Chapter 60: Things keep fermenting
The laundry table is not high, only 1.2 meters three, but with this laundry table, they don't have to squat on the ground to wash clothes, but can stand to wash, which will save a lot of energy.

A drain was dug under the laundry table, and the sewage flowing down from the laundry table would fall directly into the drain and flow out of the camp along the drain, so that the sewage would not pollute the environment of the camp and pollute the water storage. The pool has clean water.

After all, when summer comes, if there is a lot of sewage in the camp, it will breed a lot of mosquitoes and pollute the water source. This is unacceptable to the five of Su Meng, so the five of them would rather spend more time and energy now, and build the infrastructure. Reasonable.

As for the bathroom, it is built on the other side of the cistern, next to the cistern on the left and right.

Zhang Lin and Bo Jing dug the hole quickly, and then according to Su Meng's request, they first laid a layer of dense big stones on the bottom of the hole, and then poured in a layer of small stones to fill the gaps.

If it had been left in the past, it would have taken at least half an afternoon for Zhang Lin and Bo Jing to finish these tasks, and they would have been exhausted to death.

But today they don't know what happened, they just feel that they are extra energetic, as if their whole body is full of strength, they only spent less than an hour to finish all this, and they don't feel tired at all.

Of course, the two of them didn't know that it was due to the food supplements, they just thought that their bodies had adapted to such a huge workload.

"You two pour coarse sand into the pit, and you must smash the sand firmly. After smashing, you two paste a circle of clay on the wall of the pit to prevent water seepage, and finally pour a layer of fine sand." Su Meng was too lazy. Teach step by step, so I finished the process of building the reservoir in one breath.

She wanted to say to put another layer of charcoal in, but suddenly remembered that they didn't have that much charcoal, so she had to give up temporarily.

The charcoal they use now is pulled from the fire, very little, just enough for them to wash.

Su Meng was not idle either, she went to cut down a dozen trees and a few bundles of palm leaves, which were the materials used to build the bathroom.

As for why they didn't use giant dragon bamboo to build it, it was simply because the giant dragon bamboo forest was really not big, and at most they could only support them to build two or three stilted bamboo houses.

Even the palm tree grove, she felt that if she went there a few more times, she would be bald by them.

Looks like an alternative must be found soon.

Su Meng formed a circle of wooden sticks about two meters high with thick wrists, and then embedded vines directly between the sticks, and then covered the gaps between the vines with palm leaves.

The bathroom is not very big, it can be said to be very simple, and it is still open-air.

In terms of highlights, there are also some.

At least this open-air bathroom has light, and it doesn't feel scary in the dark.

There are also two protruding shelves in the bathroom. The two shelves are up and down, and a flat wooden board is placed respectively. The upper wooden board is used for charcoal used as toiletries, and the lower wooden board is used for changing laundry.

After she was done, she pulled a clothesline outside the bathroom and made a few drying racks to hang on it.

Du Jiayue looked at the open-air bathroom, her excitement mixed with a little shyness.

It's such a blessing to have your own bathroom in the wilderness.

After all this was done, the sky darkened.

As usual, Du Jiayue was the first to take a shower, and she kept in mind the method of using the shower that Su Meng taught her just now——

"When you want to take a shower, you push this pipe over, and the water will flow out, and when you're done, you pull this pipe back, so that the water will continue to flow into the cistern."

As the sun sets, the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the woods, adding a bit of warmth to this wilderness.

The cooking smoke rose from the camp, Su Xiang and Su Meng were preparing today's dinner, they were muttering, but they didn't know what they were talking about.

Zhang Lin and Bo Jing were sitting on their armchairs, looking up at the twilight sky, chatting casually.

The atmosphere is relaxed and warm, like a paradise.

in the live room.

"Is this really survival in the wilderness? I don't believe it so much."

"The real name of the worker is admiration, I hope this lottery can draw me"

“The style of this group of paintings is really different”

"Are you talking about the outbreak of beast tide today? Why does it feel like every group has a bumper harvest?"

"Does the upstairs think this is a fantasy book? It's absolutely forced by the show crew"

"Really? I don't believe it"

"If this group hadn't been on vacation, there would be a live show upstairs."

"??? Your Excellency, I have no grievances or enmities with you, why do you treat me as a big grievance?"


Today's dinner is very simple, just two pots of ordinary stewed deer blood.

"I wish I had a cutting board." Su Xiang grumbled and complained, "You really don't care about me at all, you don't even give me a cutting board."

Su Meng twitched the corners of her mouth, and couldn't help but touch her forehead: "You didn't say that before."

"It's not my fault. My heart is colder than the ice scum in the coldest days." Su Xiang was possessed of a playful spirit, with a resentful expression on his face.

"Speak in human language." Su Meng answered without raising her head, and continued to process the deerskin in her hands.

Deerskin needs to be expanded with a wooden frame, otherwise the fur will shrink and become smaller, which is equivalent to losing a piece of clothing material that can keep warm.

"Cutting meat without a chopping board will do a lot of damage to the blade."

Hearing this, Su Meng immediately raised his head and scanned around the camp, and found that there was indeed nothing suitable as a cutting board, then tied the deerskin to the wooden frame with a rope, and said perfunctorily: "Okay, I'll find you a chopping board later."

"Mengmeng, I'm done taking a shower." Du Jiayue, shivering all over her body, came to the fire and sat down by the fire, beckoning Su Meng to take a bath.

Su Meng responded, and it happened that the deerskin was also processed, so she hung the deerskin in her hand on the roof of the shed.

The weather on the island is getting colder, which can be clearly felt from the temperature of the water.

But it's not a big problem. If there are no accidents, they will be able to take a hot bath tomorrow.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the live broadcast room of the refueling group started on time.

After Mr. He took Zhou Nanfei, Lan Yin, Xiao Tingting and Wang Aide to greet the audience in the live broadcast room, he went straight to today's heavy topic——

In this live broadcast, a group of lucky viewers will be selected online to participate in the program "Survival in the Wilderness 600 Days", and if they survive for the corresponding number of days, they can still get a huge bonus corresponding to that number of days!

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a huge splash on the Internet, and audiences all over the world were boiling.

Many foreigners jumped over the wall and left comments:
"Why are all Chinese people participating in the program? I protest, this is Chiguoguo's racial discrimination"

"Hua people still say that they are tolerant and tolerant, and they don't let us participate because they are afraid that we will get the first place hahaha"

"This is really a nation without self-confidence, no wonder it even wants to steal our culture"

"Do you dare to let us participate in this show? We will definitely hang you up"

"Why doesn't our steam house also have such a show, are those people in Hollywood trash?"

"I dare say that if I participate in this show, the one billion prize money must be mine"


Just as the matter continued to ferment, many good things, foreign media with ulterior motives also reported this matter one after another.

Who would have thought that public opinion would expand to this extent in just one day after the news was only announced in the morning?
(End of this chapter)

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