Chapter 38 What are you doing?

So while it was still early in the day, she made a few more noose traps to catch pheasants.

This kind of trap is simple and convenient to make. The principle is to use a pressure plate made of a branch. If an animal steps on the snare made of this branch, the trap will be triggered.

This kind of trap can not only catch small animals, but even animals the size of deer cannot escape once they are trapped.

In order to be realistic, Su Meng even sprinkled some fallen leaves and weeds on the trap to cover it up.

In order to increase the hit rate of catching, she made several different traps in different places one after another, even the traps used to catch birds in rural areas.

After making the trap, Su Meng brandished the hatchet to harvest several bundles of thatch, the kind with the roots and grass.

"What a bumper harvest..." She wiped the sweat from her forehead and muttered with a bright smile, but before she finished speaking, she suddenly threw the hatchet in her hand towards the ground not far away.

The drone took pictures along the path of the hatchet, and saw that the knife actually chopped off the head of a snake.

The snake was about two meters long, golden in color, and seemed to be one with the surrounding environment. I don't know how Su Meng discovered it.

"As we all know, no matter whether the snake is poisonous or not, as long as the head is removed, it can be eaten." Su Meng brought the headless snake corpse to the camera of the unmanned aerial camera, and gave the audience in the live broadcast room a close-up of the snake's body.


"Directly 999 is fine, because 6 is flipped"

"This snake is healthy and beautiful"

"This snake is about to turn into a dragon. It's a pity that the cultivation of a thousand cattle will be ruined in the hands of a weak woman."

"Upstairs, I blindly guess that Su Meng can fly three of you with one punch."

"Holy shit, Su Meng is so accurate, no matter whether he just shot a rabbit or a pheasant or is now throwing a knife, he will be killed in one hit."

"This is the first time I saw someone using a hatchet as a flying knife. I seriously doubt that Su Meng is a martial arts master."

"Doubt +1"

"I just came from Daxian, and Daxian picked up a lot of fish for nothing."


Su Meng couldn't see the barrage in the live broadcast room, but she just wanted to stimulate the audience.

"It's very strange. I don't know this kind of snake. It looks like a miniature version of the golden python. It may be a unique species on this planet." Su Meng shrugged and explained to the camera.

When a person is in the wilderness, he can relieve psychological pressure and discomfort by talking to himself.

After she dug wild vegetables for a while, and the bag couldn't hold it in her back, she set foot on the road back to the camp with unsatisfied intentions.

Along the way, she paid special attention to whether there were any suitable trees. She planned to make a bow and arrow while it was still early today.

The reason why I chose to make slings last night was because of the sudden interest, and because the slings are easy and quick to make. Although it is easy to make slingshots, but she doesn’t have that kind of elastic rope in hand, even if she makes it The power is only mediocre.

In ancient times, the bow was the most common and most lethal hunting tool, but the production of the bow was also very particular.

It is best to choose a hard wood that is dry and not grayed and cracked, such as oak, mulberry, lemon tree, yew tree, acacia tree, walnut tree or teak.

Due to carrying too many things on her back, Su Meng's physical strength was exhausted very quickly when she went back, and she had to take a sip of the cool white tea in the bamboo tube from time to time.

When she was about to reach the camp, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she quickly cut off the surrounding vines with a hatchet, and walked to a small tree with a look of joy.

This small tree has thorns on it, and the fragrance of the leaves is very strong, and there are a few tender green oval fruits hanging on it.

It's lemons!
It's a lemon tree!

Su Meng searched around again, and found a few more lemon trees, but it was a pity that these lemons were not ripe yet, they were all tender green.

However, it can be used to flavor tea.

Su Meng marked the nearby trees and picked a few lemons at random. She is a person who insists on sustainable development, so she didn't pick all the lemons here.

At first she was hesitant to cut down a lemon tree to make a bow and arrow, but she soon discovered another small tree that she couldn't name, which could also be used to make bows and arrows.

After making up his mind, Su Meng was not in a hurry to cut down the tree. Instead, he put all the materials in his hands and back straps back to the camp, and then turned back to cut down the tree.

She chose a small tree with a diameter of about 5 centimeters, and adopted the method of cutting the tree around. After the tree was cut down, the tree was cut into wood about 1.25 meters long.

To drag the wood back to the camp, she first used a hatchet to split the 1.25-meter-long wood in two from the top, and took half of it for cutting, which saved some effort and time.

Without the aid of modern tools, the wood split with a hatchet is slightly distorted, so she needs to make some adjustments to the wood, chop off some of the ends of the wood, and slowly trim the wood into a straight piece of wood.

This is a delicate and time-consuming job. If she is not careful, the wooden thorn will get stuck in her hand, and the audience in the live broadcast room will be terrified.

After finally trimming the wood, Su Meng had to use a hatchet to cut the wood into a shape that gradually tapers toward both ends, in which the width and thickness are reduced, but the thickness is less.

When Zhang Lin and Bo Jing came back with a bamboo pole and fish, Su Meng was slowly polishing the wood, and both sides of the wood were full of sawdust.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Lin asked curiously before he had time to show off his big harvest today.

Su Meng replied without raising her head: "There are wolves, rabbits, pheasants, deer and sheep over there. I plan to make a bow so that I can hunt conveniently."

Hearing this, Zhang Lin and Bo Jing were both startled, and said in unison: "There are wolves?!"

"That's right, so we urgently need a weapon with long-range lethality now. Bows and arrows are undoubtedly the best choice." Su Meng didn't have a bird planer, so he could only use a hatchet to sharpen it vigorously.

She did not remove the bark of the wood, but kept the bark, which can effectively protect the back of the bow from accidental cuts or scratches.

Then, she cut out a bow handle about 12.5 cm long from the middle of the wood. This length is more suitable for the hand to hold. She pays special attention to this step, because here only the width can be reduced, and the thickness cannot be reduced, otherwise the lethality of the bow will get weaker.

Then carve notches for hanging strings on both sides, and a simple outline of the bow is completed.

After putting the finished bow in the sun on the stone pile, she went to weave the inner layer of dried bark into a rope, which was used as a bowstring.

After putting the bow strings on the bow, Su Meng found that the arms of the bow were not symmetrical enough, and the left side was more curved than the right side, so she trimmed the abdomen of the bow arms to make the arms more symmetrical.

"Hey, Su Meng, what are you doing?" Su Xiang and Du Jiayue also returned to the camp, and saw Su Meng sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding a bow in one hand and a hatchet in the other, constantly rubbing against the arms of the bow, so asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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