Chapter 130: Strong or You

"I rely on me, this is Chengjiao!"

"No, this is Jackie Chan"


"A snake becomes a python, a python becomes an anaconda, and an anaconda becomes a jiao, welcome to apply for a certain Jiaotong University"

"Good guy, I'll be direct, good guy, this thing is at least seven or eight meters long."

"How many meters do you have without riding a horse?"

"? Points will be deducted for the homophonic stalk upstairs."

"Go and invite the monkey...ah no, go and invite the Great Sage!"

"Is this his meow a boa constrictor?"

"It is said that in addition to cultivating for thousands of years, Jiao Hualong has to go through the three calamities of heaven, earth and human beings. Among them, the calamity of human beings is the common saying. Dragon, if that person says it’s a big snake, then Jiao will fail to transform into a dragon, and once he fails, Jiao will take revenge on that person.”

"Good guy, it's a pity that you don't write novels upstairs. I will definitely order all your novels."

"By the way, aren't you all worried about Su Meng's safety?"

"There is nothing to worry about. The blood volume of the python is 9999, and the arrow damage is -1. If you still don't run away, it's not clear that it's too cold."


Su Meng stabilized her mind, bent her bow and set her arrow again, the arrow flew out, this time the target was still seven inches away from the python.

"call out!"

The arrow sank into seven inches of the boa constrictor, and the severe pain caused the boa constrictor to hiss again threateningly, and then it suddenly opened its mouth as thick as a bucket, revealing two inverted fangs glowing coldly. The venom shot out without warning.

At the critical moment, Su Meng slammed to the left, narrowly dodging the blow.

If the venom got into her eyes accidentally, she might become blind immediately, and then she could only be buried in the snake's belly.

Seeing that Su Meng dodged his venom attack, the giant python seemed to be furious, and rushed towards Su Meng at a speed that did not match its size.

The speed was as fierce as lightning, and Su Meng quickly rolled on the spot, almost touching the python's skin, dodging the attack in an extremely embarrassing way.

Before she had time to think about it, she dropped the bow and arrow in her hand, drew out the hatchet at her waist, squatted halfway on the ground, and looked at the giant python.

At this moment, she has already fallen into a close hand-to-hand combat with the python, the bow and arrow cannot play its due lethality, and the lethality of the wooden arrow is not as good as that of the hatchet.

Su Meng tried her best to adjust her breathing, and the hand holding the hatchet handle was tight, and a fine layer of sweat soaked out of the palm, which was sticky.

She stared at the giant python closely, not daring to relax the slightest bit of her mind.

The speed of this giant python's attack far exceeded her expectations, and it also had a pair of such long fangs. Once she was bitten or the venom splashed into her eyes, she would die on the spot.

The giant python didn't give Su Meng much time to breathe. It opened its huge mouth again and rushed towards Su Meng. Su Meng seemed to be able to smell the stench coming from the snake's mouth.

Su Meng dodged again in embarrassment, but her eyes were still fixed on the giant python, looking for an opportunity to fight back.

Generally speaking, after a poisonous snake sprays venom once, it takes a certain amount of time to accumulate venom again, but with such long fangs, even if they are not poisonous, they will probably be bitten right through if they are bitten.

Again, she didn't dare to gamble.

Su Meng continued to confront the giant python, and the continuous rolling made her a little breathless, and there was bean-sized sweat on her forehead, and the sweat flowed into her eyes along the arc, but she didn't dare to reach out to wipe it.

Su Meng wanted to attack several times, but was forced back by the huge fangs of the giant python. In desperation, she had to fight and retreat, patiently looking for the right time, and must be able to kill with one blow.

At this moment, Su Meng saw a half-meter-thick tree on the left, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he immediately used his inertia to climb up the tree like a dexterous monkey.

After climbing up the tree, she stepped on a thick branch, held the hatchet tightly in one hand, and supported the trunk with the other, and challenged the giant python: "Come here!"

The giant python seemed to be completely enraged by Su Meng's actions. It spit out its message and came under the tree. Its huge body circled up the tree trunk, approaching Su Meng bit by bit.

"Wait a little longer..." Su Meng stared at the giant python that was getting closer and closer to him, his chest heaving violently: "Jumping from here will only look like three or four meters, if the plan can be implemented smoothly... "

It's now!

Su Meng found the right moment, and jumped down from the branch like lightning. Holding the hatchet with both hands, she exerted all her strength. The blade of the hatchet reflected a cold light in the sun.


The hatchet was almost attached to the hilt of the knife, and it was inserted into the body of the giant python fiercely. The force on the blade and the huge inertia of Su Meng's fall suddenly cut the body of the giant python with a huge gap where the bones were deep. The opening almost cut off the giant python in half.


The giant python let out a wail, and the snake's blood spewed out like a spring because of the tense muscles, and the venom from the bloody mouth flew out again, and the body wrapped around the tree trunk became more and more forceful.

But after a while, the giant python's body gradually softened. Although its tightly wound muscles were still wriggling, they couldn't support it to continue winding around the tree trunk. Finally, with a loud "boom", , it fell to the ground all of a sudden, splashing a cloud of dust.

Su Meng finally breathed a sigh of relief, slumped on the ground panting heavily, but the corners of her mouth slowly curled up.

Good to have food for the next few days.

In the live broadcast room, the audience who witnessed this hearty battle became excited again.

"Wow, shit, shit, this is the legendary dragon slaying technique"

"Call Queen Su Meng crazy!"

"Python: It's unlucky, I didn't read the almanac when I went out today"

"My mom is so exciting"

"Laughing, brother Teng probably didn't expect him to make a guest appearance on a wilderness show in this way"

"There must be bib burning here"

"Su Meng's sudden wealth"

"It's too good, this woman is so strong, butler, check her information for me immediately."

"My wife is mine"

"Draw your knife upstairs, we hit your wife"


After a while, after confirming that the giant python was dead, Su Meng walked over slowly and cut off the snake's head. After confirming that there was no wound on her hand, she stretched out her hand to pull out the two sharp fangs of the giant python down.

This is her feat, a symbol of her bravery and fearlessness, and it must be kept as a commemoration.

After doing this, in order to avoid the strong smell of blood from attracting other beasts, Su Meng hung the giant python on the big tree, and then quickly returned to the camp with a sling on his back.

After all, based on one meter per step, this giant python is nine meters long, and its estimated weight should be about 540 catties. She can't bring this big guy back to the camp by herself.

Although she is a strange girl, she is not a giant spirit god.

Under the leadership of Su Meng, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing soon came to the small grassland, smelling the strong smell of blood in the air, and looking at the tree hanging on the branch, almost only a layer of skin left. The giant pythons connected to each other, the three gasped in unison.

"You are stronger than you." Bai Jing gave Su Meng a thumbs up, sincerely admiring him.

(End of this chapter)

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