Chapter 48: Start digging ditches
"You can arrange it." Su Meng looked at the cloudy sky, and estimated in her heart that it should be nearly six o'clock.

She hadn't woken up this early since high school.


After spitting out the warm water in his mouth, Su Meng washed his face seriously again, not sloppy at all.

After washing up, Su Meng remembered to find out what the uninvited guest was last night.

She carried the hatchet and walked towards the place where the beast had appeared last night. In just a few short steps, she forced her to walk with a pace that no relatives would recognize.

"Huh?" Su Meng searched around, but couldn't find any trace of the beast, nor her own arrow.

"It shouldn't be. It's clearly in this direction. Even if I miss it, then my arrow should not disappear. Could it be that I was killed by the arrow and was taken away by that beast?"

Su Meng frowned and looked at the ground more carefully.

Although it didn't rain last night, the jungle was still a little wet in the early morning, and the bushes were intertwined with each other, making it difficult to identify animal tracks.

"Found it!" Su Meng's eyes suddenly lit up, and she noticed a few vines stained with blood on the edge of a slightly wider bush.

However, when she walked to the edge of the bushes, she took a closer look, raised her eyebrows, and looked a little gloomy.

She found no corpse of the beast, but she found some shallow footprints in the ground, and signs of dragging.

And among those footprints, there are cats.

You must know that whether it is a fox, a jackal or a wolf, they are all canids.

Su Meng's mind was uncertain, and her eyes scanned the surrounding trees, and found that there were still a few scratches that were not light or shallow on many trees.

No, no, she won't be so unlucky.

There are no big cats around the camp!
"Mengmeng, let's eat!" Du Jiayue's shout interrupted Su Meng's wild thoughts.

She answered absently, and began to think about whether to tell Zhang Lin and the others about this discovery.

Now she is not sure whether there are really big cats around the camp. If she just thinks too much, saying it will only increase everyone's sense of fear, but if it is true...

That would be dangerous.

After thinking about it, she still felt that safety was the most important thing. Even if her guess was wrong, it would be good for Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue to be more vigilant.

So while having breakfast, Su Meng tactfully expressed her guess: "There may be big cats around the camp."

Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue were stunned again, and suddenly felt that the chicken soup in the bowl was no longer fragrant.

What a magical place this is!
There are bears, wolves and big cats.

Just treat it as a zoo.

But to Su Meng's surprise, the three of them lost their minds for a short while, and then quickly regained their composure, and none of them hesitated to quit.

Su Meng was immediately lost.

I really want to ask if the three of you have any misunderstandings about big cats. Big cats are wild and can eat people.

She and Su Xiang were forced to not leave the uninhabited planet. Leaving here meant that the mission had failed and they would be directly obliterated, but Zhang Lin and the three would not be obliterated if they quit the show.

Although the bonus is high, you have to spend your life, right?

Especially Zhang Lin, he is Shidi, Shidi!
His net worth has already entered the rich list, and there is no shortage of this little bonus, so he wouldn't bet his life for this little money.

Su Meng didn't ask the three of them why they came to this show, and there was no need for them to find out the root cause of such a private matter.

After breakfast, Zhang Lin and Bo Jing went to the beach with their bamboo tubes on their backs. Su Xiang and Du Jiayue continued to search for herbs and wild vegetables.

Su Meng was carrying the back strap that was just made last night, with a quiver on her waist, a hatchet in one hand, and a wooden stick in the other, and headed for the grassland.

When she arrived at the destination, she looked around and did not see any rabbits or pheasants struggling on the grass.

Disappointment flashed across Su Meng's amber eyes, but she quickly adjusted her emotions. She walked to the place where the traps were set in her memory and began to check them one by one.

There are a total of five traps, two of which are still intact, and the remaining three have been triggered, but there are no animals on them.

And one of the traps that was triggered should have caught the prey, but it was caught by other wild beasts first, leaving only a blood-stained rabbit fur.

Su Meng sighed and confirmed that this piece of grass was the hunting spot of the old wolf king, so she gave up her plan to re-make the noose.

Sure enough, good luck doesn't stay with someone forever.

But returning empty-handed is clearly out of the question.

Su Meng decided to pull out a basket of thatch and go back.

Su Meng walked on the path back to the camp with a basket of thatch on her back, humming an unknown tune briskly.

In the past two days, Zhang Lin and Bo Jing felled a lot of giant dragon bamboos in the giant dragon bamboo forest. These giant dragon bamboos were not only used to build new houses, but also used to build water pipes.

Although the water source is only a few minutes away from the camp, she plans to burn pottery and make earthen houses behind her, which require a lot of water.

If you go to the pool to carry water, or carry the wet mud back to the camp after mixing the mud at the pool, it will take a lot of time and effort, and the rewards are not equal to the effort you put in.

Rather than gaining more than the loss, it is better to work harder at the beginning and directly erect a water diversion pipeline to lead the water from the pool to the camp.

Once and for all.

As for why not dig a well directly in the camp, it is because the time and energy required to dig a well is too great, and it is impossible to do it in the wild without corresponding tools.

Moreover, she couldn't be sure where there was water, and it was very likely that the bamboo basket would be empty in the end.

After comprehensive consideration, she felt that it was more reliable to erect pipelines.

Su Meng put the back bamboo in the shed, and dragged the bamboo with the bamboo joints through to the water pool.

Although there is a giant dragon bamboo forest around their camp, the bamboo forest is not very big. Although the giant dragon bamboo is tall and one is stronger than three, there are too many places where bamboo will be used in the future.

In order to live comfortably in summer, she plans to build a bamboo house on stilts, and bamboo can also be used to make paper and boats.

A veritable universal material like bamboo can be said to use less, so it is necessary to save bamboo, and it is necessary to plan the erection route of the water diversion pipeline at the beginning of erection.

As we all know, the straight line between two points is the shortest, so Su Meng decided to go straight.

Dig a small ditch directly from the pool to the camp, and then install the giant dragon bamboo with the bamboo joints in the ditch as a transmission pipeline, which can save a lot of follow-up effort.

For example, there is no need to check every day whether the pipeline has shifted its position, whether it has been knocked down by wild animals, and so on.

Su Meng started digging ditches from the edge of the pool.

The ditch is neither very wide nor deep, just enough to accommodate a giant dragon bamboo.

(End of this chapter)

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