Chapter 6 Blowing up the flowers
At the beginning, Mr. He praised every contestant impassionedly, and then changed his style of painting, and started a series of oral broadcasts that lasted for 3 minutes.

Commonly known as the advertisement of the gold master's father.

"At the same time, in order to ensure a certain degree of fairness, all players can only carry the tools prepared for everyone by the above companies to the uninhabited planet."

As soon as the words fell, the originally quiet arena was instantly filled with bubbling discussions.

"Damn! Why didn't you say it sooner? I spent a lot of money to buy a mobile villa. Could it be that the millions are wasted? I bought it with a loan on purpose! Can the program team reimburse me?"

"No, are those companies out of their minds? Is this an enmity with consumers? They cheat us so much, we must resist!"

"I'm really convinced. If you're making a show, just make a good show. Can you stop engaging in such nonsense? It's either a yin-yang contract or a yin-yang editing. Now it's still a text trap. It's amazing."

Su Meng and Su Xiang didn't look very good either, but they didn't make useless complaints either.

Her guess turned out to be true, and the program crew was uneasy and kind from the very beginning.

Teacher He was not in a hurry to interrupt everyone's discussion, he just stood on the stage and quietly watched the chattering group of amateur contestants below.

After leaving enough time for discussion, Teacher He held the microphone and said in a serious manner: "Has everyone discussed enough? Then please be quiet."

After the scene calmed down, Mr. He still didn't intend to explain and appease. Instead, he spoke directly and continued the process: "The following is the grouping session that everyone is looking forward to. Let me explain the grouping rules."

"We adopt a grouping method of five people, two stars plus three amateurs. Each group of stars can designate one amateur from the amateur group to form a team with themselves, and the remaining two teammates will be determined by random selection. .Of course, the star can also not be designated, then the remaining three teammates will be determined by random selection."

"Now, let us welcome the first group of stars: Gu Yue! Jiang Ying!"

Hearing this grouping, Su Meng raised her eyebrows, thinking in her heart that this grouping was going to make trouble.

And the barrage in the live broadcast room was even stuttered in an instant

"2333... This group is absolutely dead, let's just call it the former group"

"Ye Qinghui, after ten years, Jiang Ying and Gu Yue are finally in the same frame again."



The staff is also very sensible, and very considerately gave the camera to Gu Yue and Jiang Ying.

After Mr. He invited the two of them to the stage, he gave a concise and clear introduction, and then got straight to the point: "Gu Yue, Yingying, do you two have any amateurs you want to appoint? If not, I'll just draw the rest of your teammates."

Gu Yue was born in a costume drama. She has a handsome appearance, with a bit of unruly brows, but she also has the poise of a mature man, which makes her look even more extraordinary.

At this moment, he was wearing a well-fitting black suit, showing off his body shape perfectly, making him appear taller than jade, with an overpowering aura.

On the other hand, Jiang Ying wore a ball head, a pair of pearl tassel earrings, and a nude pink gauze dress, making her look sweet and sexy.

No wonder netizens lamented that the two matched each other.

"Actually, Jiang Ying and I have discussed it in the audience. She gave me this precious opportunity, so the person I want to appoint is Cao Xuyang."

"Since it's confirmed, then we will draw the remaining two teammates of yours." Teacher He turned sideways, and stretched out his palm to signal the camera to the big screen behind him.

On the big screen, the names scrolled rapidly and stopped soon.

"Okay, let us congratulate Cao Zhixiang and Chen Yongjiao! Now the five of you can go to the next area to sit and rest for a while, exchange feelings, and discuss what tools to choose later. Note that everyone can choose 3 tools. .”

After Teacher He finished speaking, he quickly introduced the next group of stars.

However, at this moment, a man in a white suit walked up to Su Meng and sat down, and said, "Hi, I'm your future teammate Zhang Lin, do you have any amateurs you need to appoint?"

Su Meng was stunned for a moment, and then realized in an instant that the grouping of the stars had already been determined.

She knew Zhang Lin, the famous Shidi, who was hard to get tickets for a record and a concert.

The most important thing is that the original owner company often rubs off on other people's popularity and cobbles together CP.

"If you don't have a designated candidate, then I have one, Chen Hao, who is a retired special soldier and knows a lot of jungle survival skills. His PSR, that is, the original survival score is as high as 7.2, which can be ranked in the top [-] among amateurs. .” Zhang Lin explained with a smile.

The PSR original survival score is obtained through a comprehensive evaluation of the players' skills, experience, and psychology, and amateurs with high scores will be favored by celebrities, and then the celebrities will quietly use their money to recruit them.

Su Meng suddenly realized that the tests and evaluations done by the program team in the past few days, besides posting them on the official website to attract viewers, also had such a hidden function!

Increased knowledge.

"I'm sorry, I have a designated candidate. He is my own younger brother. I can't leave him behind." Su Meng looked at Zhang Lin apologetically. Seeing Zhang Lin's surprised expression, she thought for a while and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, I will try my best to protect you, and I will give you compensation."

Su Meng's compensation naturally refers to letting him give up the opportunity to appoint an amateur.

After all, Zhang Linca is older than her, and the program team will definitely give priority to his needs.

"Since it's your own brother, I can't force anything. I hope we can cooperate happily." Zhang Lin smiled politely, nodded at Su Meng, got up and left.

In fact, he is an outdoor enthusiast. When he has nothing to do, he will go out with some reliable expedition teams. He has been to deep mountains, old forests, snow-capped mountains and islands, so he still has some confidence.

What's more, he participated in this program just to exercise his willpower, not for that mere 10 billion.

Soon it was Su Meng's turn to take the stage. She was in the fifth group, and it was probably because of Zhang Lin's position that she was able to rank so high.

After Mr. He asked if he needed to appoint an amateur, Su Meng chose Su Xiang without hesitation.

Seeing Su Xiang's immature face, Teacher He raised his eyebrows indiscriminately, and joked: "Su Meng and Su Xiang are both surnamed Su. Those who don't know think you two are siblings."

"That's right, Su Xiang is my younger brother, the only family member I have in this world." Su Meng admitted openly, that she is not like other stars who wear dresses and delicate makeup.

Because she didn't know there was such a process, she came here with Su Xiang in a sportswear and a high ponytail today.

At this time, the barrage in Douge's live broadcast room has exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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