Chapter 138 Banana?

After spreading the whole vegetable garden with a layer of plant ashes, she began to dig the ground with the engineer shovel. At this time, she missed the hoe very much. If she had a hoe, it would save a lot of time and effort.

If you have time, make a hoe. Although there is no iron, you can use sharp stones instead.

An hour later, Du Jiayue looked at a total of 32 small mounds in four rows and eight columns neatly arranged in front of her, with a satisfied smile on her face.

Then, she broke the cassava stems into long sections of about 25 centimeters, and buried them in the soil. As for the big potatoes, she planted the bulbous buds from the leaf axils on the vines at the roots of the fence, so that the large Potato vines can climb directly on the fence.

After planting the last big potato germ, Du Jiayue took water from a clay pot and watered it. After watering, sprinkled a layer of plant ash again, which was tantamount to fertilizing.

The amount of cassava and cassava they dug up is not too high, so there are only 32 cassava and 28 cassava plants in this vegetable garden, barely enough for the five of them to eat.

Of course, if new yams and cassava are found in the future, they can open up another vegetable garden to plant them. Anyway, the most important thing this island lacks is land.

Now, as long as the cassava and yam are planted in the vegetable garden, as long as they are taken care of properly, new shoots will appear in about a week, and there is no need for too much care in the future, and they can be harvested after eight months.

At this time, the sky is slowly dimming. As winter comes, the darkness is getting earlier and earlier, and the temperature is also dropping rapidly.

Su Meng and Su Xiang finally set up the entire trap when the night completely enveloped the island. The trap was filled with carbonized and sharpened wooden sticks and sharpened bamboo slices, and the lethality was terrifying. .

Su Meng believed that even if Xiong Xiazi fell into it, he probably wouldn't get any benefits. If he was lucky, he might be seriously injured. Then they would have bearskin coats to wear.

However, this trap has not been completely completed, and a simple camouflage still needs to be made on it.

The five of them all knew that there were traps around the camp, so they would never get close to the thorn fence at all, and they all entered and exited through the wooden bridge gate.

During dinner, Du Jiayue told about the lack of salt.

"Then find time to go to the seaside tomorrow." Su Mengjiacai paused with her hand, and then smiled casually: "It's still the same as before, come back after hitting the sea."

Speaking of this, the originally warm atmosphere became a little heavy. Obviously, everyone recalled what happened that day.

"Don't be so serious, it's just to get some sea water back, our luck is not that bad." Su Meng said in a very relaxed tone, with a smile on her face, trying to ease the tense atmosphere.

By the sea, in the cave that was ventilated on three sides, Nora curled up and shivered in the night, her lips were bloodless from the cold.

At noon today, she sneaked out of Huang Ming's shelter while Jeff, Park Sang-hoon and others were not paying attention, and went directly to the seaside, looking for the pure natural cave Huang Ming and Park Sang-hoon mentioned.

The eight of Jeff and Park Sang-hoon were already terrified by the monster. She firmly believed that they would not dare to come to the seaside, so the cave became her best hiding place instead.

Moreover, Huang Ming's group and Park Sang-hoon's group both lived in that cave, which means that there are fresh water resources and food resources near the cave. Although there may not be many food resources, it should be no problem to support one person, right?
However, she searched for the whole afternoon, but she couldn't find the location of the cave. Seeing that the sea water began to rise and the night began to come, the panic in her heart became more and more intense.

Fortunately, God heard her prayer and let her find the cave before dark.

But unfortunately, she didn't have time to collect firewood and food at all, and the sea was windy and humid at night. Even with suitable materials, she couldn't successfully drill wood to make fire with her skills.

"Everything will be fine." Nora kept murmuring in her mouth, and finally she couldn't help but burst into tears.

On the other side of the jungle, Liu Yuan and Gu Yue were sitting around the fire, eating mangoes and chatting.

"How far do you think we have to go to get to the beach?" Liu Yuan, who had been walking for three consecutive days, felt like he was going to collapse.

The food they ate the most along the way was dried mangoes, or dried mangoes that were not fully ripe.

Now he has five ulcers in his mouth, all from eating dried mangoes.

"Should be soon." Cao Xuyang was also not sure, he sighed, and wanted to say that the reason why he suffered these crimes was not because of you, it's not good to stay in the camp, you have to feel the nature, go Experience what kind of pure natural sea view room.

"I hope I can arrive tomorrow." Gu Yue gritted his teeth, and added two logs of firewood to the firepit. He also had two ulcers in his mouth, and the pain made him sleepless.

In the early morning, there was a thin layer of fog in the jungle, but the birds still conscientiously played the role of the alarm clock.

Su Meng, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue finished practicing their fighting skills and took a hot bath in batches. They were eating breakfast together.

"Mengmeng, when are we going to the beach today?" Du Jiayue showed a tangled look on her face. Girls in the inland always have an inexplicable longing for the sea, but now there are monsters in the sea, so they can't stay at the beach for too long. .

"Wait until the sun comes out and heats up before going to the beach. There is fog in the jungle now, I'm afraid the wind on the beach will be stronger." Su Meng swallowed the snake meat in her mouth, thought for a while and added: "This batch of ramie is probably only I can weave two or three sets of clothes, and when we come back from the beach, we will go to the hemp garden to harvest some ramie."

However, until about ten o'clock in the morning, the fog in the jungle had not completely cleared away, so Su Meng had to adjust his plan, and decided to go to the hemp garden to harvest ramie first, and then go to the seaside to collect seawater to make salt in the afternoon.

On the other side, Gu Yue and Liu Yuan were on their way to the beach. In order to obtain enough fresh water, they followed the direction of the stream along the way.

Wanchuan returns to the sea, and you will definitely find the sea along the direction of the current.

In order to reach the seaside as soon as possible, they set off against the fog early this morning, and they had already walked for almost four hours.

Just as the eight of them were about to rest on the spot, Liu Yuan's nose flapped a few times suddenly, his eyes were full of excitement: "I smell bananas, there must be bananas around here."

Although Gu Yue and the others were somewhat skeptical, but seeing Liu Yuan's swearing, they had no choice but to follow him and move on.

After a while, Liu Yuan looked at the plantain in front of him and laughed wildly with his hands on his hips: "I just said that I have a good nose, and now we will get rich."

Gu Yue gave Liu Yuan a thumbs up, and very cooperatively sent out her own praise: "As expected of you, but I only saw the banana tree, not the banana."

(End of this chapter)

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