Chapter 160
After deciding to go out to sea again, Su Meng sat on the raft again, but this time she was going to paddle towards the sea at the cliff. If she didn't catch trevally there, she would go to the open sea again.

Following the waves, she quickly rowed the raft to the cliff. Seeing the waves beating against the rocks and rolling up layers of white waves, Su Meng couldn't help but become more vigilant.

Although the waves here are not big, they are very dense, and the raft keeps shaking. If you are not careful, you will be carried by the waves and hit the rocks. Although it will not "crash the boat and kill people", she will definitely be injured under the impact.

The bloody smell from the injury is extremely easy to attract sharks.

She hadn't forgotten that there were sharks in this sea area, and they were man-eating sharks.

After waiting for a while, she got used to the shaking rhythm of the raft again, stood up slowly and began to cast the net to catch fish.

After casting four or five nets in a row, although there were some harvests, they were not much. It was comparable to the harvest of the three nets just now.

Paddle the raft back to the shore again, hand over the fish in the fish basket to Bai Jing, and Su Meng decides to give it a go and head to the open sea.

"Eat something before going out to sea." Bai Jing handed a grilled trevally to Su Meng: "Be careful it's hot."

After receiving the grilled trevally that was golden on both sides, a fresh fragrance rushed into her nostrils, which made her move her index finger.

Su Meng blew, and ate the fish in small mouthfuls.

The meat of the trevally is very tender, with a pure sweetness, and the warm fish seems to have a special energy, dispelling the coldness in her body.

After eating five trevally in a row, Su Meng squinted her eyes contentedly and stopped.

Her appetite seemed to grow again, and she was barely half full after eating five palm-sized fish.

This is also because of the supplementary breakfast that Su wanted to make in the morning, otherwise he would have to barely fill his stomach so as not to faint from hunger.

After roasting for a while to warm up her body again, Su Meng grinned and climbed onto the raft, preparing for a new round of long-distance voyage.

This time, she is going to the open sea.

The afternoon sun was so strong that it hurt people's skin.

Su Meng sat on the raft, holding the oars with both hands, and turned her head to look at the two-story high waves hitting her.

The raft is rolled up high along the waves, and then thrown down heavily along the waves. The strong sense of weightlessness is extremely exciting and extremely tests people's psychological quality.

There are too many uncertainties in the sea, not only mysterious, but also unpredictable, which can make people rich in an instant and lead them into the abyss of death in an instant.

Su Meng worked hard to control the raft, and kept summing up the areas where the raft could be improved.

"A sail can be added, so that the sailing will be faster, and it will help me to orient myself."

Finally, after overcoming countless huge waves, the sea calmed down again, and the raft rose and fell with the waves, and was carried by the ocean currents towards the open sea.

Su Meng lay exhausted on her back on the raft, panting heavily, the tired look on her face could hardly be concealed.

But the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and the smile in her eyes became more obvious.

So exciting.

The feeling of playing against the sea made her adrenaline soar wildly, and at this moment, she had the urge to cry up to the sky.

After letting the raft drift for a while, she finally regained some strength, and began to move her hands and feet slowly, preparing to start casting nets to catch fish when the raft was a little more stable.

Now the raft is far away from the island, if she continues to move forward, she will probably lose her way and eventually die of thirst in this endless sea.

At this moment, the raft suddenly bumped, and even drifted back for a short distance, giving the impression that it had bumped into something suddenly.

Su Meng frowned, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared.

Hit something? !

She is already very far away from the island, and Taiji Island is as big as a sesame seed in her eyes at this moment, it doesn't make sense that she can bump into anything so far away.

Could it be a shark?
Thinking of this, Su Meng immediately drew out her wooden spear and stared at the sea surface vigilantly. As long as a shark appeared, she would attack without hesitation.

However, until the raft was bounced back again, she did not see any sharks in the vicinity.

So what's going on here?

Su Meng frowned even more. She rowed the oars and carefully controlled the raft to float forward.

Not surprisingly, the raft once again felt like it had hit something, and was bounced back again.

Su Meng didn't believe in evil, so she paddled the wooden raft to make the raft drift sideways for a certain distance, and then controlled the raft to drift to the open sea again.

The result was bounced back.

It's really strange, could it be that some kind of protective cover has been placed in this sea area, the purpose is to prevent the players from escaping from this sea area?

As soon as this idea came out, Su Meng was shocked into a cold sweat.

Was the protective cover intentionally created by the program crew?Do you really treat the players as guinea pigs?Didn't the system want her to go to sea, but to let her discover this secret?
One thought after another kept appearing in her mind, causing her thoughts to become a little confused for a while.

At this moment, it is very simple to prove this conjecture, all she needs is to touch the air in front of her with her hand or a wooden spear.

She swallowed, turned the raft around, then tightened her hand holding the wooden spear, and slowly stretched the wooden spear forward.

The wooden spear was blocked.

Under the sunlight, Su Meng seemed to see a transparent light curtain slightly reflecting colorful lights.

The light curtain was as clear and transparent as water, yet extremely hard. For some reason, two words naturally appeared in Su Meng's mind.


Su Meng took a deep breath, and began to use the wooden spear as a support point to control the raft to row sideways. She wanted to know how big the protective cover was.

However, she paddled like this for about 10 minutes, and the shield was still there.

It seems that not only this small piece of sea area has been set up with a protective cover, but most likely the entire Taiji Island has been covered by the protective cover.

After thinking about it, she took another deep breath and jumped into the sea.

She wants to see how deep the shield is.

Without the help of any equipment, the longest diving time of human beings is 13 minutes and 42.5 seconds, and the deepest diving distance is 162 meters.

But Su Meng didn't need to dive so deep, nor did she need to hold her breath for so long, she just wanted to confirm some basic data of the shield.

Soon she was on board the raft again.

At this moment, she has determined that this protective shield is definitely not the technology that should exist on the earth.

After resting for a while and recovering her strength again, Su Meng began to cast a net to catch fish.

If there is a protective cover, there must be a protective cover. Escaping from this sea area is still too far away for her now, and she has no way to use this protective cover at present. Her current goal is to catch enough fish to solve the problem of food shortage. crisis.

I don't know if it's because of the protective cover, there are so many fish in this sea area, Su Meng cast a net, and almost didn't drag it up.

Just as she was returning with a full load of oars, she suddenly saw something floating on the sea not far away...

A dinghy? !
(End of this chapter)

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