but she couldn't express this anxious emotion.

Emotions are contagious, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue are already uneasy, if she spreads this tense mood to the four of them, it will only cause greater panic.

"It's been dealt with, and the fire has been extinguished. Do you want to dig out the charcoal in the pit?" Su Xiang responded loudly.

"No, just put a layer of palm leaves on top of the charcoal." Su Meng replied casually, and then said to Du Jiayue, Zhang Lin, and Bai Jing: "Wrap these pieces of meat with banana leaves and tie them with ropes. Well, it’s like making beggar’s chicken, except you don’t need to cover it with mud.”

Su wanted to come over to help soon. The speed of the five people was very fast, and their cooperation with each other was very tacit. Soon, they finished processing the meat of the two deer.

"Put the wrapped venison into the pit, cover it with a layer of leaves, and then bury the pit with mud." Su Meng began to flush water into the sink, hoping to dilute the strong smell of blood.

"But can the deer be cooked in this way? Besides, the venison treated in this way should not last for a few days, right?" Bai Jing asked his own doubts. If it cannot be stored for a long time, then the meat can only last for a couple of days. It's just a day, because the meat will deteriorate and rot after more than two days.

"Don't worry, the flame can heat the stones in the pit, which is equivalent to an oven. The residual temperature will dry the blood in the venison. It doesn't matter whether it is cooked or not. Anyway, we will cook it again when we eat it later. Now the main thing is The purpose is to remove the bloody smell from the meat."

Su Meng shrugged, quickly started to pack things, and walked towards the wooden shed: "As for storage, didn't we put a lot of salt on it? Tomorrow, dig out the venison, then roast it with smoke, and let it dry."

After thinking about it, Su Meng lit another bonfire on the pit, mainly to prevent wild beasts from crossing the two lines of defense, the trap and the thorn fence, and digging up the mound.

And the flame burning on the mound is her third line of defense. Even if the fire is completely extinguished, there will still be charcoal with residual temperature on it. She does not believe that there will be beasts breaking through this layer of defense. Take the venison from the pit.

After dealing with the issue of venison, Su Meng and the other five began to work on the rest of the work.

(End of this chapter)

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