Chapter 132: Retire with me
Seeing the eight of Jeff leaving with only one wooden stick, a sneer slowly appeared on Nora's gloomy face: "Reese, since you want to humiliate me like this, then retire with me."

She got up unhurriedly, and took the four hatchets, a machete, a mosquito net, two clean water pots, two steel pots, two lighters, a bow, arrows and a The engineer shovels were all put into the back basket, and then the fire was completely extinguished with water.

After doing this, she sneaked into the bamboo house of the five of Park Sang-hoon, and threw all their sleeping bags into the fire. After the flames burned the sleeping bags beyond recognition, she put out the fire completely with water, and then put The two steel pots, two hatchets, two engineering shovels and a lighter from Park Sang-hoon's group were all put into the bamboo baskets they woven.

After doing this, she looked at the smoldering embers and smiled softly.

After hiding the back basket and bamboo basket, Nora came to Huang Ming's shelter.

"Hi, I'm Nora from Jeff's team."

Huang Ming, Wang Xiang, and Zhao Lei have all gone hunting, and there are only two women left in the shelter, Shu Ying and Luo Shanshan.

Shu Ying looked at Nora, whose eyes were red and swollen, and her face was black and white, she was a little confused and a little embarrassed.

They were arguing so loudly just now, she and Luo Shanshan could hear them clearly in the shelter, but they didn't go over to join in the fun.

"Well, you should have heard that, I was excluded by them." Speaking of this, Nora sniffled, lowered her head, and made a very sad look: "I don't want to use their things anymore, I want to move out and get through the last three days by myself."

"Ah?" Shu Ying still didn't understand why Nora came to find her, and she looked confused.

"Well, I want to borrow your bows and arrows, steel pots, hatchets, engineering shovels, and fishing nets. Don't worry, I will definitely return them to you. I just borrowed them." Seemingly afraid that Shu Ying would refuse her request, Nora He spoke in a hurry, with a pleading look on his face.

Shu Ying didn't want to lend her tools, but she couldn't find a good way to refuse, so she thought for a while and said, "Huang Ming and the others took the bow and arrow and hatchet, and as for the steel pot... it still contains our water... By the way, what do you want fishing nets for? There are sea monsters in the sea, so don’t be too preoccupied with fishing, it’s too dangerous.”

Saying this is already a blatant rejection, Shu Ying believes that Nora can understand the meaning of this passage.

Nora suddenly sneered, and murmured in a voice only she could hear: "What a pity, I gave you a chance."

After she finished speaking, she pushed Shu Ying away, and Shu Ying was pushed to the ground unsuspectingly, and her ass fell.

Luo Shanshan hurriedly stepped forward to help Shu Ying up, but what they didn't expect was that Nora pulled out a burning log from the fire and threw it into their shelter.

Shu Ying and Luo Shanshan were stunned by the sudden turn of events. This is a live broadcast!Nora is this crazy? !

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Nora quickly picked up the steel pot, engineering shovel and fishing nets on the ground, and finally pulled out a burning firewood, lit the four sleeping bags one by one, and then trotted into the jungle.

Huang Ming's group's shelter is made of leaves and trees. After such a long time of drying, if they get up early and dry out, they will be burned by the flames immediately.


Seeing this, Shu Ying and Luo Shanshan finally came to their senses at this moment. Looking at the shelter that had been engulfed in flames, they let out a high-pitched scream.

Luo Shanshan reacted fairly quickly, she immediately grabbed the steel pot, trying to prevent Nora from escaping.

"Let go, or I'll kill you!" Nora stared at Luo Shanshan viciously, but she glanced around the jungle from time to time. She was afraid that Jeff and Park Sang-hoon would come back after hearing the noise.

Seeing that Luo Shanshan refused to let go, Nora raised and lowered the hand holding the engineering shovel several times, but she still remembered that this was a live broadcast, and she didn't have the courage to commit murder in front of the high-definition camera.

After all, destroying teammates' props can be said to be due to verbal attacks and insults, and she can only do this kind of thing to clean up when she is angry, but it is illegal to commit murder, and she can't ruin her life because of a program. Besides, these people are not worthy.

So Nora could only grit her teeth, let go of the hand holding the steel pot, turned around and ran into the jungle.

Hearing the scream, Jeff's face changed, but he was still not too panicked. After looking at Park Sang-hoon, he walked slowly towards the camp.

Before approaching the camp, Jeff and Park Sang-hoon saw a thick smoke rising into the sky, and there seemed to be fires flickering inside.

on fire!

At this moment, the faces of the eight people changed drastically, and they hurried towards the shelter of Huang Ming's group.

If the fire could not be extinguished in time, the fire might burn the entire jungle, and they might have to bear a few lives and huge compensation by then.

When the eight arrived at the shelter, they saw Shu Ying and Luo Shanshan throwing soil into the shelter, trying to suppress the flames and extinguish them.

"What's going on?" Jeff frowned and asked, his eyes full of dignity.

"Nora, Nora from your group set fire to our shelter!" Shu Ying said through gritted teeth, throwing sand into the fire in panic.

"Fuck, are you idiots? Use water to put out the fire!" Rees roared violently, grabbed the steel pot from Luo Shanshan's hand, and quickly ran towards the water source.

"Don't watch the show, if the fire really spreads, we won't be able to eat!" Jeff shouted at the five Park Sang-hoon who were gloating: "Hurry up and get water from the steel pot!"

Jiang Na rolled her eyes, but followed Park Sang-hoon and walked slowly towards her bamboo house.

A moment later, a piercing scream resounded through the jungle.

Jeff cursed in a low voice, only thinking that one head and two big, didn't they let those five Koreans fetch water to put out the fire?What are you screaming again?Do you think the current situation is not chaotic enough?
Park Sang-hoon ran out empty-handed, with a livid face. He stared at Jeff, and his voice was almost squeezed out of his teeth: "Our sleeping bags have been burned, and all the tools have disappeared. I need an explanation. .”

However, before Jeff could speak, Clu, who was returning to the camp, also ran to his side and said, "Our tools are gone."

Hearing this, Jeff felt dizzy for a while, and almost fell to the ground.

He didn't understand why Nora did this, didn't he pay enough for this team?

There are still three days, and they can get 100 million in three days. Why can't they bear it for just three days?You have endured it for so long before, so why can't you hold on a little longer?

That damned woman.

(End of this chapter)

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