Chapter 35 Let's Go, Boy!

"My grandfather used to be a hunter. I learned some hunting skills from him, and I have no objection." Zhao Lei nodded in agreement without hesitation. He originally wanted to go into the jungle, but he was helpless, and no one listened to him. Views.

Shu Ying was a little unwilling, but she didn't dare to go against Huang Ming openly, for fear of making him unhappy, so she twitched the corners of her mouth and said with a considerate smile: "There are a lot of mosquitoes in the jungle, I'm afraid Shanshan won't be able to bear it. "

"I'm fine, I can, I agree." Luo Shanshan didn't want to be used as a gunman, and she was afraid of being misunderstood by the audience in the live broadcast room, so she quickly refuted.


Su Meng stretched her waist, squinted her eyes and slept in the sleeping bag for a while, then slowly crawled out and put on her clothes quickly.

Before going to bed yesterday, she directly received the primary shooting experience package, the tool making method experience package, and the trap encyclopedia. Although the latter two were fragments, the huge amount of knowledge still made her brain swell, and finally passed out successfully.

But it also gave her a good night's sleep, and she felt refreshed when she woke up today.

After getting out of the palm-leaf hut, Su Meng yawned and waved to everyone saying good morning.

Seeing Su Xiang's energetic appearance, Su Meng knew that this guy also received the experience package last night and was very satisfied.

Although Su Xiang’s seven-day sign-in small gift package only has food tonic formula, this food tonic formula is amazing. It can not only release the deliciousness of the ingredients to the maximum, but also perfectly transform the food into special energy, gradually enhancing the physique of the eater .

Of course, the effect will not be too exaggerated, at most it is similar to taking a weakened version of the primary body strengthening potion.

"Su Meng, come over to drink mushroom fish soup after washing up." Du Jiayue greeted with a smile. After the private discussion last night, the relationship between the two has warmed up a lot, and they tend to develop into girlfriends.

Su Meng responded, took a bamboo tube to scoop up a tube of warm water in the steel pot, ran to the corner of the pile of rocks and started brushing her teeth.

Here is the drainage channel she specially opened, and the water will flow into the jungle along this drainage channel, nourishing the trees.

She placed the bamboo tube on a relatively stable stone, crushed a piece of charcoal and applied it to her teeth, instantly turning her white teeth into black.

Then she picked up a wooden stick and rubbed it up and down, left and right in her mouth very regularly, and then accidentally poked her own gums, which immediately made her grin her teeth in pain.

"It seems that I have to find a way to get a toothbrush." ​​After washing the charcoal in his mouth, Su Meng covered his cheek with his hand and muttered softly: "Go and see if there is mint, the whole natural version of mint charcoal toothpaste."

In fact, in ancient China, probably in the late Tang Dynasty, people would soak willow branches in water, and when they needed to use them, they would bite the willow branches with their teeth, and use the fibers of willow branches as toothbrushes to brush their teeth. The saying "morning chewing tooth wood".

But on this island, it is obviously impossible to find willows.

Just to see if there are other branches that can be substituted.

Su Meng was still the last one to get up today, and when she washed up and walked to the campfire, she could already smell the strong fresh fragrance.

The milky white soup is gurgling and bubbling, the white fish inside is flying, and the pink mushrooms are interspersed in it, like red clouds reflected in thousands of piles of snow.

Su Meng couldn't wait to fill a bowl of mushroom fish soup, and blew gently, an indescribable fresh fragrance flooded into the nasal cavity, stimulating the mouth to start salivating unconsciously.

It was about early six o'clock at this time, and the weather was still a bit cold. Even if this bowl of steaming fish soup had not been eaten, it seemed to have dispelled the coldness of the morning and warmed people up from the heart.

Holding the bowl, taking a sip carefully, Su Meng's eyes lit up, feeling that the fatigue of the past two days was swept away, her mood became more and more beautiful, and she was full of expectations for the future.

The fish meat has been stewed until soft, and it melts in the mouth with a light sip, with a proper salty taste.

Sure enough, there is nothing more healing than good food.

If so, it is not hungry enough.

After eating a hearty breakfast and drinking two more bowls of Banlangen water, Su Meng began to assign today's tasks, and briefly told everyone about her plans.

"Today I'm going to explore the surrounding environment alone, Su wants to go with Jiayue to gather mushrooms and wild vegetables, Zhang Lin, you and Bo Jing go to the beach yesterday to see if you can catch fish, and then dig some oysters and clams back. "

"We need to store enough food in the past few days, and then we will start to build water pipes and build new homes. With water pipes, we don't have to go to the pool to get water, which will make our lives more convenient. It can also improve our safety, after all, the poolside is still very dangerous, with wild boars and bears appearing."

"Now the rainy season on the island should be coming soon. Once the rainy season arrives, we can't go out to hunt, and we also have to take into account the possibility of severe weather such as typhoons. Secondly, although spring is about to begin and summer is about to begin, according to the current island In terms of temperature, the temperature difference between day and night is still very large, so I don’t think it can be viewed from the scientific perspective of the earth’s climate, so we need a stronger, warmer, and more comfortable house, not a shelter made of grass.” Speaking of this, Su Meng paused, then said to Su Xiang:

"After you finish picking the wild vegetables, you can cut some palm leaves and come back. The hut needs to be repaired and covered constantly, otherwise if there are two more heavy rains, it may leak."

This is the downside of building shelters out of leaves.

After the leaves are exposed to the sun and rain, they will rot, shrink, and be eaten by insects. Once this happens, it will cause rain leakage and even collapse.

"Will it be dangerous for you to explore alone?" Zhang Lin frowned, with a worried expression on his face, but just after he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered that Su Meng had been leading the way for the past two days, and he felt embarrassed again.

"Bad, small problem." Su Meng changed the topic with a smile, and said seriously: "It rained last night, the road must be slippery, and the trees in the jungle grow very fast, but the road opened yesterday should still be open today." Now, don’t run far away, and don’t touch the trees with your hands when you are still opening the road, because it may be a snake disguised, and use a wooden stick to open the road.”

I don't know why, since Su Meng came to this island, she has always felt uneasy. This feeling has been urging her to hurry up, and then hurry up, as if if she slowed down, something terrible would happen. .

This is also one of the reasons why she kept letting Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Du Jiayue, and Bai Jing travel day and night and work together.

"Okay, before the weather is so hot, everyone should carry at least three bamboo tubes of water. Let's go, young man!" Su Meng took the lead in carrying five bamboo tubes of cool water, and the middle school student took the lead in striding forward after shouting the slogan. Go to the jungle in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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