Chapter 136: Leaving Overnight
"So what?" Nora repeated Huang Ming's words as if she had heard some joke, and let out a sneer. Then she shrugged and showed a mocking and provocative smile: "Do you dare to kill people?"

Huang Minghuan's hand on his chest tightened immediately, and before he could refute, Nora continued to speak on his own: "As far as I know, Huaguo is an extremely peaceful country, let alone killing people." , Even street fights are rare, and I know my former teammates, believe me, once they know that they can't return to Earth, they will definitely snatch your tools and treat you as slaves, if you dare to resist, then They will definitely kill you without hesitation."

"You don't have to worry about me harming you. You are the only ones I can rely on now, because I have offended Rees and the others to death. If they learn the news, they will definitely kill me."

Nora directly showed her cards and weaknesses, trying to make herself appear more sincere.

In fact, she chose Huang Ming's group without mentioning one thing, that is, only they have tools, and these tools can increase the chance of survival.

And subconsciously, she feels that Hua people are cowardly and bloodless. Even in her own country, if Chinese people are bullied by foreigners, they will just swallow their anger, but in such a team, she will be at ease, at least not worrying about her safety being threatened .

The expression on Huang Ming's face remained unchanged, and he continued to say in a very flat tone: "Then you can try and see if we dare to kill people. We desire peace, but we are not afraid of fighting."

Nora froze, and stared at Huang Ming in disbelief. Seeing that although his expression was calm, his eyes were firm and serious, and he didn't seem to be speaking harsh words, so she began to panic.

The right to speak was in his own hands again, and Huang Ming breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't dare to push this crazy woman, Nora, too hard, so he slowed down and said, "But we follow the way of a gentleman. , I can take you in out of humanitarian considerations, but the ugly words are up front, and you will do what I say in the future. If you do anything that harms the interests of the team, we will directly expel you from the team. "

Hearing this, Nora was overjoyed and hurriedly nodded in agreement. Just as she was about to walk towards the newly built shelter, Huang Ming reached out and stopped her: "Wait a minute, I have to convince my teammates first Accept you, and please stay here for a while."

Nora thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and was extremely satisfied with her vision. This group really respected their teammates very much.

Huang Ming got into the shelter and told Wang Xiang, Shu Ying, Luo Shanshan, and Zhao Lei about this matter in Chinese. Shu Ying and Luo Shanshan turned pale with fright on the spot and were on the verge of collapse.

Wang Xiang and Zhao Lei also had dignified faces, their eyes full of hesitation and bewilderment.

Then, Nora saw that there seemed to be some fierce dispute between them. Presumably, the two women did not agree to take her in, and Huang Ming was trying to persuade them, right?
"Then we'll find an excuse to go out early tomorrow morning, and then just run away?"

"No, why wait until tomorrow? The sooner something like this happens, the better." Wang Xiang shook his head and rejected Zhao Lei's proposal.

"Is it possible that her necklace is broken, or that she is lying to us in order to last until No. 30 days?" Shu Ying didn't want to believe that such a thing would happen, she grabbed Huang Ming's hand, eyes Full of hope: "And this is all your guesswork, isn't it?"

"You can't gamble with our safety. Whether it's true or not, it's a fact that Jeff and Park Sang-hoon don't have tools. They will definitely come to borrow tools tomorrow, so we must leave here before then."

Huang Ming analyzed calmly. He has been in the entertainment industry for many years, and he has never seen such a big storm. He still has the ability to deal with such things.

He said unhurriedly, "Stabilize Nora first, and when she falls asleep, let's leave here overnight."

Speaking of this, he sneered again as if remembering something: "I really think that I am something, and I have to at least look like a begging for help. I really think I don't know what kind of wishful thinking she has in mind."

He's not a fool in the entertainment industry for nothing. He can see through Nora's flamboyance at a glance. He clearly looks down on them but acts like he is forced to cling to them. Who is disgusting?Do you really think he is the Holy Father?

And doesn't she know that there is an old saying in Huaguo called "If you are not of my race, your heart must be different"?

In the early morning, Nora slowly opened her eyes amidst the chirping of birds.

She stretched and slowly got up from the hay-covered ground, only then did she realize that she was the only one in the shelter.

Where did the five of Huang Ming go?

Before she had time to think clearly about this problem, she heard faint footsteps outside, and she was relieved immediately. It turned out that she was doing something outside, probably preparing breakfast.

However, before she breathed a sigh of relief, she was startled by the sudden shout.

"Huang, are you there? We want to borrow your tools, don't worry, we will pay you accordingly."

That voice is Jeff, Park Sang-hoon and the others!

Nora immediately became nervous, and subconsciously wanted to find a place to hide, but she looked around, the newly built shelter was only so big, there was no place to hide at all.

"Damn, damn, really damn!" Nora cursed in a low voice, until now she still doesn't understand that she was played by Huang Ming and five people, and they actually left her overnight while she was asleep Run away!

Just when she was at a loss, Jeff and Park Sang-hoon had already walked in front of the shelter. As soon as the two sides met, the atmosphere froze in an instant.

"Why are you here? Didn't you retire?" Jeff frowned, his eyes fixed on Nora.

"I think she didn't press the button at all, she just pretended to deceive us." Jiang Na sneered, and the malice in her eyes was almost overflowing: "Why, a person can't live in the wild, and she can't bear the 100 million yuan. Bonus, do you want to come back now and beg us to take you in? Let me tell you, it's a dream."

If it wasn't for the live broadcast, she would have rushed to beat this woman into a pig's head.

Seeing this, Nora's eyes flickered, and she decided to use her tricks. Anyway, she must not fall into the hands of Reese, Klu and others: "Yes, I just lied to you. I really didn't press the button, but All of this was ordered by Huang Ming, not my original intention."

Nora lowered her eyes and pretended to be guilty: "I know what I did was wrong, but I was angry at the time, and then I was instigated by Huang Ming, so I did such a thing, and I don't ask you to forgive me My fault..."

(End of this chapter)

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