Chapter 55: Bending the Bow and Nodding the Arrow
Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue's eyes lit up, and they approved the proposal unanimously, and hugged the two 25-meter-long giant dragon bamboos to Su Meng.

Looking at the excited four people, Su Meng couldn't help but hold her forehead. Why does it feel like a handicraft class?And one bamboo is almost enough, right?There's no need to bring both giant dragon bamboos here! Hey!

Su Meng sighed, and said helplessly: "Chop these giant dragon bamboos into small pieces first."

She doesn't intend to teach Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue to weave the kind of bamboo chairs that are common in the city. Although that kind of bamboo chair is beautiful and comfortable to sit on, it takes too much time and energy , now there is no need to make such a good bamboo chair.

"First cut two bamboo sections of about 60 centimeters and one bamboo section of about 40 centimeters, and then tie the 60 centimeters of bamboo to the bamboo, like an X." Su Meng was making the frame of the chair while Take the time to see if Su thought the four of them did something wrong, and if they followed her steps.

"Then put this 40cm bamboo section across the back of the intersection point of the two Xs, and tie it firmly with a rope, so that the general frame of the chair is built, and the next step is to perfect a little detail."

in the live room.

"Speechless, this is a survival show, treating survival as entertainment will suffer a lot sooner or later"

"It's fine to make a chair, why do you want to make an armchair?"

"Ah, I like this chair so much."

"I feel like a hermit inexplicably, and I want to go too"

“The atmosphere of this group is really good”

"True billions of details"

"I really want to make a chair myself!"

"The screen has been recorded, and I will follow this tutorial to make a chair tomorrow"


When the last armchair was finished, all the bamboo in the camp was used up.

Su Meng pressed the seat surface to make sure that the chair could bear her weight, and then she sat on it contentedly.

emmmmm... How should I put it, it's comfortable, but it's a little cold on my butt.

But even so, the smiles on the faces of the five people did not fade.

When a person can create a useful object from nothing, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is very great.

This feeling even drove away most of their tiredness after working hard all day.

"It's great, now we have a set of furniture." Du Jiayue frowned, loving the chair she made herself.

Although the chair is ugly, it is not the ugliest.

Su Meng yawned, but she didn't expect to be the first one to get sleepy.

She stretched lazily, and rubbed her eyes with the back of her clean hand: "It's late, everyone, go to bed, tomorrow's arrangement is still the same as today's, good night."

While speaking, she yawned twice more.

"Well, the last one to go to sleep remember to put more wood in the fire, and try to keep the fire out as late as possible."

After Su Meng gave a word of advice, she didn't bother to care about the four people who were still immersed in excitement, got up and entered her palm leaf hut.

She took off her jacket and got into the warm sleeping bag. After a while, a slight snoring sound came from the sleeping bag.

A night without dreams.

The brisk chirping of the birds woke Su Meng up from her slumber.

She opened her eyes sleepily, lay in the sleeping bag for a while, and then quickly got up and put on her clothes.

"Hey, these clothes are sore." Su Meng raised his arm, sniffed his jacket, his small face collapsed immediately, and he made no secret of his dislike for his clothes.

It should be smelly if you think about it, not to mention the humid and hot place like Taiji Island, even in the city, if the clothes are soaked in sweat for a long time and are not washed in time, it will become sour and smelly.

"It seems that I have to find a way to make a piece of clothing that can temporarily cover my body, or do I wash the clothes after Su thinks they are all asleep?" Su Meng muttered, and quietly got out of the palm leaf hut.

Maybe it was because of being too tired yesterday and going to bed late, Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bai Jing, and Du Jiayue were all still sleeping.

Surprised, she was the first to get up.

While brushing her teeth with charcoal powder, Su Meng walked around the camp, scanning the surrounding environment with her eyes.

Although no wild beasts made any noise last night, it cannot be ruled out that no wild beasts approached their camp, so she decided to check carefully every morning before the thorn fence was completed.

This inspection really made her discover a lot of interesting things.

She squatted on the edge of the bushes around the camp, looking at the messy animal prints on the ground, and because of the mouthwash in her mouth, her speech seemed a little vague: "Interesting, are these footprints of wolves? It should be the one on the grass. The old wolf king, right? If it was a pack of wolves, I’m afraid they would have directly captured the camp last night.”

Wolves are a daunting existence in nature. They are bold and fearless. Once a suitable prey is identified, the wolf pack will attack the prey under the leadership of the head wolf. Cowardly hiding in the bushes to peep.

"Hmm... and the fox footprints? Did the big cat that took my prey come again last night?"

Su Meng frowned and thought about it, she had to know it well, after all, those were their future rations, the source of high-quality protein.

"It seems that we must finish the thorn fence today, otherwise even if we hit the prey, it will only bring danger." Su Meng muttered, holding the mouthwash cup, pouring water into his mouth, rinsing his mouth, and pouring the water again. Spit it out.

To survive here for a long time, having a safe camp is one of the necessary conditions.

After brushing her teeth, she wiped the corners of her mouth and the water stains on her face, and the last trace of drowsiness disappeared: "Tsk, brushing your teeth with cold water is really refreshing."

Then she silently picked up the steel pot and went to the water outlet of the bamboo tube to collect water, preparing to boil two pots of boiling water.

One pot was for Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue to wash and wash, and the other pot she decided to use to boil sugar water for drinking.

Yes, sugar water.

She pulled out a lot of thatch roots yesterday.

You must know that thatch root and sugar cane can make serious thatch cane sugar, but here there is only thatch root and no sugar cane, so she can only make do with it.

Although the maogen syrup produced in this way is not very sweet, it can still taste a little sweet.

Sweetness, a taste that is readily available in the city, has become a rare delicacy in the wilderness.

Cut the washed chives into small pieces and put them in the steel pot. She added some firewood and heated up the fire.


In the bushes not far away, there was a strange noise suddenly, which made her stop the fire.

A colorful pheasant came out of the bushes and swaggered into Su Meng's sight.

Su Meng thought about it for a moment, and found that she really didn't know what kind of pheasant it was, but it didn't matter, as long as it could be eaten.

Not to mention that this pheasant is still so fat.

She pursed her lips, took out the wooden bow she carried with her, drew out the arrows in her quiver, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

Bend the bow and shoot the arrow in one go.

(End of this chapter)

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