Chapter 17
After a tiring day, they should take a hot bath, but they only have two steel pots, which cannot hold too much water, and it is not very convenient to get water, so they can only take advantage of the dark and the water in the pool is not so good. Take a shower when it's cold.

"oh oh."

Du Jiayue nodded like a chick pecking rice, feeling a little annoyed, how could she forget such simple knowledge.

When they got to the pool, Su Meng poked a wooden stick in the vegetation by the pool a few more times, and after making sure there was no problem, he let Du Jiayue go to take a bath in peace.

"Here, let's wash here. The water is already a bit cold. Don't wash for too long, just wipe it off." Su Meng chose a shallow water area winding down from the pool, located downstream, and there happened to be a big tree as a Pure natural screen.

"I'll stand guard in front, call me if you need something." After finishing speaking, Su Meng turned her back to Du Jiayue, whipping the surrounding trees with a wooden stick from time to time, creating a little movement to deter those who might appear. the beast.

While whipping, she stepped into the pool, and after handling the snake meat, she touched the snails again.

As the saying goes, one snail makes twelve bowls of soup. She has picked up a dozen or so snails now, so she can have three dishes tonight, right?
It's just a pity that those anchovies and bamboo prawns are too flexible, and they won't be able to catch them for a while, so they can only wait for two days to weave a fish basket and try them out.

Although the unmanned camera responsible for following the two had already been turned off and entered standby mode, but at this moment, in the live broadcast room belonging to Zhang Lin and the five of them, the audience had already been blown to pieces.

"Oh my god, is this still survival in the wilderness? You can even take a bath? This is really camping."

"Su Meng should change her name to Su Papi! You will know how to command my Daxian brother!"

"Upstairs, Su Meng is the most tired one, right?"

"Do you want to set up a hardworking person to blame me? No one asked her to do it all the time, and didn't she just go ahead and lead the way? How tiring can it be to lead the way? Laugh to death"

"That's right, I think she is the only one in the whole group paddling."

"You dare to take a cold shower after being tired all day. If you get sick and quit, will Su Meng take full responsibility?"

"That's right, don't other contestants stink? No one else has such a lot of troubles, but this group is hypocritical."

"Some people really have enough. The food and water shelters are all found and built by Su Meng. Can you not be embarrassed?"

"Pure passers-by, let me tell you something, Su Meng's performance in this wave is indeed not wrong"


While touching the snails, Su Meng paid attention to the movement around her. From time to time, she made some noises to threaten the beasts that might be lurking around, and chatted with Du Jiayue randomly.

Ten minutes later, there was a rustling sound of clothes being put on behind her.

"I'm fine, go take a bath, I'll take care of the rest of the snake." Du Jiayue's cheeks flushed a little, she tightened her jacket unnaturally, and said softly, "Well, give me the vest later , I'll wash it for you by the way."

I forgot to mention that the outfits for female contestants are underwear + a chest-length sports vest + jacket + underwear + jackets. If no jacket is selected, it is underwear + a chest-length sports vest + underwear + hip-length sports shorts.

"Thank you, but I've already taken care of the snake meat, you can just do the laundry." Su Meng was not polite, she knew from Du Jiayue's performance that she was now in a neutral state, whether it was above or below. .

Of course, for close-fitting clothes such as underwear, Su Meng would naturally wash them by herself, and would not let others do it for her.

After walking to the shallow water area and quickly taking off her clothes, Su Meng took a towel and began to wipe her body.

At this time, she was very glad that she had shaved her hair before coming to the wilderness, otherwise she would have to wash her hair in such cold water, tsk tsk tsk, even with her strengthened body, there is a high chance of catching a cold, right?
Kudos to my wit!
After wiping her body, Su Meng scrubbed her underwear without any hassle. She thought in her heart that she must make some soap when she frees up her hands after a while.

Two pieces are used for bathing, two pieces are used for washing clothes, and one piece is used for washing hands.

Thinking about it like this, I suddenly feel that my future life has a bright future, and I am very happy.

Su Meng put on the jacket, took the washed underwear, and walked out with an empty gear.

At this time, Du Jiayue had already dealt with the cauliflower snake and was washing their vests.

"I'm going to wash these wild vegetables. When we go back later, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing will come to take a bath, and then we can take advantage of their time to take a bath and dry their clothes with fire." Su Mengqiang said calmly, and the result Looking at Du Jiayue, the two of them suddenly laughed together.

Immediately, clear laughter like silver bells echoed around the pool.

More than ten minutes later, Su Meng and Du Jiayue returned to the pile of rocks talking and laughing, and Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing went to take a bath instead.

"I'll go and build a small fire in our palm leaf hut, and we will put our clothes in it to dry slowly later, and it will keep us warm when we sleep." Su Meng assigned the work and hugged her slowly. Dry logs had crept into the palm-leaf hut she had built, and she didn't want to sweat again.

Du Jiayue nodded, and obediently began to prepare the food for the evening: stewed snake meat with wild vegetables.

First, she cuts the washed cauliflower snake into pieces of uniform size with a hatchet, then puts it into a steel pot, adds an appropriate amount of water, and blanches the wild onion. This step is to remove the fishy smell.

When white foam appears on the surface of the boiling water, use homemade chopsticks to fish out the snake meat, put it on the washed banana leaves, and pour the water into the pit dug not far away. The fishy smell attracts carnivores.

Then, put the wild shallots into the steel pot for dry stir-frying. After the aroma is released, add the snake meat and stir-fry back and forth. Finally, add wild vegetables, snails and water for slow stewing.

Soon, the smell of food wafted from the steel pot.

At this time, Su Meng had already lit a fire in the center of the palm-leaf hut, laid out sleeping bags, and dried the two people's underwear.

After putting on her underwear, Su Meng called Du Jiayue to come in. She estimated that Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing would be back soon.

Sure enough, when Du Jiayue got dressed and just got out of the palm-leaf hut, three men with bare upper body appeared laughingly not far from the pile of rocks.

"Wow! It smells so good!" Bai Jing was the first to go to the campfire. He sniffed vigorously, his nose twitched slightly, and exclaimed: "My saliva is about to flow out, it must be delicious!"

"I've already started the fire in your house, and the sleeping bags have been laid out." Su Meng said to Su Xiang in a low voice, implying that if they have clothes that need to be dried, they can take them into the house for drying now. Dry.

Su Xiang nodded, and got into the palm leaf hut.

Du Jiayue looked at Bai Jing angrily: "Simmer again, don't get so close, be careful to burn you."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head and continued to sharpen the stick with the hatchet.

This is making chopsticks, you can't wait to grab them with your hands when you are going to eat, right?
After this day of getting along, the five of them also became familiar, and the awkward atmosphere before had disappeared in this familiarity.

(End of this chapter)

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