Chapter 122: Changing Dressing
"Yes, although there are not many wild vegetables near the camp, we can expand our search and we can always find food, and we have Zhang Zhong, a big boss." Cai Meimei also offered words of consolation, if Shu Yiran retired , then she is the only woman left in this group, which will make her feel uneasy and awkward.

"Yes, anyway, today is almost over, get some sleep first, and see what's going on tomorrow before making a decision." The reason why Zhang Zhong spoke out to dissuade him was because he considered that once someone in the team quits, the others would soon die. The same thoughts will also arise, and the hearts of the people will be scattered.

Everything is like this, as long as someone makes a start, someone will follow up without any burden, and the reason why they can persist until now is because of their breath and perseverance.

Now that Shu Yiran just mentioned that he would retire from the competition, the atmosphere of the whole team became impetuous, and everyone was full of anxiety and hesitation.

It seems that only one introduction is needed, and all members will retire.

After about three hours, Su wanted to pull away the embers on the firepit, and picked up the black beans from the firepit one by one.

The shells of many black beans have been cracked, revealing the blue flesh, but these black beans are covered with a layer of plant ash, which looks unappetizing and even disgusting.

"It feels like roasting sweet potatoes." Bai Jing teased, and poured the remaining black beans into the firepit again.

The firepit is a bit small, and it is impossible to process all the black beans at one time, so it can only be roasted in batches.

Su wanted to take the hot black beans into the wooden shed and began to teach Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue how to deal with the black beans: "Tear off the outer brown skin, and then cut the green flesh into pieces. Put the broken pieces in rattan baskets and soak them in water for a week, and pay attention to the rattan baskets should be covered with a layer of leaves.”

They don't have a sieve, so they can only use this method to cheat.

"That's enough?" Du Jiayue looked at Su Xiang in amazement, and couldn't believe that the poison of black skin beans could be removed so easily.

Su Xiang smiled and nodded, pointing at Su Meng, his tone full of complacency: "If you don't believe me, you can ask my sister."

Su Meng looked at Su Xiang amusedly, and nodded casually, indicating that it would be no problem to deal with it this way.

At the moment, most of her attention was focused on the surroundings of the camp. Since the sky had completely darkened, there had been strange noises around the camp. Several pairs of dark green eyes appeared in the bushes, peeping at the camp and them.


A bear howl broke the warm atmosphere in the wooden shed.

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing subconsciously stood up, held their breath and listened intently to the movement outside.


Another bear howl came, and this howl was obviously clearer than the last one, and seemed to have a hint of anger, which also meant that the bear was getting closer and closer to them, and it was trying to enter the camp!
This realization made the five of Su Meng nervous, but what Su Meng didn't expect was that although Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue were still scared this time, everyone picked up their own Weapons stood by her side, no one retreated, and no one hid behind her.

"Don't worry, although we haven't finished digging the trap, it still surrounds more than half of the camp, and the wooden shed is within the protection range of the thorn fence, so it can't get in." Although he was so comforted, Su Meng had already bent his bow. Arrows, as long as there are wild animals that dare to approach the wooden shed, she will shoot arrows without hesitation.

At this moment, she was extremely grateful to Zhang Lin for making the wooden arrow overnight.

The audience in the live broadcast room became nervous again when they saw this scene.

“This group is too exciting”

"Oh my god, I've never been so worried before watching a horror movie"

"Su Meng, don't be afraid, go out with a hatchet to kill bears and eat meat, wear a bearskin coat"

"It's not sure who eats who upstairs"

"Ah, that bear is so big! It's taller than me"

"I thought the thorn fence was useless, but I didn't expect it to save Su Meng and five people several times."

"Then the question is, why is there so much trouble in the Su Meng group? Other groups say it's a bear, and even the fox has never seen it."

"Did you forget the Gu Yue team upstairs? Their fish was stolen by bears, but they didn't know it."

"Laughing, this can be hacked, other groups must have so much food to attract beasts."


As time passed by, Su Meng and Beast faced each other brightly and secretly.

Just when Su Meng and the others were about to be overwhelmed by the pressure, the bear let out another miserable howl, then disappeared into the jungle.


Su Meng and the other five breathed a sigh of relief, their tense nerves relaxed a little, but they still did not relax their vigilance.

"Mengmeng, was that a bear just now? Why did it run away again?" Du Jiayue's voice trembled, but her face was full of determination.

"It probably smelled of venison, and he used his paws to pull the fire, and then he was burned by the fire." Su Meng was not sure, and could only guess based on the movement he just heard.

As soon as these words came out, Su Xiang and the four felt a little dumbfounded, but they also felt that today was really lucky.

"Let's take turns keeping vigil tonight." Zhang Lin suddenly suggested: "Two teams, each team will keep watch for two hours. If you, Su Meng, are injured, just go to one team and keep watch until twelve o'clock."

Su Meng thought about it, but still accepted Zhang Lin's kindness. She really needs to rest now.

Du Jiayue and Su Xiang went to bed first because they had to keep watch until midnight, and only Su Meng, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing were left in the wooden shed.

Su Meng sat on a bamboo chair, held a bow, and watched the movement outside the camp vigilantly.

Zhang Lin and Bo Jing continued to deal with the black skin beans.

As the night deepened, the number of eyes glowing green outside the camp gradually increased, and the beasts were about to move.

"Sign in."

Su Meng yawned, and estimated the time to sign in in her mind.

"Ding! The host Su Meng has successfully signed in today and obtained a copy of genetic liquid (advanced)"

"Ding! The host, Su Xiang, has successfully signed in today and obtained a genetic liquid (primary)"

Su Meng raised her eyebrows and looked in the direction of the earth house.

Unexpectedly, Su Xiang hadn't slept yet, and this sign-in reward was so interesting.

The gene fluid can not only strengthen the body's overall physique, but also increase the speed and function of the body's self-repair. It can be said that if she drinks this advanced potion, she will be able to live and breathe tomorrow, and she may even be able to single out a blind man.

If the high-level potion appeared specially to treat her injuries, then who was the primary potion for?

Just as Su Meng was thinking about the system rewards, Bo Jing suddenly walked up to her and squatted down: "I'll change your medicine for you. After changing the medicine, you should go to sleep quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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