Chapter 45 Top Ten Weibo Search List

Su Meng hooked the corners of her mouth, responded casually, and thought to herself: This is a formula produced by the system. It is said that as long as you wear the insect repellent pill, with the wearer as the center, there will be no snakes, insects, mosquitoes and ants within a radius of five meters. , and the effect of one pill can last for a full seven days!

After returning to the camp, Du Jiayue took over the work of cooking fires and tearing palm leaves, while Su Meng continued to build herringbone huts without haste.

Supper is chicken stewed with mushrooms and fried sixties.

The sixties are still being raised in the basket, but the pheasant and mushrooms have been stewed.

When Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing finished their baths and returned to the camp with the last ray of sunlight, Su Meng finally finished building the herringbone hut.

She calculated that a total of about 1500 palm leaves were used to build the hut.

My hands are numb.

Because the palm leaves on the roof of the shed were not tied and fixed, she found a few more wooden sticks, crossed them two by two, tied them with vines and fixed them, and put them on the roof of the shed to hold down the leaves on the roof ridge.

Such a front-to-back ventilated shed is officially completed.

After carrying all the firewood stored in the open air into the shed and stacking them up in piles, Su dreamed about it, and made a rear wall pillar for the shed.

The rest will be done tomorrow, there is not enough time today.

in the live room.

"So Green (Funny)"

"September and autumn, the high wind howls, and rolls the triple thatch on my house"

"Science: The stick is called jockey because it looks like a person riding a horse"

"If you don't understand, just ask, is this group here for infrastructure construction?"

"The other groups all squeezed into a shelter. This group has already built the third house. People are not as good as firewood."

"Good guy, this group is going straight to a well-off life, and they all live in a small flat with excellent ventilation and lighting."

"Just ask when to build a courtyard house"

"The Su Meng Group can say that they are a big family in the future."

"Isn't this group really okay? There's so much food that you can't finish it, and you even build a house for firewood when you're bored. The ball program group is healthy and another group, don't just love this group! Be a person!"


"Hey, Su Meng, what are our plans for tomorrow?" Seeing that Su Meng finally stopped what he was doing and sat down by the campfire to rest, Bai Jing immediately leaned over to ask with a smile.

"Or do you mean that tomorrow's arrangement is the same as today's?" Zhang Lin didn't have the self-consciousness of being a team leader, and after handing Su Meng a bowl of hot chicken soup, he also asked.

Su Meng took the chicken soup, carefully blew on the steaming heat, took a sip, and pondered for a moment: "If it doesn't rain tomorrow, you will have the same arrangement as today."

As for herself, she decided to go to see if there were any rabbits or pheasants caught in the trap tomorrow morning.

The camp must be perfected tomorrow, and there is no longer any delay.

The more food in the camp, the more dangerous they are, and she has always had a strange feeling, which seems to be urging her to complete the camp quickly.

She dared not slow down.

Thinking about the problem, she drank all the chicken soup in the bamboo bowl before she knew it.

Looking at the empty bamboo bowl, Su Meng raised her eyebrows, and said to Su Xiang: "Didn't you make this chicken soup according to the formula of food tonic?"

Su Xiang was puzzled: "I made it according to the formula of food supplements."

Su Meng pursed her lips, and felt her body carefully. After noticing a faint warm current, she spoke again: "Did you put too much water, or the proportion of ingredients is wrong?"

Hearing this, Su Xiang immediately felt aggrieved, thinking that he had worked so hard to make food supplements, and it was fine if his sister didn't appreciate it, and even picked on her.

Do you know how hard it is to find the right supplement formula? !
Sister smelly, actually questioned his ability.

"Impossible, I follow the recipe strictly." Su Xiang snorted coldly, and turned his head away from Su Meng.

"Isn't it delicious? I smell very good." Zhang Lin stood up calmly to smooth things over, for fear that the siblings would have conflicts.

He scooped up a bowl of chicken soup, blew on the hot air and took a sip, his eyes lit up immediately: "I can say this is the best chicken soup I've ever had, it's so fresh!"

Su Meng was speechless for a moment. It's not a question of whether it tastes good or not, is it? !
Pointing to the pot of chicken soup, she said solemnly, "If you follow the food supplement formula strictly, then there is something wrong with the snake we ate."

Hearing that there was something wrong with the snake they ate in the afternoon, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue all trembled in fright.

"'t scare me, this is not a joke." Bai Jing stammered, his face full of surprise.

Knowing that the four had misunderstood, Su Meng sighed and explained in more detail:

"The pot of wild vegetables and snake meat at noon, I just drank half a bowl of soup and felt warm in my body, and now this pot of pheasant stewed mushrooms is better than the pot at noon in terms of ingredients and accessories, but I drank the whole bowl Soup, but nothing."

"As far as I know, there is a certain gap between different food supplement formulas, but it is absolutely impossible to have such an obvious gap, so I suspect that there is something wrong with the snake, and it may be some great tonic."

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue all had question marks on their faces, why they suddenly couldn't understand.

"I don't believe you can eat a few pieces of chicken. In the afternoon, you only ate a piece of snake meat and your stomach hurts." Su Meng's tone was cold, but he was thinking about the species of golden snake in his mind. .

"So you don't know what kind of snake that is?!"

Facing the doubts from the four people, Su Meng nodded awkwardly, as if she was afraid that the four people would misunderstand, and she explained: "Don't worry, the snake is not poisonous, and I will not use the poisonous snake as food unless it is absolutely necessary. "

"I mean, the reason why the wild vegetable snake meat in the afternoon is so nourishing is probably because of the golden snake, and it is most likely a native creature of this planet."

There is still a guess in Su Meng's mind. She suspects that the native creatures of this planet may contain huge energy, but so far she has only met that snake, so she can only wait for her to capture the native creatures of this planet again. , to verify whether this conjecture is correct.

Hearing this, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue were all stunned. That's right, they are on a different planet.

The geographical environment, animals and plants here are so similar to Blue Star, that they have forgotten that they are on an uninhabited planet at the moment.

And the moment Su Meng expressed his guess, the popularity of the live broadcast room suddenly began to skyrocket.

In just two hours, many entries, such as [Survive in the Wilderness 600 Days Su Meng Discovers New Species], [Golden Snake Tonic], [Food Tonic Formula], directly occupied the top ten Weibo search lists.

Many netizens who heard the news sent bullet screens asking for resources and the cause and effect.

At this time, the observer's live broadcast room also started on time.

 Thanks to everyone for your support, this book rushed to the ninth place on the new book list!

  This is the glory of all of us, thank you for your support and love for this book, I will continue to work hard!
  By the way, I would like to ask for a wave of favorites, recommendations and interactions~~~ I love you~(`) Compassionate

(End of this chapter)

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