Chapter 52: A flash of inspiration

in the live room.

"Is this a woman? It's scary to take a shower after a tiring day"

"Laughing to death, Daxian Bai Jingsu thinks that three big men are still paralyzed on the ground"

"If you take it, you will know how to take a shower. If you have time to take a shower, won't you go hunting? The wild vegetables you found today are not enough for Su Meng alone."

"That's right, none of the stars in other groups who are bigger than Su Meng are clamoring to take a bath every day, she's the only one who's hypocritical, Yue."

"The stars in other groups don't do as much as Su Meng."

"By the way, is Su Meng not worried about food at all? Doesn't she count the amount of food she and Su Xiang eat?"

"Whoever needs to build it, please don't use my brother, thank you"

"Hey, if you have the ability, your brother don't live, don't eat, don't use it"


Du Jiayue came out of the shower very quickly, Su Meng's nose moved slightly, and then a look of disgust flashed across her face.

She didn't think there was anything just now, but now that she had a comparison, she could smell her own body all at once.

It's hard to say.

Su Meng quickly took off her clothes and began to take a bath. Although the pool water was very cold, she washed very carefully this time.

She had a lot of labor today and sweated a lot.

If a person sweats too much and doesn't clean it up in time, it will attract mosquitoes to bite, and some indescribable parts will be rubbed, which will also abrade the already delicate skin.

More importantly, it can also cause symptoms such as skin itching, especially for those who usually pay attention to personal hygiene and love cleanliness. If they suddenly stimulate the skin too much, it will also cause allergic symptoms.

Especially in the wilderness, there is no good medical condition here, so you have to pay more attention to personal hygiene.

But Su Meng didn't dare to wash for too long, the water in the pool was so cold that she shivered.

Afraid of catching a cold after washing for a long time, being sick means that you are on the verge of being eliminated.

She dare not gamble on her physical fitness.

After rubbing their underwear, Su Meng and Du Jiayue set off on their way back to the camp.

Just when the two of them were about to step out of the woods, Su Meng suddenly stopped and shouted: "We are back!"

Then she heard a rush of hands and feet.

"You... you two wait, I'm getting dressed!"

It was Bo Jing who answered.

It turned out that after the coolie trio sat paralyzed for a while, Su Xiang suddenly suggested: Anyway, they are all bathing in cold water, and the camp has water now, so why not take a bath directly in the camp, and save 10 minutes of walking.

This proposal was approved by Zhang Lin and Bo Jing.

So the three of them took turns squatting at the water outlet of the bamboo tube to take a bath.

Bo Jing was the last one to take a bath, and Su Meng was able to discover this anomaly because she heard singing.

"I love to take a bath and have good skin~la la la~"

It's hard to imagine a man with a height of 183, squatting under the bamboo tube, rubbing the dirt on his body, and humming a little tune briskly in his mouth.

The picture is really beautiful.

Su thought that he was already very consciously preparing dinner.

Today's dinner is relatively simple, it is two pots of wild vegetable kelp fish soup, the kind with six fish.

"It's time to eat!"

Su wanted to say hello loudly, and lifted the lid of the steel pot.

The hot air rose and rolled, and the umami taste of the fish soup gushed out all at once, and the five people's stomachs let out a "gurgling" sound in coordination.

Su Meng took the bamboo bowl and began to fill up the fish soup. Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue all had one fish per person, but she had two fish.

This was the request Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue made after they found Su Xiang after discussing it quietly.

It would be a lie to say that you are not impressed.

Su Meng lowered her eyes and silently remembered this friendship.

Seeing that Su Meng nodded and gave her an affirmative answer, she felt her throat was a little dry, and said with a little embarrassment and longing: "In this case...wouldn't it be a waste of time and energy?"

Girls love to be clean, but they also lack a sense of security.

Bathing naked in the wild may not matter to men, but for most women, it will feel very shameful and insecure.

Now Su Meng told her that the bathroom will be built tomorrow. This news is undoubtedly a pleasant surprise, but she is also afraid that Su Meng will be blackmailed because of this action.

"Isn't it necessary to build a thorn fence tomorrow? If we also need to dig a reservoir and build a bathroom, will the amount of work be too big?" Du Jiayue suddenly remembered the pile of thorn trees piled up in the camp, and the halfway through the digging. The reservoir, asked with a worried face.

The rubble pile camp where the five people are now, plus the surrounding area that has been deliberately cut down and cleared, the area of ​​the camp is as big as two basketball courts.

Su Meng chuckled, her eyebrows curved, and she comforted Du Jiayue with a smile: "Don't worry, we are just starting now, we don't need to enclose the entire camp, we just need to enclose the water source, palm leaf huts and huts first." That’s enough, the rest will be expanded slowly later.”

Hearing this, Du Jiayue was relieved and relieved.

"Mengmeng, I'll weave a pair of straw sandals for you tonight." Du Jiayue suddenly felt distressed when she saw Su Meng's bare feet.

Su Meng was wearing the sandals she had just woven last night, but those sandals were scrapped as soon as she returned to the camp.

So how much did her feet suffer?
Du Jiayue didn't dare to think about it, she was afraid that she couldn't help crying.

"Straw sandals? It will take more time, right?" Su Meng paused while eating fish, then frowned. Just as she was about to say that there is no need to bother, just weave sandals, she heard Du Jiayue interrupt her.

"There was no material before, but now we have thatch, we can weave straw sandals, and straw sandals are more durable than sandals, and can better protect feet. Besides, it doesn't take much time."

"Then, I'm sorry to trouble you." Hearing Durable, Su Meng didn't refuse Du Jiayue's kindness anymore, and she thanked her with a smile.

Watching the interaction between the two women, the trio of Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, and Bo Jing were speechless for a while.

Their sandals are also broken, hey!

Has no one noticed that they are all jio boards? !
What about opposites attracting same sex repelling?

Under the pitch-black night, Gu Yue and his party sat around the campfire and stared intently at the grilled fish in their hands. Everyone's face was full of unconcealable joy, the joy of a good harvest.

They caught a full twenty trout today!
It turned out that Gu Yue guessed that there must be more than a few trout in that stream, and later verified it, and found that there were indeed many large and small blue and black trout in the stream, traced in groups. .

This discovery made him overjoyed immediately, but the reality gave him a heavy blow. They spent the whole morning without catching a trout.

In the end, he had a flash of inspiration. He thought that by analyzing the trend of the stream, he could go around the downstream of the fish school and find a relatively narrow stream section to repeat the old trick.
(End of this chapter)

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