Chapter 19: A Hard Work

"Hello everyone, my name is Wang Aide. You can call me Ed, or my English name Ed." Wang Aide is a middle-aged man who looks to be in his forties. His skin is rough and there are some spots on his cheeks. Shallow scars, the hands placed on the long table are covered with calluses and fine scars, and the nails are also very short.

He looked at the camera, joked with a serious face, and said in a deep voice: "I am mainly responsible for analyzing whether the actions of the players are reasonable and necessary, and at the same time, I will also give you some knowledge about surviving in the wilderness."

Then, there was another burst of business mutual praise.

"Okay, now let's enter the live broadcast room of the contestants. Because of the particularity of our live broadcast room, there are a few points that need to be explained to the audience first." Teacher He looked at the camera and talked: "But those few points It doesn’t matter, what’s important is that our live broadcast room will be open from [-]:[-] p.m.

"So, our live broadcast room is full of dry goods. Viewers who want to learn knowledge, or don't have so much time to sit in the live broadcast room, can watch our live broadcast room on time, so that they can also know the movements of the players!"

"At the same time, you can also go to Weibo, Douge Video and Douge TV to vote for the players you support. Now, join us to observe the performance of the players!"

As soon as the voice fell, the staff in the director's hall immediately played the edited live recording.

At the beginning, there was a bright sky, and the dark crowds lined up to get on the car in an orderly manner. Then, when the screen turned, a sea of ​​blue and boundless seas appeared in front of us. On the sea area stood two lonely trees with lush trees and towering peaks. island.

In the later period, relevant information was also intimately introduced.

These are two huge islands, connected end to end, just like the Taoist Yin-Yang Eight Diagrams and Tai Chi Diagram, one Yin-Yang island is connected by a shallow seaway, after the ebb tide, dry waterways and hideous reefs will be exposed, along the seaway , you can travel from one island to another.

Both islands are very large in size, each approximately 82360 square kilometers.

At the normal walking speed of human beings, one can walk about 5 kilometers in one hour. Calculated by walking for eight hours a day, it would take 65 days at the fastest to travel from the east of the island to the west in a straight line.

Then helicopters appeared on the screen respectively, and the faces of the contestants appeared one by one, and finally shrank, and the name of "Survival in the Wilderness 600 Days" appeared impressively.

The first screen to appear in the live broadcast room was from the Gu Yue group. Because it was the most popular, it was edited to the front by the staff.

The five of Gu Yue also landed on the beach. Jiang Ying was the first to suggest that the seaside is rich in resources, so it is better to build a shelter by the seaside, but this suggestion was rejected by Cao Xuyang, and the reason for the refusal was that the high tide would flood here.

Seeing this, Teacher He took the lead to ask: "Mr. Ed, is Xuyang's conclusion correct?"

"Yes, his analysis is very correct." Wang Aide affirmed Cao Xuyang's analysis with a serious face. He glanced at Cao Xuyang's relevant information and added: "This player's PSR score is very high, a full 8.5 points. This shows that his relevant field knowledge and experience are very solid."

Zhou Nanfei also glanced at the materials prepared by the program group, and said with a smile: "I saw his occupation, he is a retired special soldier, no wonder the score is so high, it seems that Gu Yue's group has a high chance of winning the championship."

"Then those teams who choose to build shelters by the sea will be miserable?" Lan Yin's eyes widened, and a worried expression immediately appeared on his face: "I just saw that Huang Ming's team chose to build shelters by the sea of……"

"I can only hope that the tide will not rise tonight, but it is highly likely to be impossible." Wang Aide said lightly.

At this time, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room was refreshed rapidly.

"I feel sorry for those contestants who built shelters by the sea"

"I have been squatting since the start of the broadcast until now, and I said that some players have already quit!"

"Wish Not to Rise"

"It's over, it's over, my brother built the shelter by the sea, brother, don't be flooded!"

"I just came out of Su Meng's live broadcast room, and I was shocked when I heard this. Su Meng's vase is actually right. When did she know so much hard core knowledge?"

"They also came out of Su Meng's live broadcast room. I said that Su Meng and the others have already started weaving fishing baskets."

"Su Meng is everywhere, can you stop scrolling? It's annoying"


Then, the screen has been broadcast to the players starting to hunt, looking for food and water sources, building shelters and other scenes.

Of course, the scenes that appear here are all carefully selected by the staff. There are no bright spots, hot spots or controversial scenes, and they will not waste time editing and playing them.

Coincidentally, the scene where Su Meng discovered the beast way and feces was also edited out by the staff as a highlight, and in the later stage, he mischievously added a word of 'dislike' to the screen P.

Seeing this, Wang Aide, who was still a little careless, suddenly sat up straight.

Teacher He noticed Wang Aide's abnormality very keenly, and asked, "Mr. Ed, did you find anything?"

"The beast path just now came out of a bear, and judging by the size of the beast path, the bear is still quite big..."

Teacher He didn't expect Wang Aide to speak surprisingly, so he suppressed the excitement in his heart, and asked in a slightly worried tone: "Really? Could it be the animal way of other animals?"

"No, because that pile of feces is also bear's, and it looks like it has just been pulled." Wang Aide's tone was very serious, even with a hint of criticism and disapproval: "Bears are very dangerous beasts. If I meet a bear in the wild , Even if you have a weapon in your hand, you will choose to turn around and run away."

"I don't know if this little girl named Su Meng recognizes that it is bear feces. If she recognizes that it is bear feces but doesn't tell the team members, then her behavior can be said to be very selfish. It’s putting your teammates’ safety at risk.”

Hearing this, the barrage in the live broadcast room skyrocketed again.

"Wow, shit, shit, that poop is actually made by Xiong!"

"Su Meng is really selfish. She disregarded the safety of her teammates just to show her face! The road turned black!"

"At this time, a drunk man from a fighting nation passed by: What? My pet was thrown in the forest? Send me the coordinates, and I'll go pick it up right away."

"Qiaoqiu, don't be embarrassing, did Su Meng tell the team friends? The editing of the program group is really disgusting."

"Yin-Yang Editing is Late but Arrived"


Fortunately, the staff of the program team released the picture of Su Meng telling his teammates.

"I am a little impressed by this little girl." Wang Aide was a little surprised, and seemed to be explaining with emotion: "This can only be analyzed with rich hunter experience, and I look at her information, she seems to be an artist, right? Being able to analyze the animal feces so quickly shows that she really worked hard."

(End of this chapter)

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