Chapter 157: What's going on here?

"What's the matter? Is there a dog chasing you from behind?" Seeing Su Meng running back panting, Liu Yuan teased with a smile.

"There are no dogs, but there are crocodiles and anacondas that are bigger than you."

As soon as these words came out, the smiles on the faces of everyone present froze, revealing an expression of disbelief.

Su Meng poured half a bamboo tube into her mouth to cool it down, and it took her a while to calm down her shortness of breath. She casually wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "Don't go there, it's too dangerous, just for a while. During the meeting, I saw two anacondas and dozens of man-eating crocodiles. If I didn’t run fast, and it was afternoon, according to the habit of man-eating alligators, I would have to explain There it is."

Speaking of this, Su Meng once again felt scared for a while.

Although the crocodile has short legs, it usually looks lazy in the zoo, and it looks very meek when it gets up, but in fact, the crocodile runs three times faster than humans on land, and can even run five times in one second. meter distance.

"Then what should we do?" Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Gu Yue, and Liu Yuan looked at each other in dismay.

Now whether it is a small grassland, a small grassland, or a pool, the animals that used to gather together in groups have disappeared. Although they still have some food and livestock in stock, if they live on their laurels, they will only make their lives worse. Difference.

Cao Xuyang and Chen Hao looked at each other, as if they had made up their minds, and asked, "Are all crocodiles that big?"

Su Meng raised her eyebrows, quite surprised, she didn't expect these two people to be so courageous, dare to hit the man-eating crocodile, because for ordinary people, the first reaction after hearing the man-eating crocodile is to stay away from it , hide as far as you can.

"Both of them are retired special forces. They have high psr ratings and good combat effectiveness." Seemingly afraid that Su Meng would misunderstand that Cao Xuyang and Chen Hao were so ambitious, Gu Yue hurriedly explained.

Hearing this, Su Meng took a meaningful look at the two of them: "The smallest is about two meters, probably either a female or a cub."

Hearing this, not only Cao Xuyang and Chen Hao, but even Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Du Jiayue who were used to seeing strong winds and waves frowned, and their expressions became more serious.

The cubs are all this big, so they can play with a hammer. If they really want to fight, it doesn't matter who hunts.

"How's your harvest this afternoon?" Su Meng glanced around the temporary camp and skipped this topic on her own initiative to avoid embarrassment for Cao Xuyang and Chen Hao.

"Not very good." Speaking of this, Zhang Lin's face became even more ugly: "There are not even seaweed and kelp in the afternoon, and there is not even a single coconut crab, and many seabirds come to make trouble and eat it secretly." The oyster meat we dug in the morning."

"Yes, and those seabirds are very cunning, they just flew away with a piece of oyster meat in their mouths, and they didn't give us a chance to shoot at all." Su Xiang answered the words, his tone full of dissatisfaction.

Su Meng looked up at the sky, but was shocked to find that although there were still seabirds circling in mid-air at this moment, those seabirds seemed to have sensed the danger, and they all moved away from the beach collectively.

With the current distance, even if she shoots the seabird, the seabird will fall directly into the sea and cannot be retrieved at all.

So it's not that there is a problem with the island, but that she was isolated by the animals on the island?
Thinking of this conjecture, Su Meng's face darkened, and she suspected that the system might be playing tricks to force her to go fishing.

The lure failed and she began to threaten, but she had nothing to do with the system at the moment.

Go out to sea. Anyway, her sailing skills have reached advanced level, her swimming skills have reached intermediate level, and the materials for shipbuilding have been prepared. As long as she doesn't encounter sea monster-level monsters, then her trip should be fine.

Maybe after she goes to sea, everything will return to normal?

Thinking of this, Su Meng rubbed her swollen eyebrows, sighed and said, "It's getting late, pack your things and prepare to go back to the camp."

At this time, the sun had gradually set to the west, the heat of the day had faded, and the salty sea breeze was blowing on everyone with bursts of coolness.

Luo Huan was leaning on a wooden stick, his eyes were red, but there was a smile of the rest of his life on his face.

She has not experienced symptoms of poisoning such as vomiting and difficulty breathing, which means that it was not a poisonous snake that bit her, and her life was completely saved.

As for the numbness in her legs, it was purely because she had been sitting slumped on the ground for too long, coupled with her nervousness and other emotions, the normal reaction she had had had nothing to do with the wound.

"Is it really spring now? Why do I feel colder than autumn?" Liu Yuan tightened his jacket, shivering from the sea breeze.

Su Meng glanced at him, chuckled lightly, and was about to speak, but her gaze suddenly stopped on a pile of rocks.

There, lay a person.

In other words, it is more accurate to say that a person is floating.

"Stay where you are if you are timid, and be careful of having nightmares at night." After speaking, Su Meng walked towards the rock pile with a wooden spear in hand.

Now the sea water has started to rise, and the reef pile was just submerged by sea water, only a small section of uneven dark brown stone surface was exposed, like an isolated island that can only accommodate one person standing on it.

Su Meng walked faster and faster, took off the jacket while walking, and threw it on the beach.

At this time, the sea water was already bitingly cold, but she didn't care, and rushed straight into the water, struggling to swim towards the reef.

Soon, she swam to the reef. Holding on to the huge reef, she looked at the figure floating on the water with disbelief in her eyes.

This person is not a player.

After a while, she stretched out her hand and turned the man over, and in an instant, a face that was swollen and white from being soaked in sea water was revealed in front of her eyes.

Su Meng stretched out her hand to cover her mouth reflexively, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

This was the first time she had faced a corpse, and it was such a terrifying corpse.

And this person, she knows.

It was the helicopter pilot who sent their group to Taiji Island.

Didn't the program group abandon all the contestants?Why are there dead bodies of staff in the sea?

But at this moment, she didn't have time to think about it, so she could only hold back her fear and nausea, and dragged the body to the coast.

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Cao Xuyang, and Chen Hao also swam over quickly. They were also taken aback when they saw the clothes and appearance of the corpse. Then Su Xiang and Zhang Lin felt a rush in their stomachs, a rush of An uncontrollable nausea hit.

The five people worked together to drag the corpse ashore, and even a few fat crabs fell from the corpse, but at this moment, no one wanted to catch it.

what on earth is it?

Didn't the show crew give up on rescuing them?

(End of this chapter)

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