Chapter 57 When you have time, catch two female rabbits and come back
in the live room.

"23333 laughed so hard at me, it's a battle of dignity that we agreed to wager."

"Sure enough, secondary school is not necessary, and Flag can't be inserted casually"

"Where's the sharpshooter you promised? I'm afraid it's not because I opened it in the wrong way."

"Don't panic, this wave forgot to use the jungle knife"

"Deer: What the hell, it's really bad luck, let's forget it and continue eating grass."

"It's a pity, it was only a few centimeters away from the shot"


"It can't be repaired, Watasi is going to start serious." Su Meng didn't believe in evil, and continued to set the flag in the tone of a second-year girl.

Bow, nock, aim, all in one go.


Although the wooden arrow did not hit the deer's neck this time, it pierced into the deer's front legs.

The severe pain made the deer jump up suddenly, and then rushed into the nearby jungle.

The attack on the herd of deer immediately alarmed all the animals on the small grassland, and the animals of different races immediately scattered and fled.

"Sure enough, Flag can't stand around." Su Meng curled her lips, ran forward to pick up the arrow that shot into the soil, and then began to track down the injured deer.

The deer was shot in the front leg by her wooden arrow, and it was seriously injured, so it must not be able to run far.

She would never waste such a good prey.

Su Meng stepped into the jungle with a bow in hand. The ground of the jungle was full of dead branches and leaves, as well as low shrubs and seedlings. Both the ground and the branches were stained with bright red.

It was the blood of the deer.

After walking along the blood trail for about ten minutes, Su Meng finally found the injured deer in a bush.

It's not dead yet.

It fell to the ground and struggled continuously, trying to stand up again, but the arrow was stuck firmly on its front leg, making its injury worse and worse.

"Finally found you." The corner of Su Meng's mouth hooked slightly, and he knelt down and took out a rope to tie up his limbs.

She glanced at the arrow on the deer's leg, hesitated for a moment, but still did not pull out the arrow.

She was afraid that the deer would bleed profusely if the arrow was pulled out, and in the wilderness, the smell of blood would quickly attract predators.

Most importantly, she is taking the live deer home for processing.

The jungle is stuffy and hot. Animals die in this kind of weather. If they are not dealt with in time, a large group of flies will soon be attracted, and various parasites in the stomach will quickly enter the meat, which will accelerate the decay of the meat.

After thinking about it, Su Meng treated the deer's wound briefly to ensure that the deer would not die halfway. Then, she held the deer on her shoulders and walked towards the grass, humming a light tune.

Her sash is still there, so she has to go back quickly.

However, as soon as she reached the edge of the small grassland, she heard a miserable cry.


Su Meng looked at the scene not far away, and felt that it looked very familiar, but also had a strong sense of unreality.

Isn't this really a prop for the show?

In the bushes on the edge of the small grassland, under a big tree entangled with vines, a goat's head got stuck in the hanging vines.

As Su Meng approached, the goat barked louder.

The hanging vines were like a natural noose, as the goat struggled, it shrunk more and more, tightly wrapping around its neck.

Su Meng was dumbfounded. Was she suddenly favored by the goddess of luck?Or is her lucky point bonus over the top?

The audience in the live broadcast room were also dumbfounded, and the bullet screens were quickly swiped past.

"I thought I came to learn technology, but I didn't expect to learn bugs"

"Toxic bar this scene"

"Sheep: Don't come here!!!"

"Die laughing, head stuck"

"This luck is no one else"

"At this time a sheep gave up hope of life and crashed into a tree"

"This call really made me laugh to death 2333"

"Oh my god, it turns out that it is true to wait for a rabbit."

"Upstairs, this is waiting for the sheep"

"I don't believe it! This sheep is definitely a card model!"

"This cliff is fed by the program group. Can you be fair after serving the program group? Don't keep feeding the Su Meng group! Other groups also need to be fed!"


Su Meng did not kill the goat.

Because they don't have so many containers to store so much meat, and they don't have so much time to deal with this sheep.

I am content to be able to get rid of this dying deer today.

After comprehensive consideration, she decided to take the goat back to the camp to raise it as a food reserve.

Thinking of food reserves, she suddenly remembered that there seemed to be two rabbits and a pheasant raised in the camp. She seemed to have never fed them food, so they must have starved to death, right?
Su Meng shook her little head, and pulled back her wandering thoughts.

She untied a loop of rope from her waist and tied a double trailer knot on the goat's horns with the rope.

Generally speaking, as long as the horns are tied, the sheep will be obedient, but just to be on the safe side, she tied a rope around the goat's neck.

After doing all this, Su Meng took the rope, swung a knife to cut off the vines, and rescued the goat.

The goat wanted to run away as soon as it was out of danger, but Su Meng had expected it a long time ago. She snorted coldly and pulled the rope hard.


A scream sounded.

After repeating this several times, the goat finally became obedient as if resigned to its fate.

So Su Meng carried the sling on his back, carried the deer, carried the hatchet, led the sheep, and returned to the camp humming a little song.

"Today is a good day~ Anything you want can come true~"

Su Xiang, Zhang Lin, Bo Jing, and Du Jiayue looked at Su Meng who had returned with a full load, and their jaws almost dropped from the shock.

Even though they knew that Su Meng was powerful, this was too powerful, right? !
Not to mention hunting a deer the size of a bucket, but also brought back an intact sheep!
Do you dare to be more outrageous?
Su Meng put the deer in the shed, touched the deer's neck, and after making sure the deer was still alive, tied the goat to a thick tree trunk to prevent it from struggling to escape.

After doing this, she poured herself a cold glass and drank the water in small sips.

In order to save time, she didn't bring a bamboo tube when she went hunting. The journey made her thirsty, and her throat seemed to be smoking.

Su thought: If my throat smokes and I can still sing, that's right.

Moreover, although this deer is not very big, it weighs at least forty or fifty catties. She carried it all the way, and now her shoulders are really sore, swollen and painful.

After drinking three cups of cold water in vain, Su Meng finally breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, "Hey, where are the rabbits and pheasants I brought back last time? Are they dead?"

Su Xiang gave Su Meng an angry look, with resentment on his face: "You still have the nerve to ask, after you brought them back, you didn't care about their lives, why did you go?"

Su Meng didn't dare to refute, so she could only pretend to be silly and smile, because she was too busy.

"So, is Tutu still alive?"

Both the rabbit and the pheasant are still alive, alive and well.

"Mengmeng, these two are male rabbits. If you have time, you can catch two female rabbits and bring them back. Rabbits have a strong reproductive ability, so we will have a large group of rabbits to eat!" Du Jiayue squatted in the closet. Looking at the wooden cage of the hare, he raised his head and looked at Su Meng with longing.

(End of this chapter)

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